
Hiccup was nine when it happened. Perhaps, he should thanks Snotlout and the others for the accident, because without it, everything would be different! Maybe he would not have become all that, as they said. Though, he should rather thanks Alvin for the five year of torture! He must not forget to thanks himself and Toothless for being crazy with him… But the person he must be totally grateful for is Astrid. Hiccup was nine when he remarked that the other were becoming different, but at that time he didn't care. Maybe he will grow up later. Hiccup was nine when all of his friends began to stop talking to him, unless for taunting him. Hiccup was nine when Astrid said to him: "I don't want you to talk to me, the others will think I'm a screw-up too." That was it. No insults, no taunts. The truth. And he had to admit it: He was different. He wasn't a Viking like the others. So he ran.

The story could have stopped here, just another boy feeling useless who ran away, became famous and loved by everyone. Another Great Expectations. Maybe it would have been easier that way. But the world is never easy, reality isn't a fairy tale, and your Great Expectations are only foolish dreams. But Hiccup was nine, and to him the world was kind… more or less. Hiccup ran to the Raven's Cove, crying all his heart out. It wasn't the first time he ran away to the Cove, where he could be alone. But this time, there was already someone and whoever it was, Hiccup never cared for it, the man caught Hiccup and knocked him out.

When the boy open the eyes, it was due to a blow on his stomach. He couldn't see the face of the man who just kicked him, but he could sense the cold stoned floor on his cheek. He could heard men laughing far away. He could smell piss, or worse in the room. He felt himself picked from the ground to the face of a man he never saw, the man smiled and said:

— Welcome to Outcast Island, Useless!

The he was punched and fainted out.

He didn't remember much from the first day in this room, but he remembers the five years of Hel he lived here. The first days, he didn't said anything, persuaded that the man wanted information on Berk, but they never asked anything on that subject. The only food he got was a piece of stale bread, and a glass of water. Sometime for a week, other time for a day. Once, they didn't nourished him for a month, and the boy managed to eat some bugs that were dying from the lack of light. Sometimes, due to the hunger, Hiccup would hallucinated. He would see disappointed looks in his father's eyes, while he was saying: "Maybe later." He would see dragons laughing while looking at him. He would see himself beaten by Snotlout and the gang. He would hear the words of Astrid, over and over and over and over and over and over and over…

They asked him to take off seven to one hundred each time they hit him. They broke his fingers, hand and feet, and all he could do was counting. They cut him so many time, but he counted. He had rapidly understood it was for not letting the pain take over his body. And during days, even after the session, he would count. That was the only thing that still connected him to the reality.

But physical pain wasn't the worst. No physical pain could disappear, broken bones could settle back… The worst was when his torturer decided to talk with him:

— Have you ever wondered how the ships could float?

It was generally questions like this, and Hiccup hated that. His torturer looked so human, and Hiccup was afraid of this humanity. He wanted to think that the man was a monster, and didn't have a drop of humanity inside him.

— You know, the other day we got a ship with some Berkians on it. They said they were searching for the heir… Do you know him, Useless?

At first Hiccup thought the man was mocking him, but no. He didn't even know that he was the heir of Berk. It was another proof of his non-Vikingness…

— I was wondering…, muttered the man one day. Why are you still alive? No before I met you, here you still alive because I let you.

The man didn't hit him, or anything, he was just waiting for an answer. So Hiccup decided to give him one:

— I-, he was interrupted by the man.

— Here on the Outcast you would have been killed while you were still an infant. It's only natural, the strong one lives, while the weaklings die.

And with that he leaved. Hiccup was left, untouched, but with a pain he couldn't bear. Why was he still alive? If he was dead, he wouldn't have to undergo this. It wasn't the first time he feel anger, but this time it was so much more intense. It was hatred pure!

Another time, Hiccup didn't have any idea of the date, after an intense session of torture, and seeing the look in Hiccup eyes, his torturer said:

— Don't blame me if you're weak… He shrugged. It's the right of the strong to do what one wants to.

The hatred of Hiccup only increased: it was unfair! He didn't asked to be weak! He didn't asked to born! Why did his father let him live? He wanted to kill his father so much at his time. But the man… The man was in the way. So he'll need to kill him first! A chuckle escaped his lips, before vanishing. And he began to think about the death of these two persons. But the man would come later, for discussing with him, and all the plan, the young Hiccup made, would crumble on themselves:

— I think I have finally understood why you were letting to live, he began. Even though you're weak, with your blood you could only become stronger, am I right, Hiccup, Hope and Heir of Berk? He spited the lasts words, while grabbing Hiccup's hair. How long do you think you could have fooled me?! He screamed.

Hiccup was used to what his torturer did to him, but this time he was scared. The man seeing that, smirked, and picked a things Hiccup never saw. That thing had six black legs, two big claws and a tail that curved on his back with a sting. The boy was scared, and tried to crawl back, but he was firmly held by the man who chuckled:

— That thing, Useless, is called a scorpion. It comes from far the South, and it's reputed to be poisonous. You don't care if I leave it here? He dropped the thing on the head of the boy.

The boy was crying from fear and began to scream when the animal walked on his head:

— I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! He didn't know why he was sorry, but it was the sole thing he could say.

— Don't blame anyone but you for this. This is only happening because you're weak. And I'm strong.

The more the scorpion advanced, the more Hiccup began hysteric. At one point, he though hearing a laugh, and later he would realise it was his. But this time, the laughter grew in insanity, and didn't vanished. After that, it was blank in his memory. His sight was no longer in reality. He was seated on a throne of stone, with chains preventing him to stand up. His chin was touching his chest, and he didn't have enough strength move it. He was nearly dead, in a word. Hiccup prepared himself to die, but a laughter was heard:

— Giving up, already? The voice was clear and high-pitched, it seems laughing at him. And for a reason, it gets on his nerve.

— Yes! I can't take it, anymore! I'm weak, and…, he didn't find the strength to say it, so the voice did it for him.

— You're weak, and you shouldn't have born at all. Is that right?

Hiccup only managed to mumble a single word:


The voice remains silent, thoughtful, and Hiccup waited in silence:

— Are you okay with that? asked the voice. Do you really think you should die because you're weak for now?

The boy only nodded:

— Do you really think that you born either strong, or weak? Aren't you going to fight against this such unfair fate?

Still no response:

— In fact you're scared… Not of death. Not of pain. You're scared of the others. You're afraid of what they'll think of you if you manage to escape. You're scared of being alone.

— That's no-

— I wonder whose father is it, said the voice as an image of Stoick the Vast appeared. Never looking to you, never hearing you. Of father, he only had the name. Do you want to talk about your cousin? the image of Stoick was quickly replaced by one of Snotlout. Or would you prefer talking about her?

The image of Snotlout became hazy, and Astrid appeared. Hiccup paled even more, as the words began to echo in the whole place: "I don't want the others to think I'm a screw-up too." The voice laughed with craziness:

— What a family! What friends are they! You were alone from the start. Nobody ever thought of you as Hiccup. You were the Heir, that's all!

— You're wr-, began Hiccup, tears in the eyes.

— I'm wrong? Give me one persons who never abandoned you! Come on, say it!

— I-, his breathing was shaking. I, I'm alone! I am alone! All alone! As ever! Alone! Alone! Alone!

A laughter escaped his lips, before dying.

— I am alone, he finally admitted.

Tears escaped his eyes as he was realising it. Suddenly he felt two scrawny arms hugging him from behind, and it was as the world stopped. His consciousness began to fade, as he heard:

— Not anymore, not anymore...

And everything became blank. When he opened the eyes, he was facing himself.

Even if he didn't recognised the long auburns hair, the bruises, the scar showing that his fingers were cut several times, he couldn't missed the eyes. Greens eyes that were looking at him with pain, sorrow and hatred for the world:

— So you're awake, uh?

— Who-, he was interrupted by his double.

— I am you. Or a part of you, if you wish.

— What, he swallows trying to think. What happened?

— You're asking that to yourself, noted the double. Why do you care?

— I-

The problem was here: Why did he care? It was over. Once again he was weak, and loses all he had. The double smirked:

— You see? Alone you're weak. But together…, he didn't ended his sentence letting Hiccup doing it.

— Together we're strong! And the strong kill the weak, it's natural!

— And thus, we have all the rights, because we are stronger. And those who are stronger than us… We…

— Just…

— Have…

— To…

— Kill…

— Them, they finished together, a deranged smirk on their lips.

When the man entered the room for the last time, it was only for receiving a hit on his ear. While he was reconnecting with his sense, Hiccup kicked his leg, making them fall on the ground. The boy bit him in the neck, to prevent him from screaming, and taking the knife of the man, chanted:

— I. Am. Stronger. Than. You!

And with a mad grin, he slashed the throat of his torturer.


Later, on a boat he managed to steal he heard his double ask:

— No remorse?

He was truly surprised by the question, and take a time to think about it:

— I am strong…, so it's only natural! The strong do what he pleases.

They shared a grin, both feeling satisfied with this explication:

— And now what?

— Now Berk! And after… We'll see.

So this is my first fiction in English, and it must be full of spelling mistake, so if you find anything that doesn't seem english, you could leave a remark, please^^

Anyway, reviews ?