Hiccup the Viking stood next to Toothless, his dragon. "Ready to ride bud?" Hiccup asked.
"You should be asking him if he was ready to be beaten." Said a voice behind them. Hiccup smiled and turned to see Astrid, his fiancé, and her dragon Stormfly walking towards them. "Not everything is a competition, Astrid. We're just going out on a joyride."
"Doesn't mean we can't race to the coast! Besides, with your mom there some kind of contest is going to happen."
Hiccup laughed. "Maybe." He mounted Toothless. "Let's go!"
Astrid mounted Stormfly and followed Hiccup up, up, up into the air. Midway, they were met by Hiccup's mom and some other Vikings from the village. They rode in the sunset, all the way to a cliff, where seagulls ate and large waves crashed onto the large boulders sticking out from the ocean.
"What is it Astrid?" Hiccup pulled Toothless to a stop and pulled up to his girlfriend, who was gazing in the distant sky. "Something doesn't feel right." she said.
"I feel it too, dear." Said Hiccup's mother, Valhaharama, pulling up next to them. "And so do the dragons. They are skittish."
"We don't want any crashes." Hiccup said thinking aloud. Then he shouted to the dragon riders, "Everyone get to land and tend to your dragons." After a lot of "Yes Chief," and "As you say, Chief," Everyone was on land except Hiccup, Astrid and Valhaharama.
"What are you going to do?" Astrid asked.
Hiccup smiled at Astrid then said to Toothless, "What do you say, bud. Want to investigate?"
"Hiccup, no way! Are you crazy! It's too dangerous!"
"What's too dangerous, the clouds. We can't see anything!"
"Exactly! We shouldn't tamper with things we don't understand."
"If we don't we aren't going to accomplish anything in this world!"
"Erg." Astrid groaned. She turned to Hiccup's mom. "Tell him it's too dangerous."
Hiccup turned to his mother and gave her puppy dog eyes.
Sighing, she turned to Astrid, "He is Chief. He has the right to make these decisions."
"Thank you, Mom." Hiccup said gratefully, and leaned over to give his mom a kiss on the cheek.
"Bah!" Astrid threw her hands in the air before flying away. "Love you too!" Hiccup called back.
Hiccup pulled down his flight helmet and Toothless zipped forward. Looking back he saw his mother staring at him, looking sad. Astrid had flew back to where they were talking. She still looked grumpy, but Hiccup thought he could see a hint of worry in her expression. Then Toothless took a sharp turn up and Astrid and Valhaharama disappeared behind the clouds.
After turning in all directions, Hiccup asked Toothless, "You see anything?" Toothless looked around then sniffed. After a few moments he sneezed. Then Toothless narrowed his eyes and flew downwards. Toothless leveled off, flying in circles.
"Find anything?!" Astrid called.
"I think Toothless sniffed something out." Hiccup yelled back.
Toothless stopped flying and stared down at a boulder. Looking down, Hiccup saw a bird. "Bud, this is no time for a snack."
Toothless glanced at Hiccup before taking one last sniff and diving down, jaws wide open. "Oh, Toothless." Sighed Hiccup. Looking down at the bird Hiccup saw a little black dot. Squinting, Hiccup tried slowing down Toothless to investigate, but the dragon was already going too fast. Then in a fraction of a second, the tiny dot grew a few feet wide and swallowed the dragon and Viking.
The last thing Hiccup heard was Astrid's scream.