Notes: I apologize to you all but I'm also kind of not. The reason is because this is the last chapter, and the poll will be taken down at noon. Return of the Dead is so far in the lead, and if I post a different story later on, it's because it suddenly didn't win. I am so happy you guys enjoyed the story as much as I did writing it.

I hope you all enjoy the final installment of War Stories!


Chapter 47-Rock A Bye Baby

Third Person:

"I'M GONNA PEE ON ALL THE THINGS YOU EAT IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DIRTY WHORE!" Beni screamed as she squeezed Bucky's hand. He was so glad it was metal, but he was pissed at Tony for actually making smart ass comments while Beni was in the middle of giving birth. Her water had broken while they were playing video games, and they didn't have enough time to actually make it to the hospital, so Bruce was the one delivering. He was the only one who knew how. "CHRIST HOW MANY ARE THERE I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU GOT TWO OUT ALREADY?!"

"Beni," Bruce said calmly, "You have four kids."


Bucky tried not to shrink under Beni's gaze as she screamed some more, because at this point she seemed really pissed, and nothing is worse than the wraith of a nice lady giving birth to her third kid. Nice people always have a breaking point and when they snap, you better haul ass because Bucky's learned that when Beni gets really pissed you have no chance of stopping her.

Beni looked out through half-closed eyes at Bucky, who was holding two of their kids.

"Which ones..." She asked tiredly.

"Casey and Carson," Bucky said. "Tony has Christian and Thor has Carry."

"If he throws her on the ground saying 'Another' I' going to beat his ass back to Asgard," Beni said. "Give me a kid."

Bucky handed her Carson and he took Christian from Tony, who whined slightly. Steve was looking over Bucky's shoulder with a huge grin on his face. Bucky handed him Casey.

"Did I forget to mention that you're the godfather?" He said. If possible, Steve's grin widened, and Beni and Bucky started laughing.

"Carry is crying!" Thor said, worry on his face. Bruce rolled his eyes and took he child from his hands and started rocking her back and fourth. She calmed down pretty quickly and snuggled into Bruce.

Beni looked down at Carson and cooed at him, making him giggle.

"You," she said as he grabbed onto her index finger, "Are going to have all of these men wrapped around your finger until you're five," she smiled, and the baby giggled slightly. Tony practically died from cuteness overload, and no one's smile could be wiped off. Not even if the world started ending (And they were all thankful it wasn't).

"They're all my Squishies," Beni laughed.

Casey and Carry actually ended up being identical girls, as were Carson and Christian. They were six years old now, they were more than a hand full. But one time Bruce hulked out because of Tony and he actually started playing with the kids very gently. All four of them had gotten Beni's lizard powers, so that had made it even funnier. She and Bucky got it all on video.

Carson and Christian had Beni's blonde hair, and they wanted the stripes to, so Carson had blue stripes and Christian had green in his. No one minded that they got their hair dyed a the age of six. They had Bucky's eyes.

Casey and Carry had Bucky's hair and Beni's eyes. Casey was more of a tom boy and wanted her hair cut super short like a boy's, so it was done. Carry on the other hand had long, wavy hair like her father's, and was always either braiding other people's hair or getting hers braided by Beni or Thor. Sometimes even Tony.

Carson and Carry had taken to the more science side of the Tower, always going to Bruce, Beni, or Tony, while Casey and Christian were more brawn (But still pretty smart for their age), therefore they hung out with Bucky and Thor more often than not.

The years had been as quiet as they can be with four screaming kids in a house full of super heroes, but it got even more hectic whenever the doorbell rang. They loved meeting new people, whether they were muggers or politicians, it didn't matter to them. They love people, but they were also smart enough not to trust them.

"Hey, Bucky!" Beni called as she headed out of the kitchen. "Have you seen...Kids, get off the shady man with sunglasses," Beni scolded her kids, who were in lizard form and climbing all over a man in a black trench coat and sunglasses. He wasn't smiling. And apparently neither were the others. Beni grew worried for a sec.

"Kids, front and center!" She ordered. they instantly jumped of and saluted in front of Beni. Beni nodded and they relaxed, but stayed next to Beni.

"Who are you?" she asked, moving in front of her kids slightly.

"Name is Nick Fury," he said. He took off his sunglasses and put on an eye patch.

"What do you want, Nick?" Tony asked. Bucky walked to stand next to Beni, and it was obvious to Beni that he was tense.

"You know him?" She whispered.

"Yeah," he said sheepishly. "Uh, he's one I tried to kill while I was...You know...I don't think he's going to be the very forgiving type."

"I'm here," Nick interrupted, "Because I wanted to see how Beni was doing after living with you lot for a while. Barnes," Fury said.

"Fury. I'm relieved to see you're not dead," Bucky replied, loosening up a bit.

"So he's a friend or sorts?" Beni asked, completely ignoring the fact that Fury knew her name. Steve shrugged, Tony rolled his eyes, Thor was grinning, and Bruce was pretty passive. Beni grinned and chuckled.

Bucky, noticing this, looked Fury dead in the eye and mouthed, 'Run.' Fury didn't run. He only cocked his head to the side ever so slightly.

"Hug," Beni said. Her quadruplets sprinted towards Fury and tackled him, hanging off of him in random places. Fury nearly fell to the floor, but Beni did fall to the floor. She was laughing that hard, and that made the others laugh as well. Fury kept a straight face, even as Casey bit his shoulder.

"Casey, no biting," Bucky said, putting his hands on his hips.

"Your kids are charming," Fury said, voice level. He pried Carry off of his arm and took Christian off his back, and by the time he got Casey off, Beni was finally pulling herself together.

"Oh, I'm gonna hang this over your head for the rest of your life," she said, wiping away a tear.

"As long as I'm not a victim of your pranks I'm perfectly okay with that," Fury replied curtly. Beni chucked slightly.

"It's a deal."

Beni sprinted down the halls of her kid's school with Bucky right at her heels. She had Thorin around her arm, and they were late for Career Day.

"Is this the right classroom?" She asked Bucky. He nodded and she knocked on the door, holding Thorin behind her back the best she could.

"Uh...Hi," Bucky said, waving slightly with his metal hand. "We're here for career day," he explained awkwardly. There was a hiss from behind Beni, and the teacher raised an eyebrow but nonetheless let them in. Beni's and Bucky's quads instantly brightened up at the sight of them.

"Class, this is Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, parents to the quad. Please be quiet and respectful while they talk. There will be questions after," the teacher said, taking her seat. Beni nodded her thanks and Bucky cleared his throat.

"We don't have official jobs," Beni said, "But I used to be a herpetologist."

"What's that?" a kid asked. Beni grinned.

"I study snakes," Beni brought Thorin out from behind her back, and the kids instantly perked up.

"And I used to be in the military before becoming an assassin, but now I'm an ex-assassin, so there's no need to worry. Beni was in the military, too," Bucky said.

"Yeah," Beni took over. "And now we live in Avengers Tower. Can you guys which super hero I am?"

"Are you that spider girl?" one boy asked. The quad started laughing, an Bucky chuckled slightly.

"No. I'm the lizard one. Wanna see another cool thing?"

The kids all nodded, and Beni pushed up her pants leg and Bucky's sleeve to show off their metal limbs. The kids cheered, and Bucky's and Beni's kids were grinning with pride.

"We'll be taking our leave, now," Bucky said.

"Nice seeing ya, kids!"

They left the classroom, with almost everybody completely speechless.

On the quad's sixteenth birthday, there was a lot of discussion for the future. They already had steady jobs, and Christian and Carry were applying for an internship at Google once they got into college. And Beni made sure that they were going to go to college. Casey was actually trying to become a musician, and she was really good at it, too. She had Tony's taste in music, as well as Steve's and Beni's. Christian wanted to become a choreographer for the famous people, and he was a pretty kick ass dancer already. He could be teaching them now if he really felt like it.

But, like their mother, they had smart mouths, and those smart mouths shut down the conversation and started having a food fight with the birthday cake that was split into teams. Casey, Christian, Thor, Tony, and Clint, and Bucky on one side with Beni, Steve, Bruce, Carson, Carry, and Sam on the other. Tables were flipped and cake was flying everywhere. It was going to be one hell of a mess to pick up later.

But then someone made the fatal mistake of opening the door just as Sam threw some cake. It sailed over Clint's head and hit whoever just came in in the face. Everything seemed to slow down as they all got on one side of the room behind the tables on Beni's side. Once she saw who it was, she couldn't stop laughing. Steve just rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, Fury. Does it taste good, though?"

"I hate you all."

Beni tried to hold back tears as her kids glided off the roof of the Avengers tower. They were on their way to college, now, and she wouldn't be seeing her kids for a very long time, as the colleges were really far away from home. Beni sniffled and leaned into Bucky. They decided to do a proper goodbye.

"Hey, Buck?" Beni said as a single tear tailed down her face.

"Hmm," he replied squeezing Beni a little tighter.

"They might have given us a hell of a lot of gray hair, but we did good raising them. Don't you agree?"

Bucky smiled and kissed the top of Beni's forehead.


"All my little Squishies going away..."

"And they have your smart mouth, so they'll be perfectly fine."

Beni sighed, and chuckled slightly.

"Yeah. Yeah they will."

For them, life was perfect.