Author's Note: I know I say it all the time, but you guys are the best. Thanks for being the amazing readers you are. I hope you've enjoyed this story! It was a fun one for me to write. :)

About half an hour into the movie, Neal began to squirm in Charming's arms. Snow knew in an instant that their baby boy was finally getting hungry. The only problem was, their baby girl was still cuddled up with her mother. Snow was loath to get up because snuggle time with Emma was an opportunity she was more than likely never going to get again but she knew she had to move.

Charming glanced over at them, his eyes sparkling with love and tenderness at the sight of his daughter resting against his wife. Her eyes must have been closed because Charming met Snow's gaze and mouthed, Is she asleep?

Snow smiled and gave a slight shake of her head before steeling herself for what she had to do next. She'd waited so long for Emma to allow her in like this that it was a damn shame to have to break up the moment. "Emma, sweetie," she murmured, gently shaking her daughter's knee.

Emma lifted her head and blinked somewhat dazedly at her mother.

Snow smiled apologetically and brushed her fingers across her poor sick baby girl's forehead. "Your brother's hungry."

"Oh," Emma said as she sat up straight. She squinted, telling Snow that her headache had exploded again with the position change. Snow's heart ached; having to take care of one baby had caused the other pain.

Of course, she could always count on her white knight of a husband to swoop in for the rescue. As soon as Snow slipped the baby from his arms, Charming shifted closer to Emma and slung an arm around her shoulders. A little smile of relief curled on Emma's lips as she leaned into his side and rested her head on his shoulder.

The sheer amount of adoration and joy on Charming's face at holding his daughter was nothing short of magic. Snow winked at him over Emma's head, and he grinned back. Then, secure in the knowledge that their grownup baby's needs were being tended to by her father, Snow slipped into her room to tend to their baby boy's needs.

She changed him first, getting him into his PJs despite the early hour. It was her hope that she'd be able to put him down early tonight, seeing as he seemed to be breathing a lot easier. Emma would be able to take the humidifier guilt-free tonight, if this kept up. "Are you feeling better, Neal?" she murmured, smiling as he waved his little hands in the air while she changed him.

He seemed to be feeling much better, if the clarity in his eyes and the sound of his breathing were anything to go by. He seemed to have a bit more energy, too; she could tell he was tired but he wasn't fussing and squirming the way he had been the past couple of days. He seemed … comfortable.

Which was an enormous relief.

After she got Neal all comfy and cozy in his pajamas, Snow took him over to her bed to nurse.

Her boy was hungry, which thrilled Snow. His appetite had clearly bounced back and without the congestion in the way, he was able to drink every drop he could fit in his little stomach.

By the time Neal was full and had dozed off in her arms, almost an hour had passed. She gently set him in his crib, caressing his little forehead and whispering, "Sleep tight, baby boy." Then she turned on the baby monitor, picked up the hand unit, and crept back out to the living room.

Henry and Hook were enthralled by Back to the Future II – which struck Snow as amusing because Henry had already seen this movie a few times – but Charming was enthralled with their baby girl, who was still curled into his side with her head on his shoulder. Her eyes were closed, more than likely equal parts exhaustion and a meager attempt to curb her headache .

Though she would never admit it, the sinus infection was taking a lot out of her.

Snow smiled and approached the sofa. As she passed her husband, she leaned down and murmured softly enough that only he could hear, "We should give her a steam treatment when she's a little more awake."

"After dinner," Charming whispered back in agreement.

With a soft smile, Snow eased down on the sofa. The added weight startled Emma, who lifted her head and gave her mother a somewhat bleary smile. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" she asked.

"All right," Emma shrugged. "Still wish I could detach my head, but what can you do?"

Her parents both smiled comfortingly at her, and then they settled in to watch the rest of the movie.

It had been a while since Snow had seen it, so long that she'd forgotten it ended on a cliffhanger. When the credits began to roll, Hook, who'd apparently never experienced a cliffhanger before, cried, "Oi!" He turned to Emma, a scandalized look on his face. "The story ends without a resolution?"

"There's a third movie," Emma reminded him. "We can watch it after dinner, if you're that intrigued."

From Hook's audible breath of relief and the way the tension in his shoulders relaxed at the assurance that the story had a proper ending, Snow gathered that they were indeed going to be watching the third one after dinner.

Which reminded her: "What are we going to do for dinner?"

"Killian and I talked about this when we went to get lunch," Henry spoke up. "We're going to make spaghetti and throw together a salad."

Emma, of course, objected. "Kid–"

"Mom, it's like, the easiest dinner in the history of dinners," Henry insisted. "We can boil some pasta and heat a jar of sauce through. And a salad is literally throwing vegetables in a bowl. We can handle it."

Emma flicked her eyes to her pirate but if she was expecting him to help her out, she was sorely mistaken. "It'll be fine, love. You sit and relax with your parents and let the lad and me prepare dinner."

Then, before anyone else could object, the two of them stood and headed to the kitchen to get the meal going. Snow and Charming exchanged a surprised and touched smile. Emma rolled her eyes.

Snow had to hand it to them; a twelve-year-old boy and a centuries-old pirate were indeed able to put together a decent spaghetti dinner.

Who would have thought?

Among the five of them, they managed to eat everything Henry and Hook had prepared, up to and including the slices of Italian bread Henry had set on the table, along with a stick of butter, as an afterthought. Snow noted with relief that Emma had eaten everything on her plate and that Charming had had two helpings. She'd been able to taste enough of her own dinner to go in for seconds as well, proof positive that all their appetites were returning.

"You guys did good," Emma spoke up as she set her fork down.

Henry and Hook shared a smirk over Emma's head, both of them knowing that was the closest they were going to get to an apology for doubting their culinary abilities.

"You absolutely did," Snow agreed, giving both her grandson and the pirate a kind smile. "Thank you very much for all your hard work today."

"You're very welcome, milady," Hook said, giving her a reverent nod. Then he and Henry stood and began clearing the table.

Emma wrapped her hands around her dish to clear her place only to have Henry swoop in and take the plate, her empty glass, and her utensils away from her. Undeterred, she tried to clear Snow's place only for Hook to take that plate from her with a teasing smirk.

She huffed, and Snow and Charming swallowed chuckles. "Come on, Emma," Snow said as Hook started on the dishes while Henry finished clearing the table. "Let's go back to the couch."

"No," her stubborn daughter said as she turned to head towards the stairs. "I'm going to get the movie first."

Charming and Snow smirked at each other. No matter how much she didn't want to admit it, their baby girl was feeling miserable, as evidenced by the return of the Princess of Crankiness. Deciding they could let her have the tiny amount of independence to get the movie from upstairs, they left the kitchen to get themselves situated.

As Snow tiptoed into her bedroom to check on Neal, Charming ducked into the bathroom to retrieve more cold medicine for everyone who needed it. A moment later, she heard the shower turn on as Charming set about preparing the bathroom for their daughter's steam treatment.

Neal had awoken and was lying contentedly in the crib. Snow scooped him up, murmuring soft comforts, and carried him out of the bedroom. Charming met her at the sofa, slipping Neal from her arms long enough for her to take the proffered medicine. "Thank you," she said as he handed the baby back to her.

"You're welcome," he replied, smiling.

Emma returned a moment later, and Charming waylaid her before she could get far enough away from the bathroom to avoid the steam treatment. "You're coming with me," he said as he slipped the DVD from her hand, set it on the counter, and tugged her towards the bathroom to sit for a few minutes in the swirling steam.

She sighed but she didn't argue. Snow assumed she simply didn't have the energy to do so.

With nothing to do but await her family's return, Snow got settled on the couch with her baby boy. For a long moment, the only sounds were the clinking of the dishes and utensils as the boys put everything away and the shower running in the bathroom.

Then the water turned off and Henry closed the cabinet after tucking the last glass back where it belonged. Within a minute, Charming and Emma emerged from the bathroom and Henry and Hook headed out of the kitchen.

"How are you feeling, love?" Hook asked, giving Emma a tender smile.

"Better," she replied.

She sounded better, for now, anyway. The steam treatment worked wonders but it wasn't a permanent solution. Still, if it made Snow's baby girl feel better for even a little bit of time, it was well worth it.

By silent agreement, everyone assumed their previous positions. Emma squeezed in between Snow and Charming on the sofa. Hook and Henry slipped the DVD into the player – Hook didn't understand how the little box made the moving pictures appear and watched Henry insert the disc in an effort to figure it out – and the two of them reclaimed their seats on the floor.

As the movie began, Snow settled in comfortably with one baby in her arms and the other baby once again cuddling into her side. "Are you ready for the third and final adventure with Marty McFly and Doc Brown?" Emma asked, nudging Hook with her toes.

"Aye, love. I'm intrigued and very interested in how the story ends."

Hook and Henry became enthralled almost immediately. Snow, on the other hand, kept one eye on the movie and one eye on her sick family members. The steam treatment must have sapped both her husband's and her daughter's already tenuous energy reserve because within a few minutes, both of them were fighting sleep.

Wholly unconsciously, Emma shifted to rest her head on her father's shoulder and finally let her eyes close. The closeness with his baby girl must have been what Charming was unconsciously waiting for, because he rested his cheek against the top of Emma's head and drifted off to sleep himself.

Henry turned to say something but the words died in his throat when he spotted his mother and grandfather. He grinned and nudged Killian, who started upon being torn from the movie. "What is it, lad?" he asked.

Smiling, Henry put his finger to his lips and pointed up to Charming and Emma. Hook smiled as well before standing and spreading a blanket across Charming's, Emma's, and Snow's laps.

Snow smiled a thank you up at Hook and, with happiness for her daughter filling her heart, watched him brush his fingers across her forehead, a gesture that was equal parts checking for her fever and offering her silent comfort. Then he once again settled on the floor with Henry.

Snow glanced down at the content little baby in her arms and then over at her husband and daughter, cuddled up together in sleep. And it struck her that this right here, sitting here with her family surrounding her – unconventional though her family may be and despite the miserable cold they shared – was absolute perfection.