Amy stirred to her bed shaking. She was in exactly the same position she had fallen asleep in - on the edge of the bed with Reagan's t-shirt pulled up over her face. Amy slowly pulled the t-shirt from her her face, allowing herself to see what exactly was going on.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Amy asked groggily, watching as Reagan bounced up and down.
Not that Reagan could hear her through the headphones that were placed firmly on her head. She sat cross legged with a beer and cigarette in her right hand, while fiddling on her laptop with her left hand.
"Hey," Amy said again tapping Reagan to get her attention. "Hey!" Amy said a little louder this time, poking Reagan in her side.
"Oh hi," Reagan grinned sliding her headphones down to around her neck. "You're awake!"
Amy gestured to all the empty wrappers on her bed. "Yeah and my bed looks like a landfill. Where the heck did all of this come from?"
"I bought it," Reagan frowned like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Where do you think I got them?"
Amy pondered for a little while before answering, "Yeah, okay. That makes sense actually. What are you doing on your laptop?"
"Making music. Writing poetry. Watching Youtube."
"All at once?"
"It's a struggle."
"They why are you doing it?" Amy laughed.
"Because I am overrun with all these ideas swirling in my mind, you know? And I want to get them all down and but I keep getting distracted but I am trying to fight through it, you know?"
"Not really, but I support you in everything you do."
"Thanks boo!" Reagan grinned shoving a handful of cheese flavoured crisps into her mouth.
"Boo? Okay, seriously, what is wrong with you." Amy asked suspiciously.
"Nothing!" Reagan mumbled. "Why? Is it because I didn't offer you any? Do you want some?" Reagan asked thrusting the bag toward Amy.
Amy sighed heavily at Reagan's unusual behaviour, which caused her to inhale the lingering scent of weed. It was then that Amy noticed Reagan's red eyes and even though she couldn't see past Reagan's dark irises she was be 100% sure that her pupils were enlarged.
"Oh yeah! You're high. I forgot. It feels like I have been sleeping for hours. How long have I been out?"
"I dunno. Maybe 45 minutes an hour?" Reagan shrugged.
"What!? Why does it feel like I've been sleeping forever?"
"Your body slept for a few minutes but your mind slept for hours."
"You know what. I'm gonna go buy us some coffee. Get you sober."
"Coffee doesn't get you sober. It just tricks you into thinking you're sober."
"Close enough," Amy decided grabbing some clothing from off her bedroom floor. "Do not leave this room and stop smoking that gross thing!" she whined.
"I'm sorry! When I get high I drink and when I drink I just really want a fucking cigarette and all those things combined make me really horny."
Lauren removed her shoes before stepping inside the house, making sure that the door didn't make a sound as she closed it carefully behind her.
The blonde breathed a sigh of relief as she realised she was in the clear - or so she thought.
She crept up the stairs toward her room, smiling at her prowess to not only not come home but to make it back to her bedroom without being noticed.
"Busted!" Reagan hissed shovelling a handful of crisps into her mouth with a pleased look on her face.
Lauren yelped, leaping straight into the air. Her attention quickly turning to the figure in Amy's doorway.
"Reagan!? What the hell are doing here!?" she growled once she had regained her composure. "And why does Amy's room reek of pot?"
"Hey Lauren" Reagan smiled walking toward her and extending cheese dust covered fingers.
"Ew," Lauren cringed rebuffing Reagan's attempt to greet her.
Reagan shrugged sucking on her fingers and taking another handful of crisps. "You look pretty."
"Are you hitting on me? I don't swing that way." Lauren frowned crossing her arms tight against her chest.
"I know. That's why you are sneaking home from your boyfriend's house."
"Erm, what?" Lauren stuttered. "I don't, I don't know what you're talking about."
"Sure you don't," Reagan smirked wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Then why are you suddenly so nervous?"
"Don't know what you're talking about, where is Amy?" Lauren asked desperately trying to change the subject.
"Gone to get coffee."
"Wait…are you and her back together or?"
"Oh. No. We're just hanging out."
"So you're not…"
"Back together? No."
"Are you guys….you know"
"What? Having sex?"
"Well you don't have to be so crude," Lauren said rolling her eyes. But yes."
"Nah, we're not. Well Amy isn't allowing me to. It's like we're friends with benefits but only part time…" Reagan mused.
"Okay I don't really know what that means," Lauren waved. "But it sounds like you might be useful to help me with my dilemma. I don't usually do this, but since I don't know you, no offence. I'm going to ask you for some advice."
"I'm listening…"
"Well I'm not going to discuss it in the hallway am I?" Lauren sighed throwing open her bedroom door and motioning for Reagan to step in.
Amy stepped into the coffee store, yawning wide as she joined the back of the long queue.
"For fucks sake." she muttered to herself as the queue inched painfully slowly.
After 15 minutes Amy finally found herself at the front of the queue.
"Sorry about the wait how can I help you?"
"Yeah," Amy said taking her eyes away from the menu. "Can I have a- Jack?"
"I know. I know. Don't make this awkward," Jack laughed.
"What are you-"
"Please just order," Jack begged. "I need to make a dent in this queue. "If you wanna hear all about my misery I'll be on my break in about 30 minutes?"
"Erm, okay. Yeah. Cool. Can I get two to go coffees with cream."
"Two? Reagan's high isn't she? It's the only time she has coffee. To try and get sober knowing it doesn't really work."
"Well it was kind of my idea actually…"
"You two are made for each other," Jack smiled. "Okay, take a seat please."
"Your room is so pink! I mean it kind of makes sense seeing as you think you're a princess but wow."
"Can you focus please?" Lauren snapped turning Reagan's face toward her. "What do you think?"
"Have you guys had sex yet?" Reagan asked bluntly.
"No. Because of….personal reasons." Lauren answered hesitantly.
"Cool. Well in my opinion you guys are together, but neither one of you want to say it. So you're just doing this dance."
"The same dance you and Amy are doing you mean?"
"Not quite. But almost. At the end of the day you have to be upfront and tell him 'If you want to get in this, you have to get with this.'"
"You know what," Lauren smiled. "I like you."
"You're not too bad yourself," Reagan smiled back. "Hey what's that?"
Reagan eyed the project Lauren seemed to have going at her desk. "Are you into crafts? What are you making?" Reagan asked with piqued interest.
"It's a banner. I'm running for class president."
"No shit? Can I help?"
"Have I told you how much I like you?"
"So you're working in a coffee shop now?" Amy started once Jack had settled into the seat opposite from her. "I mean, I say now like I knew what you did before this…"
"That's for another day," Jack waved. "But yeah, I am officially a coffee shop worker now."
"What happened?"
"My dad cut me off."
Yeah. That's why I live with Reagan now, have you heard?"
Amy nodded.
"But it's all good. Probably should have happened way earlier to be honest, can't believe I lasted this long. I couldn't afford the rent on my old place so Reagan told me to come live with her. Now I am officially in the work force. Shit pay and really tiring but this is the most alive I've ever felt."
"Where do you sleep? I mean at Reagan's." Amy clarified when she saw the confused look on Jack's face.
"In her bed. We flirted with the idea of converting the music room, but ultimately we decided that it should stay as it's important to her. Why?"
"No reason," Amy said quickly.
"That's a very specific question. You clearly asked it for a reason?" Jack pried.
"Well since you're sleeping in her bed I was just wondering…."
"If we're sleeping together?"
Amy grimaced uncomfortably. "I mean I wouldn't blame her, you're gorgeous and you're closer to her age and we aren't exactly together an-"
"Listen," Jack spoke, leaning across the table toward Amy. "You guys are a mess. A real fucking mess and I let her know it. But she loves you. She is in love with you. She doesn't want anyone else."
Amy sighed in relief and then quickly tensed up at what Jack had to say next.
"Not that I haven't tried."
"That was a joke," Jack laughed leaning back in her seat. "I was kidding. I'm seeing someone. The look on your face though! Priceless."
"That's not funny! Don't play with my heart like that." Amy pouted, clutching her chest.
"But seriously. She is great. Don't wait too long or you might lose her. Okay come here. I gotta go." Jack said pulling Amy to her feet and wrapping her into a tight hug.
"Are you sure Reagan hasn't made a move on you?" Amy asked skeptically as she smelt Jack and felt Jack's arms tighten around her waist. "Because honestly I kind of feel like making one right now."
"I'm sure," Jack laughed pulling away from Amy. "Her loss though, I mean…" she winked heading back toward her place behind the counter.
Amy found herself avoiding eye contact with Jack on the way out while trying to discreetly fan her reddening cheeks.
"Reagan!? I have those coffee's," Amy called up the stairs. "Sorry I took so long," she continued pushing open her bedroom door. "I saw Jack and got caught up….Reagan?" Amy did a quick check of her room to find that Reagan was no longer there. It was then that she noticed the voices coming from Lauren's room. Reagan's in particular. Amy placed the coffee's on her bedside table and crept out into the hallway.
Peering through the crack in Lauren's door she saw Reagan sitting crossed legged on the floor decorating Lauren's presidential banner. Lauren was running her lines. Every so often Reagan would interject with a suggestion like 'take a breathe' or 'shorten that part otherwise you will lose people's attention'. And a strange thing was happening. Lauren wasn't getting annoyed at Reagan's interjections, instead she was taking them on board, listening and smiling (something Amy hadn't seen her do too much of in a while.)
Don't wait too long or you might lose her.
"Hey Reagan," Amy said peeking her head around the door. "Can you come to my room for a sec?"
"Can I come in a minute I'm almost done here."
"I kind of need you right now," Amy said trying to keep her voice level.
"Well how long are you going to be? We have things going on here!" Lauren argued, annoyed that Amy was taking Reagan away from her at such an important time.
"I don't know Lauren," Amy said heatedly. "A minute, maybe an hour. I just want to talk to my girlfriend! I mean…Reagan. I want to talk to Reagan. Can you come here for a minute please?"
"Yeah, sure." Reagan said getting to her feet. "Lauren, I'll be back."
"You better be. I still have some important lines to run."
"Promise," Reagan smiled booping Lauren on her nose.
"Hey! Don't do that," Lauren warned swatting away Reagan's finger.
Reagan raised her hands in surrender backing out of the room, "Sorry."
"Amy!" Lauren hissed holding her back from walking into her room. "I like her…quite a bit actually. And that's saying something because you know I don't like a lot of people. Don't be an idiot."
"I'm trying."
Amy stepped into her room and closed the door. Reagan sat on her bed sipping the coffee she had bought home.
"This is absolutely freezing," Reagan commented raising her cup toward Amy. "I think any sobering effect it might have is long gone. I think the high is wearing off now, so it doesn't really matter I suppose."
"So I saw Jack at the coffee shop," Amy said starting to pace a little.
"Yeah, she works there now."
"And she lives with you now?"
"Yeah I told you."
"Why what?"
"Why is she living with you?"
"Because she phoned me needing a place to stay. I'm not going to let a friend go homeless am I? What kind of scumbag does that?"
"You are such a good person," Amy sighed. "You are a good person."
"Thanks….?" Reagan frowned. "So are you."
"I'm not. I'm not a good person and that's the problem."
"Did you kill someone or something?" Reagan asked taking another swig of coffee. "You're starting to scare me a little."
"No one makes Lauren smile. Did you know that? She hardly ever smiles and yet you guys have met once and you're doing arts and crafts in her room? I'm not even allowed in her room!" Amy said exasperated.
"I'm sorry? I don't know what else to say. What is happening right now?"
"Don't be sorry. I'm just thinking out loud," Amy sighed. "I just feel like I'm not good enough for you or….anyone. I don't know. I just feel like garbage."
"I feel like this is coming out of absolutely no where," Reagan said cautiously. "Could you sit down please. You're making me really nervous."
Amy did as she was asked, staring at the wall a while before looking at Reagan. "Am I a bad person Reagan?"
"No, you're not." Reagan reassured. "I mean. You've probably done bad things. We all have. But that doesn't mean you're a bad person Amy."
"It doesn't?"
"Of course it doesn't! I mean the amount of bad things I've done in my life….I would definitely classify myself as garbage. But not you." Reagan slung her arm around Amy's shoulder, prompting Amy to nestle into Reagan's neck. "So just…calm down please. Because you're actually kind of scaring me, okay?"
Amy nodded meekly, "Okay."
"Alright, good talk."
Don't wait too long or you might lose her.
Amy sighed, closing her eyes tight. "Reagan, what are we?"
"Us? Incredibly indecisive and incredibly annoying." Reagan scoffed. "Or part time friends with benefits."
"I want more."
"But yester-"
"I know. But I want more. I just don't know when. Earlier, Jack told me 'don't wait too long or you might lose her' and now I'm kind of freaking out on you." Amy admitted.
"Well yesterday I told you that I forgive you. You probably thought I was saying it to have sex with you but I was telling the truth. We just happened to be in a compromising position, so." Reagan shrugged.
"You meant it?"
"Yes. I did. Truly. But now it's your turn to forgive yourself. Because your little meltdown clearly shows that you're not in the right headspace right now. And that's okay. You don't have to pretend to be okay all the time." Reagan reassured rubbing Amy's arm.
"How'd I get so lucky?" Amy sighed, her eyes glowing with adoration.
"I am pretty rad," Reagan agreed cheekily.
"And modest!" Amy teased.
"I'm a lot of things. But right now I am Lauren's #1 crafter, so I gotta go," Reagan said standing up.
"Hey," Amy said lightly grabbing Reagan's fingers. "Thank you."
"Sure," Reagan nodded giving Amy's fingers a reassuring squeeze before leaving the room.
Amy crawled into her bed and settled down under her sheets listening to the activity in the other room.
'I think you should cut that part out. It's too negative. It's dead weight and weighs the entire thing down…"
A/N: Honestly my enthusiasm for this story is waning.