damnFireworks - UFC 184... All Women Co Main and Main Event. It's gonna be one awesome night for Women MMA fans all around the world. Anywho, I don't really know what this is oneshot is but I hope you like it lol (some may hate it? idk? lol). Review and Follow for more Nikkipunk. I love this couple so much :D

Round 5 – CM Punk thought a year would be enough time to get over his long time love Nikki Bella but after running into her at the MGM Grand for UFC 183, he found that his feelings for her were still rock solid as ever. A tough pill to swallow when he finds out she's in a new relationship with Dean Ambrose.

The Chicago native watched his ex- girlfriend from afar. He could feel the pain in his chest expand at a slow and antagonizing pace as his gaze focused on her arms wrapped around another man.

A man that wasn't him.

Punk had no one to blame but himself for the pain he was experiencing. He was the one that broke it off because he was scared to commit to her and of course, this was his punishment to live with forever.

She finally noticed him and their eyes locked on one another for the first time in what felt like a decade. He wondered what she was thinking, how her life has been, if she missed him. All these burning questions in his mind he wanted to bombard her with but it only made him yearn for her that much more.

He missed her and seeing her in person only made it that much harder for him to let her go. What he shared with Nikki; he knew he would never find with another person. He saw a little glimpse of that connection in her eyes. He could see the love she had for him but it had faded over time.

He watched her whisper in the ear of Ambrose and immediately saw the change in the superstar's body language. He straightened his chest as his attention switched over to him. Ambrose had a mean expression on his face pin pointed at Punk.

This only prompted a laugh from the straightedge fighter. Punk found it very amusing that his presence had gotten under Dean's skin so easily. He was positive that he felt threatened by him and it only motivated him more to try and piss him off. So Punk blew a kiss towards the couple.

Nikki shook her head in disapproval while Dean looked as if he was going to march over to him but the fearless diva held him back. The superstar wrapped his arm around her and did a little wave to Punk.

The smile on the Chicago Native's face had completely disappeared as he watched the couple leave and head inside. Dean better hope that he was seated on the opposite side of the cage tonight or else Punk would have him making his impromptu UFC debut.

Thankfully, when he got inside his seat was far away from them so he didn't have to worry about getting into a fight with Ambrose but even if he did; he knew he would win regardless.

Finally it was time for the main event and boy was that match intense to watch. Dana left to watch the fight backstage as he couldn't stand to watch cage side. Anderson Silva and Nick Diaz were delivering a high impact entertaining fight complete with over the top confidence and octagon presence that the crowd were feeding off that wild energy.

However, exciting as the night's card has been; Punk's mind was entirely in another world. Instead of enjoying the match ups he found himself constantly thinking about Nikki. He needed to talk to her, he had no idea what he was going to say but he just needed to talk to her. So after the fifth round had finished and Anderson Silva had been announced the victor; Punk immediately sought out after the fearless diva in hopes to catch up with her.

He found her outside waiting for a cab. Jogging towards her, he smiled as he slowed down in front of her.


Looking up, Nikki managed a small smile. "Hi."

"Where's Ambrose?" Punk questioned.

"Gone. He's upset with the judges' decision. He'll meet me later."

"Well then I guess he won't mind if I speak to you in private right?"

"So you want to talk now?" Nikki said bluntly.

He deserved that one. When he ended things he never gave her an explanation. He just said he was done and disappeared without a word. He never responded to any of her messages or pick up any of her calls. To her it seemed that he was treating their relationship like it never happened and he never intended to treat her like that at all, it was just complicated.

"Yeah Nik, I want to talk."

Nikki eyed him cautiously before she nodded her head and followed him to a private space where they could talk freely.

"So, how have you been?" he asked.

"Good. You?" she asked out of politeness.

"The honest answer or the sugar-coated one?" he grinned.

She could see he was trying to coax a smile out of her but it had been an entire year since they had talked to each other and honestly, she was tired. Nikki fought to have him back in her life for so long that she was beyond exhausted and she had lost a piece of herself in the process. She made a vow to never go down that path with him ever again.

"The sugar-coated one." Nikki said with a flat expression.

He half expected that response. It killed him that this is what had become of them.

"I'm good too." He replied. "I mean training is diff-"

"What do you want from me?" Nikki cut in. It was an outwardly calm question, but he was certain he heard a bewildered vulnerability beneath the surface.

"I miss you" he finally said. "Seeing you in person just made me realise how stupid I was for leaving you."

Nikki's gaze dropped to the ground as he continued to speak. Things were different now and she had grown as a person in his absence. The connection they shared had worn down to a single thread; it was barely enough to keep her standing here.

"I know by me telling you this puts you in an awkward position but I love you Nikki and that's never going away. I just wanted you to know that."

There was a silence between the two but Nikki lifted her head up to look him directly in the eye.

"That's unfair." The fearless diva finally spoke.


"I would have done anything to have you back but instead you wait until I've finally moved on with my life to come and tell me this." She paused, gritting her teeth. "That's cruel and it's unfair."

"I kno-"

"-No you don't! You have no idea what it was like for me! You just left me without any warning! You never even told me why?" her voice barely intact.

A startled Punk just stood with his lips shut, he owed it to her to stand there and listen.

"Do you know how that made me feel? It made me feel unworthy. I felt cheap. I felt like everything I put into our relationship meant nothing to you."

"That's not true!"

"And how was I supposed to know that!?"

Punk's heart felt like it was being squeezed. As if someone had a punishing hold on it and continued to torture him. All these things she felt, he never wished to ever cross her delicate mind. But he was the one to cause her pain and suffering and it made him feel that much shittier for how he handled things.

She blew out a breath.

"It doesn't even matter anymore-"

His eyes widened at her words.

"No it does matter." He cut her off. "You were one of the most important people in my life. You still are even after a year of not being around your beautiful smile, your laugh, and those oak-brown eyes. What happened to us is completely, one hundred percent my fault. I was a coward that was too scared to commit to you and I'm sorry."

Olive eyes full of sorrow tugged at her in the most visceral of ways but their time as a couple had gone.

"I'm sorry too but hey, we had our good times right?"

Punk had a weak smile. "Yeah we did."

"I've got to go but just promise me something" she said reaching out for his hand.


"Promise me that when find her. Don't let her go."

He nodded his head looking down at their hands.

She pressed her lips on his rough cheek.

"Goodbye Punk." She said with a rueful smile.

He watched her hand slip away from his as she stepped past him never looking back.

Don't let her go.

"Nikki!" he called after her. She turned around.

"I'm not letting you go." He grinned. "Not without a fight."

She shook her head and a small grin spread across her face. "Don't start a fight you don't plan on finishing." And with that she turned on her heel and continued on her way.

"Don't worry, I'll finish it." He murmured to himself with a smile.