AN: This is a story I wrote about a year ago and just now decided to post it. It is completely written and I plan on posting a new chapter at least every few days but no longer than a week apart. Please feel free to let me know what you think... the more response I get the quicker it at me wanting to post more. I am not one to hold chapters for reviews so my time line for post will stay the same unless of course I get too excited and post them sooner.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Vampire Diaries or its characters... I just own my OC and any other characters not from the show.

Alexia Donovan wanted nothing more than to get away from Mystic Falls and the little it had to offer. She loved her family but her mother Kelly was just too much for her to handle anymore and she wanted to have a life of her own. Alexia and Vicki had their differences and only got a long because they were sisters but Matt was the perfect little brother and he was the only thing she had regretted leaving behind. When Alexia turned eighteen she moved to Chicago and has been gone for three years now attending college at the University of Chicago. Matt called her and told her that Kelly was never around anymore and it was basically him and Vicki on their own. Alexia knew the right thing to do was go back but she didn't want to get sucked back into Mystic Falls so she always came up with excuses on why she couldn't then the calls from Matt came less and less until they completely stopped. Then the phone call she had never wanted to receive came last night sealing her fate and she was currently in her car driving back to Mystic Falls. Sheriff Forbes called Alexia and told her that they had found Vicki's body, she was crushed to find out that Vicki was dead and more upset that no one had told her Vicki was missing in the first place.


Alexia was in her dorm room doing her homework when her cell phone rang, the phone number was one from Mystic Falls so she assumed it was Matt calling her. Alexia hadn't heard from him in six months so she was excited he finally called her back after ignoring all her calls. "Hey baby brother." Alexia said hoping he would be civil with her.

"I'm sorry… is this Alexia Donovan." The familiar female voice said over the phone.

"Um… yes it is." Alexia said in a worried voice. "I thought this was my brother Matt calling."

"Alexia I'm not sure if you remember me but I am Sheriff Forbes."

"Yes I remember you, is everything alright with Matt."

"Yes everything is fine with Matt, your mother asked me to call and let you know that we had found Vicki." Liz said to Alexia as she tried to find the right words to say to her.

"I had no idea Vicki was missing, no one called and told me… is she alright?" Alexia asked as she sat back in the chair she was sitting in. "Is my mom back in town, does she know?"

"Alexia I am so sorry to have to tell you this over the phone… Vicki has died. Your mom is with Matt right now." Liz said and the phone line went silent. Alexia was trying to process what she had just heard, according to the sheriff her sister was dead. It couldn't be true this had to be some kind of twisted joke. "Alexia are you there still?" Liz asked.

"Are you sure my sister is dead?" Alexia said as she felt the tears slide down her face. "Are you sure it's not someone else's body, Vicki can't be dead."

"I am positive it is Vicki's body we found."

"How… what happen to her?" Alexia said through sobs. "When did this happen?"

"We don't know when it happened yet or all the details right now, we just found her body this evening in the woods." Liz said in a soft voice. "I will try and get as much information as I can and get back to you… will you be coming back to Mystic Falls or do you want me to just call you back at this number?"

"I… I'm… I'm coming back, I'll leave here once I'm packed." Alexia said getting up from the chair and looked around the room. "Can you tell my mom and Matt I'm on my way?"

"Yes, we will see you when you get here." Liz said and Alexia hung up the phone.

**Present Time**

It was just after nine in the morning when Alexia pulled in front of her family's home, she drove all night to get there. She took a deep breath and wiped the tears from her eyes then got out of the car and slowly walked to the door. Alexia stood there for a moment not sure if she should open the door and go in or if she should knock considering it has been three years since she had been there. When she lifted her hand to knock on the door it had opened before she could make contact with it. Matt stood there shocked to see Alexia standing in front of him, his first instinct was to hug her but his anger kicked in really quick and he slammed the door shut on her face.

He turned to walk away when he heard the door open back up. "No one wants you here… leave!" he snapped at her as he spun around to face her. "You were too good to come back when we needed you and now you think because Vicki is dead you should come back!"

"Matt I'm sorry… she was my sister too." Alexia said as she moved closer to Matt and he took a step back away from her. "Matt please."

"No!" he yelled at her and she jumped from the tone in his voice. "I called you and told you mom was gone and Vicki was out of control but you couldn't come back and help us… you left us alone!"

"I have no excuse for doing that and I'm sorry." Alexia said as fresh tears ran down her face.

"Get back in your car… go back to your big city and leave us alone." Matt yelled at her and that's when Kelly came out of the kitchen.

"What is going on here?" Kelly asked and then came to a stop when she saw Alexia standing there with Matt. "Alex… oh Alex, Vicki's gone." She said as she ran towards her and hugged her tightly as she cried.

"It's ok mom, I'm here for you." Alexia said rubbing Kelly's back as she looked over at Matt.

"I'm out of here." Matt said as he stormed towards the door.

"Matt no… wait." Alexia said as she pulled out of the hug and ran after him. "Matt please… can we please talk?"

"I said all I need to say… just stay away from me." Matt snapped at her as he jumped in his truck and took off.

Alexia stood there watching his truck until it was completely out sight, she slowly turned and saw Kelly standing there watching her. "Matt just needs time." Kelly said in a soft voice. "I need a drink… do you want one?"

"Mom it is only nine thirty in the morning." Alexia said as she quickly followed Kelly back in the house and to the kitchen. "You shouldn't be drinking this early." She said as she tried to take the vodka bottle from Kelly.

"I am a grown woman and your mother." Kelly snapped at her as she snatched the bottle away from Alexia. "Do not stand here and tell me what to do!"

Alexia just shook her head and walked out of the kitchen, Kelly hadn't changed one bit in the time she was away. Alexia decided to just go get her bag from the car so she could freshen up a bit. When she got back in the house she went to her old room that she used to share with Vicki, she slowly opened the door and looked around but couldn't bring herself to actually go in so she just backed away and went to Matt's room. After she was done showering she sat on the edge of his bed glancing around his room and she realized how much of his life she had missed, Alexia laid down on his pillow and cried.

Matt drove around town not sure of what to do with himself, he was pissed off at Alexia and couldn't find a way to forgive her for abandoning them when they needed her. He didn't know where to go and he found himself sitting outside of Caroline's house leaning forward against the steering wheel, when Caroline noticed his truck sitting outside her house she came out to see what was wrong and why he hadn't come to the door.

"Hey Matt are you ok?" Caroline asked as she walked up to the car door and noticed the window down. Matt turned his head to face her and she saw the sadness in his face. "Awe Matt I wish there was something I could say or do about Vicki to make you feel better."

"It's not Vicki." Matt said in a soft voice. "It's Alexia."

"What happened to Alex?" Caroline said in a stunned worried voice.

"She's here."

"That's good thing… right?" Caroline said as she stuck her hand in the truck and rubbed his back.

"No… I don't want her here." Matt said in an angry voice. "Maybe Vicki would still be alive if Alex would have come back when we needed her. She could have tried to keep Vicki under control."

"You can't seriously be blaming this on Alex." She said in shocked voice. "Matt you need your sister and she needs you right now and she's here for you, be there for her."

"Can we not talk about Alex right now?" Matt said sitting back in his seat. "I don't want to be alone but I don't want to talk either." Caroline walked around the truck and climbed in next to him and the two of them just sat there quietly with each other.

Alexia had fallen asleep in Matt's room, she woke up a few hours later and the house was completely quiet so she went into the living room to see if anyone was home. All she found was her mother passed out on the sofa next to the empty bottle of vodka, Alexia walked over slid a blanket over her mother's body and picked up the empty bottle. After cleaning up Kelly's mess in the kitchen she decided to go get a bite to eat at Mystic Grill then she was going to find out where Matt was so they could talk. Alexia noticed nothing had changed in Mystic Falls other than everyone looking a little older. She sat at one of the tables and as soon as the waitress was done taking her order she just sat there people watching while she drank her soda.

Damon walked in the Mystic Grill and looked around and that's when he noticed a new face sitting at one of the tables alone, he walked over to the table and sat down across from her but she still didn't look at him. "New in town?" he asked with a seductive smile, new faces in town were never a good thing… not around Mystic Falls.

"It depends on how you look at it." Alexia said to him as she turned her head to see who was sitting across from her. He was very good looking and from her point of view he looked every bit the bad boy.

"Well from my point of view I would say you're new enough." Damon said as the waitress came to the table. "I'll have what she's having." Damon said to the waitress without taking his eyes off Alexia and he pointed at her drink.

Alexia watched as the waitress nodded and walked away, she could tell this guy was hitting on her and she wasn't in the mood for that right now. "I doubt that's what you came in here for… don't let me hold you up." she said to him.

"There's no hold up, I'm waiting on my dear brother to show up and he's not here right now." Damon said as he leaned forward. "I'm Damon." He said sticking his hand out to her.

"Alexia." She said shaking his hand.

The waitress walked up and placed his drink in front of him and he brought it to his lips and took a drink but quickly spit it out all over the waitress. "There's no liquor in this!" he said looking at the glass.

Alexia quickly stood up and started handing the poor waitress napkins. "Did you really have to spit it out all over this poor girl." She snapped at him.

"What the hell are you drinking?" he snapped back at her.

"It's call Pepsi." She said raising an eyebrow at him. "Haven't you had soda before?"

"Not without liquor in it." Damon said sarcastically to her then he looked over at the waitress. "Bring me a whiskey."

"Wow really… not even a sorry for spitting all over you." Alexia snapped at him.

Damon rolled his eyes at her then looked back at the waitress. "I'm sorry for spitting on you… now can I have my whiskey?" he said turning back to Alexia. "Are you happy now?"

Elena and Stefan walked into the Mystic Grill to talk with Damon about Vicki, Stefan looked around to see if he could find Damon while Elena finished her phone call with Jeremy, when she finished her call Elena looked over at him. "Elena who is that Damon is sitting with?"

Elena looked towards Damon and her eyes went wide. "Oh my god…" she said covering her mouth with her hand. "You have to get Damon away from her."

"Why… who is she?" Stefan said looking between Elena and the table Damon was sitting at.

"That is Matt's sister." Elena said and Stefan quickly looked back at her and shook his head no. "Stefan that is Matt's older sister Alexia, she left Mystic Falls three years ago and must have come back because of Vicki. He has already lost one sister because of Damon, I won't let him hurt another one." She said as she started walking towards them.

"Matt has two sisters?" Stefan said as he quickly followed behind her.

"Alexia how are you?" Elena said as she approached the table and Alexia looked up at her.

"Elena… it's been so long." Alexia said getting up to hug her and Elena glared at Damon over Alexia's shoulder but he looked confused.

"I am so sorry about Vicki." Elena said as they pulled apart.

"Thank you Elena and I am sorry about your parents and for not coming out for the funeral."

"You knew Vicki?" Damon said as he looked between the girls.

"Yes I did." Alexia said nodding at him.

"Damon this is Matt and Vicki's sister Alexia." Elena said glaring at him and he looked at her shocked then she turned back to Alexia. "You've met Damon I see… Alexia this is Stefan, my boyfriend and Damon's brother."

"Hello." Alexia said shaking his hand then she looked over Stefan's shoulder and saw Matt standing there glaring at her. "Matt." She said and everyone turned to face him.

"What are you doing here?" Matt said to her in an angry voice. "Didn't I tell you we didn't need or want you here?"

"Matt I understand you are angry with me but I'm not going to leave." Alexia said to him in a soft voice.

"Angry… try I hate you and I don't want you here!" Matt yelled at her.

Everyone stood there in shock and didn't know what to say. "Fine if that's how you feel… when we bury Vicki I will leave back to Chicago." Alexia said as she quickly moved around him and left.

"Matt what is wrong with you… that is your sister!" Elena snapped at him as she watched Damon get up and follow behind Alexia, she looked at Stefan and he nodded at her as he followed behind Damon.

"My sister is dead." Matt said in a softer voice. "Elena I can't do this… it's too much." Elena could see the pain in Matt's eyes and she pulled him into a hug.

Alexia got out of there as fast as she could, hearing Matt tell her that he hated her had torn her heart to pieces. Once she was outside the Mystic Grill she stopped walking and leaned back against the wall with her eyes closed, Alexia knew she couldn't drive with the way she was upset and ready to cry. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt Matt and her being here seemed to hurt him too much.

Damon walked out of the Grill and saw Alexia leaning against the wall with her eyes closed so he walked over to her and leaned on the wall next to her. "That was pretty intense back there." He said turning his head to look at her. "He'll get over it… my brother has told me he hated me many times, they never mean it."

Alexia opened her eyes to see Damon standing there looking at her. "I think he meant it but I don't blame him it is my fault... I don't even know why I am telling you any of this I don't even know you."

Just as Damon was about to open his mouth to say something to her Stefan walked out. "Damon we need to talk."

Damon rolled his eyes at Stefan, he knew exactly why Stefan wanted to talk and it was because of the girl that was standing next to him but he ignored Stefan and looked back at Alexia. "You Donovan's sure do know how to throw a pity party… look he's mad at you and hates you right now but you both will get over it and move on."

"Wow… I really thought you were a nice guy for a second there but I was wrong you're a first class jackass." Alexia said pushing herself off the wall.

Damon smirked at her. "Nothing I haven't heard before, hope your day gets better." He said smirking again as he walked back into the Mystic Grill.

"I'm sorry about my brother, he tends to be a jackass often." Stefan said as he followed Damon back in, he didn't trust himself to be alone with her as long as he was having a hard time with the blood lust.

After leaving Mystic Grill Alexia went back to the house and found Kelly still drunk on her ass. Things weren't turning out like she had hoped it would, Kelly was constantly drunk and Matt refused to even sit in the same room as Alexia. The next couple of days were total hell for all of them, Matt wouldn't let Alexia help make any arrangements so she just basically spent most of her time trying to keep their mother sober. When the funeral was over Matt distant himself even more from Alexia and she was ready to leave to give him the space he needed but Kelly begged her to stay a couple of more days for the Founders kick-off party. Alexia followed behind Matt's truck to the party, she wanted to drive herself just in case she decided to leave early. When they walked in they were greeted by Mayor Lockwood and his son Tyler.

"I'm so glad you could join us tonight." Mayor Lockwood said to them.

"It was nice of you to reach out to us." Kelly said as she looked at Matt then at Alexia.

Mayor Lockwood gave her a small smile. "This town is one big family, when we lose a member we all have to come together." He said taking Kelly's hands in his own and gave a small squeeze. "Matt, Alexia." He said nodding at them and they both nodded back.

"Mayor." Matt said nodding at him.

"Alexia I hope we get a chance to catch up while you're in town." Tyler said stepping forward and gave her a hug.

"I hope so too." Alexia said hugging him back then the Mayor and Tyler walked away.

"Well I guess dead kid rates a special greeting from the mayor, huh?" Kelly said looking at her two kids.

"God, mom!" Matt said shaking his head at her in disgust.

"I need a drink." Kelly said ignoring Matt's comment.

"When don't you." Alexia mumbled in a low voice.

"Did you say something?" Kelly asked looking over at her.

"No." Alexia quickly answered shaking her head and Kelly just nodded then walked away, Alexia looked over at Matt and he turned away from her just as Tyler came walking back to them.

"Check it out!" Tyler said holding up a bottle of liquor.

"Your dad is going to beat you down if he catches you." Matt said shaking his head at Tyler.

Tyler smirked at Matt. "Yeah, let him try."

"Guys you shouldn't be drinking that." Alexia said to them.

Matt glared at her. "Look who wants to play big sister now, screw it." Matt said taking the bottle from Tyler and took a drink from it.

Alexia wasn't going to cause a scene here with him so she just walked away from them and walked around having small talk with people she hadn't seen since she left. Later that evening Alexia found herself walking into the bar area and was about to order a drink when she spotted her mother dancing with Elena's boyfriend. She looked around and saw Elena also standing there watching them.

"Is my mother really dancing with your boyfriend?" Alexia asked as she stepped next to Elena.

"Yeah, it's ok." Elena said smiling at her. "Are you staying in Mystic Falls or going back to Chicago?" Elena asked changing the subject.

"I'm leaving in a couple of days, I've gotta get back to school." Alexia said as she watched her mother dance.

Damon watched as Elena stood there talking to Alexia, he was still shocked to find out Matt had another sister and this one seemed to have her head on straight. He smiled to himself as he walked over to them. "Have I entered an alternate universe where Stefan is fun?" he asked as he came up behind them and they both turned to face him.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Elena asked Damon.

"Eventually… one way or another." Damon said to her as he looked over at Alexia who turned back towards the dancing.

"I'm going to get a drink." Alexia said walking away from them.

Alexia felt completely uncomfortable here and wanted to leave but she didn't want to ruin Matt's night by leaving Kelly here. So to get away from the crowd and the constant sympathy hugs from people she barely knew Alexia went out on the balcony. It was nice, quiet and peaceful until someone stepped next to her.

"The crowd not your thing?" Damon asked as he looked out into the night.

"I just don't feel like being around others right now." Alexia said not looking over at him, hoping he would get the hint and leave but he didn't. "I was trying to keep this Donovan pity party to the guest of one… myself." She said sarcastically to him.

"Ok, that was mean of me to say to you but I wasn't trying to pretend to be nice either." Damon said smirking at her sarcasm. "Let's ditch this party and go have some fun of our own."

"I rather not." Alexia said still not looking at him.

"Is there a special someone back in Chicago… I can be discreet and he'll never know." Damon said in seductive voice and she shook her head at him but couldn't stop the smile that came to her face. "Is that a no to the special someone or my offer?"

"You're unbelievable… do you really think I would just sleep with you?"

"A guy could try, at least I got you to smile." Damon said taking a drink from his glass as he shrugged his shoulders. "So… is there someone waiting for you in Chicago?"

"Yes and no." she said finally looking over at him and he raised his eyebrow at her. "There is this guy that I have been seeing but he does a lot of traveling so I just see him when he's in town."

"So you're his booty call." Damon said in a shocked voice. "Wow, some guys just got it made."

"It's not like that Damon." Alexia said shaking her head. "He's always away on business and we see each other when he is in town."

"Alexia let me be the one to tell you… it's a booty call." Damon said smirking at her. "He probably has a wife at home, does he wear a ring or maybe have a tan line of a ring?"

"He only wears one ring and it's not a wedding band." Alexia said rolling her eyes at his smirk. "It's actually a simple gold ring… in fact it has the same color stone you have in yours but it's much smaller."

"Wait a minute your traveling boy toy has a ring with a stone like this." Damon said as he lifted his hand to show her and she nodded at him. "Alexia look at me." Damon said and she looked at him. "You need to tell me what his name is and how you met him." He said compelling her, Alexia went into a daze but just as she was about answer him they were interrupted.

"Alexia Donovan?" John Gilbert said causing Damon to lose his compulsion on her.

Alexia blinked her eyes and looked at Damon with an odd look then she turned to John. "Yes." She said in a soft voice.

"You don't remember me?" he asked and she shook her head no. "I'm John Gilbert, Elena's uncle."

"Oh yes, how are you? It's been so long." She said sticking her hand out to him and he shook it.

"It has been a long time." John said as he slowly released her hand. "I'm sorry to hear about your sister." He said then he turned to face Damon. "It's Damon, right?

"John." Damon said in a pissed voice, he was not happy about being interrupted when he was just about to get some information out of Alexia.

"I'm going to let you gentlemen talk, I need to find my mother." Alexia said as she looked between the two of them and felt out of place. "John it was nice seeing you again… Damon it was a pleasure talking to you."

"The pleasure was all mine." Damon said shaking her hand then he lifted it to his lips and kissed it. "We really should do it again before you leave."

"We should… gentlemen have a good night." Alexia said walking away from them.

Alexia looked around the rooms and couldn't find her mother anywhere so she started looking around the grounds, the last thing she wanted was one of the people here finding her mother past out on the ground somewhere. After spending some time searching she just about gave up and was heading back inside when she spotted Tyler and her mother kissing. Matt had come out at the same time and quickly stormed over to them pulling Tyler up to his feet.

"Mom what the hell is your problem?" Alexia yelled at her.

"What the hell are you doing man?" Matt snapped at Tyler.

"Matt… Alexia?!" Kelly said looking between her two children who were both very pissed off.

"Mom!" Matt screamed at her.

Tyler tried calming Matt down. "Whoa dude calm down." Tyler said to him

Matt punched Tyler in the face then they began to fight. The fight got so heated that when Kelly tried to break it up they push her roughly to the floor. Tyler was hitting Matt constantly and Alexia tried to move forward to try and break it up herself but Elena grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Matt! Stop it!" Elena yelled and he ignored her. "Tyler! Stop it, you're hurting him!" Elena yelled at him and he also ignored her. "Somebody help us."

"Tyler get off my brother!" Alexia yelled at him and tried to pull away from Elena but she wasn't letting her go.

Alaric saw the fight and quickly ran forward and pulled Tyler off Matt. "What the hell is going on?"

Elena and Alexia went towards Matt as the Mayor arrived. "I'll take it from here… I'll take it from here" he said to Alaric as he turned towards Tyler. "Are you hurt?" he asked Tyler and he shook his head no. "Go get cleaned up its okay." The Mayor said and Tyler nodded his head and walked away.

"Matt are you ok?" Alexia asked as she squatted down next to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine." He snapped at her as he pulled away from her and more towards Elena who had squatted down on the other side of him.

Mayor Lockwood was trying to clear the crowd away at the same time. "Everything is fine. Come on everybody let's get back to the party let's go. Come on, have a good time!" he said as he glanced back at the trio.

Damon went looking for Stefan, he had to let him know everything he had just found out. "You want to hear the bad news or the really bad news?" he said when he found Stefan. "Or some shocking news?"

"Actually, I don't want any news Damon." Stefan said shaking his head.

Damon glared at his brother. "Alright, let me rephrase. Do you want to hear how the council is back in vampire mode or how I just killed Uncle John Gilbert or how Alexia Donovan might know a vampire that has a daylight ring from Chicago?

"What?" Stefan said in a shocked voice.

"Great party by the way, huh?" Damon said sarcastically as he smiled at Stefan and walked away.

Stefan turned to go after him to find out what he meant by all that, but stopped when he saw Kelly crying and bleeding. He slowly walked over to her. "Is everything alright?"

"No. I ruined it, I always ruin it. What is wrong with me?" Kelly said between sobs, Stefan got down on his knees and stared at the blood coming out of Kelly's forehead. He reached up and touched the blood that was oozing slowly out of forehead. "What are you doing?"

"Stefan what are you doing?" Alexia asked him when she spotted him with her mother.

After hearing Alexia's voice Stefan snapped out of his blood thirst daze and looked up at her. "Uh, I'm sorry." He said quickly getting up and leaving.

Alexia watched as he left and slowly walked over to her mother. "Mom what were you thinking, that is Matt's best friend and you were sucking face with him."

"Alex I wasn't thinking… the alcohol and Vicki… I was just trying to deal with it all."

"Sucking face with a seventeen year old boy is not dealing with it." Alexia snapped at her. "Let's go get you cleaned up then I'll take you home."

"Where is Matt, I want him to take me home?" Kelly said looking around as Alexia helped her to her feet.

"He left already so you're just going to have to deal with me." Alexia said as she led her mother to the restroom.

Alexia cleaned her mother up and then took her out to her car so they could leave. On the way out she ran into Elena again and they said their goodbyes to each other. The ride home was quiet because Kelly had fallen asleep. Once they were home Alexia woke Kelly up and they went in the house to find Matt packing up Kelly's things.

"What are you doing? Matt don't." Kelly said to him in a sorrowed voiced.

Matt shook his head at her as he continued to pack her stuff. "I can't do it anymore mom so just go alright? You've done it before, more times than I can count… I now see where Alex gets it from."

"Matt I left to go to school but I can stay if you want me here." Alexia said walking closer to him and he raised his hand to stop her.

"Don't you see I don't want you here, when I did you couldn't come back now I don't need you… I don't need either of you."

"I'm not leaving you Matty!" Kelly said to him.

"Mom… don't you get it? I'm better off without you." Matt screamed at her and she jumped from the tone in his voice and started crying.

"Matt mom is sorry for what she did, if you want me to leave I'll leave just let mom stay with you so you're not alone." Alexia said to him in a soft voice.

"I want to be alone." He yelled at Alexia.

"No, tonight was… God, I'm so sorry. I know I failed you and I failed Vicki but I won't do it to you again. I promise I'll get it together." Kelly cried to him.

"I want you out of the house and my life by morning… both of you!" Matt snapped at them then walked out of the house leaving them both standing there.

Alexia didn't bother saying anything to Kelly she just walked over to her stuff and started shoving her things into the bag. Kelly watched as her daughter finished packing and walked out of the house not bothering to even change out of her dress. Alexia threw her bags in the trunk and took one last look at the house before getting in her car and leaving. As she drove out of town she picked up her phone and called Matt's phone, he didn't answer it so she left him a message.

"Matt I just wanted to let you know I have left and I'm really sorry for everything, I know right now you want nothing to do with me but if you ever need me just call… I promise no matter what I am doing I will drop it and be by your side right away. You're my brother and I will always love you." she hit end on the phone and continued back to Chicago.

The next afternoon Matt arrived back at the house to find it empty, he pulled his phone out and decided to listen to the message Alexia had left him last night. Just as it ended and he felt bad for hurting her then someone knocked at the door and he walked over and opened it to find Damon standing there.

"Damon what are you doing here?" Matt asked him in a confused voice.

"Is your sister here… I wanted to see if she wanted to get a bite to eat?" he asked trying to look around Matt and into the house.

"No, she's not here." Matt said as he tried to close the door but Damon stopped him.

"Where is she? I really need to talk to her." Damon said sounding desperate.

"I don't know… I guess she went back to Chicago, I really don't care right now." Matt said shutting the door on Damon.

Damon stood there a moment before he turned around and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Fuck… Fuck… Son of a bitch!" he snapped as he walked back to his car. Not many vampires knew the secret of the daylight ring and he wanted to know who this mystery vampire was.