A/N: So here we are again. Story number 3. I would like to think that this story will do as well as the last but no one ever knows what will happen.

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Avatar.

"He stole my seal first!"

Katara whose chin rested on the palm of her hand, moved her eyes to the right while listening to the man who was currently yelling and pointing at the other man present. She sat in a royal chair in the front of the great hall.

"What needs to happen is you need to listen to me you old man. You stole my seal. I never once touched your seals!" The man to the left said as he crossed the small distance between them.

Katara shifted her eyes to the left to listen to that man yell and poke the other man in the chest. She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes since she knew what would come next.


"Old man!"

"Young Idiot!"

"Give me my seals back!" The apparent younger of the two men yelled. The two men who were fighting were somewhere around GranGran's age. One was slightly older but no one would know if they were to look at them. But to the two of them it was obvious.

Katara could feel her head pounding. She had lost focus with these two as soon as they walked in. They had come to see her at least three times a week since her father left and they always would fight over something stupid. She shut her eyes and began to rub her temples to get her head to stop beating in time with her heart as the yelling began to get louder.

"Please make it stop." She whispered to herself as they just began to yell louder and she was sure half the village could hear them.

She knew she didn't have a solution to the problem. Whoever she agree with would just come back another day with a new issue. There was no win. No win at all. 'I think I should just give them to GranGran. Or better yet send them to live with her.' Katara thought as a small smile spread over her features.

"Your highness." Katara was pulled out of her thoughts as a servant called to her from the door of the great hall. She looked up at the man but did not stop rubbing her temple. The servant smiled at her in a knowing way before continuing. "Fire Lord Zuko is here to see you."

At the mention of Zuko the two men stopped fighting mid sentence and went silent. While the fire nation did not destroy villages anymore, older people still feared them slightly. It had been many years since the end of the war, but some things are hard to get over.

When these two were younger, they never knew if tomorrow would be a fight for their life or if they would have to give up their harvest to the Fire Nation. Living generations like this takes some time to get over. Everyone knew it wouldn't happen overnight.

"You two are staying here." Katara said as she looked at the two old men who were attempting to leave the room quietly. She was going to ask Zuko what to do. She wasn't good at this. Why her father put her in charge of anything so stupid while he was gone she had no idea. "Please send in Zuko."

The servant bowed with a slight smile and left the room to get Zuko. There was a silence over the room while they waited for Zuko to arrive. The two men moved to Katara's left attempting to get out of Zuko's view as he walked in. Katara sat at the front of the room rubbing her temples with her eyes shut. Surely Zuko would help her. Wouldn't he?

Zuko entered the room and looked around as a small smile crossed his lips. The room was entirely silent. Katara sat in a chair in the front of the room while two older men stood to his right. Katara looked as if she had a head ache.

Zuko and Katara had been friends long enough that he knew when he could pick on her and when it was time to run. This was one of those moments where he would run if he were those two men.

He continued to walk across the room and as he reached the halfway point, without stopping, he spoke breaking the silence in his commanding Fire Lord voice "Lady Katara."

When Katara heard her name she looked up with a relived look. "Fire Lord Zuko." Katara said with a small smile in return. "I have an issue and I was wondering if you would help me." She finished with pleading eyes only Zuko could see.

Zuko finally stopped in front of her, even with the men who were fighting a short time ago. He looked at Katara from this closer distance. Oh he knew those eyes. Those eyes were tired and begging for help. He knew if he didn't at least try he would be getting Katara's wrath tonight.

He looked at the two men and then back at Katara, the entire time in his Fire Lord sternness. He smiled a half smile for her eyes only and responded, "Of course. Anything you need."

"Thank you." Katara responded with relief plastered on her face.

She stood up and walked the five short steps towards Zuko. Stopping in front of him she turned to look at the two men to her left. She began to slowly circle Zuko walking towards the men first. "You see these two men continuously come to see only me. Not my father. Not Sokka. Only me to solve their problems that only seem to happen when I am the only one here. One of them is always stealing from the other. I never seem to solve the problem. No one else ever sees anything either." Katara finished when she was between Zuko and the men and was facing the door.

She turned to fully face Zuko so her back was to the men. A plea was in her eyes as she looked at him. "How would you solve it?" She hoped he would understand and help her get out of this terrible situation.

Zuko watched the men as Katara spoke. Neither seems to be listening to what she was saying. They were staring right at him. They seemed scared of him; this was nothing new to him. Zuko glanced at Katara as she asked her question; he saw the desperation in her face. These two men had to be driving her insane.

Katara hardly asked him for help and it was never in matters of this nature. When she did ask for help it had something to do with fighting techniques or a vacation, never politics. He looked past her at the men. "Well what is being stolen?" He asked nicely in his Fire Lord voice addressing the men as he stepped around Katara towards the men with his hands behind his back.

The two men stood there saying nothing gripping onto their clothes like scared children and Zuko was about to scold them.

Zuko took another step toward them and addressed them again. "What is being stolen?" He asked again this time in a firmer voice.

"Nothing." The men yelled together. "We are sorry we bothered you your highness." The men said addressing Katara and bowing before they ran out of the room.

Zuko scoffed slightly as the door slammed shut. "Really I wasn't even yelling at them yet." Zuko said as he turned to face Katara with a smile on his face.

Katara smiled back at him. "It doesn't matter. They will be back. They are always back." Katara said as she hung her shoulders and began to return to her chair.

"When they come back," Zuko began as she walked towards her chair. "In the Fire Nation the accused is placed in prison and all of his belongings in question are taken. If the accusation is proven false the accuser is sent to prison instead." He finished as he followed behind her.

Katara listened as he spoke. She took a seat in her chair when she responded. "Really?"

"Yes." Zuko said as he stopped in front of her. "It is something that has been in place for a long time. It cuts down on these stupid meetings but most people then handle it themselves if you know what I mean."

Katara smiled as she began to sink into the chair a bit. "I will have to try it then."

"Shouldn't your brother be doing this? Or your father?" Zuko asked as he watched her sink into the chair farther. "You are in charge of the water bending schools and to put in your two cents at meetings. It is news to me that you are in charge of disputes among the villagers."

She felt her guards come closer behind her when Zuko took a small shift in his stance. She had felt them move closer when he was announced as well. Why did they always do this? He was one of the family's closest friends. Katara sighed knowing that this would not change in her lifetime.

"Father is in the northern tribe for a secret meeting or something ridiculous. He has been there for two months already. Sokka has been with Suki for the last three and I don't know how much longer he will stay. Sokka is supposedly getting everything ready for their wedding, but I think he just wanted a break before he takes on a larger role when he will be married." Katara said as she slumped further into the chair tugging at her hot roles. She barley had her butt on the chair anymore she had relaxed into it so much.

Zuko watched the guards as he shifted. The closer he was to Katara the closer the guards were to her. Nowhere else he went was like this, but then again he never got this close to other royals. Only Katara and her family. As Katara finished her explanation his attention was brought back to her. "So you have been running this place by yourself for the last two months?"

Katara could almost feel the guards breathing on her neck when Zuko shifted again in front of her. If she wanted to she could reach out without a full arms length and touch him. She turned her head to the guard to her right and she could probably kiss him without even leaning that far out of the chair. This was ridiculous. He hadn't even taken a step since she sat down. All he did was shift his weight left to right. "Yes. And as you can see I am doing a great job." Katara responded sarcastically.

"Your highness. We should not be telling people of where our royalty are and who is leading us in their absence." One of the guards whispered into her ear in concern.

Katara stopped pulling on her robes in an attempt to cool down. She was pissed. Zuko was one of her best friends. How could this stupid guard even say that? She stood slowly and turned to the guards. Her face was stern and she spoke quietly. "Out now."

"But your highness." The other tried to reason.

"Out!" Katara yelled and the guards began to walk out slowly never turning their back on Zuko. As soon as they were out of the room Katara fell into the chair depressed and exhausted. "Zuko please tell me you are here to do something fun. I can't do this much longer."

Zuko smiled as he watched her relax into the chair. Katara was not made for this type of thing, she was freer. Her old job was much more suiting for her. He walked the rest of the way to Katara and took a seat in the chair to her left. Her brothers chair. "Kinda. Are you not liking be a princess, princess?" Zuko responded mockingly with a smile.

Katara glared at him with a smile. "Please don't call me princess. And it's not bad when my father and Sokka are here. But with them gone I am doing everything myself. The budget meetings, villager issues, meetings with heads of states, parties, everything! Not to mention, those two fun loving guards follow me everywhere. They even stand outside the bathroom and my bedroom."

Zuko watched her as she talked. She was starting to get herself all worked up. Soon she would have her arms flying about and water would be running everywhere. "Isn't it always like that? When I lived in the palace as a child I always had someone following me around."

Katara was so frustrated and her stupid outfit was making it worse. She could hardly breathe. They made her wear a corset to make her look more appealing to gentlemen who were coming to win her hand. When was that ever going to happen? She scoffed in her head.

"No it isn't normally like this." Katara said relaxing a bit as she spoke with him. "When they are both here my only duty is to attend meetings and run the school. This means I am of no real importance at the time so I have to guards. When only one of them isn't here I take on that person's duties and no guards still. Since both are not here I have to do all the duties and I get two guards. They say it's because there is only one ruler and it would take days before a new one could come if something happened to me. Stupid."

Zuko sat and listened to her ramble on about what she had to do. He began to relax into the chair and close his eyes listening to her speak. It was so nice being only those two. It was one of the things he liked about when they visited each other. They were always left alone in the Fire Nation because his guards knew nothing would happen. Here she always sent them away. He was rarely alone anymore, just like Katara said. He hated it as well but it was the price for being a royal.

Katara stopped rambling and looked towards Zuko. He was relaxing in her brother's chair. His head was tipped back against the chair and he looked as if there were no cares in the world. Katara smiled at the young king. He had to be tired from his travels. "Do you want to head to your room?"

"No," Zuko said as he opened his eyes and turned his head without lifting it from the chair. "I want to just sit here in peace for a few more minutes before my guard returns." He closed his eyes and returned his head to face forward.

Katara smiled at how relaxed he looked. "Ok just let me know." She then made herself just as comfortable as him. "This is nice."

"Mmmhmm." Zuko responded without moving or opening his eyes. "And since you are in a meeting with big mean Zuko no one should come in."

Katara laughed at Zuko's mocking of himself. It was good to finally relax after so much hard work.


Zuko and Katara jumped up from their seats in a full fighting stance. They had been startled and this was a common reaction of one who lived in fear for so long.

"Oh my goodness you should have seen your faces." GranGran said as she laughed.

Katara returned her arms to her sides. "Not funny GranGran. We could have attacked you."

GranGran continued to laugh. "In those robes I doubt it."

Zuko smiled at the old woman. She reminded him so much of Iroh.

When GranGran finally stopped laughing at them she spoke. "How is my favorite fire nation royal?"

"Wonderful and yourself?" Zuko answered.

"Fine just fine." GranGran said as he stopped next to him. "I was wondering if you would be competing in the tournament? Since you are here I am going to assume you are."

Zuko smiled at the old woman. "Why yes I am. I was hoping to stretch a bit. No one in the Fire Nation will truly fight me for fear of me hurting them."

Katara scoffed at this. "Seriously? It isn't because they are afraid that if they win you will kill them."

Zuko glared at her. "No."

GranGran smiled at the playful hate between the two. "Well then I will assume you have a date for this evenings opening dinner and ball."

Katara let out a gasp. "It is tonight!" The two people in front of her nodded a bit confused. "I didn't realize it was tonight. My days started to run together awhile ago. That means my father should be home today!"

Katara was so happy. Her father would be home and she would no longer have to do this stupid job.

"Katara I do have to warn you." GranGran began with a slight smile.

Katara rolled her eyes. "Oh no, how many are coming this time?"

Every time there was a ball that she was invited to or that was being thrown in the South Pole, men would come from all over to meet her. At the current moment she was the only Princess that wasn't married. And that was all people really knew about her.

Most men only knew she was a princess nothing about her at all. Sure people knew Katara saved the world but they didn't know it was her. At a ball last year, one man said that she had the same name a famous hero of the war, and that he knew the Katara that saved the world. If she was lucky he would introduce them one day. She walked away from him three seconds later.

"Last count, there were 30 names that I recognized." GranGran said to her poor granddaughter. She knew this made her unhappy but until she married it would be the price.

Katara sighed heavily. "Well at least I will get to compete and show them how stupid they are."

The two with her laughed lightly. As it died down GranGran spoke again "So about that date Zuko?"

Zuko looked at the old woman with a heartfelt smile. "No I do not have a date."

"Great you will be taking Katara. See you tonight." GranGran said as she quickly left the room.

Zuko and Katara stared at the door the woman had just exited through. "She can be really fast for an old lady when she wants to be." Zuko said in awe as Katara just nodded.

Katara looked at herself in the mirror. Was it too much? Was it not enough? She didn't know.

Since GranGran had left the great hall, her father returned home, Sokka returned, and the hall had been set up for a party. Not to mention guests from all over the world had started to arrive. The tournament was a new creation this year in an attempt to get people to travel to the South Pole. It had been 5 years since the end of the war and few people acknowledged the south as a nation.

She spun in spot. 'Is this too much? Will men be throwing themselves at me again?' She spun the other way and bowed to see what she looked like. 'Would Zuko like it?'

"WHAT?!" Katara said out loud. "You cannot be thinking about that now! You are about to spend the entire evening avoiding as many men as possible. You want to think about that not Zuko."

Katara stood there looking at herself in the mirror. She couldn't take it anymore. Taking one step next to her mirror she threw her arm down. The wall to her room came down and there on the other side stood Zuko.

Zuko let out a sigh as he pulled his dress coat on. "Katara one day I will be naked when you do that and what will you do then?" He finished as he looked at himself in the mirror straightening his attire. The room was simple and Zuko liked it that way. A small sitting room, bathroom, and small bedroom. The only thing in his bedroom was a bed, dresser, and mirror in the back corner of the room.

Katara took a step through the wall. Her person size hole had appeared by Zuko's mirror. He was wearing black pants and boots, a red undershirt, and his red royal coat. He looked more than nice. "I will be in awe of the Fire Lords perfect body." She said as if it was the weather outside.

He let out a slight scoff before he turned to look at her to scold her. "Wow," was all that came out of his mouth instead. She was wearing a blue strapless floor length dress that appeared to be made of silk. She didn't have to worry about the cold, because of the guests they kept the great hall heated nicely. Toph had built the walls of the hall out of the ground far beneath them so the ice would not melt.

"Is it too much?" Katara asked as she spun for him.

Zuko stood there taking in the beautiful sight in front of him. He cleared his throat before he spoke. "No I think you are fine."

"Good. I was worried. Uncle bought it for me somewhere." Katara said as she stepped in front of him to see herself in his mirror.

'Of course Uncle would buy that for you. He knew I would see you in it and not be able to complete a sentence.' Zuko thought to himself as he watched Katara spin in front of the mirror. Her hair was down and the sides were pulled back slightly. The only jewelry she wore was her mother's necklace and a bracelet that Zuko had given her.

Zuko smiled at the small piece of jewelry. It had taken him days to figure out what to get her for her last birthday. Every time he saw her she was always wearing it. It made him feel like he had done something right for once. "Do you like your bracelet?" He asked without thinking.

Katara stopped fidgeting with her dress at his question. She brought her hand to the jewelry in question. "Yes. Why do you think it doesn't go with this?"

Zuko laughed. "You just wear it every time I see you. I want to make sure you like it and you aren't just wearing it because I gave it to you."

"No I love it. I wear it all the time. It matches my mother's necklace almost perfectly." Katara said softly as she touched a small blue jewel. The bracelet was simple. A silver band with five blue diamond's on it.

Zuko walked behind her and placed his finger on a blue jewel. "Good."

Zuko was so close to her, she could feel the heat coming off him. She felt his breath moving her hair on her right side. Why did he always do this to her? Sometimes she thought that he did it to tease her, other times he seems to blush as much as her.

"I should go before GranGran comes to make sure I'm presentable." Katara said as she turned towards the opening. This turn was right into his chest. She was mere inches from it. No wonder she could feel her hair move. She reached out and touched his chest looking up at him she spoke again. "Don't be late."

Zuko smiled down at her. 'It would be so nice if this could happen every day.' "Don't worry I won't."

With that she took a step around him and through the opening. She turned and closed the opening with a smile knowing he would be at her door soon. She turned to look at herself in the mirror when she saw GranGran in the reflection.

Jumping slightly Katara let out a light gasp. "You scared me."

GranGran had a huge smile on her face. "So?"

Katara began to blush a deep red color. "What?"

"Will I be having great grandbabies soon?" GranGran said in a mocking voice.

Katara grew darker. Every time she caught them she always made Katara blush about it and ask what they had done. Most of the time it was them yelling at each other but every so often it would be something embarrassing.

"No worries child I won't push you. Just make sure that you stay close to him tonight." GranGran said in a stern voice.

This brought Katara out of her embarrassment. "Why?" She asked with concern.

"Tikaani is here." GranGran said in an unhappy voice. "We do not need a dead body during this tournament. Does Zuko know what he did last time?"

Katara thought back to the last time she had to go to a ball. Zuko could not attend and Uncle came in his place. She had met Tikaani from the Northern Tribe and thought that he was a very nice noble. She sat down to eat with him and the next thing she remembered Sokka was standing over her while Toph, Aang, Suki, and TyLee all stood facing Tikaani. Apparently he had drugged her food in an attempt to have his way with her. This would then lead to a baby which would lead to him being King. Farfetched, but that was his plan.

"I don't think anyone told him." Katara said in anger as she remembered that night. "Why is he here?"

"Apparently he paid his dues. Pakku is sending a letter to make sure. But I don't think he got in any trouble other than a fine." GranGran said with disgusted. "Would you like me to tell Zuko?"

"No I will do it when he comes." Katara said fidgeting with her hands. There were two men in her entire life that had tricked her like this. Tikaani and Jet. And she hated both of them. And worse yet they scared her. Other than Aang they were the only ones she let herself think she could like. And they used this to get to her. If it was that easy anyone could do it to her. Her guard had been put back up shortly after she understood the situation, and it never went back down.

She had been to many lunches and meetings where men had advanced towards her since then but she had turned them all down. Her trust in men she didn't know was now completely gone. And she had come to terms with this. She felt that she might be alone forever but she knew that it was ok as long as she had friends. She couldn't let anything like that happen again.

And then there was the whole thing that happened with Biah. She shook her head she didn't want to remember that or how much she hated it.

A knock was heard at the door and drew Katara away from her thoughts. GranGran went to get it.

"Hello GranGran is Katara ready?" Zuko asked with a happy smile.

GranGran did not return the smile. "Yes but she needs to speak with you first. I will see you at the ball." GranGran said as she walked past him.

He watched confused as GranGran walked away. He had never seen her like this. 'I wonder what happened. I just saw her three minutes ago and she seemed fine.' Zuko said to himself as he walked into Katara's room and shut the door. "Katara?"

"Hey Zuko." Katara said as she walked into the sitting area. "I need to talk to you about something. And you have to promise me you won't kill him."

Zuko was now very confused and concerned. "Fine."

Katara went on to tell Zuko everything that had happened the night of the ball. As she told the story she could feel the temperature in the room begin to rise. When she finished he was livid.

"Why did no one tell me about this?" Zuko asked as he began to pace the room in anger fresh smoke coming from his nose with every breath.

"Because we thought you would react like this." Katara said softly as she motioned around the room.

Zuko stopped what he was doing and looked at the room. Drops of water had started to fall from the ceiling and it was running down the walls. He began to calm himself as best he could. He did not need to melt her entire room just because he was angry. "So this guy is here tonight." He asked voice full of spite. Katara nodded as she began to slowly refreeze the room around her. "You point him out to me and he will not get within 20 feet of you or anything you touch."

Katara gave him a soft smile and took a step forward. She placed her hands on his chest and he looked at her confused. Without looking at him she began to absentmindedly straighten his clothes as she spoke calmly, "Zuko I don't want you to kill him. I just want you to be with me when he comes. I am scared I will want to beat the shit out of him when I see him. I will be able to handle him with you there. Just don't leave me alone with him or he might end up dead." 'Or I might end up freezing in place and letting him get to me again.'

Zuko watched her as she spoke. She began to shake slightly at the mention of him. If her hands were not on his chest adjusting his clothes he doubted that he would have noticed. Was she like this when she told the story?

He understood what she wanted though. It would look bad if she killed someone at her family's ball, even if it was Tikaani. Katara was not one to hold back when she was upset so this had to be hard for her. But Zuko was confused as to why she was shaking though. "Fine." Zuko said still not too happy about it. "If he touches you..."

Katara cut him off and looked up at him with a genuine smile. "If he touches me don't kill him in the ball room."

Zuko let a small smile cross his face as he looked down into the deep blue of her eyes. "But the hallway is ok?"

Katara let out a small laugh. She loved how he always knew what to say to make the mood change to something less serious. "Yes that's fine."

Zuko returned her laugh before he spoke again. "So the main point here is political image right? I just can't do anything crazy."

Katara spoke still slightly laughing. "Yes. And make sure Sokka doesn't either."

Zuko placed his hands on Katara's exposed shoulders in comfort. "I can't make any promises about Sokka."

Katara let out a louder laugh before moving into hug Zuko. "Thanks."

"What about you?" Zuko asked with her head resting on his chest. "What if you attack him?"

Katara smiled into his chest. "If I attach him he will die before you can stop me."

Katara stood outside the doors to the ball room next to Zuko. This had to be the part she hated most about these things. Why did she have to have attention brought to her? Sure if she was fighting she would be perfectly fine with all the attention, but ball gowns, dates, bowing. She never knew if she did it right.

"Just relax dear." GranGran said from her spot in line in front of her. "You only have fallen down the stairs four times and tripped over your foot nine, that I am aware of. This time Zuko is with you so you will be fine."

Zuko let out a slight laugh at GranGran. Katara glared at him before she turned a nice shade of pink.

"My favorite was when we were at the North Pole and you slid down the steps after stepping on your dress." Sokka said from behind her with a smile on his face. Slight laughs escaped from the group waiting to be announced.

"I enjoyed when you were in the Earth Kingdom and you tripped so hard your shoe broke." TyLee said from her spot in line. "I have never seen anyone break a shoe like that."

Laughs began to erupt from the group. The conversation then lead to a remembrance of all Katara's terrible mistakes being announced in various locations.

Toph's was at the last South Pole ball when she ended up face planting after trying to walk in as slowly as possible.

Aang's was when she was at his and Toph's wedding and she fell walking up the stairs to stand with them.

Suki and Mai both agreed when she fell at Zuko's birthday party last year and her dress flipped over her head had to be the worst.

Even her father added to the conversation mentioning when they were at the North Pole and she slid on some ice and ended up sliding down a hall breaking a bunch of dishes as she went.

Katara was a nice dark red color when all her friends had finished. Everyone was laughing, some to the point they were crying. Paku was about to say his when the guard approached to signal time to go. The only people to not say something were Mai's husband Dill and Zuko.

She was glad Zuko did not say anything. He had been her date to a few times thanks to GranGran or Uncle. He knew she shook unbelievable during the entrance and had caught her more than once while walking and played it off as if they were side stepping. She would be mortified if he shared how bad she was even when he was there. She sighed mentally knowing she wasn't meant for this.

As her friends were announced her face started to return to normal. As savors of the world they were always announced wherever they went, which is why Katara hates it so much that the men around her have no idea who she is.

As GranGran took a step forward for her name to be said Zuko spoke, "She is right though. You have never fallen when I am with you. And I won't let it happen today."

Katara looked at him as he spoke. A smile graced her face at his words. She knew that he would always catch her no matter how bad it would be. He had done it before. "Thank you." Katara said as they moved forward for their announcement.

Zuko offered her his arm. "I'm more worried about what GranGran told them to say."

Katara took the arm with a smile. Her grandmother could be terrible sometimes its true. "I doubt it will be anything bad."

"Announcing, Fire Lord Zuko and his date for the evening Lady Katara."

Zuko took a step forward, Katara a half second behind. They walked down the length of the great hall with Katara waving at some important people and Zuko nodding at them as they walked. Zuko had his Fire Lord face on and looked somewhat unapproachable while Katara looked happy and carefree. They were complete opposites. Until they saw GranGran, then both had a small smile on their face as she informed them they made it without a fall.

Katara was relieved that her GranGran had not noticed her almost trip over her dress three times. She knew it was because Zuko suddenly took a quick step as well while making his arm as stiff as a board so she could put her full weight on it.

As they turned to face the crowd Katara leaned into Zuko, "Thank you." She whispered just loud enough for him.

He had leaned down to listen to what she had to say. As her words escaped her mouth a smile rested on his face and he just nodded back to her before turning his attention forward and returning to his fire lord features.

Back at the door Sokka, Suki, and Hadoku stood waiting to go. "I like him."

"Me too."

"He would take good care of her." Hadoku said with a smile. "Suki. Make something happen there."

"Me." She said with a shock. "What about you? Even if they did make something out of it didn't the court say no?"

It was Sokka who spoke this time. "I took care of that. Since you were technically a leader of a nation and I was a prince of a nation, I had to convince them to disband the stupid rule."

Hadoku smiled. "Then let's get them together."

"Deal." Sokka and Suki said together with smiles.

"Prince Sokka and his fiancé Lady Suki."

A/N: So what did you think? I hope it turns out as good as I want it to in my mind. I have about 9 chapters written but I most likely will be updating on the first(ish) of every month. Every so often I might through in an extra chapter if I have time.