Hey guys! I was so happy to read your reviews! Please keep them coming! I'm sorry it took me so long to update. Here is Chapter 2 for you! Hope you'll like it!

Ally POV

I can't believe it happened. It felt like a dream. I didn't have much time to linger about it though, we headed to the stage and we stood in the first row. "What was that?!" Raini said to me. "I have no idea. " I answered still a bit dazed. "Oh god.." I whispers. I touched my cheek again. "You'll never wash yourself again would you?" Raini asked and smirked. I smirked back and giggled. "Maybe.." I said with a smile. We all waited for the Meet & Greet session to start.

Finally, they all got on stage. My spot was in the middle. Right in front of Ross. They all got up and sat. We all screamed and clapped. Ross was searching for someone in the crowd until his eyes laid on me. He smiled at me and winked. My heart jumped and the other girls started to scream. I was sure after that I would be deaf. "Ok.. So, we are gonna take some questions." Riker said. And picked a girl. These entire time Ross kept looking at me. I felt like I was imagining things because it can't be real. Riker answered and it was Ross's turn to ask. I raised my hand and he said:"Laura." And pointed at me. The other girls gasped and Raini almost ripped my hand off. "Amm.. Do you believe in like a superior entity? Like god? Or do you believe that this world was created by accident?" Everyone was quiet. I'm pretty sure no one excepted that. Everyone asks stupid question. I mean, the first girl asked them:"Why are you so perfect?" Like what?!

Ross looked dazed for a second but then said:"Wow, that's deep. Amm, I don't know if I can answered that in a this small amount of time, but, I do believe there is something above us that we don't understand."

"So you don't believe in Evolution?" I asked. Ross gave me a small smile and said:"I didn't say that." "Then what did you say?" I argued back. "That's more than one question." Ross replied smirking. "So you're escaping the question." I said. "You know, I liked you better dazzled." He said smirking. I gasped in surprise. "What did you say?!" I semi shouted. "Ok!" Ellington interrupted. "Let's move on, please." He said. Everyone laughed. Then it was Rocky's turn. To my surprise he picked Raini. "Are you guys virgins?" She asked boldly. I looked at her shocked. "What the hell are you doing?!" I asked panicky. Everyone laughed though. I blushed so hard. Ross was watching me.

"Amm, I don't know if we can answer that.." "Oh.. Come on!" Raini said. "Ok, we will tell you this - half of us are and half don't." Ross said. "But your five. There is no definite half!" I said. "Exactly." Ross smirked. Oh god, he is starting to get on my nerves. They all laughed and I frowned. The meet and greet continued.

At last, the show started. I sang so hard my throat was soar. Then they started playing their song 'If I Can't Be With You'. It's my favorite song. I watched Ross while he sang it. He closed his eyes and hugged his guitar. When he opened them he looked at me. I sang along with him. My heart was racing. He then moved closer to the crowd. Everyone had their hand in front of them to touch him. He put his hand in front of me. Waiting for me to grabbed it. Soon it was covered with a lot of other hands but when I put mine on his he held on to mine. Then walked back and finished the song.

When the show was over they all stood up on the stage and bowed. When they were getting of the stage Ross flew a kiss to the crowd while looking at me. I shook. We all got out and stood outside. I called my mom to ask her where she was. But I couldn't hear anything so I moved to the back. Then I felt someone grabbing me and I was about to scream when I heard them say:"Hey, relax. It's just me." I looked and saw it was Ross. That of course didn't help me relax. "You scared the hell out of me!" I yelled. "Shhhh!" He said while putting his hand on my mouth. "I don't want people to come here." He said while checking behind me. He still had his hand on my mouth. That was distracting. He turned his face to look at me again. Then he realized he still had his hand on my face. "Oh, sorry." He said and took it off.

We stared at each other for a couple of second. "Ross!" His dad yelled. "Ross! We need to go!" He said again. He turned his head back for a second and then looked back at me. He took my hand in his and said:" I don't know what's happening. It's never happened to me before. I'm sorry. " I stopped breathing. "Ross!" We heard someone yell. "I have to go. But I have a request. " he said. I gave him a confused look. "Can I kiss you?" He asked squeezing my hand. My heart stopped beating. My mouth was completely dry. Ross took a step closer and held my face. I nod weakly and that's all he needed. He kissed me. Gently. I put my hands on his chest and he moved closer to me. It felt like a dream. Then we heard someone clears their throat. We broke off and we saw Raini standing there with a hands crossed. "Sorry" Ross murmured and let me go.

He looked back at me and said:"Laura, I will never forget you." He gave me one last kiss on the cheek and left. I felt bad. So bad. I felt used. "Care to explain?" Raini asked. I stood there. My fingertips on my lips. "Laura?" Rain said when I didn't answer. "Oh, I'm so stupid." I whispered. Raini came over to me and hugged me. "Hi, you can never know. There is a chance he meant it." She said. "Yeah, but even so! Ok! He will remember me as the girl he kissed backstage. The girl who was that pathetic to give someone she's just met in person her first kiss. Damn it." I said. My eyes started over flowing with tears.

I went home afterwards. I was the quiet the whole ride. My mom didn't understand why. When we got home I went straight to bed. This day was too emotional for me. I fell asleep immediately.

The next morning, I woke up and groaned in frustration, remembering last night. I groaned again and put my head on the pillows. I checked my phone and saw a Twitter notification. I had a new follower. Followers, to be exact. I looked and saw that both R5 and Ross followed me. I was about to scream. Actually, I did scream. To the top of my lounges. I. Was. Freaking. Out.

Then I saw that I had a new Twitter message. "Hi, Laura, it's me. I've heard your song." It was from Ross. Oh my goooood! I was shaking. What the-. That's all he wrote. He probably figured that I'd wanna know so I'd ask. In other words, he wanted me to come to him. He frustrates me! I replied anyway. "And...?" He didn't answer so I got up and got ready.

This weekend is madness. I got dressed and returned to me room. I checked my phone again. Nothing. I sighed. What did I expect? That he would fall in love with me or something?! I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Then I heard a message sound. I reached for my phone and read the message. It was Ross again. "I loved it."

My heart skipped a beat. Oh god. "Really?" I asked, not believing it's true. "Yes." He answered immediately. "Sorry it took me so long to answer. Rocky took my phone." He typed. I giggled at myself.

What is it? I mean, what are we? Friends? Something more? I mean, he kissed me... That's gotta say something. I have to know. I have to ask. "Hi, I have a question." I sent. "What is it?" He asked. "Why did you kiss me?" My hands were shaking. "The truth is that.. I don't know. I told you. I've never did that before.." I felt a pinch in my heart. I don't like it.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked. "Yeah." I typed back. "Who is your song about...?" I froze. I can't tell him that. If I'll tell him his ego will blast through the roof and I don't want that.. So I typed back:"It's kinda personal.." "Oh..." I felt bad. He must think that I'm crazy. I gave him the song but I don't want to tell him who is about. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I froze. He did not just ask that. Oh my god! "Amm... No" I was nervous. Don't know why. "Oh, good.." I stared at the screen. My heart was beating so fast. "Why is it good?" "Because I don't want to kiss someone else's girlfriend..." I gulped. Oh god.

"So, Laura... Can I have your phone number?" This time my hands dropped my phone to the bed.

Hi guys! I hope you liked it! Please please please review! I'm sorry it took me so long.. I'm under a lot of pressure this days...

Love you all,
