A/N: Alright, here we go! Fairy Tail vs. Grimoire Heart! I hope you guys like it! Sorry it took so long. Fight scenes are really not my forte and I haven't had a lot of inspiration for this story. As such, the fight will continue will continue in the next chapter.
All rights to Hiro Mashima.

Hearts Prepare

Makarov regarded the map on the wall in front of him. Grimoire Heart was based in the outskirts of town, under the radar. He'd never have expected them to be so close to Fairy Tail's territory. Gildarts stood next to him, examining a knife he'd gotten from one of the Blue Keys after the two had sparred.

"I think this is the best knife I've ever seen," Gildarts said. "It seems to be like folded steel. But it's stronger than that because I have a folded steel blade and it's nothing like this!"

"Lucy has said that she will be arming Fairy Tail on the next two jobs. Something about inferior equipment limits one's abilities," Makarov replied absentmindedly as he reviewed the attack plans for the nth time. Fairy Tail could not afford to screw this up.

"Really? The whole guild?" Gildarts was amazed. There were a lot of people in the Fairy Tail mafia.

Makarov nodded. "There was an equipment inventory. Lucy said not to bother you about though because she was special ordering you custom made equipment to fit your fighting style."

Gildarts whistled. "Those Celestials must be made of gold to afford equipment like that for so many people."

"Actually we make it ourselves," a woman's voice said. A woman clad in harem pants, a bikini top, and face mask dropped to the ground. She seemed to sway where she stood, ready to dodge an attack at any time.

The lady continued ignoring Gildarts's and Makarov's stares. "A few years ago, My Lady picked up a talented weaponsmith. She keeps us well equipped and we keep her supplied, clothed, housed, and fed. It's a good trade off."

Makarov blinked. "A-are you a Celestial?"

She nodded, maybe smiled, but the two men couldn't tell with her face mask in place. "I am Libra, a Gold Key, proud member of the Zodiac. I have been improving the horrid balance of your members."

Gildarts frowned. "They all seemed pretty balanced to me."

Libra shook her head, eyes gleaming in amusement. "Not at all. Too much anger and energy. Not enough peace and stillness. It is no good to fight like that."

"I didn't know that emotions could affect fighting," Gildarts said.

Makarov looked unsurprised. "I appreciate it Libra.

Libra nodded. "Of course emotions affect fighting. If you are unbalanced, you are too predictable or ruthless. There must some grace and kindness in your fighting. But have no fear, your children are ready."

Gildarts looked amazed. Libra bowed once more and disappeared out the window. Makarov gazed at the map and sighed once more.

"It's time to go. Call everyone to hall. Lucy said that's where she set up the new equipment for everyone." Makarov instructed.

Gildarts nodded and left the room. Makarov was left in his office alone, staring at the map on the wall. He sighed sadly and wished not for the first time that Lucy had found a different guild to work with, though he knew his children did not feel the same. They were glad for the training and the adventure and the chance to protect the citizens of Magnolia. Makarov just wanted his children to be safe and happy, and participating in a huge war against Zeref and zealot followers seemed to be contrary to that wish. There was nothing that he could do about it now. Lucy had tangled them up in this mess and there would be no getting out of it until Zeref was gone.

Downstairs, the members of Fairy Tail were admiring their new weapons. From his place at the balcony, Makarov could see the bonds between his children. He watched them show off their new gear to each other. He was a loathe to end this small piece of happiness that they had found. But if what Lucy told him was true, then it was a necessity. He and his family had sworn to protect the citizens of Magnolia, and if someone was threatening the peace they had worked so hard for, then it was their sworn duty to get rid of them.

"MY CHILDREN!" Makarov boomed to get their attention. Everyone stopped and turned to face him. He continued in a lower volume. "It's pains me to send you off to battle; however, thanks to our new friends, your gear is top of the line. Nevertheless, new gear does not make you invincible. Have caution and stay with your partners during this battle. Do not get separated or life will be in great danger.

"This fight is the hardest one we've undertaken so far, but I have no doubt that you will win. That is because we are family! We have bonds that Grimoire Heart does not and we have trust! So trust in each other! Trust in your power! Trust in yourself! And go forth! FAIRY TAIL!"

A roar went up in the guild. In the shadows of the rafters, thirteen people watched. Their faces were grim, but their minds were set. It would be time for them to move out soon as well. When Fairy Tail emptied and headed off to the battlefield, the Celestials would be moving out as well. They watched as the guild gathered up their gear and streamed into the planning room.

"Mistress," Virgo reminded her gently.

"Right, of course," Lucy tore herself away from the bittersweet sight. Fairy Tail was so pure, even as blood and filth tainted their hands. She envied them for that and pitied them.

The Celestials disappeared from their hiding spots with no more than a rustle of cloth, retreating to their own planning room. Once there, Lucy pulled out the book that they'd recovered.

"Makarov knows everything Fairy Tail needs to win this battle, but we have another important mission. I discovered that Zeref goes to check up on his major underlings from time to time. With some math, and psychological guess work, I figured out his most likely schedule. The day that Zeref will be checking up on Grimoire Heart is today, when Fairy Tail is attacking," Lucy said, throwing a stack of folders on the table. "Memorize those. We are going to stop him from reaching Grimoire Heart. We must not fail or everyone of us is dead, or worse."

"Yes, Lady Summoner," the Zodiac bowed.

"I'm getting the Blue Keys. They will stand as a safeguard in case the unthinkable happens," Lucy informed them. "When I come back, be ready to strategize and move out."

The Zodiac bowed once more and when they straightened, their mistress was gone without a trace. They made no comment and set to work immediately, each taking up a folder to read through. Meanwhile, Lucy raced through the city, heading for the secret headquarters of the Blue Keys. The Blue keys were her greatest secret. There were more of them than anyone knew of, which was a boon in times like these when she had no idea who might be a spy for Zeref.

The Zodiac were loyal to her because she had saved their lives and suffered through a great deal with them, but that loyalty only went so far. The Blue Keys were loyal to Lucy because she was instrumental in their creation. She was also their salvation and only hope of survival.

"Greetings Lady," the gatekeeper said. "What brings you out here today? Surely you don't have another one for us? We're almost at full capacity."

"Order everyone to assemble in the dining hall. I have big news," Lucy said briskly, marching into the building.

The gatekeeper bowed low. When Lucy reached the dining hall, every single key was there. Lucy surveyed them. They were men and women, young and old, white to black. A veritable rainbow of people. They were her secret weapon.

"The great day of reckoning is finally upon us," Lucy intoned. "Zeref and his followers are on the move and the Celestials are working with Fairy Tail in order to erase them once and for all. However, I need your assistance if I am to succeed.

"Today, Fairy Tail will be wiping out Grimoire Heart. While they are doing so, the Zodiac and I will be detaining Zeref as he makes his biannual visit to their headquarters."

"You're taking the Golds?" someone in the crowd asked. "What do you need us for?"

"I'm glad you asked Maryanne," Lucy smiled at the young woman. "I need you to surround Grimoire Heart at a set distance. Eviscerate any Zeref followers you encounter. No survivors are allowed. Zeref is wily and possibly has spies amongst our number. You all are the only ones I can entrust this task to. Nevertheless, you do have a possibility of being severely injured or killed on this mission, so if you cannot fight to your full potential, I ask that you remain here. There is no shame in picking your fights and if you would rather live, I will respect that wish. If you want to leave, I will find some quiet place for you to spend the rest of your days in safety and comfort."

"No Zeref follower is gonna scare me off, Lady. I owe you my life," a young man declared, thumping to his feet. "I'll gladly give my wretched existence to save the life of an innocent bystander or one of my allies. I'm with you Lady!"

There was a cheer around the table. Various calls of ascent followed. Lucy smiled at her children. She knew that she could always count on them to help out in situations where discretion would be needed.

"Fantastic. Now here's the plan," Lucy leaned forwards.

For the next hour she outlined plans of attack on a large map. Once everyone was confident they'd memorized it, Lucy torched the map. She greeted each of the Blue keys, asking after health and training. After her rounds were finished, Lucy left. The Blues would be there to help take care of everything. It would all turn out just fine as long as Lucy played her cards right. And Lucy had no doubt that she would.

Back at the guildhall for Fairy Tail, Lucy reentered the planning room the Celestials were occupying. Each member was reviewing the information one last time. Lucy waited patiently for each member to look up at her. Their faces were grim and eyes hard. They were prepared to fight to death today. Lucy smiled sadly. Then she steeled herself. Now was not the time to be getting soft. As much as she wanted to comfort them, Lucy could not. It would mean death, or worse, if she let her guard down even a little bit.

"My friends, it is time for us to prepare ourselves. We will be facing Zeref today. And our lives will be on the line. I am asking you to make the ultimate sacrifice for me today. I am asking you to give me your lives." Lucy paused and surveyed the faces of her Gold Keys. They were hard and decided. "If you wish to flee, do so now and never show your face again. I will understand, but I would not wish to further endanger your lives by involving you in my messes." No one left. "Very well, arm yourselves. We leave as soon as Fairy Tail has departed. Anyone who is not ready will be left behind and assumed a deserter."

The Zodiac members scattered like leaves on a windy day. Lucy watched them go before prying up a section of the floor in the planning room and removing a safe. She did not keep her best weaponry stored in one place. Lucy hid it and scattered it around so that she might be able to access at least a bit of it wherever she might get stuck during an attack. Her twins pistols and rapier were in this box. Moving on, Lucy sped around guild opening safes in various places, collecting all her weapons.

Fairy Tail members came streaming out of the war room with grim faces, not a look Lucy had seen on any of the members before. It was slightly unsettling and made that mobsters look more capable than Lucy knew them to be. She observed from the rafters as they donned their war paint and gathered up supplies, Her eyes trailed after a certain pink-haired man as he garnered his rations and headed out to the vans that were waiting to transport them to the nearest safe house before marching off to meet Grimoire Heart in battle.

When all the members had loaded into the vans, and the vans left, Lucy jumped down from her hiding spot and landed lightly in front of the guild hall. There were a tiny thump as twelve people landed behind her in a slight crouch. Lucy signaled them and they were off, heading to meet Zeref at his anticipated location. And across town, in pairs, small groups, and singles, the Blue Keys moved out from their base, weapons well concealed on their bodies. War had descended upon them.

A/N: And that's a wrap! Thank you for sticking around everyone, I promise the fighting will start in the next chapter. I know I promised one this chapter, but I couldn't get there.

Thank you for all the reviews, favourites, and followers!