It was a beautiful day in Ninjago, the sun was shining the birds were singing, but of course the ninja were spending it fighting with each other. Actually it was more Cole and Jay yelling at Kai.

"You've could of gotten yourself killed!" Jay yelled.

"You totally abandoned the plan! You should been more careful!" Cole yelled.

They had been yelling at Kai like this for half an hour. But the strange thing was, Kai didn't say or do anything but sit on the chair looking at his lap. If Cole and Jay hadn't been yelling at him they would have noticed tears sliding down rolling down his face.

The worst was when Cole said,

"You are the worst member on this team! I wish you never joined us or that those skeletons would have killed you!"

Kai broke right there an then. He got up and ran off into the forest.

"Cole don't you think that was kinda harsh?" Jay asked.

"No. He deserved it." Cole said.

But Lloyd and Zane saw everything...