I'm posting two today before I start to study for my exam. I hope you all enjoy.
Day 17: Soulmate
She meant the world to him. He had many bonds with mostly everyone in the village, but none compared to what they shared. It was deep, undescribable even. He could tell that she felt the same way too.
What word could fit what their bond meant? They were far from lovers at this point in their relationship. It wasn't like the type of bond that Naruto shared with Sasuke and Sakura and that Hinata shared with Kiba and Shino. Nor was it like the bond Naruto shared with his parents and Hinata shared with her sister and late cousin.
It was different.
They were deeply in love, yes, but these feelings were deeper than love. They both shared secrets that they didn't share with anyone else. They knew each other's strengths and weaknesses, what pushed each others buttons and what made them smile the brightest.
He was postive that he was going to marry Hinata and that he would have a family with her. She wanted it just as much as him, if not more.
But what word could they but onto their devotion to one another?
Ah. There it was.
The word 'soulmate' could be defined as a person ideally suited to another. Both of the two felt that way towards each other.
If this was the case, everyone had a soulmate. It was all just a matter of time before they finally get to meet he or she.
It was a blessing that they found each other. Nobody could love them the way they loved each other. They were the perfect fit that no one else could mold into.
Soulmate was the perfect word for them.