A/N: It's a little bit late now, I know, I know. But this is what I've been doing over on Tumblr as part of makoheadrush's FFVII Smutmas challenge. Twelve days of Christmas, twelve days of smutty prompts to write! :D (I haven't done all twelve days, alas. Though technically the twelve days of Christmas ends on January 5th, so I've still got a little time...)

These are a series of one-shots set in the same 'verse and part of the same general storyline. But it's really just a bunch of silly, fluffy, and occasionally smutty little drabbles. (Although, for being Smutmas, there isn't a particularly huge amount of explicit smut involved, whoops.)

The pairings are established Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud and Angeal/Genesis, with a side of Angeal/Zack and Sephiroth/Genesis, and every pairing in between because this is smutmas and anything goes. XD;; Endgame is ASGZC, of course.

First Day of Smutmas

Prompt: No Peeking


Zack started, which was not the best thing to do in his current position. He was sprawled on his stomach, the top half of his body devoured by the expanse of the sprawling tree that took up half the living room. His head shot up, hitting the lower branches and causing a rain of pine needles to fall down the back of his shirt.

"What are you doing..?"

"There's a present!" came Zack's muffled, but very enthusiastic, reply.

Cloud blinked at him from where he was standing in the doorway. "Yes… and why does that mean you need to be under the tree as well?"

"It's for me! I gotta try and work out what it is." Zack wriggled his way backwards out from beneath the branches, clutching the present in question. He ran a hand through his spikes to try and dislodge some of the pine needles out of his hair (not very successfully), then he held the wrapped gift up to his ear and shook it. "Hmm. Small amount of rattle."

"…You are such a child," Cloud said, shaking his head. But it was impossible not to smile at Zack's excitement.

He was feeling carefully all along the wrapping paper now. "Aha! It's in a box."

"Well, that narrows it down."

Zack shushed Cloud as he shook the box again. Then he went in for the paper, sliding a fingernail into the join to lever it up.

"Hey, hey!" Cloud protested, hurrying across to grab the present away. "Feeling and listening is fine, but you can't look."

Zack gave him the puppy eyes. "Aw," he pouted. "But I'm just so curious…"

"Nope. Not happening. No peeking until Christmas day."

"But Cloooud…"

"No! What are you, five?"

"Something like that," Zack grinned. He took the present back off Cloud and inspected it closely. "This is from you, right? Give me a hint!"




"Pretty please with sugar on top?"

"Put it back."

Zack had the audacity to go for the wrapping paper again. Cloud batted his hands away.

"Zack! I'm serious. Put the present back, or you're not getting any for the rest of the year."

That made Zack pause, but he still wasn't letting the present go. "That's just cruel. Where's your holiday spirit, Cloud?"

Cloud rolled his eyes. Zack was simultaneously annoying and… really kind of cute. But Cloud knew how to get Zack's attention. Besides, it had been his last day of being on duty. He was free for the holidays now, which means he had all night to spent with Zack, and all morning to lie in afterwards.

Cloud carefully levered the present out of Zack's lap, and he slid into the vacated spot instead.

Zack looked torn. He was still insatiably curious about his gift, but he also had a lapful of extremely adorable blond boyfriend all of a sudden.

"And if you stop messing around with the present, you can get some right now," Cloud offered, a low purr becoming evident in his voice.

"I, uh…"

Zack swallowed. Cloud began pressing kisses along Zack's jawline, tugging on Zack's earring with his teeth. His hands settled on Zack's hips.

"But the present…" Zack protested.

Cloud's nibble on Zack's neck turned into a bite. "You can have it on Christmas. That's the way it works." His fingers wormed their way beneath Zack's shirt, stroking up and down his sides in a way that never failed to make Zack shiver. Zack leaned in to the touch, wrapping his arms around Cloud to pull him in closer.

"Yeah, but…" Zack forgot whatever argument he had been intending to make. Cloud's mouth was leaving marks against his collarbone now, and one of his hands had risen far enough to tease at Zack's nipples. "Mmn… you're kinda frisky this evening."

"Only way to distract you, apparently," Cloud said, smiling against the hollow of Zack's throat.

Zack's eyes glinted with amusement. "So if I start trying to peek at my presents, you're going to come and sex me up, is that the lesson I'm learning here?"

Cloud shoved Zack down, so he was sprawled on his back on the carpet. Cloud pinned his hands down on either side of his head. "No. That is not the lesson."

Zack just grinned. He lifted his head and caught Cloud's lips in a heated kiss.

Cloud's aim may have been to distract Zack, but it turned out he was equally as easy to distract. He melted into Zack's kiss, letting it deepen, loving the taste of Zack's lips against his own. He didn't protest at all when Zack rolled them over so that he was on top. Cloud just hooked a leg around Zack's hip to keep him there.

Zack's hands returned the favour of sliding down Cloud's sides and underneath his top, working it off. They had to break their kiss to get both their tops over their heads, but as soon as that was done they returned to what was quickly becoming quite the simmering little make-out session.

Cloud's hands slid down the back of Zack's jeans. "Wanna go to the bedroom?" he asked.

Zack kissed Cloud again, briefly but searingly. Then again, and a third time, as though he couldn't bear to pull himself away. He rolled his hips against Cloud's, granting a moment of delicious friction to both of their growing arousals. Cloud moaned underneath him.

"Yeah," Zack breathed. "Bedroom."

Cloud made a noise that was partly a laugh and partly a gasp, arching up as Zack's hand cupped the front of his jeans. He was only half hard yet, but it was hardly going to take long for him to get it up all the way with Zack massaging his cock through his trousers like that. "Nngh, Zack… you know you have to… ahh… get off me if we want to go anywhere."

Zack paused, frowned, then realised Cloud had a point. He reluctantly moved his weight off of Cloud and got to his feet. He offered a hand so Cloud could do likewise. Zack grinned. "First one to the bed gets to top," he suggested cheekily.

Cloud took a moment to subtly nudge the present back underneath the tree and out of sight. Then he nodded thoughtfully. "You're on," he agreed, before immediately shoving Zack to the side and bolting.

Zack made an indignant noise and dove after him.

It was impossible to tell who won. They both collapsed onto the bed at much the same time, in a wrestling, laughing pile. Their pants were disposed of, and their laughter quickly turned to moans of pleasure.

Still, Cloud would say that he had won this round. After all, Zack had been well and truly distracted from his present-peeking ways. The sex was just an extremely nice bonus.

Cloud had to admit, though, now he was exceptionally curious about the present he had seen under the tree, addressed from Zack to him.

Maybe he would have to have a peek at it later…