Author's Note from Dolphinslpash12: Hello! So, this is a collaborative story that I am writing with my friend and honorary sister Turtlefarts27. We were talking the other day about writing a fanfiction together, we both love How to Train Your Dragon, and thus this story was created. Hope you all like it!

Author's Note from Turtlefarts27: Hellos! So, I wrote a story with one of my best friends, Dolphinsplash12, and we would like to share it with you! So, this is a story about Dolphinsplash12 and myself going through the How to Train your Dragon movie, as we try to keep the movie on track and make friends with all the characters. Or enemies. Not positive which, yet. Dolphinsplash12 is referred to as "Satina" and "Shaina" throughout the story. I am referred to as "Lauren" and "Laurel" in the story. These aren't our real names, they're changed because of obvious internet safety reasons.

Lauren's POV

I chase after Shaina in the forest while she screams, "Can't catch me!" She continues to run with me chasing her, until she stops dead in the middle of the path. I run up faster and tag her. "You're it!" I say. She doesn't respond. "Shaina? Yoo hoo? Anybody home?" I wave my hand in front of her face and finally realize what she's looking at. An enormous boulder, with a circular dragon carved in it. Like from the movie ,How to Train Your Dragon. There's a dragon carved into a rock in the middle of a forest, where no one would find it. Gee, I wonder how that happened. "Nice one, Shaina. Real mature, still playing practical jokes at the age of 16. Real mature." I laugh.

"I didn't do this."

"Sure, and I'm a fairy princess. How did you manage to do it? What did you use, a hammer and chisel?"

"I told you, I didn't do this." She walks up to the boulder and examines the carvings closely.

"It's pretty old, not a practical joke. See the edges, they're really weathered. They aren't sharp anymore."

I have an "aha" moment of realization. This is real and genuine and real. Oops, I already said real. So, why don't we touch it? I walk over to the rock and attempt to touch it. I get a slap.

"Don't touch it!" she slaps my hand away from the thing, "You don't know if it's magical or not."

"I thought I was the superstitious one! Besides, why would it be magical?"

"Because it looks like it is! So, if you're going to touch it, poke it with a stick. A very long stick."

I find a stick. "I FOUND A STICK!"

"GREAT! NOW POKE THE ROCK!" I get ready to poke it.

"Here goes nothing." I poke it. Nothing happens. The forest is still a forest. The boulder still has the carving. I'm still alive.

"Well, I wonder if it's magical!" I say sarcastically and turn to see Shaina. She's wearing some ridiculous fur coat and really large boots.

"And I thought the stone was impressive. I had no idea you'd take it this far!" I say, though I am a bit concerned when I look down and find that I too, am wearing a thick and equally as ridiculous outfit.

"I didn't do this! How many times do I have to tell you? I'll get you!" She proceeds to run after me.

AHHH!" I proceed to run away from her. I don't want to be tackled.

Shaina's POV

I chase Lauren back through the forest, tripping over at least two or three tree roots as I go. Of course, my new, comically large boots make it a bit more difficult to run too. I told her not to touch the rock! I catch up to her after another few tree roots, but we both freeze as we see something large and black falling from the sky.

"That's one heck of a crow." Lauren says.

"I told you not to touch the rock." She sticks her tongue out at me but then looks back over in the direction of where the thing went down.

"Should we go check it out?"

"I think we have to."

Neither of us can pass up the opportunity for such an adventure. We begin walking over, and hear a great roar coming from the direction of the 'crow.' We look at each other but since we both have a tendency for forgetting to use common sense, we continue to head towards it.

We come across a small clearing in the forest and find the source of the roaring. It's not a crow, no, definitely not a crow. It's not a bear either. Standing in front of us is an angry, midnight-black dragon. A Nightfury, to be specific. It's caught up in a net; its tail is torn and bleeding.

Toto, I get the feeling we aren't in Kansas anymore.

"I told you not to touch it," I whisper.