Henry follows a string of murders seemingly unrelated. One case, a copy cat murder, of Jack the Ripper, The killer is using a comic book series (Lucas is also reading) about real life serial killers, which features the Bay Harbor Butcher. Lucas tests DNA from one of the crime scenes and the DNA closely matches Henry's (that Henry is related to the killer) but Lucas thinks there'd been a mistake, Henry tells him not to tell anyone about the 'mistake" He minds out that Adam is the son of Brian Moser, the ice truck killer. Adam then wants Henry to kill him, to except his true calling, but in true Dexter fashion, Henry uses a syringe. Instead of m99 he uses a permanent paralyzing drug. Jo comes close to the truth about Henry, finding an old photograph of Henry when he was 3 with Dexter and the With Lucas's fascination with the comic book and having seen baby pictures of Henry, Jo puts two and two together.