Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. lots of swim practices got in the way of writing. I just thought of this story and thinking what it would be like if the couples were mixed up and different. Comment and Review because I really want to know what you guys think of this story. I will try my hardest to update soon. Hope you guys like it

Stella - Riven

Bloom - Helia

Musa - Brandon

Aisha - Timmy

Flora - Sky

Tecna - Nabu

Weird eh

no p.o.v

this is our life. Myself, stella, Bloom, Tecna, Aisha and Flora. We live in the same Dorm together and were best friends. Winx forever.

We all go to Alfea college and study their.

We have a great life and it could't get any better. Or so I thought.

Guysss GET UP we have our first course in Red Fountain. screamed stella.


I don't even want to go to Red Musa. There are way too many guys there.

But there are tons of guys who go there that are cute! said Stella.

At Red Fountain

So what do you guys want to do after this Boring Course?

Well we could go get some ... umpp


the Winx collided with 6 Red Fountain boys


Geez im sorr... OMG this guy is hot he has tons of muscles but theres also Brandon he is so cute but I don't think I like him as much and this magenta hair dude.

Awh cat cought your young.

Did I mention he was hot.

I am so sorry. said Bloom

nah don't mention it I'm sorry. I should of payed more Helia

This guy is soo sweet. I think i developed some felling for him. And he's so adroribe. said Bloom

What in Magix is wrong with this guy. Just playing technology and bumping into me. whats his problem! said aisha

oh g-g-geez I'm s-sorry. stuttered Timmy

Whatever just watch where your going next time.

This pretty girl bumped into me. I believe her name is Flora but I kind like Bloom. said sky

oh I am so sorry

her voice is sweet and did I mention that she's pretty. said sky

its alright

This wizard appeared out of nowhere. I was playing on my new phone and BAM he apperad.

sorry there I didn't see you. said nabu

oh its fine. just watch where you appear next time. said Tecna

Sure will. This girl seems nice. said nabu.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you guys fell ove... ahhh

oh geez I am so sorry. said brandon

Say that before you run over someone next time!

BURNED. said stella

who does this guy think he is. WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING NEXT TIME! said Musa

Im sorry it won't happen again. said brandon

geez you sound a lot like Riven.

Shut it and you make it sound like a bad thing.

Any ways its alright. said Musa

Winx p.o.v

What a day that was. said Bloom

yes that strength ability course At Red Fountain was really boring. said Aisha and Musa

Night girls. see you in the morning. said flora

Night. I need my beauty sleep. said stella


Im going to go hit the hay. said Musa

I cannot believe you just said that. said aisha


Hope you guys like the First chapter. tell me what you think about the couples. It might just change you have to wait and see. I will try to Update soon and if you want to PM me some ideas it would be great. I don't want to get lost on this story. Stay tuned for chapter 2. bye