Hello all my lovely readers! For some strange reason, I started shipping Kailena (Kai and Elena). So I felt like writing a Kailena story.

Sorry I haven't update Breathtakingly Beautiful. I'm working on it though!

Disclaimer: Sadly, TVD doesn't belong to me

Elena's POV

"Damon will kill you." I told Kai.

"I have a feeling he will, but for all the wrong reasons." He replied.

"Loving me is a wrong reason?" I questioned.

"He doesn't love you anymore." Kai stated. "He's inlove with Bonnie. Trust me. He just thinks he loves you. And you erased your memories of loving him. Why don't you both just move on?"

Damon's inlove with Bonnie? That is the craziest thing I've ever heard of. They hate each other.

"Sorry that I don't trust a person who killed his siblings without any remorse." I spat.

"Did you know that Damon killed a pregnant woman?" Kai asked.

"What?" I replied.

"On May 10th, 1994 Damon returned to Mystic Falls. He was mad at Stefan and killed everyone. But he killed the pregnant woman infront of Stefan and their uncle, nephew Zack." Kai explained.

"How do you know this?" I asked him.

"I made him tell Bonnie and me. She thought there was still hope for him even after she heard the story." Kai answered.

"I knew he was a monster." I muttered.

I can't believe Damon killed a pregnant woman. Why would he do that?

"Kai." Kai and I looked up and saw Damon.

"Hey Damon! I was just telling-" Kai stopped talking and fell to his knees clutching his head. "What... are... you... doing?"

"Giving you an aneurysm." And Bonnie was standing right next to Damon.

Something in my heart was pushing me to save him. I don't know what it was but I couldn't let him die. For some reason, I just couldn't let Bonnie kill him.

I got out of my chair, flashed over, and grabbed Bonnie.

"Elena! What are you doing?" Damon demanded.

"Stop trying to kill Kai or I'll kill Bonnie." I threatened.

Bonnie dropped the aneurysm. I let her go and she was in Damon's arms in seconds. He kept telling her she was okay and nothing would hurt her. Then Damon flashed out with Bonnie in his arms.

Kai was right.

"Thanks." I turned back towards Kai with a look of disbelief on my face. "I'm serious Elena, thank you."

"Your welcome." I replied.

"Why did you save me?" He asked.

"For some reason, I couldn't let you die." I replied. "And, if Bonnie thinks someone who killed a pregnant woman can have hope, then I think you have hope for you too."

He smiled and then before I could register it, Kai kissed me.

In movies they say if you feel fireworks, he's the one. I guess I found the one if that's true.

"Sorry." He apologized when he pulled away. I smiled lightly and kissed him again. Who cares?

I don't know about this one-shot much.

Hopefully you all liked it!

Till next time!