
I'm standing in Walt's kitchen singing along to Dave Matthews Band as I wait for the coffee to brew, when I hear a knock at the door.

"Hello? Vic?"

I peer my head out from the kitchen to see Cady at the door staring at me.

"Can I come in?"

I wave my hands, "Of course. Come on in."

She smiles and looks towards the bedroom as she steps inside and I scramble to push pause on the music blaring through my phone.

"Walt's in the shower I think."

"Okay." She bites her lip and I can tell she wants to say something.

"Is everything okay?"

She nods, "Yeah… hey thanks for last weekend, letting me spend Mother's Day with my dad really meant a lot."

"Absolutely, no thanks necessary."

"Did he tell you what we did?"

I shake my head no. I think Walt wants to keep certain things between him and Cady, which I understand, but if this relationship is going to work Martha's name can't be off limits. "No, he didn't… but I assume you went out to your mom's spot?"

She nods. "Yeah."

"That's what I figured, but he didn't say for sure and I didn't want to pry." I pause for a moment and gauge her reaction before I continue. "I think he figures that talking about her would make me uncomfortable."

"And it doesn't?"

I shrug. "Not really. She'll always be a part of you guys, as she should be, she's your mom. How could I not be okay with that?"

She smiles at my rhetorical question and we stand in silence for a few moments, the coffee maker rattling in the background.

"So… Did my dad forget about our breakfast plans?"

I laugh. "Uhh, wellll… he didn't mention it, so he either forgot or thought it would be a fun surprise not to tell me." I laugh again.

With perfect timing, Walt calls out from the bedroom. "Is the coffee ready?"

I check the coffee pot and see that it's full. "Yeah," I call back.

"How about I make us some breakfast?" I'm about to answer when he continues. "I'm not used to all this physical activity, I'm starving."

I have to stifle a laugh, and I glance at Cady who cringes slightly. I mouth 'sorry' to her.

"Hey, maybe you should come out here before you continue talking!"

"What?" He yells back.

"Just get out here!" I look over at Cady who's now actually starting to laugh. Relieved that she's not completely mortified, I pull a few mugs out of the cupboard and begin pouring the coffee.

"Maybe you should go in there and make sure he doesn't come out naked," she commands urgently.

I laugh at her request, but she does have a point. That would probably traumatize me if I were in her position.

I walk to the bedroom and find Walt standing there in a towel. "What were you yelling about?"

I saunter over to him and lean up on my tip toes to kiss him, and at the same time reaching my arms around him to grab his ass.

"I said to come out to the kitchen," I reach up to kiss him again, "and put some clothes on before you do."

He grows serious, "Why is that?"

"Because your daughter is here," I say as I give his ass a squeeze before turning and heading towards the door.

"For breakfast." He says as he suddenly remembers their plans.

"Yep," I say as I pause with my hand on the doorknob and look back at him.

He stares at me for another moment before his eyes narrow. "So, uhh… she heard me when I-"

I cut him off and nod my head and laugh out another, "Yep."

He embarrassingly looks away. "Great."

"She only seemed a little mortified, she'll be fine." I pause slightly before continuing. "She's trying," I offer with an encouraging smile.

He nods and then reaches for his pants.

"Come out once you're dressed," I say as I begin to turn the door knob to leave.


"What?" I stop and turn back to him.

He me up and down for a moment before he answers. "Don't you think you should put on pants, too?"

I look down and see that he's right, and I am in fact pant less. I'm wearing underwear at least, but then I'm only wearing one of Walt's denim shirts with the sleeves rolled up. "Shit."

He laughs as I scramble into a pair of jeans and rush out of the door.

"Cady, why didn't you tell me to put on some damn pants? I'm sorry, I didn't even realize."

She laughs. "We're almost the same age, Vic. I can handle seeing you with no pants on."


I must make a face because she quickly backtracks.

"No, no I didn't mean it like that!" She waves her hands out in front of her. "I just meant that you're a woman and a friend so it doesn't bother me, that's why I didn't say anything. I'd just rather not see my dad naked."

I try to smile through the awkwardness.

"I'm sorry," she tries again.

"It's okay… I mean you're technically right." I try to brush it off.

Walt comes out of the bedroom with perfect timing. "Good morning, Punk. I'm sorry I forgot about breakfast." He gives her a kiss on the cheek before heading to the counter for coffee.

"It's okay. Did you guys eat already?"

I glance at Walt, who glances at me and then back to Cady. "Nope," he offers.

"Do you guys wanna go to the Bee and grab some food?" She looks to Walt first, who looks to me which causes Cady to look at me.

"Why are you looking at me? You're the ones who had plans, I would just be the third wheel."

"You're not the third wheel, you're coming." She states matter-of-fact.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course," she gives me a big smile and it's hard to tell if she's genuine or if she's just trying really hard for this not to be awkward. Either way, she is trying so I'm thankful for that.

"Okay, good because I'm starving."

We get ready to leave and when we get outside I remember that Walt's Bronco is in the shop. I run back inside for my keys and throw them to Walt.

"We can take my truck, but you drive."

I climb into the middle seat and Cady settles in beside me. As we're driving, I instinctively rest one of my hands in Walt's lap. Once I realize it, I think about pulling it away but then change my mind. Maybe Cady's right and I'm not the third wheel. If we're ever going to get over the awkwardness of our relationship, she needs to be around us as a couple. Also, I don't want to have to censor myself around her.

We drive in silence for only about a minute until I can't take it anymore. "Well, this is going to be fun," I blurt out cheerfully.

I suck at censoring myself.