New multi-chapter fic. Just a warning it's very AU and you'll find out why in the first few sentences. It's a bit of a childish story really but who doesn't enjoy a fairy tale of some sort. Not that this could be considered a fairy tale. Please let me know what you think of this one. I enjoyed writing it but I'm a bit apprehensive about the reception it will receive. Enough of my rambling. Enjoy.

Hands behind his head, Lee stared up at the ceiling as he lay in bed. It was a new day which meant there were more royal duties for him to carry out, being the next in line for the throne; not that there was anyone else that could be considered.

People thought that being a royal meant you had a life of luxury. To an extent it was true but you still had to work. It wasn't just turn up at events and greet people, far from it. His country; Elliel wasn't ruled by the government but by the royals, his dad wasn't willing to hand it over to the government. He'd always seen it as his country so it was his rules and one day that responsibility would be passed onto him and he couldn't just hand power over, his dad would kill him.

Lee knew he had it much better than most and for that he would be eternally grateful but being forced to go to London for a royal parade they had going on was something he didn't want to do. He didn't mind the place itself, well he couldn't really comment on that because he hadn't had the chance to experience it first hand, and that's why he hated it. Lee couldn't just get up and walk out the front door and just casually walk out of the palace's front gates. He'd be bombarded. Lee was shocked when he first arrived by the crowds that had swarmed to see him and his parents.

Since he was just old enough Lee had wanted to just be able to blend into the crowd and live a day like any other person. He'd officially gone cliché. Great. But he couldn't help but want the experience of walking along the streets and riding public transport with everyone else. Fat chance of that, the news were constantly talking about his arrival.

Groaning he closed his eyes and tried to forget about it all when a plan popped into his head. If he could get one of the security guards in on this then he could be gone and back within the same day and it would be a secret between the two. The only problem was that he would get recognised. Running a hand over his chin Lee's frown turned into a smirk. He had a beard. No one had ever seen him with a beard and if he wore a hat and every day clothes he could get away with it. The beard should be enough though, he was virtually unrecognisable.

Jumping up from his bed he made a dash for the bathroom, jumping into the shower he washed quickly before brushing his teeth and drying his hair with the towel at the same time. He was in a hurry, he didn't want to get caught and if they came looking for him and aren't able to find him then they would just assume he wanted to be on his own and leave it be.

Running back into the bedroom with a towel around his waist. Flinging open the closet he grinned, he had prepared for this situation long ago, hoping he'd have a chance. Passing all of his suits he picked the hanger at the end which contained, jeans, a blue and white plaid shirt and a white t-shirt. Placing the clothes on the bed he pulled his suitcase from under the end and retrieved his converse, jacket and flat cap. That should disguise him enough.

Now that's all he had to do was be stealthy like a ninja. Slowly opening his door Lee peaked and looked up and down the corridor before exiting. Making his way towards the stairs he descended them as quickly as he could. Tip toeing past the he liked to call living room where everyone was he made his way down and into the basement. This is where things began to get tricky. The workers were all down here and he couldn't risk one of them seeing him. That wouldn't do. Managing to hide behind various walls he made it to where the security guards were.

Peering in through the door he was lucky, there was only one there. The others were on duty. Entering into the small room he clicked the door shut and locked it as the security guard jumped to his feet in shock and saluted.

"Your majesty," Lee was about to ask if he was really that recognisable when he remembered that he was still in the palace and he'd seen him the day before with a beard.

"I need your help," he began as the security guard named Paul raised his eyebrow at Lee.

"Anything," he readily agreed as Lee gulped.

"I need your help to escape. Just for a few hours and I'll be back in time for tea," he quickly explained.

"Your majesty. I wouldn't normally refuse but it's not..." Lee cut him off.

"I know it's not safe. I know I could get recognised but I'm desperate. Just for a few hours, please?" Lee begged as Paul nodded his head. The prince of Elliel is in need of his help and he couldn't refuse.

"Alright but only for a couple of hours... Have you got a phone?" Lee shook his head as Paul handed him his. "I want it back and I'll be phoning. Home by five, "he sounded like he was talking to one of his children.

"Thank you," Lee replied.

Not half an hour later Lee was making his escape. Paul had informed him that the west wall was a blind spot and that he'd be on security camera duty until six. That was a big relief. Making his way towards the blind spot, Lee looked around before placing his cap on his head. Managing to climb the wall he narrowly dodged the barbed wire. Luckily there wasn't a street behind just an alley way. No one would know. Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself to jump. He was going to do it, he was actually going to do it. Shaking his head he jumped and managed to land safely. The only problem now was now how was he going to get back up that wall?