Twilight Sparkle was on the balcony of the library, looking at the stars through her telescope. "Such a beautiful night." She said to herself. She moved her telescope and was soon staring at Luna face. She jumped back as she screamed.
"Luna, don't do that. You startled me." She said as she struggled to recover.
"Sorry my dear, you just looked so lovely looking through your telescope." Luna said as she rested her head on the telescope.
"So, what are we doing tonight?" Twilight asked as she approached the princess.
"I was thinking a lovely midnight picnic under the stars, away from it all." Luna said.
"That sounds great. Want to come help me pack the basket?" Twilight asked.
Luna nodded her head as she followed the purple mare inside.
Twilight pulled out ingredients from her fridge. She set them at the table. Luna sat down at the table and grabbed a slice of bread. She started to spread honey on the slice. Twilight grabbed a thermos and started to fill it with warm tea.
"So how was the meeting today?" Twilight asked as she tightly screwed the thermos closed.
Luna sighed, "Exhausting. I am tired of sitting in meetings that have nothing to do with me or my sister. I mean I understand we all have to have a say in business proposals. As long as none of them affect my night I can care less about what they are proposing."
"Well it is your duty as a princess. I'm just glad we are able to spend this time together. Are you sure I'm not a burden?" Twilight asked.
Luna looked over at Twilight as she added dandelions to the slice. "Of course not my love. I actually wish we could spend more time together. You haven't told anypony yet, have you?"
Twilight shook her head, "I can't, I don't know how they will take it. My friends are always wondering why I turn down every stallion that asks me out, I just tell them I'm not ready to date."
"That doesn't seem normal for a full grown mare sweetheart...wait doesn't Ms. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy love one another?" Luna asked as she finished the sandwich and wrapped it up. She grabbed some more bread slices and started to make another.
"Yes, but when they revealed their love they were judged. Not to their faces but behind their backs." Twilight said as she looked down at the table.
Luna got up and made her way to Twilight. She wrapped a hoof about her, "Don't worry my love; We will keep this love a secret until the world is a little more tolerant."
Twilight nodded as she turned her head and gave Luna a gentle kiss on the cheek. Luna blushed when Twilight kissed her. Twilight smiled as she caught Luna's blush.
"Oh look the fearless Princess of the Night is looking a little red." Twilight teased.
Luna frowned as she turned her head. She kissed Twilight square on the lips. Twilight then sported her own shade of red.
"What was that you said my dear?" Luna asked.
Twilight looked down at the table still blushing. "I think we need to finish making the picnic."
Luna was flying with Twilight on her back, looking for a good place to have their picnic. Twilight was holding the picnic basket.
"How about there?" Luna asked as she pointed to a nice high open hill; not a tree in sight. Twilight nodded her head and they landed. Luna gently set Twilight down.
Twilight opened the basket and laid the blanket down. Luna assisted by setting up the flowers and food. Twilight pulled out the thermos and s pillow.
"You did a great job tonight Luna. The stars are as beautiful as ever." Twilight said.
"I had some inspiration from the most beautiful mare in Equestria." Luna said as she flashed Twilight a smirk.
Twilight blushed as she bit into her sandwich. "Nice touch adding the honey Luna."
"Thank you, I thought you might like it." Luna said taking a sip of her tea.
Twilight looked a little down.
"What's wrong dear?" Luna asked as she picked up her sandwich.
"It just saddens me to know that we might never be accepted for loving one another." Twilight frowned.
Luna scooted closer to Twilight. She placed a hoof on top of her head and petted her mane. "Twilight[b],[/b] I have to be frank with you. One day I'm going to marry you, and when that day comes I don't care if they accept us or not. We are getting married."
Luna moved her muzzle closer to Twilight's ear, "Then you are going to bear my foal." Luna then nibbled on Twilight's ear.
Twilight blushed a deep red, "Luna we can't have children, we are both mares." She said as she closed her eyes and enjoyed Luna nibbling on her ear.
Luna whispered into her ear, "There are ways my dear."
That made Twilight blush even more, but she ended up smiling.
For the rest of the night the two joked around and talked about their day as they ate. Once they finished eating they both laid down on the pillow and gazed at the stars. Luna was explaining how she created each star herself. She also explains how much energy she has to use to raise the moon. Twilight told her of the new spells she has been practicing.
Twilight cuddled into Luna, resting her head on Luna's chest. "If this is a dream, I don't ever want to wake."
"I can promise you my dear, this is no dream. The love you and I share is real. Nothing can ever come between that." Luna said as she wrapped her hoof around Twilight holding her closer.
Twilight yawned as she slowly drifted off to sleep. Luna giggled as she hear heard Twilight snoring softly.
"Don't worry my sweet Twilight Sparkle, as long as I am around you will never be judged or ridiculed. You are mine as I am yours." Luna whispered.
She made sure that Twilight heard that in her dream. This caused Twilight to tighten her hold on Luna and smile in her sleep. Luna smiled as she laid her head on Twilight's and slowly started to fall asleep.
The two mares were soon fast asleep on their stargazing hill, away from stress, away from work, and away from everypony who could ever judge them for their love.