Well, here's the new chapter! Not a lot to it, just kind of a "not a lot happening, take it easy" chapter, mostly just to keep things going. Next one will be quite a bit better, but also a little...nerve-wracking, we'll say? Have to keep reading to find out!

Lilly quietly groaned as she stirred awake, yawning as she stretched out under the blanket and opened her eyes to see it was already morning. The sun was shining quite brightly outside and she could hear Cody, Humphrey and Siara talking outside and could smell breakfast cooking. She smiled to herself and pushed the blanket off, looking down to see her panties were back on, even though she knew she fell asleep naked. She shrugged it off and decided to ask Cody about it later, taking them off to put on a clean pair, along with one of his t-shirts and a pair of her shorts before opening the tent and stepping outside.

It was a little cool, but was quite comfortable and she took a deep breath as she stretched again before walking over to them all around the fire while Cody and Humphrey were cooking on the gas stove. Siara saw her coming and giggled, saying "About time you're awake, woman!" Lilly giggled and said "Hey, I slept amazingly!" Siara giggled again and Lilly walked up to Cody, receiving a kiss on the cheek as he said "Good morning, beautiful!" She softly purred and put her arms around his side, saying "Good morning! I slept so good last night!"

"So did I! Kinda surprised I didn't wake you up when I came outside." He said and she smiled, saying "I was out….Breakfast smells good!" He smiled and said "Sit down and relax for a bit, it'll be done soon!" She nodded and Siara asked "Wanna walk down to the lake with me, Lilly?" She smiled and said "Yeah, sure! I'd kinda like to see it!" With that, they headed down to the lake together, not saying much of anything until they finally got there.

"Wow….Sure is nice here!" Lilly said and Siara nodded, saying "I love this view! So, how was it last night? You know, sleeping together?" Lilly lightly blushed, but smiled, saying "It was great! We didn't really do anything, but it was still really nice! Very comfortable!" Siara giggled and asked "By not much, what do you mean?" Lilly shrugged and said "We fooled around a little, but didn't go very far with it. Basically, I ended up falling asleep naked."

Siara giggled and said "Ah, alright! Wanna hear how it was for us last night?" Lilly giggled as well and said "Well, duh! I can tell you're in a good mood this morning!" Siara quickly nodded and said "Very! We didn't go all the way, but we….heh…..masturbated together…." Lilly started giggling again and Siara hotly blushed, but kept smiling as Lilly asked "Was it fun?"

"Oh my god, yes! I mean, I've done it myself before….But, to do it with someone else, it's….SO much more fun and feels so much better!" Siara laughed, along with Lilly. "Did you two….touch each other?" Lilly asked and Siara shook her head, saying "No, we didn't do that yet. Just got ourselves off while we watched each other and made out. Between you and I….I kinda packed one of my toys…." Lilly nodded and said "So did I. If you don't mind me asking, how….big is he?"

Siara blushed again and smiled, saying "Well, we didn't have a ruler or anything, but my toy is seven inches long and almost two wide. He's bigger….By a good bit!" Lilly faintly blushed the same time Siara did, covering her mouth as she giggled and said "Oh, wow….First time you two sleep together and you get off. You're dirty!" Siara laughed a little and said "That's okay, I'm sure Humphrey would like it! Oh, and one more thing….He told me it had been a little while since he last got off. He was right! There was a lot!"

"Did you taste it?" Lilly asked and Siara shyly smiled, nodding as she said "Yeah….I had to…." They laughed among themselves and soon decided to head back, arriving just in time for breakfast to be ready. Kate and Thomas were awake now too, both of them looking quite refreshed and happy. They made it clear nothing other than sleeping happened, which everyone was sure would be the case anyway.

After breakfast and Lilly washed their plates off, she walked up to Cody and asked "Wanna walk with me for a bit?" He smiled and said "I don't see why not!" She giggled as he got up, holding hands as they walked off down the dirt pathway coming into the campground. "I'm really glad we decided to do this….You know, go camping." She said and he nodded, saying "So am I. It's nice to just get away and relax…." She nodded and they walked together for a little bit, looking at all the surroundings and talking about how it's been for them since they got together officially. Eventually, Lilly decided to ask the question on her mind since this morning.

"So, a question for you….Well, two actually." She said, smiling at him. He nodded and she asked with a faint blush "How did my panties magically get back on me?" He blushed a bit as well and weakly smiled, glancing away as he said "Ehh, I….put them back on you. I kinda felt bad since you were naked, so I did it to kinda cover you back up some. Sorry, baby…."

She giggled and said "Hey, it's okay! Honestly, I was completely okay with being naked. In fact, I rather liked it! It felt really good to be so close when we slept….But, I still thank you! Did you….check me out any when you did?" He blushed more and nodded, making her giggle more as she asked "Oh, really? What did you look at, hmm?" He looked at her and asked "Sure you wanna know?" She nodded and said "I won't get mad at you."

He weakly smiled and said "Alright, well….You were laying on your stomach, so I had to….lift your butt up off the bed. When I was putting them on and up your legs, I….was staring at your….umm…." She lightly blushed and smiled more, asking "Lady parts?" He nodded and said "I didn't mean to, but it was just right there….I….I really liked what I saw!"

"Aww, Cody….Well, thank you for thinking about my modesty!" She giggled, kissing his cheek. He smiled a bit and asked "And you're not mad at me?" She smiled as well and said "Not a bit! It's okay for you to look if you wanna….Only you, though!" He chuckled and said "Sweet, exclusive access!" She giggled and said "Well, viewing wise….We'll talk about your access later!"

"Was that both questions?" He asked and she blushed again, saying "No, one more….Whaddya say tonight we….have some fun together?" He smiled a bit and asked "What uh….what kind of fun?" She lightly giggled and said "The kind where we don't have sex, but still enjoy each other! Get it?" He nodded and said "Pretty sure I do! What do you think my answer is?" She giggled and said "Knowing you….Probably "fuck yes"!" They shared a laugh and he said "Well, you're not wrong!"

Back at home, Eve was sitting at the kitchen table, idly stirring her coffee while she just sat there, not reading anything at all, but just staring off into space. Winston walked into the kitchen and smiled, but then saw her face and got worried. "Eve, baby? You alright?" He asked as he put his arms around her shoulders, causing her to smile a bit as she said "Yeah, I'm fine. Just….thinking is all." He smiled again and asked "The girls?"

She nodded and sighed "Yeah….I just really miss them…." He kissed her cheek and she softly purred as he said "I know, I do, too. You know they're alright, though….Probably having the time of their lives!" She smiled more and said "That would make me more happy if I didn't think of what they might be doing, especially Lilly….She's a very sexual girl. I think she masturbates at least four times a week!"

He chuckled and rolled his eyes, saying "It's very possible they might be doing that, but just trust her to use good judgement. You gave her the condoms, so she knows we think they'll do it. Hopefully she'll stay safe…." She nodded and let out a sigh, saying "You're right, hun. I trust her….And Cody to treat her right." He chuckled again and said "I plan to have a talk with him after they get home to make sure of that!" She giggled a little and said "Just be nice to him….On a different note, did you not notice the little note I left you?"

"Oh, I did! Whenever you want to….You gave the girls the last of our condoms and you're out of birth control, so…." He said, kissing her neck. She loudly purred and leaned into it, saying "Oh, Winston…." He smiled and asked "Wanna take a shower together?" She giggled and said "Sounds good to me! Let's go, I've got a special idea in mind!"

Back up in the mountains, Kate and Thomas were sitting down by the water talking and enjoying the nice morning. They were simply talking like they would on a first date; Their interests, what they like and don't, usual stuff. To her, it did feel like an actual date and she was definitely enjoying it, but he wasn't sure because he didn't feel like she was actually very interested in the idea of them dating. Eventually, he couldn't ignore it anymore and asked "Kate, can I ask you something? I don't want you to take it the wrong way, though." She nodded and said "Yeah, anything. Something wrong?"

He weakly smiled and asked "Are you even actually interested in dating? I mean….When you were at the hospital before I left when we were talking, you didn't sound very interested when I asked if I could call you. Then in the parking lot when you said you wanted to try it, it felt more like you were worried how it would make me feel. And now, it's just….I dunno, I just get that feeling….."

She smiled as well and put her hand in his, saying "Thomas, please believe me here….I do want to, really! As far as the hospital, I probably came off that way because I was sick still. And the parking lot, I was being quite honest and I really was kind of excited! I'm glad you asked me out and I'm really glad I said yes! I really wanna see where this all goes….And don't worry, I didn't take any of that badly, I understand why you feel how you do. Although, to be as honest as I can, I do feel rather….worried."

He looked at her questioningly and asked "Why's that?" She nervously sighed and said "Like I said before, I haven't had good luck when it comes to dating….My last couple relationships went….rather badly. I really don't like to talk about it, but I'll tell you they were borderline abusive." He weakly smiled again and put his arm around her, pulling her against his side and saying "They're over and in the past. As long as you're happy they're done with, it's nothing that should keep you up at night….As for us, you know I'd never lay a hand on you….In a bad way, that is. Mainly because of your parents, but I know both Cody and Humphrey wouldn't waste anytime beating my ass…."

She giggled a little and nodded, saying "That's very true, they're like brothers to me! And thank you, it feels good hearing that from you…." He smiled more and she laid her head against his shoulder, letting out a content sigh and then smiled a bit again, asking "Can I tell you something?" He nodded and she looked up at him, saying "I was very comfortable last night! Something about sharing the bed made me feel….like I was safe. From anything." He chuckled and said "I was quite comfortable, too. Though a little nervous being so close….Not exactly a large bed…."

Back up at the campsite, Lilly and Siara had changed into their bikinis and were headed down to the lake to enjoy the sunshine. They'd asked the boys if they wanted to join, but they said they'll catch up later, so now it was just the two of them at the lake. It was perfectly clear and sunny and a bit warm, so it seemed like a perfect time to just lay back and relax. As they laid out their towels and put on sunscreen, Lilly asked "So, are you and Humphrey planning to have another date while we're here?"

"Actually, we haven't really talked much about it. I kinda hope we do at some point, even if it's just spending the night talking." Siara said as she sat down. Lilly nodded and said "Cody and I are definitely going to do something, I dunno what though. We talked about it on the way up and we'll find something!" Siara giggled and said "That's good! How do you think your parents are at home? Worried about you two?" Lilly shrugged and said "More than likely, mainly Mom. Although, she did put a pack of condoms in Kate and I's bags, so I'm sure they think we'll end up getting intimate at some point. It's cool though, it shows they approve of Cody and I."

"Yeah, for sure! I didn't bring any of those and I don't think Humphrey did either, but I'm on birth control, so anything we end up doing will be okay. I even have emergency pills in case I show signs of pregnancy." Siara said and Lilly giggled, saying "Good plan! Are they specifically for you or…." Siara giggled as well and said "Just ask if you need it, it's cool!" They shared a laugh as they laid back on their towels and the warm sand, enjoying the warm sunshine. "I'm really surprised the boys didn't come down with us! I figured they'd be all over the chance to see us in bikinis!" Lilly giggled and Siara nodded, saying "Same here! Of course, Humphrey told me I look incredibly beautiful….And he slapped my butt!"

"Aww….Well, he's not wrong, you are!" Lilly said, making her blush a bit. "When I was putting mine on, Cody said it was pretty attractive on me! And he kinda….grabbed my boob…." Lilly giggled, causing Siara to laugh. "Oh, wow….I can see why it's attractive, it stands out against your fur quite well and matches your eyes! It looks perfect!" She said and Lilly smiled, saying "Thanks! Between you and I, if it were just Cody and I here, I'd like to be skinny dipping!" Siara giggled again and said "I wouldn't be surprised, either. I'm gonna doze off for a bit. Can you wake me up when you turn over?" Lilly nodded, so Siara put her shirt over eyes and rather quickly fell asleep, leaving Lilly awake by herself. She didn't feel like sleeping, the warm sun felt too nice and she had to enjoy it!

While she was sunbathing, she looked over to see Cody coming down the hill and smiled, saying as he got closer "Siara's asleep." He chuckled and said "Of course. Humphrey told me a bit about what happened last night. Left out most details, not like I need to know, anyway." Lilly giggled as he sat down beside her, sharing a brief kiss that made her purr. "We figured you two would be excited to see us in our bikinis!" He smiled and said "Oh, I am, trust me! I figured you two wanted a little relaxing time to yourselves."

She laid her head on her arms and let out a quiet sigh, closing her eyes to enjoy the warmth when she suddenly felt his hand rubbing up and down her back. She softly purred and asked "And what's this for, hmm?" He chuckled and said "Just helping you relax. Want me to stop?" She smiled more and said "Not a bit….Though, if you don't mind, I could use some sunscreen on my back!"

"Of course I don't." He said, getting the bottle and squeezing some out onto her before massaging it in. She let out a long purr and small moan, saying "Mmm, that feels good…." He kept massaging it in from her shoulder down to her waist, but she knew he'd like to go a little lower. "Getting pretty close to my butt there…." She giggled, moving her hips side to side a little. He chuckled and said "Well, you know….It's there." She giggled more and enjoyed the time, slightly disappointed when he was done.

"That should do it. Now you won't roast." He said with a smile, leaning down and kissing her cheek. She smiled as well and returned it, saying "Thank you! Does this bikini look good on me?" He quickly nodded and said "It looks incredible! Stands out very nicely and makes your eyes even more beautiful…." She lightly blushed and giggled, saying "Aww, thank you….It's a little tight around the girls, but I'm sure you like it that way, hmm?"

"Well, I didn't see that much of it, you know…." He chuckled, making her giggle more, so she turned over onto her back, blushing a bit more. "Yep, you're right, I do like it!" He said, making her laugh and she said "Uh huh, thought so!" He smiled and leaned down, sharing a brief kiss with her before saying "You enjoy yourself, I'm gonna go back up there." She smiled as he got up and went back to their campsite, letting out a soft sigh and closing her eyes.

A little ways down the road, Thomas and Kate were walking together, enjoying each other's company and talking about themselves. He suggested they go for a walk as a kind of date, which she was all for! So far, it had been going quite well and they were having a lot of fun! She was thinking about all the dates she had been on, albeit not a whole lot, but couldn't think of a single one that felt better than how it was just walking with him!

"Can I tell you something?" Kate asked with a small smile. Thomas nodded and she said "I know this isn't truly a full on date, but….It's been better than any I've had before!" He smiled as well and said "I was kinda feeling the same way! I can't remember the last time I've had as much fun being with someone else!" She giggled and reached over a bit, taking his hand in hers. He chuckled and gave hers a gentle squeeze, making her smile more.

"When you came to visit me in the hospital, I never told you how sweet that was! Taking off and missing part of school, just to make sure I was okay…." She said in a soft and happy tone. "I was pretty worried, to be honest. Lilly sent that text to everyone saying your mother took you there, but never said why. I thought something happened…." Kate giggled a little and said "It's that caring side I like best about you! After we got home, even Mom said you seemed very worried about me and it was touching for you to be there. When you finally meet her, I think she'll really like you!"

"I hope so! Your Dad doesn't have any big guns he uses to scare guys with, right?" He asked with a chuckle and Kate said "Only his shotgun!" He looked very worried and Kate burst out laughing, saying "I'm kidding, of course he doesn't…." Thomas breathed a sigh of relief and asked "You're something else, you know that?" Kate smiled and asked "I thought you liked that about me?"

"I do….But, I can also see it being a pain in the butt…." He chuckled, kissing her cheek. She lightly blushed and nudged him away, giggling "Quit it, you're embarrassing me…." They continued walking a while longer, eventually circling back to the campsite to see Lilly and Siara were back already. Siara had a bit of a sunburn on her shoulder and Humphrey was rubbing aloe gel into it. "Well, they're back!" Lilly giggled as they walked over and sat down with everyone else. Kate smiled and said "Yeah, yeah….So, what sounds fun tonight!?"