They were meeting Cedric and his father in the woods in the morning, so that they could all get the Port-key there. Mrs Weasley was staying home. She wasn't into Quidditch. Nor was Hazel to be fair; she just liked flying. The freedom of flying through the air on a broom was just so… Witchy. And there was no way she would be allowed to miss it considering who she had for friends.

The twins were crazy and hilarious and ridiculous. Surprisingly she was closer to George than she was to Fred. But that was due to the amount of time she'd spent alone with him.

She woke up at the crack of dawn that morning, and got dressed in an instant. Her plaid shirt and skinnies were her only clothes that she owned herself. The others were spares from the orphanage in the muggle world she was in. She could only take these and her other set of similar clothes with her. Hazel shoved her converse on her feet and zipped up her hoody. Her hair was in a deep red tangle but she was used to that. The curls always got so messy. Quickly running a brush through it, she managed to partially tame it and was down the steps as soon as she could be.

"Morning Haze." The twins greeted her in unison. She grinned at them with the fakest smile she could manage.

"Hey guys. What's going on?" She questioned politely. Their smiles grew, which began to scare her.

"Harry and Hermione got here last night." Her sigh was full of frustration. She had heard enough about Harry Potter to last the rest of the earth's existence. She had no issue with Hermione though.

Hermione Granger was a sweet and smart girl who was ambitious and refused to conform. She respected her. But Harry she just found to be… Too much of a celebrity to everyone else. Having grown up in a muggle society she didn't hear the tales of Harry as a child. She didn't spend her childhood wanting to meet him and be his little sidekick. She wasn't like that.

"Don't be too hard on the kid. He's not that bad." Fred told me. She rolled her eyes at them.

"You guys also worship the ground he walks on. Why should I listen to you?" It was George that silenced her.

"Because he and you have a lot in common. It's not his fault that he is who he is." She couldn't look him in the eye so she turned away and began making a fruit salad.

"Good Morning." Hermione's voice rung out through the Burrow. Hazel smiled at her and handed her a bowl too. She grinned and they sat and ate. Everything was dead silent for some time. Till Harry and Ron came clambering down.

Harry was exactly as she had envisioned. Circular glasses, dorky dark haircut. Blue eyes. Kind of scrawny. But he had a certain presence that made you want to fear him. She didn't like it.

"You must be the famous Harry!" She greeted him, trying to be annoying. George was on his feet but Fred grabbed him.

"I'm Hazel. It's so nice to meet you." She smiled. He seemed uncomfortable. It was satisfying for Hazel to see this.

"Hi." He shook her hand gently. She could see she was being a bit much, so she dialled it down.

"I'm surprised we haven't met before. Considering we both practically live here." She smiled sweetly this time. Making an effort was not easy or fun, but the twins needed her to do this. They needed to think that it would be okay for us both to be here together.

"I guess we just haven't crossed paths yet." He said politely. She nodded and George then grabbed her hand.

"Come on Haze. Stop scaring the poor boy. We need to show you something." Her hand slightly tingled, but she ignored the sensation and followed George up the stairs after Fred.

They both sat her down and grinned.

"We know you didn't want us to. But…"

Fred pulled out a large book covered with dust and handed it to her.

"Look at the last page." So she did. When she opened it she realised what this was:

Her family tree.

They'd found it.

She felt her hands shake. Two names were written on this page. Sirius Black and Celine Durmot. And underneath that name, was small writing with a birthday of a child. The name had been partially rubbed off.

"That's…" Her whole body froze. She had a family. But when she checked again, she found that Celine died when she was two, when she was put into foster care. And everyone knew what happened to Sirius Black. He was accused for the murder of Lily and James Potter. And he was sent to Azkaban. She was mortified. Her life was a lie. And the smudged name was her only link to this life.

"Aria_." She read. "How did you guys…?" She asked, still in absolute shock.

"It was all George's Idea. Go down to the Ministry with dad and go and look at the records. They are kept in books like these and we have the other one about your mother too." She held both books in her arms, hugging them to her chest.

Her mouth couldn't form any words. She held both books in her arms, hugging them to her chest. Her mouth couldn't form any words. The silence then became unbearable.

"Thank you." She whispered, allowing herself to show vulnerability by letting a tear fall down her cheek. This stunned the twins completely. They'd never seen her unguarded. George took her hand and smiled. "We'll give you some time alone." They both then got up and left. Her whole body was shaking and she was sure what she wasn't feeling. All she knew was that everything was going to change.

They were walking through the forest. She began to trail behind, the two books weighing her down. Cedric and his father were up ahead. She just stayed silent and on her own near the back. Her small figure was hidden by Ron and Harry, so he couldn't see her. But when he looked down the hill he saw her and his face brightened.

"Haze!" He shouted her name down the hill and jogged down to her. "Why didn't you come say 'Hi'?" He asked, slightly offended.

Her shoulders raised themselves, causing her to shrug. "You were too far ahead." Was all she said.

He took her bag from her and she smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks Cedric."

And they wandered up to the Port-key. After they'd all grabbed onto this old boot, the whole world began to spin around them. Hazel's hand slipped from the boot, her bag flying off her back.

Her books flew across the grass ahead of her and she panicked. The others all began to get up and she quickly collected the books in her arms and hugged them to her chest. Cedric gave her an odd look and stared at the books she held. His eyes then brightened. He came over and picked up a piece of paper. But when he handed it to her, she saw it was an old photo.

It was a picture of Sirius and a tall woman with long red hair and a mischievous smile. In her arms was a baby, about 9 months old, with similar hair and sparkling grey eyes, matching Sirius'. Hazel felt immediately sick. Slipping it into her pocket, she quickly caught up with the others.

The actual camping grounds were Incredible. The tents spread back Into the distance as far as Hazel could see and beyond. The stadium was large even from here. Mr Weasley put up their tent and Cedric waved as he followed his father to their plot. The tent was tiny from the outside, but she knew it wouldn't be the same inside. It was like the Tardis from Doctor Who: Small outside, big inside. She wasn't wrong.

The whole tent was Incredible. She was shocked. She felt a hand on her shoulder and span round to see Hermione.

"Looks like we're bunking up together. Ginny has her own room and the guys aren't allowed in the same room as us so…" She smiled in return to her statement and saw Hermione's eyes lingering on the books she held. Hermione was into books and history. Maybe it could help her figure out the rest of the name.

"Lead the way." She quickly took them into their little pod where they had two single beds on opposite sides of the small pod. It was nice because they didn't have to move far from their beds to see each other or talk without being overheard.

"I was wondering if you could help me." Hazel began, sitting on her bed. Hermione sat on her own side and listened.

"You know I live in a muggle orphanage?" She responded with a nod. "Well, Fred and George – Without my permission or knowledge – went looking for my family and found these in the ministry." I explained. Her eyes widened.

I handed her the Black's book.

"The last page." I suggested helpfully. Then her eyes widened even more, making her look as if they were going to pop out of her head.

"You're Sirius' daughter?!" Hermione exclaimed. Hushing her, Hazel nodded.

"At least that's what Fred and George think. I want to find out as much as I can about what happened the night I was left at the orphanage. What happened to my mother? Who she was. Things about my father. Find where he is and… Maybe send him a letter. I don't know. I'm new to this." She was rambling. Anyone could tell she was excited and anxious about all this.

"But I don't want anyone else to know and I thought you were the best person to come to. I trust you and know you can help. What do you say?" That was the day their alliance began. And the day progressed more and more. Especially when the match came around.

They were all stood at the top of the stadium watching the game. Hazel hated Quidditch. It was dull and stupid and dangerous. But she enjoyed watching all the attractive boys flying around, she couldn't deny that. On our way back to the tents after the match, she crashed straight into a Bulgarian player.

"Excuse me miss I did not see you zere." Hazel looked up and blushed.

"No, It was my fault. I'm sorry." He was gazing at her. Taking her hand, he bowed and placed a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Please excuse me. I don't vish to insult such a preety girl." His accent made her melt. "My name iz Erik Loquat. And you are?"

A smile was stuck on her face. "Hazel. Hazel Moss." She shook his hand gently.

"'azelle Moz. Vat a preety name. It's nice to meet you Miz Moz."

She heard a voice calling for her. Fred and George wandered over and looked Erik up and down.

"Are you okay Haze?" Fred asked. Her nod reassured them. He kissed her hand once again.

"I hope vee meet again Miz Moz." And with that, he left. The twins gave her a weird look and she turned to see Cedric looking annoyed. She was still stunned that Erik had been so… charming.