The Sea and the Sky

Well these past few weeks have been, eventful, to say the least. Not personally, I'm referring to the issues that are affecting North America in general. But that's not what we're here for, my role is to entertain and bring a smile to your face. So read this lovely chapter and forget about it all if even for a little, it's important to keep

Greninja didn't like many of the smashers for mostly the same reasons. Most of the deranged tenants of the mansion had assaulted him, detonated explosions that landed him in the infirmary, caused him to set half of the mansion ablaze then claiming, 'it's just a prank bro', and other countless bizarre occurrences that had led him either hurt, in trouble, or both. Because of that Greninja stopped interacting with the people who had done him wrong so that he wouldn't have to suffer through any of that again. His philosophy made him quite unpopular with most of the other smashers considering that almost everyone in the mansion had done something to destroy the building, so his friend pool was very limited.

The last time that Master Hand made everyone be in groups Greninja was thankful that he'd been paired with Charizard since he at least got along decently with the other Pokémon. However, this match up wasn't as favorable as the last one. Today the water type was paired up with Falco, his natural predator. Well technically Greninja and Falco don't live in the same universe so there was no actual way for Falco to actively hunt Greninja's species, but in most universes, realities, and worlds falcons usually preyed upon frogs. Most people would say that the fear was a bit irrational considering that Greninja and Falco were both far above nature's wishes for most animals; Greninja knew this and tried at one point to at least not avoid Falco. But then he saw him eating frog legs and Greninja decided to completely abandon that notion. If Greninja was thankful for anything though it was that Falco enjoyed being on his phone rather than talking. They'd been in the room for the majority of the day and all Falco had done was lazily browse while Greninja pretended to meditate on the opposite side of the table, secretly keeping a close eye on the avian.

"So ya gonna keep acting like you're not lookin' or should I keep pretending I don't notice?" Falco asked out of the blue. Greninja sat still, pretending that he hadn't heard Falco, how was it possible that he'd seen through his disguise, "Uh, hello? It's just you and me in this room, if you're gonna keep staring and pretending you aren't like you're some little schoolgirl at least have the balls to say you didn't."

Greninja was at a loss for words, he was completely unaware that Falco had been on to him the entire time. This wasn't a situation that was easily explained, telling someone you think they're going to eat you isn't an easy conversation. But confrontation seemed to be the only option at this point, he couldn't leave because he'd get in trouble, he couldn't jump out the window because he'd be leaving, and get in trouble and be in horrible pain. He could knock Falco out but again that would give Falco actual incentive to go after him in the future. So Greninja took a deep breath and stared Falco in the eyes, the avian lazily lifted an eyebrow in response.

"Gre, ninja." The water type said cautiously.

"Oh yeah, you can't speak English like most of us." Falco remembered. Greninja mentally yelled in joy, he avoided having to deal with the situation, "Hold on, Samus showed me this new app that just came out, it's supposed to be the best translator in the galaxy or some shit like that."

Falco placed his phone on the table and slide it to the middle, the avian then looked at Greninja with an expectant stare. Greninja adjusted his tongue and gulped, if this app worked then he'd have no choice than to speak with Falco.

"Gre," the pokemon muttered nervously. The app picked up on Greninja's voice and began processing. "Well . . ." the app said.

"Lame, can you actually say something this time?" Falco demanded. Greninja swallowed in nervousness and took a deep breath. If something was going to happen he might as well get it over with now.

"Gre, Greninja, Gre." The app processed the pokemon's voice and said, "Falco? More like a lame ass bird if you ask me." Greninja's mouth dropped to the gound in sheer horror, he didn't say any of that but of course Falco wasn't going to know that.

"What, in the hell, did you just say to me?" Falco asked slowly, piercing his cold-blooded eyes down Greninja's soul. The pokemon raised his arms in defense and shook his head as quickly as he could.

"Grenin! Greninja!" he cried out. "I am going to say that I didn't say that and blame the app like a little bitch." Falco grabbed his phone then threw the table against the wall. Falco them stomped towards Greninja and shoved the phone in the frog's face.

"Look, you've never given me any trouble before so I'm willing to think about forgiving ya. But you better apologize or tell me this is a joke, because if not I'm going to shove my boot so far up you that Dr. Mario is going to need to preform surgery to remove it." Falco threatened. Greninja needed to think fast, the app was obviously going to spit out another vulgar lie and make the situation worse, but the pokemon's lack of communication prevented him from fixing the situation.

"Speak." Falco demanded. Greninja shook his head and abruptly pushed Falco away, this caught Falco off balance and the avian tripped over one of the chairs and painfully slammed against the ground. Falco didn't skip a heartbeart, within a second he flipped himself to a stand, swiftly pulled out his pistol and aimed a Greninja who was forming a large water shuriken. Falco began unloading his blaster, Greninja jumped out of the way and unto the table. Falco jumped and tried to roundhouse the frog dodged once again. Falco leapt off one of the chairs and fired another volley of shots to Greninja in midair. The Pokemon rolled out of the way and summoned a storm of water shurikens that Falco only barely managed to avoid.

"Greninja, gre, gre nin!" Greninja pointed to the shurikens buried into the wall, the app picked up on that and translated "I didn't know you were a cat, oh wait sorry, I just con confused since you're such a pus-" Falco shut his phone off in frustration but instead of trying to keep the fight going he grabbed one of the fallen chairs and sat down.

"If you didn't like me you could've just said so instead of being a dick about it, I would've left you alone." Falco muttered. Greninja blinked, slightly shocked by the turn of events, he shook his head and pointed to the shurikens. The avian turned around and saw that the shurikens that Greninja spelled 'The app is lying I didn't say any of those things'. Falco scoffed and checked his phone, he was about to say that Greninja was full of shit but stopped when he noticed what was on the app.

"Well I guess I owe ya an apology, I had the app set to Gyrados instead of Greninja, my bad." Falco put the app into the correct species, "Okay, how about you say baked potatoes."

"I don't like baked potatoes." The app translated after Greninja had spoken. Falco smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

"Looks like the app is working now. Though your opinion sucks." Falco said jokingly. Greninja smiled but before he could say anything the door flew off its hinges and Crazy appeared through the door, startling both of the smashers.


Crazy spread into an open palm and slammed against Greninja, pinning him against the wall. Then just as abruptly backed out of the room dragging a screaming Greninja, leaving Falco with a very appropriate dumbfounded face.


Greninja was seated at a school desk in Crazy's office, something Greninja still didn't understand how or why Crazy was allowed to have in the first place. Greninja forcefully had to listened to Crazy as he was explaining why bagels were the key to both world hunger and alternative energy sources, though after all the mindless babble Greninja started getting worried because he was starting to agree with some of Crazy's points. But before Greninja could question if he was going insane the pokemon heard a light tapping on the window, he turned and saw Falco waving behind the glass. The bird opened the window and quietly snuck in and put a bagel on the desk and beckoned for Greninja to follow him. When they both made it out of the room and closed the window Crazy turned when he noticed some noise and in shock dropped the broom he was using as a pointer and slowly floated to the bagel.

"GRENINJA?! YOU TURNED INTO A BAGEL TO SAVE THE WORLD!" Crazy was so moved that he shakily picked up the bagel and in a tearful voice yelled into the heavens, "YOUR SACRIFICE WILL NOT BE IN VAIN!" and with that he burst through the wall inches away from the two smashers and flew off into the distance.

"Well that solves that problem." Falco chuckled. Greninja took Falco's phone, opened the translator app and asked him why'd he save him, "Well it's technically my fault that you got in trouble in the first place, plus you were cool about it all so I thought I'd help you out." Greninja thanked him but Falco laughed and brushed it off.

"You wanna go get somethin' to eat, how about some fish?" Falco offered, he pulled out his keys and his arwing crashed from the sky next to them. "Let's go."

Falco jumped on the arwing and motioned excitedly for Greninja to follow him. Greninja frowned and thought of the situation, he was already in trouble because of Crazy and fleeing the mansion would make his situation even worse. But then again the other smashers were probably doing so much worse than having slightly damaged a wall, and worse case scenario if Master Hand confronted him he could just say he was keeping an eye on Falco. Plus, fish sounding really good right now. Greninja jumped up, landed in the seat behind Falco and buckled up. Falco pulled down the hatch and they rose into the sky and blasted off.

For the one percent of you that care about this young author's life I start college in nine days exactly, I'm a big boy. Other than that I hope you all have a wonderful day.