Holy crap! Has it really been a year and a half since I updated?! Sorry, guys.

After a lovely meal cooked by Juliet, she, Neal, and Mozzie went into the living room. The men had brandy, while Juliet just had water.

"I have to say, Monsieur Haversham, you are charming and hilarious." Juliet said.

Neal chuckled. "Yeah. Hard to believe he's still single."

"Ha. I'm married, remember?" Mozzie raised an eyebrow.

Neal tried not to scoff. "Right. Sorry."

Juliet cleared her throat and stood up. "Well, I will leave you two gentlemen to your brandy. I have a kitchen to clean up."

"Oh, I can do it." Neal offered.

"No, Victor, we agreed." Juliet shook her head. "Whoever cooks, cleans up."

Neal chuckled and nodded. "Okay. Don't strain yourself."

"Don't worry. I'll be careful." Juliet kissed the top of Neal's head and headed to the kitchen.

Neal stared after her and sighed. He turned to Mozzie, who had his head cocked, and his brows furrowed in concentration. "What?"

"I'm trying to decide whether or not I like her." Mozzie said simply. "I mean, she's nice and pretty, and has a good sense of humor, but…"

"But what?"

"I'm wondering if that will be gone once you tell her who you really are." Mozzie wondered aloud.

"What are you implying?" Neal raised an eyebrow.

"Just that with your track record with women…" Mozzie trailed off and shrugged.

Neal rolled his eyes. "So, I've had bad luck when it comes to women. Doesn't mean I'll have bad luck forever."

"Okay. Just saying…"

Neal sighed and leaned forward. "Moz, I have been completely honest with her with everything except my real name and real past. We trust each other."

"Then there's no problem? Not even your ex-girlfriend whom you impregnated and fake proposed to is in town?" Mozzie asked.

"No, there is no problem." Neal said earnestly. "Everything's going to be fine."

"Okay. Well, then, good luck." Mozzie stood up as Juliet re-entered the living room.

"Leaving so soon?" Juliet asked.

"Oui. I better get some rest for my flight tomorrow." Mozzie replied. "I had fun, though. We should do this again."

"Oh, oui. I would like that, too." Juliet replied, smiling. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Mounsieur."

"Oh, please, call me Mozzie." Mozzie replied. "Au revoir."

"Au revoir." Juliet said, waving as Mozzie left. She turned to Neal. "I rather like your friend."

"Yeah, he grows on you." Neal chuckled. He sobered up and sighed inwardly. "Juliet…sit down, there's something I need to tell you."

Juliet nodded. "All right."

"My ex-girlfriend's in town." Neal admitted. "The Louvre set up an alliance with Sterling Bosch in London, and she's the head honcho over there."

"Oh." Juliet turned away. She didn't know how to feel about that.

"There's more. We both lived in New York last year…when she left, she found out she was pregnant." Neal admitted. Juliet looked astonished by that. "I had no idea until this morning."

"So, why did she wait so long to tell you?" Juliet asked.

"Because she thought I was dead until this morning." Neal replied.

Juliet was bewildered. "Why did she think you were dead?"

"When I lived in New York, I…I worked with the FBI…as a criminal informant." Neal revealed. Shocked, Juliet turned away. Neal continued. "She- Sara- is an insurance investigator for Sterling Bosch. We dated for a while, then broke up, then started a 'friends with benefits' relationship. She got a job in London. I hadn't seen her since. I was a con artist in my previous life."

Juliet shot a look at Neal. "What?!"

"I never killed anyone-"

"You also told me you're a con artist, so why should I believe you?" Juliet said angrily. She stood up and sighed.

"I was. But then I left the life." Neal insisted, standing up. "It was not doing me any favors- I learned that the hard way. I was in jail for three years, then escaped…that's when I became a CI."

"Stop, okay? This is too much!" Juliet shook her head, turned away from Neal, and rubbed her eyes. "Why did you lie about being dead?"

"My last assignment for the FBI was to bring down the Pink Panthers- a major criminal mob in the US." Neal explained. "I brought them down, but then I realized two things: one, the FBI was never going to let me go. I'm too much of a valuable asset to them. And two, the Panthers would seek revenge and come after the people I care about. So, I faked my death, came here to reinvent myself."

Juliet exhaled sharply and turned around. "That's why you lied to me? To protect me?"

"Pretty much." Neal nodded. He stood. "Look, Juliet, I'm sorry I haven't been completely honest with you."

"So, why tell me now?" Juliet asked.

"Because an old friend of mine came to the Louvre, plotting to rob it." Neal replied. "She was going to steal an old chess set that was on display. Peter, the FBI agent, was the one who brought it to me; and Mozzie is a lawyer, so he came to represent Alex- my friend."

Juliet nodded. "So, the only reason you told me was because your friends came to town?"

"Pretty much. Yeah." Neal nodded.

"Well, then I'm glad they did." Juliet replied. She turned and walked away.


Juliet whirled around angrily. "Don't! Don't. Don't you think I had a right to know about this?! For God's sake, Victor, I am carrying your child!"

"I know. I swear, I won't let anything happen to him or you." Neal insisted.

Juliet wanted to believe him, but something held her back. "I just need time to process."

"Okay. I understand." Neal said. He sat back down. Juliet nodded and left. Neal sighed and leaned back. 'That went well…'


It was full dark by the time Peter walked through the door to his house. Elizabeth walked to the entryway holding Neal. She gasped. "Oh, look, Daddy's home!"

"Hey!" Peter smiled and scooped Neal up from Elizabeth's arms. "How is my little boy doing? Did you take good care of Mommy while I was gone?" Neal just nodded, and Peter chuckled. "That's my boy. Mwah." Peter kissed him on the cheek, then turned to his wife. "Hey, hon." They kissed.

"Hey, how was Pa-ree?" Elizabeth asked. "Did you bring me anything?"

"Yes. A dress, some souvenirs, and exciting news." Peter replied.

"Ooh, intrigue." Elizabeth replied, smiling. "That's funny, 'cause I have exciting news, too."

"Really? What?" Peter asked.

"Let me put this little guy down for bed, and we'll catch up." Elizabeth said, taking Neal back.

"No. I just got back." Peter whined, half-jokingly.

"Oh, you'll still be here in the morning." Elizabeth replied, smiling. She turned to Neal. "Let's get you to bed."

They walked upstairs. By the time Peter was done unpacking and changed into his pajamas, Elizabeth returned to the bedroom. They sat on the bed.

"Okay, so, what's your big news?" Elizabeth asked.

"You go first." Peter said.

"Okay, well...I'm pregnant again." Elizabeth beamed. "The baby's due in April."

Peter gasped and smiled. "Honey! That's terriffic!" They hugged and laughed. "Oh. I hope it's a girl this time."

"Oh, please. You'd be elated if it were another boy." Elizabeth rolled her eyes good-naturedly.

"Yeah, that's true." Peter nodded, then chuckled. "Wow, we're gonna have to get a bigger place!"

"Yeah, really." Elizabeth replied. "Okay, your turn."

Peter beamed. "Neal's alive. That's why I went to Paris. To find him."

Elizabeth blinked in shock. "W-what? Wait..."

"I know it's crazy, but...he-he faked his own death...and I just realized I killed Keller for nothing." Peter's voice trailed off.

"Well, he still had to be stopped." Elizabeth shrugged. "Honey, are you sure he's alive? You're not just thinking that?"

"I saw him with my own eyes and talked to him." Peter said. "He's living under a different name and he's engaged and he's going to be a father."

"Does his fiancee know who he really is?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.

"He told me he's going to tell her. She probably knows by now." Peter replied.

'Well, I hope so.' Elizabeth thought. "I'm glad he's alive and that he has a family now. It's what he always wanted, right?"

Peter nodded. "I'm happy for him."

"Me, too." Elizabeth replied. "Is he going to visit us any time soon?"

"I hope so." Peter said hopefully. "But...he's where he wants to be. He's happy. I'm happy for him."

Elizabeth could tell her husband was trying to convince himself as well as her. "But you want him to move back here."

"Well, I mean..." Peter sighed. "He's happy there. He's happier than I've ever seen him."

Elizabeth nodded. "Honey, I know you're disappointed, but...if Neal's happy there, there's nothing you can do except be happy for him and relieved that he's okay."

Peter tried not to look too disappointed in that response. "Yeah. Okay."

Elizabeth noticed and rolled her eyes. "What, did you think I was gonna say something like 'Well, screw that. Make him move back here! It's where he belongs!'?"

Peter chuckled softly. "Okay, good point. That does sound ridiculous."

"Yeah. And you can still text and video chat." Elizabeth smiled.

"True." Peter nodded. "Well...at least I know he's alive and happy. That's good enough for me."

"And great practice for when the kids go off to college." Elizabeth winked.

"God, no..." Peter groaned and rubbed his eyes. Elizabeth just laughed and patted his back.


Meanwhile, in an abandoned warehouse outside New York City, Alan Woodford walked into a room, which had a man with brown hair sitting at a table, a cane leaning against it.

"Well, well...look who's finally out of his coma." Alan said, smirking.

The man smirked back. "I've been out of my coma for six months, now. Just got a few months left of physical therapy."

"Good." Woodford sat down across from the man. "I am impressed. Not many can survive a shot to the head."

"You'd be amazed at what science can do." The man grinned.

"Hmm. Indeed." Woodford nodded. "Let's talk about why we're meeting here today."

"Neal Caffrey." The man replied.

"You believe he's alive as well?" Woodford asked. The man nodded. "That's a pretty big assumption to make, Keller."

"When we were in that warehouse...he didn't even try to defend himself when I had a gun on him." Keller explained. "He wasn't armed...and I just told him the FBI will never let him go."

"Not much to go on." Woodford shrugged.

Keller pulled out a newspaper from the previous week, and slid it towards Woodford. "Read the headline: Louvre Gets Security Upgrades. There's more. I found out from a few sources that Peter Burke and Mozzie went to Paris a few days ago. Alex Hunter and Sara Ellis were all there on the same day. Hunter tried to rob the Louvre. This can't be a coincedence."

Woodford nodded and sucked his teeth. "Tell you what: I have men in Lyons. I'll tell them to hop over to Paris, do some investigating."

"Excellent. That's all I ask." Keller smiled in satisfaction.

"I have to say...if Caffrey is indeed alive..." Woodford chuckled deviously. "He will pay for bringing down my organization."

"I'm sure. And Agent Burke...he will regret trying to kill me, deeply." Keller replied.

"This will be fun." Woodford remarked.

"Oh, it will."