Song Challenge #2

A/N: Don't own, so don't sue.

1) Don't Stay- Linkin Park

"It's over, Francis!" screamed Arthur as he threw a few of Francis' belongings at the Frenchman. Francis looked at his boyfriend questioningly.

"What is wrong with you, Arthur?"

"I told you, Frog! It is over between us!" screamed the Englishman again, "I am not dealing with all your cheating!"

"Cheating?" asked Francis. Arthur threw a book at Francis, which hit him in the midsection and knocked the air out of him.

"You know what I am talking about, you arse! I caught you with the bitch last night when I was out with Matthew and Alfred! She was all over you and you were all over her! Don't you think that is considered cheating?"

Francis stared at his partner for some time before he closed his eyes. The Frenchman sighed heavily and nodded.

"I am sorry I hurt you, Arthur," whispered Francis, "I did not mean to do it. It just happened. We were both lonely."

Arthur walked to Francis, looking at him face to face. The Englishman balled up his fists in anger.

"All you have to say is sorry?" hissed Arthur, "All you have to say is bloody fucking sorry? I get a better response from Alfred than that, you bloody git!"

Arthur then punched Francis hard, knocking the Frenchman back slightly. Francis brought it hand up to his face. Feeling something warm coming out of his mouth, he pulled it back and looked at it. His hand was covered with blood.

"After all I have done for you, you arse, this is how you pay me back?" continued Arthur. Francis noticed the change in Arthur's tone. Instead of anger, it was sadness.

"I trusted you, Francis, and this is how you pay me back," said Arthur, "I go out one evening with Matthew and Alfred and I find you with some French whore!

"Arthur, listen to me! I am sorry that you had to see that! Please forgive me!"

Arthur glared at Francis.

"I am tired of forgive you for shit, Francis! I am sick and tired of it all. Just do me a favor and leave! I never want to see you again!"

"But, Arthur…"

"Leave, dammit! I want you out of my life forever!"

It was no use. Francis looked at Arthur one more time before he turned and walked out of the door. When the door closed behind Francis, Arthur stood silent for several minutes before he collapsed to the floor, in tears.

2) Tonight In Flames- Cradle of Filth

Feliciano ran as quickly as his legs could take him.

This cannot be happening, the young Italian thought, there was no way that this could be happening to me…

First his brother, then Ludwig…now it was him…

Feliciano continued to run, until he tripped. He fell flat onto the cold and damp concrete. The young Italian rolled over onto his back, only to feel a sharp pain penetrate his left shoulder. He screamed shrilly. Feliciano saw that a sword had pierced him, most likely to keep him in place. He looked up to find none other that Ivan looking down at him, smirking ever so slightly.

"You did not get far, Italia, da?" spoke the Russian man in a darkened tone, "Are you afraid of dying?"

Feliciano could feel the tears well up in his eyes.

Yes, he was afraid of dying, but if it brought him back together with Lovino and Ludwig, then he was happy with it.

Ivan removed the sword swiftly from the Italian's shoulder, bringing it to Feliciano's throat, the blade resting just ever so slightly above the Adam's Apple.

"Any last words before you meet the Maker, da?"

Feliciano closed his eyes, reciting a small prayer, hoping that he could be reunited with the one he loved. Before the Italian could reply, he gasped. He slowly brought his hand up to his throat. He was bleeding and could not utter a word.

It had been said that Russia was the dirtiest when it came to torturing his victims. Now Feliciano had seen that first hand, he believed every word of it.

Ivan smirked once more.

"May you finally see your loved ones on the other side, Italia," replied Ivan solemnly before he pierced Feliciano through the heart.

3) So I Need You- 3 Doors Down

"Elizabeta, dammit! Come to the fucking window already!"

Elizabeta cringed at the sound of the voice. She knew exactly who it was, having trying to ignore him for the last few days. The voice continued to yell for her for several minutes before the young brunette woman sighed and got up from her bed. Elizabeta walked over to the window and opened it. She stuck her head out and found none other than Gilbert standing in the yard, waving a white flag on a stick.

"About time, woman! I was about ready to throw a rock through the window!" grinned the white headed young man, throwing aside the makeshift flag.

"What do you want, loser?" asked Elizabeta, "Can you not see that I am busy?"

"Busy doing what? Not being as awesome as me?"

Elizabeta sighed once more. Gilbert had a major ego. She had to give him that one.

"You are an asshole, Gilbert. I do not want to speak to assholes, and that includes you!" replied the young woman.

"I am not as much an asshole as that ex of yours! Now he was an ass for dumping you the way he did! I would have at least done that in private!"

Elizabeta looked at Gilbert.


"I heard what happened and I just came back from 'talking' to him about leaving such a wonderful girl. He will be tasting his own teeth for at least a week! I just thought that you wanted to know about it!"

Elizabeta looked at Gilbert in disbelief. The arrogant ass that she could not stand was standing up for her?

"Why are you doing this, Gilbert, especially after all I have done to you in the past?" Elizabeta asked. Gilbert just shrugged.

"I dunno," he replied, "I guess it is because I really like you."