Twilight is the property of Stephenie Meyer. I just like to play with the characters, with the support of my patient beta, EdwardsMate4Ever.

Chapter11 – Draft Notice

A tree had fallen and crushed Henry Carver. It was the second fatality in six months. The City of Forks had erected a monument, showing the names of men killed while working in the timber industry.* There were a lot of blank spaces left on the stone, and she worried that Japer name might be added.

Would he be better off in Texas?

Finally, graduation day came. The senior class assembled in the gym on a beautiful evening in June, listening to Mike Newton give the Commencement Address. Back in May, Bella had sat with Jessica and Mike in the library while Jessica wrote it for him, just as she had helped him with many of his English papers.

"How's that work when he goes to college?" Bella asked Jessica one day.

"It'll be fine. We're going to live in married student housing, and I'll work on the papers at night. We're a couple," she replied.

"What about you? Don't you want to go to college?" Bella had asked.

"He's going to go, which is what matters. And I took a typing class, so I can bring in some income, typing papers for the other students. Besides, soon I'll have a baby to look after," Jessica had replied, with stars in her eyes.

Bella wished she could share Jessica's enthusiasm for married life. She wanted to be with Jasper but didn't want to end up unhappy like Renee. She was definitely going to get a college degree.

At commencement, though they stood in line alphabetically, the class was so small that the S's and W's weren't far apart. Bella felt as if she could feel Jasper's eyes on her. A few times she broke decorum to turn and look at him and saw he was smiling, the smile he only had for her.

She looked out into the audience and saw Jeb sitting with Charlie and Renee in the fifth row. His mother hadn't been able to come, as his sister had just had her first baby. Would the ceremony ever end? Bella shifted, the heels of her shoes rubbing her ankles. Why hadn't she taken the time to break in these new shoes? Finally, both Jasper and Bella had their diplomas in hand. After accepting the congratulations from their families, Bella and Jasper started to leave, hand-in-hand.

"Just a moment," Jeb called after them. "One last thing."

Charlie and Jeb took them to a blue pickup in the parking lot. Jeb handed Jasper the keys.

"Just a little something from your mother and me. She's sorry she couldn't come, but we're both proud of you for graduating," he told Jasper.

Jasper shook hands with his uncle then walked around the pickup, his eyes shining. He ran his hand along the back of the pickup bed, came to the passenger side and unlocked the door. He held it open for Bella.

"Care to come along for the inaugural ride?" he asked with a courtly bow.

She giggled and replied, "Charmed," as she climbed in and smoothed down her skirt.

He went to the driver side, got in and started the motor. Jeb leaned in the window.

"Got it off Brian," he said. "You remember Brian Winmore?"

Jasper nodded.

"I'd had my eye on it for a while. I knew he didn't want to drive it back to Oklahoma. I did a little work on it, but we may want to do some more."

Jasper patted the wheel. "Engine sounds great," he told his uncle. "I don't remember him having any trouble with it."

He pulled out of the parking lot and Bella saw a few of the guys watching enviously. She waved to a few people as they went down Forks Avenue. They didn't go anywhere in particular, just circled the city for an hour before he dropped her off at home.

For the rest of the summer, Jasper worked six days a week. Mr. White wanted him to be familiar with all aspects of the job, so in addition to spending time with the accountant, he worked with the axes and the loaders. He spent time with the drivers who moved the lumber on the roads as well as accompanying Mr. White as he dealt the railroad people at the train spurs that crisscrossed Forks.

"I've never quite gotten used to all these train tracks all over town," Jasper told Bella one day after they crossed one.

"I grew up with them, so I don't really notice them," she replied.

They spent early evenings together, sometimes just thirty minutes. He often dozed off from exhaustion on the sofa with his arm around her, watching one of their programs on TV. From their seats across the room, Bella could see that Charlie always noticed and Renee just smiled.

The couple didn't always need to talk when they were together. Sometimes when they sat on the porch swing, they listened to the baseball games on the radio, and other times they listened to music, holding hands. They listened to a little of everything on the radio. Some Beatles, some Rolling Stones. Bella loved the Supremes and Jasper liked the country songs that reminded him of Texas.

Meanwhile, Renee was getting the fashion "rags," as Charlie called them, in the mail. She would tell them all the news that was coming out of London. Her eyes lit up as she described the latest scandals involving rock stars over dinner with Jeb and Jasper.

"She's really unhappy," commented Jasper.

"I don't see it," said Bella.

"Sorry," he said. "She loves you, but she wants to be somewhere else."

Then one evening, Jasper didn't come to the house after work. Uncle Jeb drove up in his truck around 7:00.

When Bella saw Jeb's truck but didn't see Jasper, she threw open the screen door and ran outside, Charlie following closely on her heels.

Jeb's face was grim.

"Is he alright?" she asked. "Was there an accident?"

"He's OK, and it's nothing like that," Jeb told her. "He has some news though. Better if he tells you himself."

"I'll follow you," Charlie said.

Jeb nodded, and Bella climbed into her father's cruiser. They rode in silence, Bella panicked, a thousand scenarios going through her head. The familiar trip past the edge of town and into the woods took forever.

When they arrived at the cabin, Jasper was sitting on the steps as they drove up.

Bella jumped out of the car and ran to him. Jasper didn't say anything, just held up the Induction notice.

Bella froze, taking it and holding it in her hands, unable to take in the words. She was glad when Charlie put his arm around her, holding her up as she felt the world spinning around her.

Jasper was going to Vietnam.


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