A/N: It's been a while since I revisited this verse but my darling tumblr sis Carol (oneresilientheart) is getting married today so I wanted to write her some cute fluff and this came to me. Let me know what you think :D

Unbetaed, all mistakes are mine, takes place some time between chapter 6 and the epilogue

You+Me makes 5

Regina hadn't planned it, she hadn't even realised she was ready to do this until she had blurted out those two words in the middle of breakfast one rainy Tuesday morning.

Looking back, it had probably a lot to do with the atmosphere of that particular morning. Despite the dreary weather, the house had felt warm and joyful, with Henry and Roland laughing together and Robin helping her fixing their plates while the baby had been tumbling away in her belly in her usual morning gymnastics.

Standing by the stove, letting Robin do most of the work, she had taken a moment to look back at this strange little family she had never hoped to get and her heart had filled with so much love she had been pretty sure it would burst.

Why had it hit her then she couldn't say and she had felt the words form and leave her lips before she could even think about what they really meant.

"Marry me," she had said and time had stood still. Henry and Roland had looked up startled, Robin had turned away from his task, the eggs he had been about to deposit, falling on the counter instead of in the plate.

He had blinked, his jaw hanging open and she had had the feeling that he wanted to ask her to repeat herself, but at the same time wouldn't in case he had heard her wrong.

They had never really talked about marriage, Robin had skirted around it a couple times but Regina had always felt a knot of anxiety forming in the pit of her stomach as the memories of her former husband would hit her, and she had cut every conversations heading that way short. He had seemed to understand that it was a taboo and didn't mention it again.

A smile had slowly curled his lips up, a sparkle had shone in his eyes.

"Really?" He had asked. "You're certain?" And she was reminded once more what had always drawn her to this man, no one had ever respected her the way he did.

She had nodded shyly, -and gosh since when was she shy?-, biting her bottom lip, certain she would lose her nerves any second now.

The plate had almost shattered as he had let it fall on the counter to embrace her tightly against him, releasing his hold only slightly when he had feared he would crush the baby. He had kissed her with all the passion he had been able to muster and Henry had groaned and turned away, but Roland had stood up, approaching them and grabbed the hem of Regina's dress in one sticky little hand.

"You want to marry us, Regina?" he had inquired, wide brown eyes looking right into hers.

"If you'll have me," she had replied, tears brimming, not for the first time she had blamed the hormones.

"So we will be a real family?" Roland had continued, tightening his grasp, tugging a little and Regina had lowered herself down as best as she could.

"I thought we already were but yes, let's make it official."

Roland's bright smile had almost blinded her, his little arms had circled her neck and he had whispered in her ear.

"I love you Regina. Does that mean you're also my Mommy? Do I have two like Henry?"

She had swallowed with difficulty the lump which had formed in her throat. "Only if you want me to be. I will never try to replace your mother, Roland. I can be whatever you need me to be."

"I always wanted a little brother anyway. Now I get one of each," Henry had intervened, standing behind Roland and looking down at them warmly.

"You're alright with this honey? I should have discussed it with you first, it just…"

"Mom," Henry had cut her off. "Really, it's fine. It's more than fine. I have never seen you happier and what is it going to change? Robin and Roland are already living here and you're having a baby. It will just be an occasion to party and to have lots of food. Imagine how glad Emma and Grandma will be about that."

Regina had blanched a little at the thought of having to announce the news to the rest of the family. "We don't really have to tell them, do we? We could do this quietly, just the four and a half of us?"

Three matching eyes rolling and heads shaking had been her answer and she had sighed deeply.

What had she just signed up for?