So, I got a review saying I shouldn't write in English because I don't speak English 'Natively'. Then they advised me to get a beta reader (gave me a 0/10 score because of my bad English). Mm, so, which one should I do? no more writing in English or get a beta reader?

- Firstly, not everyone, as in 'Native' English speaker is available to be a beta reader or even want to, then secondly, I was just having fun writing. For me, it's a way to better my English, to familiarize myself and learn new vocabulary. If then people start reading my story and liking it, that's a bonus. But, please, your bluntness should be about how can I get better at writing, not just trying to stop me from writing.

With that.

This is an update. My beta is Grammarly, there are typos, misspelled and other kinds of mistakes. Read at your own risk.





The sound of a steady beep from the heart monitor echoed through the I.C.U room where Detective David Vega currently resides in, lying with wires attached to his body, and tube to help him breathe. A tan hand holding his as the person looks at the detective with sorrow. "Hey, dad." She said with little enthusiasm she still has. "Update, school's school nothing excited happen just day to day stuff. I get an A for my R&B class, that's something. Oh, and Jade still hates my gut." A paused. "I know you don't like it when I'm bitter and I need to stay positive or as you would say 'Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow'." Tori rolled her eyes at that, her dad always sees something on the positive side of things, which that's where she got it from, ironically, and now she just sees darkness ahead.

The singer sighed. "Trina has a new boyfriend. His name's Andrew ... I think." She smiled a little. "He's a good dude, and he actually likes Trina and enjoyed hanging out with her. Yes, dad, I said hanging out." She manages to chuckle remembering how she teased the detective about it. "Mom's okay, you'll see her later at the usual time tho. It's uh... she's been more present with us dad, that's good, right?" She shrugged.

She doesn't mean it to sound like Holly was not there for them, contradict to what she said about being more present, her mother wasn't that absent, she was just not paying much attention to her daughters like a mother should ever since Trina and Tori showed that they can take care of themselves. Granted that is not a good excuse for a mother to not paying more attention to her children, she was just trying to give them the chance to be the best of themselves and that's why she's reeled in 'the mama bear' and occupied herself with something else but the woman is always there when the girls needed her the most.

Tori looked at the monitor, a steady line of the heartbeat, her eyes misted. "Come back to us dad." The singer muttered as a lone tear fall down her cheek.



Love, I have wounds, Only you can mend, You can mend oh oh oh. I guess that's love. I can't pretend. I can't pretend, oh oh oh



Andre just bought his lunch from the grub truck, walking past the row of tables to get to the gang's usual table when he saw Tori at the parking lot, it looks like she was just coming in from somewhere as she parked her motorbike -guest Tori's not hiding her riding side anymore, which Andre was so glad - she kicked the side stand and unmounted her bike with earbuds in hands ready to tune out the world as she walked past the asphalt cafe. The singer-songwriter sighed as he sat beside Cat whom having a conversation with Beck about something with Jade sitting across from Andre, Robbie was nowhere in sight.

Looking at the way the youngest of the Vega sisters walking without care for the world, he knew that Tori was not going to join them again today. Tori hasn't taken up his offered help, and things are still awkward between Tori and Jade, as disturb as He is when Tori and Jade going at it with their banter, he actually longed for the sound of the two girls arguing about something so stupid for them that Andre would call it ridiculous, their group dynamic was changing the longer Jade ignores Tori.

Speaking of the two girls. He notices from the corner of his eye as he takes a bite of his burrito that he's not the only one observing the half-Latina as she passed by the asphalt cafe, a certain raven-haired beauty also looking at the singer and the African-American boy just shakes his head slowly. Stubborn girls. He thought. This thing between them needs to be resolved, and soon, because of the stress he's feeling, it can't be good for his longterm health.

"So, Jade..." Andre started but it's like the actress knew what he was going to say with the way she slowly diverting her gaze to him with those piercing blue eyes looking at him sharply, challenging him to speak what he intends to speak with the message saying 'do it at the expense of your own doom', making the boy cowered in an instant. "Never mind." He said instead as Robbie walked in with him arguing with Rex about something ridiculous making the singer-songwriter sighed. What the chiz he's going to do now.


Tori has been sulking, barely paying attention to her classes and opted not to participate in any class activity. She has been thinking about the case from any different angles -she's found a possible suspect- and yet there's nothing to tie the suspect to the crime. She bugged Haruka then Michiru so often that the Interpol agents have had enough and sent her on her way, they affirmed her that the case is none of her business and ordered her to stand down, she's a civilian and thus she can't get involved with the case.

The Interpol has pulled the case completely from LAPD's hand since the join case thingy with them burned-out leaving three officers dead in the crossfire, one in a coma and one civilian, dead -She flinched every time she remembers that the one civilian was Jade's father, it set all kinds of things in her stomach, mainly guilt- and to top it all, she has been banned to even think about the case by Haruka, of all people, her idol has to be the one to say that.

It hurt since Haruka's been hanging around the track with her -as she still needs to keep her cover- coaching her and giving her pointers on how to race with grace and style. Tori thought she was going to get the privilege of working with the blonde racer because of this. But damned she's a tough one to crack and Tori's sad she can't work the case anymore to even enjoyed being coached by Tenoh freaking Haruka. But then... Tori is not Tori if she's backing out just because a couple of Interpol agents said she can't get involved. Pfft. She will crack this case wide open and give whoever did this some justice.

She has to do this.

The Latina sits at the stage above the asphalt cafe, the school was just let out and the students milling about either staying late to do a project or just hanging out or going home. This felt familiar somehow, with the sun's not too bright at this time of day, just beginning to set and shine bright orange in the sky and the wind is quite chilling. Tori smiled, it brings back memories not long ago when she was climbing up the stairs to this stage looking for Jade. It felt like so long ago.

"Jade, get down!" The singer shouted out as she pulled the actress down with her to the ground. "Keep your head low to the ground, and wait here." She said in a rush looking for Mr. West. "Where's your dad?"

"He was here, we ran and he said he's right behind me!" The girl said frantically pointed out where they - she- was coming from, shaking and in shock.

"I'll find him." She said but the actress just sits there shaking, Tori grabbed the girl's arms to shake her. "Hey, hey. It's going to be okay. Jade look at me." She said again. "Breathe..." Tori said and the girl stops shaking and breathe. "Good. Now, I'm going to find your dad and we're going to get out of here, alright?" Brown eyes looked at the blue, searching for confirmation if she understands her, a couple of a second and the actress nodded. It's all she needs to know. "Stay here, and stay low. I'm going to get your dad, okay?" With that, Tori kissed Jade's forehead and went to the direction they were coming from as Jade told her in the mids of her freaking out.

The singer laid down, arm up to block the sun, music play trough her earbuds. She feels like in one of those -cheesy- movies, laying here being mellow as she listening to a heartfelt song. She wanted to laugh at how her life turned out to be. She had the girl and also lose her at the same time, manages to make the girl hate her so much that she didn't want anything to do with her. She sighed and sits up. If there's no change for her to be with Jade, at least she's going to fix this, bring justice to the bastard that hurt Jade. No matter the consequences she gets in this mission, she will make this right. For Jade's sake.


We keep reaching up for the stars. While the sky is coming apart. Human. Human. Human.




Three days after Tori offered to talk, Jade -with a heavy heart, swallowed her ego and brushed her anger aside- finally called Tori. She didn't really want to in the first place, thinking about the hurt that the singer had caused her, but after some long and very careful thought also aided by what Cat had said to her about her need to let things go in order to heal and moves on, and it's only fair for her to at least give the dorky Latina a chance, and as much as she hates to do it, she needs to know -no, she deserve to know - what the heck is going on. So she -begrudgingly- going through a list of names on her contact list and dial on the name 'Sweet Sally Peaches'. It's time for her to get the closure she needed, and maybe some light will sed along the way.

A dial tone and then a clicked sound. "Alright, Vega what do you want to talk about?!" She said it with much authority after the line was picked up not giving Tori a chance to even say the customary greeting of hello.

A sighed can be heard, tho not a desperate or tired kind of sigh, it's an amusement with a hint of a smirk -Jade assumes the Latina doing that. The singer clears her throat before speaking. "Right... I want you to go out with me, Jade." It was said with a clear and confident tone.

"Excuse me?! I don't know what are you thinking about when you say that, but I'm sure hell not going to, I'm calling because you said that we need to talk. That you can explain things, and now you want me to go out with you?!" Jade was surprised by what Tori just said and also disbelieve, just days ago she said to Jade about how she wanted to explain, she begged Jade to let her explain -at least that how Jade remembered it, and when she called the rider to be, all she had to say was 'I want you to go out with me'! that makes her blood boil. How dare she. She was going to launch another rant when her phone vibrated, a text.

'Just go with it' The text said and that confused Jade even more.

"Yes Jade, I'm asking you to please go out with me." Confident with the tone that said, 'I'm not taking no for an answer, and yet still manage to be somehow polite about it.

Jade looked at the text again, contemplating. If this is just some game the brunette playing, she's not going to play. Before Jade can voice out her disapproval however, another text showed up. 'Trust me. Just go with it. Please.'

The raven-haired girl huffed, Tori better have an excellent explanation for this. "Fine." She said.

"Great. I'll pick you up at seven, dress nicely." She quipped, sounded giddier than anything and the actress just rolled her eyes.

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Oh Jade, don't be such a grumpy gank."

"Vega..." She dragged out the name as a warning.

"Alright then, see you at seven. Bye." She hangs up quickly.


Feel, my skin is rough. But it can be cleansed, It can be cleansed, oh oh oh. And my arms are tough but they can be bent. They can be bent. And I wanna fight. But I can't contend. I guess that's love. I can't pretend. I can't pretend.


"How do I spell the 'Evil' part, with three Is or three Es instead." Robbie voiced out as he types in the script the jew boy, Beck, Cat, and Andre has been working on the past thirty minutes. They sit around in the black theater after school to work on the project from one of their classes. Usually, they work on a project at Tori's but then they're kind of at odds, Cat's house was out of the question with her brother and all, Andre's grandma was also a factor for not going to his house, Robbie, well nothing good, Beck's ... they all kind of still have a little bit PTSD for being trapped in that RV during one hot summer day, so they chose to work on school instead.

"Use, four Is and three Ls," Beck said as he sips his orange soda. "Hey, you haven't told me how your talk went with Tori?" The Canadian actor asked Andre.

The singer-songwriter shrugged. "Tori told me nothing, she was all secretive and all. Said she has helped, but I pushed her, said if she doesn't let me help, let us help. I would follow her everywhere she goes."

"Wow, that's a commitment." Robbie chimed in.

"Well, she caved in and will tell me, us, if she needs any help in the future."

"I don't know Andre, this feels kinda wonky," Cat replied instead.

"What do you mean little red?" The dark skin boy asked.

"I feel wonky in my stomach."

"Cat, did you swallow a house key again?" Robbie asked.

"No, Robbie, what I'm trying to say is, I have a bad feeling that Tori is about to do something stupid and get herself hurt."

"Tori's smart, she always has a plan and if she needed any help, I'm ready, I mean we are ready. Don't worry okay, we're going to help." The genius musician assured her.

"Well, what's with the slip up with the 'me and us' man?" Beck asked while Andre just gave him that nervous chuckle as they discuss the project more.


Seven o'clock on the dot, the doorbell rings and the raven-haired beauty waiting for a bit before she opens the door because Jade doesn't want to appear to be too eager for this date, which she doesn't. The door to the house open to reveals Tori in her casual clothing in her casual sneakers, black jeans, red button-up shirt, and black leather jacket, with a bouquet of red roses, smiling the widest smile that made Jade wants to puke.

"These are for you." She handed the flowers to Jade.

Jade took it tentatively. "Thanks." She then went inside to put the flowers on the table near the door instead of finding a vase to put it into, she wanted this date to be over quickly.

"You ready?" Tori asked, offering her a helmet.

"Oh no, I'm not going with you on that thing. Again." She refused.

Tan girl tilted her head, amused because she knows Jade loved it but insist on denying it. "Come on, it's faster." She said playing along with the charade.

"Do you know how long I work on my hair?!" She pointed. "And this dress is not fit for riding that thing!" She pointed to her deep purple dress that made Jade look cute as well as beautiful in it. In which Tori approved as she checked the girl out.

"For someone doesn't want to go out with me, you sure prepared." She raised an eyebrow teasingly.

"Eyes up here girl," Jade smirked, masking her annoyance at the jab. "You said to dress nice, now you're complaining?" She challenged back.

"No, just admiring." A pause, it's like all the playfulness leaving Tori's body and replace with something more raw and real as she said. "You look beautiful," Tori said sincerely with a genuine and gentle smile painted on her face.

The later admission threw Jade as she didn't prepare for such a raw emotion coming from the singer, after all, they have some kind of history and familiarity that never even get the chance to start. Doesn't want too caught up in the emotions she put back her mask as she scoffed. "Must we ride that thing."

Tori just smiles. "Yes, yes we must." Then she offers the helmet again for Jade to take. "Come on, it'll be fun. Trust me."

"I don't," Jade said bluntly, okay that one was not nice of her, clearly she said that out of spite just to hurt Tori. The truth is, she won't be standing here if she doesn't trust the singer, but Jade is still angry at her that she wanted the half-Latina to feel a fracture of the pain of what Jade felt.

Tori didn't say anything then, she just put on a smile and let Jade have it. "Okay, but we still have to go and my bike is faster." She said simply not wanting to make things worse.

"Nope, not with this dress. I need to change first." She said as she went into the house to change and leave Tori at the door without inviting her to wait inside. She wanted Tori to at lease suffered a little.

Ten minutes later the blue-eyed girl is descending the stairs and through the front door, now wearing a more suitable outfit, black jeans that hugged her curves, company by her trusted combat boots, black tank tops with a green military jacket as compliments. Locking the door before she snatched the helmet from Tori. "Let's go." Tori just smiled and do as the lady says, mounting her motorbike with Jade settled behind her and drive off.


Oh, feel our bodies grow. And our souls they play, yeah. Yeah, love I hope you know. How much my heart depends, yeah. But I guess that's love I can't pretend. I guess that's love I can't pretend, oh oh. But I guess that's love I can't pretend. I guess that's love I can't pretend, oh oh.


Tori drive them around the city and Jade felt like Tori doesn't have a destination to get into, not really with the way she drives a certain road twice before she continued to take a different route, fifteen-minute later they're stopping for gas, why not do that before the date, Jade thought with annoyance. She swears if the singer doesn't stop somewhere anytime soon, she will lose it. The hell playing it nice.

As Tori filling up the tank of her bike and while Jade was fuming at a good distant waiting for her to be done - yes, she knew Jade was pissed with her going around the city with no apparent destination - she scans her surrounding to make sure she's not being followed, earlier she sensed someone was tailing her on her way to Jade's house, called her paranoia or something but she won't take a chance of them being ambushed. That's why she has been going around the city, to shake them off. She needs to make sure that she managed to lose them. She does one more sweep of the area before she finished filling up the tank and mounted the bike, signaling Jade that they need to go.

"Hold on tight, okay." The half-Latina said before the engine roar to life and she took off glancing once on her side mirror making sure for one more time and then she pulled on the gas making Jade scream in surprise then hold tighter onto the singer.

Fifteen minutes of intense riding Jade was going to lose her shit but then Tori slowing down and make a turn into a narrow path and down into a dirt road making her feel like ten different kinds of creepy up her spine. If this is just a payback for what Jade has done at the beginning of their kind of friendship back when Tori was needed a ride to school, there are no repairing what's left of their relationship.

About two minutes into the dirt road they finally reach a clearing and Tori keep on going until they reach the edge of the clearing and the brunette ride through between two big trees and make a left until she reached what looks like a cabin. It was rundown and in no shape to be occupied for anyone.

"Is this the place where you finally kill me?" Jade said as she gets down from the bike and put some distance with the singer who laughs at her.

Tori covers her bike with some branched making sure it's not visible from anyone before she faced the raven-haired girl. "No Jade, I would never hurt you, I would gladly take a bullet before I let anything happen to you." Well, I already did, twice. Tori recalled one for when Tori was saving Mr. West on a car chase, one when she was getting Jade out from the safe house. It all healed up nicely now, tho.

"Why? I have been anything but nice to you since day one, there's no reason for you to care about me, let alone like me."

"But I do care, Jade. You were just being defensive with your mean word and your teasing, but you were there when I needed some pushing. When I need someone to tell me to just suck it up and do better instead of whining about it." She looks at Jade. "I already told you all of this, back at the house, remember."

Yes. That's right, Tori has told her all of her reason, saying all the right things leading her to kiss the singer for the first time before bailing out. Saying she was too broken for the girl and didn't want to broke her too -or along those lines. Then everything went to hell and she just wanted to forget everything and buried it deep layered with the hurt and anger, so, she forgets that at some point ... she cares about Tori too.

Tori smiled, a gentle smile, she doesn't move an inch from her spot despite how bad she wanted to just take a step closer and hug the actress. To remind her about the kissed they shared, but she reels it in, giving Jade the space she asked and let her come to her when ready. "Come on, I need to show you something." She said as she walked around the cabin and lead her into the back. They walked in silence with Jade following behind contemplating if this was the right move or not, giving Tori a chance to tell her side of the story.

The singer led her through some bushes before stopping behind a large tree. "Okay, this is officially creepier than what I did to you back then. Why are we here?!"

"Impatient," Tori teased.

"You've been going around in a circle for half an hour, then fifteen more minutes drive to into some dirt road, and now we're in the middle of nowhere and you're saying that I'm impatient!"

"Okay, Jade. I'm sorry. But we're here, I promise." She raised her hand in a surrender move then one hand reach a rope hanging on the tree then a rope ladder came down. "We need to climb." She said as she proceeds to climbs up leaving Jade with no choice but to follow.

It was a treehouse, well Jade already figured it out the moment a rope ladder came to view. After they get in, Tori switch on the lamp and the room lights up with the glow of warm neon. "It powered by a solar panel," Tori explained as if being asked. They're about fifteen feet off the ground, it's a 10x10 size treehouse, cozy and warm. It has a purple carpet laid in the center of the room with a small coffee table, bean bags in the corner, mini-fridge, and a little desk with drawers. There's not much decoration really as like every other treehouse it doesn't build to be lived in.

The singer motion for the actress to take a sit as she walked toward the desk which Jade notice have a microwave on it and Tori begun to work on heating up the food from what looked like to be, a take-outs. "Sorry, it probably cold by now I need to warm it up just a little bit," Tori said as she gets to work, they fall into somewhat awkward silence until all the food is done and the singer brings the food to the table.

"Okay, I got crispy vegan quinoa cakes, with no eggs, flour, breadcrumbs or filler of any kind, black pepper tofu with bok choy, and dessert is a peanut butter ice cream, non-dairy one waiting on the fridge. Oh and some chocolate rosemary caramel herbal tea for you also some water." Tori said listed all the food and beverages she had prepared for the evening whilst Jade just sit there on the carpet, arms on the table looking confused.

"What?" Tori asked the confused faced actress. "I did some detective work."

"For the food?" Jade managed to ask a little amused also surprise.

Noded Tori began to list the things she knows. "You're a vegan." The rider-to-be stated. "I know this because I pay attention to you at lunch, you usually ordered a salad with some fries, which you ate or just to stabbed it on occasion." Tori smiled as she continued. "You order a burrito when you were mad, not to eat it, but just so you can squeeze it with your hands and feel the content spilling out of it -which was concerning and disturbing at the same time." Jade, just shrugged at the comment.

"You actually prefer tea over coffee." One raised eyebrow but Tori kept going. "You claim to love coffee but you never actually take ship at it when I gave you one, only pretending to take a ship at it. Also, you have a lot of food allergies that you just went vegan."

"You realize that you sounded more like a stalker than a detective, right?"

"Your dad told me about the other stuff. The coffee and the food, I just notice you. I paid attention you know, despite our constant banter."

At that Jade stiffened because up until before Tori mention her dad, she was actually starting to have a good time despite how they got to this place. But that bit information about the singer probably having a moment with her dad, it sobers her up. "My dad told you stuff?" She asked stiffly.

"Yeah." The brunette answered simply.

"Tori, I appreciate you do all of this for me, but I'm not here for the food. You said you wanted to explain things to me." The raven haired-girl remind the brunette.

"Right. What do you want to know?"

"Start from the beginning."




A car door slammed with a loud thud. "It's not here." Thick Scotland accent can be heard as the man rounded the car to meet the Latina man in front of the car.

"That's bullshit, no one has been working on this car. I made sure no one is assigned to work on it." Jorge said it with determination. "I put the car far in the back for a reason."

"We've searched all over, it's not there." Green eyes looked intently, calm yet calculated, rage is not something he found very pleasant when he does things.

"The book is there, I know it. I'm going to find it." The business owner determined as he looked for something when he remembered about the CCTV and went into his office to check the tape.




"I've been working for Jorge as a mechanic and a test rider when he introduced me to your dad." She looked at Jade before she continued. "I have been testing bikes for Jorge for about six months and have the best time at the track for an amateur test rider, so he recommended me to be one of the test riders for RTR."

"You were the rider my dad was meeting awhile back at uncle J's garage." Realization dawn on her, that day her father dragged her to a meeting with a potential rider who turned out to be no other than the goody two shoes 'sweet sally peaches' Tori Vega.



"Jade, language please."

"Wazz off. Just get to the point Vega."

"We're back to Vega now." She paused and look into the cold expression Jade is sporting before she continued, swallowing the hurt she felt by it. "Okay, after the meeting with your dad, he then set up a meeting at the RTR, wanted me to test out a bike they were working on and he also wanted to know how good I am. Long story short, I had an accident while testing the bike. The brake was too shallow to hit."

"That's when you had your concussion." She filled out.


"You covered it up with a lie that you got injured while sparring with Trina." The actress looked at her with those blue eyes. "I really don't know you, do I?"

"Jade, you know me, I'm still me, the sweet sally peaches. I'm sorry I lied, I don't want anyone to know about me racing just yet."

"Whatever. Just go on with the story."

"Right ... days later after that, I have a check-up schedule and I met your father there. He offered me a ride when Trina's failed to pick me up." The brunette sipping the tea. "He was ambushed while driving up in the desert."


"I was looking at the side mirror and notice this rider in an all-black outfit and black motorcycle, I was just about to say something when I saw the red dot over your dad's lapel." She told her as she pointed to the area where her own heart is. "I uh, quickly pull on the brake and Mr. West quickly followed the motion as the car was being shot at." Tori held the shoulder that's injured remembering how hurt it was. "I told your dad to get into the back seat and drove him somewhere safe before finally, the Interpol contacted us and ordered us to go to the safe house." Tori skipped the part where she also got shot and the two riders she had to crashed into.

"You saved my dad."

"I was terrified that day, I was scared for your dad, for you. I was about to run back and get you to the safe house but my dad stopped me, he was the lead detective in the join case between the LAPD and the Interpol." The singer told the actress honestly, she was and still is terrified of Jade getting hurt. "He said that Michiru was one of the agents and she's protecting you."

Blue-eyed looked at brown ones with mixed emotion behind them, Jade doesn't know what to say or what to do except to just listen as Tori continued. "After some talking, they ordered me to stay away. Then they locked themselves in a room to discuss more and I stuck waiting for my dad, he's my ride, so." Tori shrugged. "I was sitting in the kitchen when your dad came in, and we just start talking. First, it was awkward and just, messy. Your dad was trying to thank me for saving his life and I said to him that he needs to stop doing that, so we talked about something else, mainly you."

"Oh god."

"Nothing embarrassing, I promise." Tori smiled before she got serious again. "Then he told me about this book that has the name of the people in charge of the operation as well as the client list."

"A ledger." Jade voice out.

"Yes, a ledger. He has a secret compartment installed in his car." Tori said as she proceeds to get up to open the drawer to retrieve something. A small notebook. "He said that, with how things turned out so far, he doesn't expect things to go well for him." Jade getting choked up hearing this, Tori wanted to reach out and hold the pale hand to comfort her but she didn't.

"He uh ... He trusted me that I will keep you safe. He also said that he trusted me with the ledger so he told me how to find it." The singer finished it with her put the dark blue cover book down on the coffee table. The action pulled Jade to look at the book then to Tori who's already sitting down again. "That day, I tried to help your dad but kept saying I need to get you out, he begged me to leave him and get you to safety, he wanted you to be safe." Tori get a little choked up while Jade has already cried a soft cry. "Then before I leave, he grabbed me and whispered to me. He said I need to get that ledger and hide it."

Tori tightens her hold on the cup she's holding. "I really tried to help him, Jade. I really am."



"Mr. West," Tori shouted out when she saw his body on the floor. "Are you hurt?" She gave the man a once over making sure he's not hurt but she saw the blood on the man's stomach. "Fork." She looked around, she needs to think fast. First, she needs to get the businessman to a somewhat secure place. So, she dragged the man's body into a room and get him to sit up and press on the wound to stop the bleeding. "Mr. West." She called out. "Arthur!"

"Tori." The man finally said looking out of it but he managed to give her a smile as he cupped the back of Tori's head to get her closer. "I need you to get Jade out, I need her to be safe."

"She's safe Mr. West, but now I need to get you out, can you walk?"

"No. I will just slow you down, besides, they wanted me not you. If you run they won't come after you and Jade."

"No, I won't leave you. Jade needs you, Arthur."

The man shakes his head slowly. "I need you to promise me."

"No! I left my dad bleeding out so I can get you and Jade out! I'm not leaving you. You will not ... I won't let you do that to Jade." The singer said with determination in her eyes as she began to lift Arthur's body but the man was stubborn.

"There's no time. Tori, I trusted you with my daughter's life. I trust that you will keep her safe no matter what, and that's also why I can trust you with the ledger, I need you to find it, hide it. When the time comes, you know what to do with it. To find justice." He looked at the teenager, she was the epitome of a brave and fierce girl. "Now go. GO. Tell Jade, I love her, always."

"No." Tori was scared, she already picturing how disappointed Jade going to be if she left the man here.

"Go. Before it's too late. Let me do this Tori, let me save my daughter. Don't let her be collateral." With a heavy heart, Tori left the man to bled out and ran to Jade."



Ending just the way it began. Heaven slipping out of our hands.

Human, human, human ...

And it's already over... And it's already over... Yeah, it's already over.