A/N: Here we go again...

Chapter 1

Percy ducked under Artemis's hunting knife and swiped his leg under Artemis. She fell down to the ground roughly before rolling away from Percy's strike. She swiftly took her bow out and fired two arrows at the same time at Percy. Percy countered and fired his guns to deflect her arrows.

Artemis grunted and fired again, but Percy just weaved side by side with ease, dodging her arrows at full speed. Artemis wanted to fire another volley, but Percy's sword tip was already pressed to her neck. Artemis snarled at him while Percy just grinned. He leaned in and whispered to Artemis. "I win,"

"Fine," She grumbled, clearly unsatisfied. She pushed Percy's blade away and glared at her boyfriend.

Percy ruffled her hair affectionately "Hey, it's not every day I beat the Goddess of the Hunt,"

"In melee combat," Artemis corrected. "If we're limited to ranged weaponry, I would've beaten me,"

"Maybe," Percy shrugged. Artemis just hit him on the shoulder before Percy kissed her forehead. Then, they heard someone clearing their throat behind them. They turned around and saw Apollo leaning on a tree casually with an amused smile on his face.

"Glad to see my sister's finally getting beaten," Apollo said. "Whoa!" He ducked as a silver arrow flew over him. "Calm down sis, geez! I was just kidding,"

"Are you really joking?" Artemis grumbled, notching another arrow.

"Hey, God of Truth, remember?" Apollo grinned. "Anyway, Hestia asked for a quick meeting in thirty minutes."

"We'll be there," Percy said. Apollo gave an appreciative nod and flashed away. "Don't you think he's spoiling you too much?" Percy looked at Artemis.

"No one is spoiling me," Artemis grumbled.

"Well, I do," Percy said and kissed her on the lips. No matter how many times he did it, Artemis still felt like she was melting with sensation. Whenever she kiss Percy, her heart did jumping jacks and her senses dulled. "You liked that,"

Artemis blushed. "You lips just taste sweet, that's all,"

"Well, thank you for your compliment," Percy grinned.

Then, Lily and Julia came bursting from the trees and tackled Percy to the ground while giggling. "Percy!"

Percy grunted. "Don't you know that I am an Olympian god?"

"Not to us," Julia giggled. "To me, you're my brother," Percy managed to untangle himself from the duo and stood up. "A big and powerful brother,"

Percy chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Why are you guys here?" Artemis asked with a smile.

"Oh, Trish caught a wild boar, so we thought you might want to look at it," Lily explained.

"I'll be there in a minute," Artemis said. The girls nodded and ran off back to their camp.

"Don't kill the bunnies!" Percy joked. Julia responded by sending a fireball straight at him. Percy just held his hand out and blocked it. "I swear those girls learn all this violence from you,"

"They're hunters, what do you expect?" Artemis grinned. "Now, are you coming to camp?"

"Go on ahead," Percy said. "There's something I've gotta do. I'll see you at the meeting in Olympus,"

Artemis nodded and gave Percy a quick peck on the lips before flashing to her camp while Percy flashed to the Big House of Camp Half Blood. As soon as he arrived, someone screamed in surprise behind him. He also jumped n response. He turned around to see Thalia wide eyed in surprise.

"Geez!" Thalia exclaimed. "Don't scare me like that, Percy!"

"I'm an Olympian god," Percy explained. "Why does everyone address me like I'm their next door neighbour?"

"Hey, you're the one who hated to be called Lord and all that, so that's on you," Thalia said. Percy shrugged because she did have a point. "So, why did you pop out of nowhere?"

"Where's Chiron?"

"I think he's in the archery range,"

"Can you call Sophia for me?" Percy asked. Thalia nodded and ran out of the Big House. Percy sat on one of the couches facing the fireplace. He waved her hand and lit the fireplace. Soon, he heard the sound of footsteps rapidly coming towards him. He looked towards the door to see Sophia grinning at him giddily and launched herself at him.

"Daddy!" She said as she hugged her father. Percy smiled lightly as he embraced his daughter. No one knew of her identity except for him and Chiron. It's been a few weeks after he'd discovered her and he'd visited her often. Usually once a day, or maybe once every two days, but he always visited and because of that, Sophia was happy. She didn't have a father and mother for the last seven years of her life, so it's kind of a big deal for Percy to be there always for her.

"Hey there Sophie," Percy chuckled. "Had fun today?"

"Chiron taught me how to shoot an arrow,"

"And how did you do?"

"She did well," A voice said from the door. Percy turned around to see his old mentor in centaur form smiling at him. "Surprisingly, she did not posses your talent at being horrible in archery,"

"Thanks for that," Percy said sarcastically. Chiron chuckled. "Are you okay here, Sophia?"

Sophia nodded with a bit of enthusiasm. "Although Annabeth always called me a slowpoke. Aren't you the god of time, daddy?"

"Being a descended of time can make you feel lazy," Percy explained to his daughter. "So next time if she calls you slowpoke, just say you have all the time in the world, okay?"

"I don't think that's a useful advice," Chiron muttered. "Anyway, I have matters to talk with you personally, Perseus,"

Percy nodded. "Daddy has to talk with the horse guy for a moment. Go and impress some campers, okay?" Chiron raised an eyebrow at the nickname while Sophia giggled and left the two to talk in private. "What?" Percy smirked when he found Chiron looking at him. Then, the centaur's face turned serious.

"Perseus, there's something weird going on around here,"

"We're living in a Greek world," Percy rolled his eyes. "Everything's weird. You're gonna have to be more specific than that,"

"The demigods," Chiron sighed. "They often tell me that they have a bad dream and all of them are vaguely familiar. They dreamt of the destruction of the world and a voice that asked them to abandon Olympus and join his forces,"

"And who is this aforementioned voice?"

"I'm afraid that they do not know that. They always gave vague details but there was one thing in common, it's always nightmares." Chiron explained.

Percy nodded. "Look after the demigods. Don't scare them and just tell them its just one bad dream. But if things gets worse, report to me,"

Chiron nodded. "As you wish, Perseus,"

"Teach Sophia well, okay? I'm going to Olympus for a meeting." Percy said. Chiron nodded as Percy flashed away and arrived at Olympus's throne room. The place looked as grand as ever, but it looked better without Zeus in the council. The prick is still in Tartarus and hopefully, he's suffering.

That's a bit mean.

Inside the throne room, no one was there yet. It seems like he was the first one to arrive, which was a first. Usually, he'll be the last if Apollo wasn't.

Then, Hermes bursts into the throne room. He looked around frantically and saw Percy, who was surprised with his arrival. "Percy! Oh thank gods,"

"What's wrong?" Percy asked. "Why is everyone late?"

"Late? No, you're ten minutes late for the meeting. Everyone else is asleep," Hermes said with panic.

"So, everyone's asleep," Percy repeated. "Isn't that a good thing?"

Hermes shook his head. "Come with me," Hermes put a hand on his shoulder and flashed him away. A second later, they arrived at what appears to be Hera's bedroom. Hera was in her nightgown, sleeping with a frown on her face.

"Are you spying on my sister?" Percy asked.

"What? No! I wanted to fetch her for the meeting and well, look," Hermes said. Percy looked closer to see Hera's expression wasn't a frown, but she was in deep pain. Like someone was torturing her in her sleep. "I tried waking her up, but every time I did, she would squirm around as if I was killing her."

"Hera," Percy said softly and laid a hand on her forehead. Instantly, like Hermes said, she squirmed and thrashed around as if Percy's hand was made out of hot iron. Percy retracted his hand and Hera stopped moving, but her face was still in a pained expression. "This is bad,"

"You know what's worse?" Hermes asked. "All of the other Olympians are like this too,"

"Wait, you mean Artemis . . ." Percy didn't finish his sentence as Hermes just nodded. "I'll be right back," He said and flashed to the Hunt's campsite. When he arrived, the hunters were crowded around Artemis's tent. When Lily saw him, he ran toward him.

"Percy! Thank gods you're here. It's Artemis, she's-"

"I know, Lily," Percy said and went into Artemis's tent where her hunters made a path for him. Inside, Artemis was lying down on a bed and she was breathing heavily. Her skin was beaded with sweat and she was pale. Pain was evident in her expression as everyone looked at her with worry. "She's been like that just after she got back from meeting you,"

"Every time we tried to wake her, she was move around in pain," Julia said. "We didn't know what to do,"

Percy looked at his girlfriend with worry. Whoever's doing this was causing her and the other Olympians some serious pain, and Percy was going to find out why.

"Whatever you do, don't try to wake her but keep a close eye on her in case anything happens." Percy said. "You hunters just stay here and guard your mistress, don't let anything harm her, got it?" Aside from Artemis, Percy was the only immortal who could tell the hunters what to do. They nodded.

"Percy," Lily tugged at Percy's shirt. "Most of the hunters here had bad dreams every time they fell asleep. It's getting more and more frequent."

"The demigods at Camp Half-Blood are going through the same thing," Percy said. "Something's happening, and I'm going to find out what,"

"We're coming with you," Julia said.

"No, stay here and look after Artemis," Percy said, but both girls shook their head.

"We're gonna help her by going with you and finding out what's happening. I'm not going to buy the girl who sits around and watches her mistress in trouble. The Hunt can take care of her." Lily said.

"And you can't stop us, so let's go together," Julia said.

Percy couldn't believe he'd just been beaten by a couple of immortal hunters that were thousands of years younger than him. "I swear some of Artemis's annoyance has rubbed on you. Let's go," Percy said. He put one hand on Julia's and Lily's shoulders before flashing to the throne room of Olympus, where Hermes was waiting in panic.

"You're finally here," Hermes said. "Hello, Hunters of Artemis,"

"Lord Hermes," Both girls bowed respectfully.

"How come you're not asleep?" Percy asked.

"I'm the God of Messages. I'm always on the roll." Hermes said. "Now, we need to find out what's really happening."

"Well, I have one thing in mind," Lily said.

"What is it?"

"Since everyone is in pain while they're sleeping, why don't we ask the God of Sleep, Hypnos?"

They stared at her.

"That's actually a good idea," Hermes said. "Why didn't we think of that?"

"I really don't want to know," Percy said. "So, how do we get to Hypnos?"

"Really dude?"


"You know how to get to Selene, but not Hypnos?"

"Hey, I don't have the Olympians Map of Gods in pocket, so you can't blame me, okay?"

"But Hypnos is like the easiest god to find and-"

"My Lords!" Julia almost shouted. "We have something to do, don't we? We have to save the other Olympians,"

"Yeah, yeah," Percy grumbled. Hermes snapped his fingers and they were all teleported to a place called 'Olympian Beds and Mattresses' with a huge neon crown above the sign. He looked at Hermes with exasperation. "You can't be serious,"

"Believe it or not, the God of Sleep is in retail business of selling something you sleep on," Hermes looked at Percy as if this should be obvious. "Anyway, I have something to do. I've got to check on the other immortals, to see who else is sleeping. Oh, and be careful of Hypnos's guardian."

"Wait, what guardian?" Percy asked but by the time, Hermes had already flashed away, leaving Percy, Julia and Lily. They looked at him, waiting for his orders. "Weapons out," Percy said. Lily readied her bow and Julia took out her sword. The sheer intensity of the heat from her sword was enough to make Percy sweat heavily. "Be quiet and keep a close eye on everything,"

They trudged closer to the store to find that the inside was dark, which means it's already closed down for business. "Can we come back tomorrow to see if it's open?" Julia asked.

Percy ignored her and opened the door slowly. Surprisingly, it was unlocked. The store seemed darker than it is from the outside. "Stay close to me," The group trudged deeper into the store, slowly taking their steps. Beds and mattresses were lined up in this store for sale, and all of them looked comfortable enough to sleep on. The store seemed to stretch on forever.

"I'm feeling a bit drowsy," Lily said, rubbing her eyes. "Is it just me or everything's getting blurry?"

"Don't fall asleep," Percy said. As he said that, voices whispered everywhere around them, urging them to just lie down for a moment, take a nap on the comfortable beds around them. "And don't listen to them,"

Julia yawned. "I swear I'm going to sleep standing up,"

"This place is-" He was interrupted when something knocked him backwards. Luckily, he landed on one of the mattresses. Unluckily, the mattress was booby trapped and some kind of belt contraption lashed out from each side of the mattress and latched together, trapping Percy. "Talk about not ever leaving your bed," He muttered. He looked around to see Julia and Lily already half asleep. "Julia! Lily!"

"Uh?" Julia looked around and yawned.

"I'll brush my teeth later Artemis," Lily muttered drowsily.

"Leave them alone!" Percy shouted into the darkness. "Show yourself!"

"Ah," A voice said, making Percy's eyelids heavy, but he kept them open. "Perseus, the newest addition to the Olympian family,"

"Hypnos," Percy grumbled, trying hard to stay awake. "Where are you?"

There was the sound of wind rustling and whispering around them. Percy felt the wind swirled around to the side of the mattress that he was on and materialized to him. Hypnos wore a brown robe which was good, because Percy knew if he took one look on his face, he would instantly fall asleep. "It's a pleasure to meet you,"

"The same can't be said for me," Percy said, struggling in his bonds. "Can you release me?"

"Can you guarantee that you won't attack me and my pet?" Hypnos asked.

"Your pet?" Percy asked. Hypnos waved his hand and something became visible in the darkness. It was a dark mass of cloud that floated lightly above Percy, which Percy found incredibly uncomfortable. Even though it was jut a cloud, Percy knew it couldn't be harmless. "Oh, that dark cloud? How did I miss that?"

"Your sarcasm is amusing," Hypnos said. "Now if you wish to be released, please abide by my terms. You are, in fact, in my territory,"

"Okay," Percy sighed. "We won't harm you or your pet."

Hypnos seemed to believe that. He snapped his fingers and the belt detached itself and retracted back into the mattress. "Now, you'd better have a good reason to be here other than buying my mattresses."

"First off, can you keep Julia and Lily awake?" Percy asked. Hypnos sighed and snapped his fingers, and the girls shot instantly awake. They looked around and finally laid eyes on Percy.

"What just happened?" Julia asked as she yawned.

"You almost fell asleep," Hypnos explained. Then, he turned towards Percy. "Now tell me, why did you come here?"

"We're here to ask you about something," Percy said, standing up. "Recently, some of the demigods have gone asleep and they're not waking up,"

"I noticed that," Hypnos said.

"Well, they seemed to be in deep pain and whenever we tried waking them up, they resisted and trashed around."

"And you think I did it?" Hypnos asked quizzically.

"Well, I don't think you did it. But you're the God of Sleep, so I thought you might have an idea of what's going on," Percy explained. Julia and Lily were too busy trying to stay awake. The place was enough to make anyone fall asleep.

Hypnos turned around. "And why should I help you?"

"Because if you don't, then our mistress won't wake up," Julia argued, but Percy held her back.

"I don't see that as a problem. I think it's better for the gods to be asleep. At least Olympus wouldn't be in such a chaos," He said with disdain. It was clear that he wasn't happy with Olympus.

"Hestia's in charge now, didn't you hear?" Percy said. "Things are going to be a lot better than when Zeus is in reign,"

"Hestia, Zeus, Poseidon, doesn't matter who's in charge," He snarled. "We minor gods are still ignored, doing regular duties as if we didn't matter. I'll tell you what, God of time, we're just as important as any other gods,"

"For a god of sleep, you're really grumpy," Percy said. "Okay, here's the deal, you help us and I'll make sure the minor gods get some recognition,"

"Bah!" Hypnos spat. "Your promises are just as good as my deals for a king sized mattress,"

"I'm guessing that's a good thing?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you. The Olympian gods not waking up isn't my fault. That would be my son, Morpheus,"

"You mean, the God of Dreams?" Lily asked as she rubbed her eyes.

Hypnos nodded and turned back to them. "Their sleep was my doing, of course, but sleep comes naturally. They are now in the realm of my son, Morpheus."

"Can't we bring them back out?" Julia asked.

Hypnos shrugged. "The Realm of Morpheus is a realm with an open gate. You can come and go as you please, but for now, your friends are trapped. People can go in, but none can exit the realm."


"I'm afraid you'd have to ask my son about that," Hypnos said. "That's all I can help you about. Now if you won't buy any mattresses, I suggest you leave my place,"

Line Break

Percy was back on Olympus, where he met Hermes. "So, what did you find out?"

"They're trapped in Morpheus's Realm," Percy explained. Hermes looked at him like he couldn't believe how ridiculous that sounded.

"You mean, like the Inception thing?"

"That's not how I would put it, but yeah, they're trapped in a dream," Percy said. "Whatever they're dealing with, it's hurting them mentally and that's never good."

Hermes nodded in agreement. "So, what now? Are you going to look for Morpheus?"

Percy nodded. "Let me guess, he's in some stupid place like 'Bed Bath and Beyond', right?"

Hermes frowned with confusion. "I hope that was a joke, because that was bad. Unfortunately, Morpheus is one of the gods that hides very well from Olympus. We don't know where he is right now, but we know he's hiding,"

"Well, aren't we off to a good start," Percy grumbled. "Is there anyone else who could help us with this shit?"

"Well, that hasn't been affected are Nemesis, Hecate, Iris and several other gods and goddesses."

"Maybe Hecate can help," Lily said. "She can do magic and stuff, right?"

"I don't know about that, but it can't hurt to try, right?"

Realm of Morpheus

All Artemis asked for is a peaceful thirty minute sleep before going to another yet stressful council meeting. Was that too much to ask?

Apparently so.

As soon as Artemis went to sleep, her consciousness never did fade, but she couldn't move her body. It was like sleep paralysis. She could think, her senses are working, but her body won't move.

Then, she could feel her consciousness slowly being drifted into another place, like she was flying through space. She felt weightless and relaxed at the same time. A scene formed around her. She remembered the place. It was Delos, where she and Apollo were born. What was she doing here, Artemis had no idea.

The scene looked pretty real to be a dream and plus, you can't think in a dream.

Delos was just as beautiful as she remembered, but it all turned wrong when a roar was heard behind her. Artemis turned around to see the very beast she dreaded when she was a child. The dragon, Python.

"It had to be you," Artemis grumbled. "Why couldn't it be something less dangerous, like Atlas?"

Then, she had to battle the dragon for hours. Artemis was sure this was a dream, but when the dragon managed to wound her, the wound felt very real and painful. There were some point of time when she felt something was grabbing her hand really hard and was shaking her, as if they were trying to wake her, but it only made things worse as the Python managed to wound her again.

Artemis was tired right now and she had no choice but to flee, or at least find a place to rest.

She had no idea what was going on, but she wished it would stop. The place was draining her like never before, because Artemis knew her stamina wasn't this weak. Something was weakening her and she needed to find out what.

Real World

"You need help of waking someone up?" Hecate asked. "Why? That's like one of the easiest things to do in this world,"

"Not this time," Percy said. "The Olympians are trapped in a dream world and whenever I try to wake them up, they looked like they were being tortured mentally."

Hecate leaned back on her office chair and crossed her legs. She looked like a gypsy fortune teller with her getup, but Percy wasn't going to tell her that.

"I do have one thing that could wake even someone in their deepest slumber," Hecate said. "But I only have enough for one person. It would take me another decade to make another one, so use it wisely."

"Thank you, Hecate,"

"But," Hecate stopped him. "I believe I deserve some payment for such a big favour,"

"And what kind of payment will you ask for?"

"Ask me later, after you've completed your task," Hecate said with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Percy wondered what that was about, but he just nodded. Hecate handed him a vial of light blue liquid that shimmered its own light. "Remember, make sure they drink the whole thing,"

"Thank you, Hecate," Percy said before flashing towards the campsite of the Hunt. The hunters were surprised and jumped into action when Percy flashed in, but when they noticed it was Percy, they calmed down.

"Percy," A hunter called. She was around sixteen and looked very much like Artemis, but instead of auburn hair, her hair was brown with streaks of purple. Her name was Cecil. "Did you find out anything?"

"I'll tell you about it later," Percy nodded. "Where's Artemis?"

"She's in her tent," Cecil said. "She seems to be getting worse by the hour,"

Percy rushed towards Artemis's tent. Cecil was right. Artemis was now deathly pale and her body was shivering. Percy wasted no time in taking out that vial and forcing it down Artemis's throat. He waited for one second, another second . . . Artemis coughed and her eyes fluttered open.

"Thank gods," Percy hugged her closely. The hunters sighed in relief to see their mistress finally waking up.

"P-Percy," Her teeth chattered. Percy noticed that she was unbelievably cold. "I'm cold,"

Percy grabbed a blanked and wrapped it around her as he cuddled closer with her, sharing his body warmth. "It's okay, I'm here now. You're awake now." Percy gave a meaningful look at the hunters and they left Percy and Artemis alone.

"I had a nightmare," Artemis explained. She finally stopped shivering and her temperature had risen, but she was still cold. She cuddled closer with Percy, enjoying her warmth. "I was back in Delos, fighting Python,"

"You mean the snake?"

"Dragon," Artemis whispered. "I couldn't beat it. I hid in the forest for hours, shivering from the cold. But it found me. It would've eaten me if you hadn't . . ." She started to sob.

"Hey, it's okay," Percy said soothingly. "It's just a nightmare, right? You're awake now."

Artemis sniffed a few times before she wiped her eyes. "Gods, I'm so childish. I can't believe I let a dream scare me," Artemis didn't want to cry in front of Percy because she didn't want him to see how weak she was right now.

"Hey, none of us are perfect," Percy said. That made Artemis feel a bit better.

"What are you doing here?" Artemis asked, resting her head on Percy's chest, enjoying the comfort in his presence. "Shouldn't you be up in Olympus?"

Percy sighed. "I've got some bad news."

"What is it?"

"The Olympian council, they're asleep,"

Artemis frowned. "That's not really a bad news,"

"That wasn't it," Percy said. "The bad news is that they're trapped in a dream, like you,"

Artemis stared at him with confusion. "Trapped in a dream?"

Percy nodded. "They're asleep and trapped in Morpheus's realm, and they can't wake up unless they exit the dream."

"Well, let's just wake them up like you did with me,"

"That won't be possible," Percy said. "When you try to wake them up, they'll start thrashing and moving around, making it impossible. I woke you up with a potion that Hecate gave me, but that was the only one she had,"

"Then make some more of that potion,"

"That would take ten more years and we can't take that long," Percy said. "I've talked to Hypnos and he said that he didn't do it. Whether or not Morpheus is the one to blame, we still need to talk to him,"

Artemis nodded. "Morpheus hides himself well. Even I don't know where he is,"

"Hermes is awake. He's trying to track down the God of Dreams, to see if he could find him."

"I guess we better help him," Artemis said. Before leaving the bed, Artemis gave Percy a long and passionate kiss. "Thanks for waking me up,"

"You know, if you're going to reward me every time I wake you up, I'll be happy to be your personal alarm clock," Percy joked.

"Don't push it," Artemis smirked.

Well, at least now they're progressing.

A/N: Huh, I know you guys are gonna be like wtf? But hey, I can update when I want. So, like I promised, Sophia (Percy's daughter) will play a huge role in this so just stay tuned. This is just the beginning of things, and then shit will hit the fan fast. I haven't seen a thing about Morpheus's realm, so I thought I'd write about it. So get ready guys, we're going to take an adventure into dreaming!

. . .

That was weird. I swear I'll never do that again. Anyway, I hoped you liked it, leave a review if you like or hate it, like I said, a review always helps. Until then, take care.

P/S: As you're reading this, I'm currently shitting in the toilet.