Ok, thanks for the amazing feedback to the first part of the epilogue. This part is not nearly so exciting but hopefully it rounds off the story nicely. So what I'm basically saying, is what I'm always saying - Please REVIEW! Only 38 reviews and I'm at 300... so go on even if you've never reviews before, review the last part! Those that regularly give me feedback, this part is because of you - you have no idea how hard it was to write! THANK YOU!

Thanks everyone!


Epilogue Part 2

'Where are the boys?' Joey complained to her twin daughters. At only a year old they didn't have much to say on the matter, merely stared at her from the stroller she was crouched in front of. 'If we'd met at the park like mommy suggested we wouldn't be waiting in front of this silly shop,' she stared at the Old Navy, 'though I suppose it's a miracle I'm willing to stand here,' she conceded. 'I know, I know only five years ago mommy couldn't stand on the sidewalk,' she grinned and made a silly face. Both girls smiled in response. Olivia matched her name entirely with her olive skin, dark hair and large hazel eyes. She was wearing a pretty navy and white striped tshirt dress with leggings underneath and Pacey had put ridiculously pretty clips in her hair to accompany her bunches. Tula couldn't be more different from her sister with her bright blond curly hair, and her big blue eyes, and her nose with it's four freckles. She was also wearing a dress, some pretty red and white thing her father had chosen. When Joey had discovered she was pregnant that first time on the day of her bachelorette party she had said to Pacey she'd work on her sidewalk issues, her accident related issues in general and she had - vigorously. She'd returned to counselling and had made a concerted effort to face her fears, and it had worked. She had very few hang ups from the accident any longer. Her main issues had been physically - related to scar tissue in her abdomen and lingering pain in her thigh that prevented her from cycling and made some other activities painful.

'You like my funny faces you little troublemakers?' she stuck out her tongue and Olivia giggled. She found the noise utterly addictive, and so she hid her face behind her hands and began an enthusiastic game of peek-a-boo, or 'boo' as Tula called it. Tula spoke a ridiculous number of words for a child so young, whilst Olivia was apparently happy to remain silent. Both the girls laughed and as always it was contagious.

'Hello girls,' Pacey stated and she stood, feeling his arms wrap around her waist as he kissed her on the neck.

'You're late,' she chided, 'and kisses won't make me forget it.'

'Hmm, sure,' he smirked, squeezing a little tighter. At the feel of two small pairs of arms around her legs she caved and her frustration was forgotten.

'Hey guys,' she looked at her two small sons.

'Don't be mad mommy. It really wasn't daddy's fault. The line up was just stupid,' her five year old said, clearly mimicking his father.

'Owen, you know we don't use the word stupid,' she reminded him softly and he bit his lip, whilst she shot Pacey a chastising look. He managed to look innocent enough, crouching down in front of the stroller to kiss his daughters.

'Sorry, but really it was. There were maybe ten of us in the line and they didn't open another till.'

'But we got the bunny food,' her three year old son Jay stated happily. 'So Dumpling won't die!'

'He was only going to be a bit hungry. He wasn't going to die. He has dandelions don't forget.'

'And grass,' Owen filled in. The rabbit had been a fifth birthday present for Owen, but all the children loved him.

'Shall we head to the park?' Pacey asked and she nodded,

'Sure, let's,' she gave his hand a squeeze as he stood up.

'We're sure, right?' he gave her a look. 'About leaving Boston?'

'Right,' she nodded. 'Grab a hand boys,' she ordered and Jay and Owen took a hand each whilst Pacey manned the stroller. The plan had been for a third baby. Owen hadn't been an easy baby. He seemed to oppose sleep and it was a tough first year, but at a year he suddenly started sleeping through. He may have woken a little early at 6 but they had eleven hours to themselves. They were a little sheepish because she fell pregnant that month. Literally. Yet again, they hadn't meant it to happen. She hadn't been back on birth control and apparently age had made them incapable of using a condom properly - or remembering to put it on in the first place. Jay had been entirely different. He was a quiet, extremely intelligent child, not interested in physical sports but with a love of drawing even at three. He had slept pretty much from the first night, was easy going and non confrontational. He was willing to share and compromise and so a third child had seemed like a fun idea. Joey claimed that without her mother and father in her life, an extra sibling would have been nice. She loved claiming Doug, Gretchen, Kerry and Anna as hers, as her family. Over the years the waters between Pacey and his dad had even mellowed, and whilst they wouldn't ever spend Christmas, thanksgiving or the fourth with his parents, they were happy enough to do dinner. They hadn't expected twins, or indeed girls. They'd expected a third boy. Twins were something else entirely, but by about six months they got as on top of things as they probably ever would. The boys were both diaper free and sleepers and they told themselves the girls would sleep when they hit a year. At nine months they slept. They woke early, but Joey and Pacey couldn't have cared less because they had time with each other again.

'You manage to get the swimming trunks?' Pacey asked and she nodded.

'Yeah. Got myself a swimsuit as well,' she shrugged acknowledging his frown with a laugh, 'you can pout about it all you want but my bikini days are over,' she stuck out her tongue, quickly lest the kids see.

'I don't see why,' he stated blankly.

'Stretch marks from those two,' she nodded at the stroller.

'Hardly,' he scoffed.

'Caesarian scar,' she said, 'surgery scars. I have more battle scars than a Roman gladiator.'

'They're you. Your stomach is flat which is amazing after four kids, and you're gorgeous.'

'You're sweet,' she rolled her eyes. 'You get me in my underwear, the world gets me in a swimsuit.'

'Can I have you in your underwear later?' he asked casually, chancing a glance at the boys who were chatting together.

'And all the packing?'

'If you want to pack in your underwear that's fine, but I was thinking you could wear your underwear, not wear it for, I guess about an hour and then we could put clothes back on, pack, eat pizza and drink that bottle of wine Jen and Drue brought over the last time they came.'

'Ok, that sounds better. That means we're military precise about bedtime,' she told him pointedly,

'We're always military precise,' he laughed.

'Do you think Lily and Alexander are old enough to babysit together?' She asked and he frowned,

'Of course. Where'd that come from?'

'It's been so long since you and I spent a whole day together naked in bed. I want a day together naked in bed. I need it. Even a morning naked in bed and then an afternoon reading my book uninterrupted. Or hours of Downton Abby.'

'When you say in bed?' he gave her a sweet little look and she leaned in close and whispered elaborately in his ear, enjoying his blush.

'Awesome,' he nodded with a grin. 'I say we test their babysitting abilities ASAP.'

'I agree,' she chuckled.

'Mommy,' Owen looked up at her.

'What's up hun?'

'Why are we having the birthday party at the park?'

'Three reasons,' Joey said and both kids looked at her, Jay promptly tripping. Luckily she managed to stop him from falling on his face by holding his hand tight, 'watch your step buddy,' she stated and he nodded.

'So why?' Owen prompted.

'Well one it's a gorgeous day. Two, our house is a mess of packing boxes and everyone can meet and spread out at the park and three, the girls are only turning one and they love to be outside. It'll make them happy and as they have no idea why what a birthday is - perfect.'

'But there'll be cake?' Jay looked up at her worried. She didn't blame him for his concern, the kids weren't allowed tons of sweet food and cake was special.

'Aunty Jen promised she'd bring the cake.'

'Will it be pink?' Owen asked and Pacey ruffled his hair,

'What ya worried about? That you'll sprout ponytails?'

'No,' he pouted.

'Because you won't. Pink is just a colour, it's not male or female.'

'I know, mommy told me.'

'So will it be pink?' Jay asked.

'I think Aunty Jen is big into rainbow cakes. The party is a rainbow party, so I'm guessing there'll be every colour on the cake.'

'And who's going to be there?'

'Well lots of people,' Pacey explained. 'We're leaving Boston Ow and we've been here a long time. Sixteen years is a long time and lots of people are coming to say goodbye.'

'You said Capeside isn't far?' he looked up at his dad with a frown so like Joey's, Pacey felt it deep inside,

'It isn't far but it's not like living in the city. You know how it feels when we travel up on the weekend to go see family?'

'Like a long time,' Owen nodded glumly.

'It's not as long as it feels,' Pacey laughed. 'It's a half hour. That's why daddy can still work at the hospital three days a week.'

'Three days?' Owens face fell, 'we'll never see you.'

'You'll see him more guys, that's why we're doing this. You're right that those three days will be long, but the other days will be at the clinic in Capeside and daddy can meet us for lunch some days, pick you up from school when you start kindergarten, Ow.'

'Really?' Owen looked up at his dad.

'What about my preschool?' Jay asked and Pacey nodded,

'Not every day but yeah, I'll be able to be there. And for Little League. We'll have weekends.'

'Unless some kid in Boston is super sick,' Owen stated wisely.

'You know daddy always has to help the super sick kids,' Joey told him softly and he nodded,

'It's what makes him a superhero,' he stated in an elaborate whisper, making his brother giggle.

'So no more worrying about the move. When you see the new house, you're going to be so happy.'

'Really?' Owen and Jay both looked up at their dad,

'Yup. And wait until you meet the next door neighbours. They have a little girl just a bit older than you and a little boy who's four.'

'A year bigger than me,' Jay grinned.

'But I'll be bigger than him,' Owen smiled.

'But smaller than her,' Joey squeezed his hand as they turned into the park.

'Near the play area? Where all those balloons are?' Owen practically squealed.

'You run ahead bud,' Pacey told him, 'look after your brother and make sure you say hi so Uncle Dougy and Uncle Jack can keep an eye on you.'

'Yes, yes, ok, yes,' he took Jay's hand and they sped off ahead for the group of people beginning to assemble.

'How you doing sweetheart,' Pacey held her left hand with his right, and they each pushed half of the stroller.

'Ok...you know, sad but excited.'

'That sums it up nicely,' Pacey nodded, 'I guess it's easier for me. I still get to see my friends from work each week. I'll miss other people though. The ones not from work.'

'Trust me. With the canoe, the creek, the swings, people will be coming up all the time - if we invite them. And since we got the basement converted they can have their own self contained space which takes the stress off.'

'And I found a cleaner,' he said brightly.

'I don't need a cleaner,' she pouted, 'you make it feel like I don't do a good enough job. Not that it's my job,' she hastened to add.

'You do a great job. Our place is spotless, but you can't fool me. I know mopping the floors hurts your leg, vacuuming the stairs half kills you, and who wants to do bathrooms? She's coming in once a week for three hours. She'll do the floors, the kitchen cupboards and the bathrooms. I work hard, you work hard and I hate to see my wife in pain. You do enough with the four kids, and working.'

'Ok, ok. I mean of course I hate cleaning,' she admitted grudgingly, 'well I don't hate it, I hate it because every meal is a massive clean up job, every snack is. And even taking their shoes off at the door there's mud everywhere.'

'A dog won't help either,' he told her matter of factly.

'We're not getting a dog mister,' she laughed.

'Oh we are,' he stopped walking and pulled her into a cuddle, pressing his lips to hers, 'please?'

'I wipe Jay's bum. I do double diaper duty. Do I really need more poo in my life?'

'No one needs more poo,' he hedged.


'But if I have to stay in Boston, because sometimes I will, I'd love it if there was a big guard dog...'

'Who'll be walking the big guard dog?'

'Me when I'm at home,' he nuzzled her neck and she couldn't help but smile,

'And when you're not?'


'He's five.'

'It's going to be a big dog,' he pressed a warm kiss to her neck and she could feel his smile fully aware that he was teasing, which was really just flirting.

'I love you Pace, but no,' she pulled his face away from her neck and kissed him. 'But we can definitely have sex tonight to help you over your disappointment.'

'Technically we'd already decided to have sex tonight, can we set the alarm early and have sex again tomorrow morning to help me over my disappointment?' he gave her the eyes and she rolled hers,

'The girls are up at 5.30. You really want to set the alarm earlier than that?'

'Fair point, fair point,' he nodded, 'ok, so tomorrow night as well?'

'Pace,' she stated and he looked her in the eye, 'I love you. I've been fairly addicted to having sex with you for pretty much sixteen years, with the exception of the three months following both the boys births, the four months following the girls and three or four months following the accident. I speak to my girlfriends. They do it once a month to say twice a week. We have sex whenever we can. Literally. Unless we're sick, if we're in the same bed we end up having sex. Stop bargaining for it,' she tapped his nose sternly.

'But it's fun to bargain,' he grinned, causing yet another eye roll from his wife. He loved to cause the eye rolls. He tugged her a little closer,

'Do you know what I think would be fun?' she asked and he shook his head,

'I say we make a den from packing boxes and have sex in that. If it falls over you did a good job,' she tilted her head to the side and he felt a burst of love for her,

'Yes,' he answered way to enthusiastically and she giggled,

'Ok. So you and the kids build the den, Fort thing, whilst I get the girls ready for bed, then military precision bed time.'

'Yes ma'am,' he kissed her then, quite unable to resist.

'Um guys, cut it out would you! You make the rest of us look bad,' Gretchen complained.

'Gretch,' Pacey released his missus and hugged his sister, before Joey did the same.

'We thought you might never make it over, so hurry the heck up. Jen, Bessie and I worked our butts off setting up.'

'We thank you,' Joey gave her an extra hug.

'Meh, look how cute they are,' Gretchen crouched in front of the stroller. 'The only problem with two, is you can't pick one because then it's like I'm playing favourites.'

'Doug and Jack double team it,' Joey pointed out,

'Or you could learn to single hand it like Jo,' Pacey grinned.

'No way, I might drop one,' Gretchen stated.

'Well here, check out their party trick,' Pacey grinned at his joke, as he moved to the front of his stroller,

'Dada,' Tula bounced around in her seat. Olivia gave him a wide smile.

'Wanna come out my little tulip,' Pacey asked.

'Out now,' Tula reached for him and as he unclipped her buckle, she pretty much fell into his arms. He laughed and pulled her into a big cuddle, which resulted in a happy Tula but a crying Olivia.

'Ok, Livvy,' he put Tula down, allowing her to hold his fingers.

'You good?' he asked but she just smiled at him. 'Hold Aunty Gretchen's hand, Tula,' he told her and pressed her small hand into his sisters who was smiling.

'Are you walking Tula?' Gretchen stared in wonder at her small niece.

'Tula walk,' Tula smiled at her aunt.

'What about Ms. Olivia?' Gretchen looked back at the stroller.

'Ms. Livvy is a hands free walker,' Pacey stated proudly, kissing his other daughter as he pulled her from the stroller. Olivia however had no inclination to leave her father's arms and rested her head on his shoulder and looked up at him, putting her hand on his cheek.

'Oh but I find you attractive right now,' Joey all but sighed, ridiculously dreamy.

'Because the baby is all in love with him?' Gretchen gave her a scathing look.

'Leave her alone,' Pacey tugged his sister's hair.

'Hmmm,' Joey found it hard to remove her eyes from him. She'd always been weak for Pacey, but when their children cuddled into him she was pathetic in her adoration. It was even worse when the girls, who were so small, were cuddled up against him.

'It's like he's half naked on an inspiration poster and you're fifteen,' Gretchen chided, as she and Tula led them all towards the party.

'You guys walk on,' Joey stated and dug around in her bag for her camera. She knew that moments like that were precious and it was Olivia's first birthday. It would be a nice picture for her daughter. 'Hey Pace,' she called when she found it and he turned. She was just thankful that Olivia was holding her position for whatever reason and took the picture.

'Just don't blow it up and put it above your bed,' Gretchen warned, as Joey snapped a picture of Tula with her aunt.

'What's Jo putting above her bed?' Doug asked.

'Oh never mind,' Gretchen watched her niece get stolen by her big brother, but felt better about it as Jack held out his hands to Olivia and she pretty much through herself away from her father and at Jack.

Pacey sidled up to Joey and took her hand.

'I need that for picture taking,' she told him.

'Everyone's here,' he smiled.

'Almost too many people,' Joey arched her brows, but at that moment Dawson came jogging up with a huge smile on his face and wrapped his arms around them both, 'Dawson,' she laughed.

'Hey D,' Pacey chuckled, slapping him on his back,

'I cannot believe you guys bought my old house. It's strange to think of it full of Witters.'

'And a lone Potter,' Joey prodded him,

'Yeah, yeah,' Dawson agreed amiably.

'Sorry we redid the basement,' Pacey patted his back again.

'Overdue,' Dawson shrugged.

'We did a little bit of revamping to the kitchen,' Joey added.

'It's your house,' Dawson laughed, 'it would be weird if there were still Spielberg posters on the walls and my family pictures.'

'The kids don't know it's your house yet,' Pacey told Dawson, watching Owen and Jay over Dawson's shoulder as they blew bubbles with their cousins. Kerry's kids were in their early teens but Gretchen's daughter was only a little younger than Owen and the little girl Doug and Jack adopted was three. What was nice was that they all played together nicely, probably better than Pacey and his siblings had.

'They don't?' Dawson seemed surprised, 'so they don't know they're moving in next to Jen, Drue, Amy and Oliver?'

'Nope,' Joey smirked.

'They're going to flip,' Dawson laughed.

'Feels kinda weird to be heading back to the creek,' Pacey mused and the other two nodded,

'Well especially for me - what with The Creek show and all of you there again except for me.'

'You could always come back man?' Pacey suggested.

'Can't make TV in Capeside,' Dawson shrugged.

'But you can make award winning films,' Joey pointed out.

'So let's settle something,' Dawson looked at them both, 'did you grab her ass?'

'Who can say,' Pacey was entirely dismissive.

'You claimed I didn't have one,' Joey punched his shoulder lightly,

'You know what, I think I can build a pretty good argument that presents a valid case for you putting your ass in my hand,' his eyes twinkled at her,

'Oh sure,' she rolled her eyes laughing cynically, 'as if my ass would have gone anywhere near your hand.'

'As if my hand would have gone anywhere near your ass,' he gave her a look.

'Um guys, you've been together nearly twenty years and are married with four kids...I think the ass grabbing is a moot point.'

'He grabbed it,' Joey glared at Pacey, who shrugged and pulled her close,

'Of course I grabbed it,' he chuckled, 'your ass is gorgeous.'

'Knew it,' she grinned widely.

'Your kids still don't know,' Jen huffed, pulling her top down over her stomach.

'And they're not gonna until we pull up into the driveway,' Joey warned her friend.

'You owe me the housewarming party to end all housewarming parties,' Jen looped her arm through Joey's.

'We'll do a barbecue for the fourth. All you'll have to do is show up with the new baby and we'll wait on you hand and foot.'

'Deal,' Jen stated quickly and the others laughed.

'You guys are going to have so much fun,' Dawson mused wistfully.

'Regretting the LA life,' Jack asked looking proud of himself, Olivia perched on his shoulders.

'The LA life is great, the lack of time and friends like you guys less so.'

'Hey we're all time poor,' Joey comforted him.

'Joey, Pace has sent me pictures of you working. You're either sat by the creek brainstorming or on the back porch in a comfy chair with your laptop.'

'But I'm still working,' Joey pointed out.

'Like you ever need to work again after the success of your first book,' Dawson laughed but Joey shook her head at him,

'I have to work. I go crazy if I'm just with the kids. I love them. I love them so much and I love spending loads of time with them, but I need to write.'

'And she does it so well,' Pacey pointed out. 'I love the kids but I love being a doctor. We're just lucky that Jo's work is flexible because she can pretty much always be with them if needed. She never misses anything important. But that's a luxury and we know it, especially because she gets to work as well.'

'Will you have a nanny?' Dawson asked and Joey looked torn, because in honesty she was.

'Jen and I will share a nanny,' she admitted, 'she'll come in a couple of mornings and two full days. Owen will be at school with Amy and it's not like we won't be there, but hopefully, we'll get enough time to do the work we need to do.'

'Jo's not wild about the nanny idea,' Pacey rubbed her shoulder.

'I don't know what I think, I'm so torn,' Joey admitted. 'I've had the luxury of being with Owen except for two days in daycare, and then with Jay full time when my book came out. I managed to work around them but I can't seem to work around four. I'm so tired in the evenings I get nothing done. I think for my sanity I need to get something done.'

'Most people have other people look after their kids. It's ok,' Jen reassured. 'I was lucky enough to have Grams for Amy, though Olly went to daycare three days a week.'

'And that's it, maybe a daycare would be better,' Joey frowned.

'We found the nanny together, we love the nanny,' Jen laughed.

'I know, I guess. I just...what if she doesn't like one of them?'

'Our kids are gorgeous, of course she'll love them all.'

'We're biased,' Joey pointed out.

'There is the cute little daycare just round the corner from the clinic,' Pacey pointed out.

'But that's a drive from home,' Joey grumbled,

'Which is how we decided on a nanny,' Jen nudged her arm. 'Now stop worrying and enjoy the girls first birthday. You need to take pictures and there are millions of people here, so come on.'

'Coming,' Joey nodded but turned to look at Pacey, 'tell me it'll all be ok.'

'We'll make it ok,' he reassured. 'Now go say hi to everyone. I can't believe so many people came.'

'Everyone loves you,' Joey kissed his cheek,

'And you, and the kids.'

'Meh, we're ok,' she shrugged. 'Don't forget to start the barbecue now, or get Doug to...'

'He's already on it,' Jack smirked.

'We'll do the cake at three,' she told them all bossily.

'Three,' Pacey repeated.

'And count the kids every now and then,' she reminded him.

'Always,' he gave her a look and she flushed because it was his special look. 'Love ya.'

'Love you too,' she smiled and headed off with Jen to see everyone, scooping up Tula as she came across her staring at a flower.

'Flower,' Tula offered the flower to her mom, but Joey just hugged the baby close.

'You're still entirely smitten aren't you,' Dawson asked, staring at Pacey who was staring at his wife and daughter.

'Entirely, irrevocably,' Pacey concurred with a contented sigh. 'Best decision I ever made.'

'What was?' Jack asked, both he and Dawson looking at their friend.

'Every decision I ever made that made her mine, that kept her mine,' Pacey answered. 'I knew she was it for me when I was twelve years old. I didn't understand it of course. All I knew was that when she hurt I wanted it to be me that comforted her and that I hated it when she hurt.' Pacey stared at Joey who was chatting to a group of friends, Tula playing with the strands of her hair. She didn't really look that different to her fifteen year old self. Of course she was older, they both were - she was a woman, not a girl anymore, but she was just as slim, her hair just as beautiful. If Joey died it, he didn't know but he was pretty certain he'd recognize any change in the colour of her hair. Sure, when she smiled there were a few lines from her eyes, but when she looked at him, when her face was void of expression, she could easily be fifteen again. Her hair was still long, but usually worn in a bun at the nape of her neck. She wore a little makeup these days - lipstick, some blusher and some eyeshadow - she said it stopped people commenting on how tired she must be. Her taste in clothes was different. She seemed to wear summer dresses and sandals, or skirts with boots in the winter. It was feminine but fun and practical. Regardless of Joey's hair, her makeup or her clothes he always thought she was beautiful. Sometimes he thought she was most beautiful first thing in the morning - her hair a mess from sleep, no makeup, nothing fancy on, just a pair of his boxers and a tank. She'd bring the girls back to bed to nurse them, to hopefully allow the boys a little more sleep and he'd bring them both a mug of coffee. Oh but she was beyond beautiful in those moments. Even better were the mornings when the girls slept in but he and Joey didn't. She was the instigator, reaching for her stash of mints and shimmying out her night clothes before rolling into him, all wondering hands and warm kisses. But then he'd come home after a long time at the hospital and he'd be stunned anew by how beautiful she was, by the fact that he managed to get Joey Potter to have a life with him, to have his babies, to be his wife, to laugh with last thing at night as they snuggled under the covers of their bed.

'Life isn't so bad is it?' Dawson chuckled.

'Nope, life is pretty wonderful.'

'We were so optimistic thinking we'd be home for dinner,' Joey tutted looking at the kids all fast asleep in the backseat of the car. They had a lot of kids so the car was a big minivan, Owen and Jay at the very back, the girls nearer to hand.

'We'll rouse them enough to brush their teeth, chuck on their pj's and pop them into bed.'

'So optimistic Witter. Like those two at the back aren't going to demand a story,' she snuck her hand onto his leg.

'So they'll have a very short story,' he grinned.

'And you'd do them so I can nurse the girls?' she asked and he smiled,

'Sure. Unless you have something expressed and I do them all?'

'Everything I've got Bessie might need for Monday, or tomorrow, so don't worry,' she yawned, 'I'm so, so tired,' she sighed dramatically.

'I don't recall the wild ragers of our youth being as exhausting as kids parties,' Pacey said and she laughed,

'No. Though they were as sticky,' she gestured to the pretty dress she was wearing.

'It was a much better stick,' he grinned and she nodded.

'It was,' she sighed, 'Ok, so let's get them all into bed and forget emptying the car until tomorrow. I'll put the rest of the cakes in the fridge but the rest can stay. We have to do some packing Pace or else the movers will be here and nothing will be ready.'

'I know, I know. You chill your beanio's mrs, I promise it will all get done.'

'Maybe we can beg Doug and Jack to have the kids tomorrow?'

'We wouldn't need to beg. They'd just go hang out with Jen and Drue. Call them now,' Pacey urged as they turned into their street. Joey made the call, secured babysitters and a kid pick up, and popped her phone back into her bag as she mentally prepared to get the four kids to bed.

'You look like you're preparing for battle,' Pacey smirked.

'I am,' she smirked back.

'And go,' he stated and they both jumped out of the car.

Pacey climbed down the stairs smiling to himself, because really his children were adorable. He'd peaked into the girls room and found them fast asleep in their cribs, and whilst Owen was only nearly asleep, Jay was fast asleep, despite the cool voices he'd used during the story. Owen would be asleep in minutes after the day in the park.

Pacey loved being a dad. It was pretty logical really, he loved kids, was a paediatrician for goodness sake, and he could be the kind of dad neither he or Joey had had. He was a good dad, he knew that. He worried some times, but he knew that even when he got cross he wasn't inappropriate and if he was, which happened to everyone with kids at some point, well he could apologize and talk to the kids about why. Owen was a little bean, always interested in everything, he was even able to read - nothing complicated but he was good. The kid was practically his replica except for his moms large hazel eyes. He was cute as a button, and despite occasionally asking too many questions for his mom's patience, he was very kind and considerate and loved his family fiercely, especially his younger siblings. Jay was a quiet kid, but he could read about as well as his brother despite being only three. He'd talked early too, and just seemed to get things. Owen could throw a childish tantrum, but Jay seemed to see the bigger picture. If Jay had two of something and Owen had none, Jay split it without being asked. He was a dream child, and an easy little brother for their headstrong first. He could be a bit of a worrier, and sometimes too kind, giving things away he really wanted, but it all came from a nice place. Jay looked similar to Owen but he had Pacey's blue eyes, and his hair was a few shades lightly. And the girls. He loved his kids all the same, but he was thrilled they had the girls. Joey didn't dress them all that girly, with their hand me downs from the boys, but he found that more adorable. Olivia's hair was always in its two dark bunches and Tula had her bright blond, curly hair in a bun. They had a bunch of overalls that Joey had gotten for the boys, and when teemed with pink shirts Pacey melted. They reminded him of their mom. Despite Tula's blond hair, she looked like Joey when she pouted, and Olivia was practically a replica of Joey. He loved his little chatty Tula, and his quiet, steady Olivia. They were impish, and cute. He loved his kids and his head was full of them as he pushed into the living room,

'You order the pizza hun? Should I start in here or do my office.'

'The pizza is here. In the dining room,' Joey called, her voice muffled. 'Let's do this room together.' Pacey sighed. It wasn't anyone's fault but he couldn't help but be miffed that he wasn't getting his wife naked. The party had overrun, they were exhausted and the house needed to be packed. That was life.

'Where are you?' he looked around the dining room. The chairs were all stacked in the corner and there were boxes everywhere.

'In here?' Joey poked her head out from between two flat boxes. Looking at the table he saw that it was entirely surrounded by flattened cardboard boxes.

'You made a fort!' he stared at her, utterly touched, more than a little excited, and heart stoppingly in love.

'Well I finished and you got caught up reading to the boys,' she shrugged, tucking her hair behind her ear, 'too childish?'

'Hell no,' the smile spread across his face - maybe he would get his naked wife. Joey looked at his face, that look of awe she was so fond of. She knew it had been the right decision to forget the packing.

'Come in,' she encouraged, 'though it's an underwear only fort I'm afraid,' she attempted to look sorry, but he threw off his clothes so fast it was hard to do anything but laugh. When he was finally clad only in boxers, she shifted one of the boxes to the side and he crawled in. It was a good Fort, if she said so herself. She'd grabbed the cushions off the couch and chairs in the living room and a bunch of blankets. They had a bottle of wine and pizza.

'Oh, this is perfect,' he stared at her, running a finger across the tops of her breasts, licking his lips subconsciously at the black lace bra and panties. His finger dipped into the cup of her bra and she smiled, because he was so obviously hard, so obviously intent on forgetting the pizza and attempting to bring the fort down. She expected him to say something. He looked for all the world like he had a whole lot to say, but apparently words were overrated and he was rolling on top of her, pushing her legs apart to make room for his body, his mouth claiming hers in a kiss so hot she was quite certain she might melt,

'Fuck but you look good,' he groaned and rocked his hips against her, rewarded by a soft moan, a moan that crescendoed as he clamped his warm mouth around her nipple, sucking lace and flesh into his mouth. 'I feel like a Viking pillaging...'

'Ha,' she giggled, 'it's not pillaging if I'm willing,' she wrapped her legs around him.

'How willing are you?' he asked, pushing a hand between them and into her panties, groaning at the wetness there, 'God I want to fuck you Jo, it's been too long since I got to fuck you.'

'You fucked me two nights ago.'

'Like I said, too long. And we weren't in a Fort,' he rolled off of her and rolled her body away from him, before shoving his boxers off and pressing up against her butt. He pushed his hand back between her legs, flicking aside the material of her panties and pressing insistent fingers into her, fingers that had found and memorized the place within her that made her feel like she was floating, like her body was a diamond about to shatter into millions of diamonds. She moaned as he pressed his fingers inside of her expertly, his thumb punishing on her clit. Her whole body felt like it was on the brink, everything clenching tighter and tighter, but then his hands were gone, and she grumbled her protest. Pacey didn't seem to care and he shoved at her panties, merely moving them out of the way before pushing his cock inside of her, his body somehow managing to recreate the angle his fingers had achieved, and almost immediately she was back where she'd been, back on the brink of splintering apart into a million pieces.

'Yes, more,' she mumbled almost incoherently, her voice all but gone, as he pushed in and out of her, again and again until she knew it was going to happen. He pressed his thumb to her clit and thrust into her, his teeth nipping her neck and she came, frighteningly hard, but beautifully, every detail of her orgasm exquisite, including her panted begging for more, 'fuck, more,' she pleaded, still amazed by her husbands ability to completely undo her, apparently at will.

'You want more, you take it,' he bossed and pulled out of her and roled onto his back to pull her on top of him.

'My panties are still on,' she tried to spread her legs over his hips to no avail. Trapped by her underwear around her thighs.

'Don't care,' he pulled her across his cock, the hardness rubbing over her clit until it found it's favourite place, and he pushed her down onto him.

'Oh god,' she all but collapsed, because her legs were so tight together, he felt huge.

'Fuck that feels good,' he hissed and placing his hands on her hips and attempted to rock her. She moved her hands to support herself, to help him and it was brilliant,

'Why've we never done this before,' her hands were in either side of his head and she pressed her lips to his, without waiting for an answer, feeling her heart pound, and her body begin to coil yet again, as he moved her faster and faster.

'I'm gonna come baby,' Pacey growled his hands gripping her ass and hips all at once, and then her body came apart as he thrust up against her before crying out as he pulled her down against himself. 'Oh man, fuck...' he cursed, his breath coming in short rasps, as he wrapped his arms in a vice like hold around her.

'This still feels really good for me,' she admitted to his neck, where her face was tightly pressed.

'Feels fucking ace for me,' he groaned.

'I'm gonna give you an eight out of ten,' she managed to remove her face from the crook of his neck so she was looking at him.

'I dispute that, you came apart like snow in a hot tub,' he protested.

'I meant an eight out of ten for cardboard box Fort destruction,' she rolled her eyes at the collapsed Fort.

'Oh,' he grinned.

'There's still a box standing,' she pointed out.

'I don't remember any of that destruction,' he mused, 'though I could eat pizza.'

'Ok,' she rolled delicately off of him before pulling up her panties and opening the pizza box handed him a slice. Returning to the box she grabbed one for herself.

'So you decided packing was overrated?' he asked, his eyes lazily running over her figure.

'We'll pack tomorrow. I promised you pizza, wine and sex in a cardboard Fort.'

'You did and I'm very thankful.'

'You had a tough week,' she shrugged.

'Every week's a tough week,' he admitted.

'That's because you love kids and you work with them. It's never gonna be great to see a sick kid.'

'But making them better - that's amazing,' he got that look in his eye she loved, the one that she'd always seen that showed his intelligence.

'You're amazing.'

'So you're not at all weirded out that we're moving into Dawson's old house?' Pacey asked as he poured them wine.

'Are you?'

'It'll be a little weird to see the boys sharing his old room, I'll admit,' Pacey shrugged, 'even weirder to sleep with you, and I mean all variations of that phrase, in his parents old room.'

'We'll have to have sex in every room. You know, claim it as ours.'

'Of course,' he nodded as if this were to be expected.

'I guess I just think it's a really nice house, in a really nice place. And it has a lot of really good memories. And Jen's next door. Ok, so that means Drue's there too, but we like Drue. In fact Jen and us are the only people that do like Drue,' she joked and Pacey laughed,

'He's growing on Jack and Dougy. He makes Jen happy and he treats Amy as if she walks on water. That's all you can ever want, you know, someone that loves your kids as if they're theirs.'

'Well that's why Doug and Jack are the kids guardians,' Joey shrugged.

'That's why they're perfect as guardians.'

'I never thought I'd see the day when I was excited to move back to Capeside.'

'Me either,' Pacey chuckled. 'God I couldn't wait to get out of there. You remember that meal, the one where my family told those awful stories and then Doug came out?'

'Of course I remember.'

'I swore to escape that day. It made me that much more determined, and I thought I'd never look back.'

'Except we both have. Constantly.'

'I think the minute Jen and Drue left six months ago, you've wanted to go back,' Pacey teased. It was true though and Joey saw no profit in denying it. Jen had gone back for all the right reasons, to give her family a safe place to grow up in a beautiful place. Joey had missed her like crazy despite weekend visits and it wasn't long before they were looking at real estate listings and Pacey was talking to the hospital. Pacey was obsessed with his work - he was passionate and excellent, but he was more passionate about his family. He didn't get to see Jay walk for a whole three days after he started. He missed Owen's preschool holiday concert. He missed Halloween and Joey had dressed all the kids up as skeletons - his tiny baby girls as skeletons! Sure he could look at the photos but he wasn't there. He was more than happy for a shift in his work patterns and if that meant three days as a top paediatrician and two days in Capeside clinic, then he'd do it. Heck, eventually he'd switch entirely to the clinic. He didn't actually mind because he was brilliant and there'd always be people seeking out his opinion. For now though, it would be hard to leave the hospital behind entirely, especially if he got more time with his beautiful, beloved family.

'I love you Pacey,' his wife sighed and closed the space between them until her head was resting on his chest. He slumped onto the cushions and wrapped his arms around her.

'I love you,' he kissed her softly. 'Always have, always will.'