"I can't believe daddy is making me marry that prince." Ariel mumbled as she brushed her long red hair.

"I hear Eric is such a hottie." Alana said. "With his dreamy blue eyes."

"Don't forget that perfect black hair." Arista said. "Oh, I'm so jealous of you, Ariel."

There was a knock on Ariel's door, followed by a maid entering. "I'm sorry to be disturbing, your Highnesses, but Prince Eric has arrived. The King has requested for Ariel to come immediately to meet him."

"Thank you. I'll be down in a moment." Ariel said, placing her brush down on her vanity. She placed her locket around her neck and headed down to the front entrance. She found her father talking to King Arthur and Eric right beside him.

"Here's my lovely daughter, Ariel." King Triton said. "Ariel, this is King Arthur and Prince Eric of Denmark."

Eric reached out for Ariel's hand and kissed it as he bowed. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess Ariel."

"Why don't we leave these alone to get to know each other, while we discuss some business." King Triton suggested. "Ariel, will that be alright?"

"Yes daddy. I'll show Prince Eric our gardens."

Prince Eric followed Ariel, but neither of them managed to say a single word to each other. Once they reached a patio, Ariel sat down and the prince sat beside her. Instead, he quietly admired her perfect features.

"This is a lovely garden." Prince Eric said in a croaky voice. "Do you come out here often, Princess Ariel?"

"Ariel, just call me Ariel." She said.

"Okay, Ariel."

"Occasionally with my sisters we'll come out but I prefer the beach."

"You like the beach?"

"I love the ocean." She replied.

"I suppose we found something we both have in common because I enjoy sailing. Maybe I can take you sometime." He suggested.

"Maybe." She pushed her red hair behind her ear and looked over at Eric with a slight smile. "So how is it in Denmark?"

Eric leaned forward thinking about how to answer her question and then sat up straighter. "It's a lovely place with great people. My palace is right on a beach. I think you'll like it there."

There was a long period of silence before Ariel finally asked a question. "How do you feel about this arranged marriage? Have you ever been in love?"

Eric didn't quickly answer and then looked at Ariel, gazing into her eyes. "I don't know yet."

A maid came and fetched Ariel and Eric since the King had requested for both of their presence. Eric followed Ariel inside and found their father's where they had left them at the front entrance since it was time for Eric and his father to leave.

"It was a pleasure talking with you, Ariel." Eric bowed and kissed her hand.

"Till next time at the wedding." King Triton said.

"What daddy?" Ariel questioned. She had heard nothing about the wedding until this very moment besides there will be one.

"You two are to be married in two weeks in Denmark." King Triton explained to his youngest daughter.

"What!" She exclaimed. Ariel ran up the stairs, crying, into her room and slammed the door shut. She kicked her shoes off as she jumped into her bed, crying in to her pillow. She didn't want to get married and now she hears she'll be married to some man she barely even know within two weeks.

"So how dreaming was Prince Eric?" Alana asked, entering her room. By her surprise, she found her youngest sister crying. "What's wrong? Did things not go well?"

Ariel turned over in her bed and sat up. "I'm getting married in two weeks!"

"That soon?" Her sister questioned. "But you just met him."

"Exactly! We only spent forty minutes today and the next time I'll see him is at the alter!" She cried. "So far I'm not even impressed by him."

"Maybe you can learn to love him."

"And maybe I won't ever love him, Alana. I'll be living in Denmark with a man I don't know or love, away from my family. How do you think that makes me feel? Don't forget I'm only sixteen too. He'll probably want to start having kids immediately. I'm not ready to sleep with him, our wedding day will be our first kiss!"

"Well maybe you should set some ground rules like not sleeping together until you get to know each other more."

"I'm just not ready for this, Alana. I can't believe daddy is forcing me to do this."

"You're doing this for the Kingdom, just like Aquata with Prince Andrew of Berllington. I just received a letter from her and she's with child."

"Already? They've only been married for three months."

"I know."

"Alana, come on!" Adella shouted. "The carriage is out front."


"Where are you guys going?" Ariel asked, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her dress.

"Into town. Wanna come?"

"No. I'm never leaving my room again. Tell daddy that too!"

This is my first Little Mermaid Fanfic so yeah... Bear with me. Umm... Yeah. I hope you liked this first chapter and remember to leave a review!