At first, Jiwoo's words don't register in Heejung's mind but when they do, she freezes. It doesn't make sense is her first reaction, quickly followed by Wait, it does. The familiarity with which Jiwoo's regarded her suddenly makes much more sense, as does the ease he's had in worming his way into her new life.
Still: "You''re the notebook guy?"
"Yeah, don't you see why this is so dumb?" Jiwoo exclaims, both laughter and sobbing making his voice wobble.
"I don't believe it," Heejung murmurs. "Why didn't you tell me before?"
Jiwoo flushes a little, flailing a bit, and Heejung admires how pretty the redness of his face looks, contrasting with his green eyes. "I wanted to woo you naturally, since it looked like you didn't remember me."
"At the café, that was your way of wooing me?" Heejung asks a little incredulously, letting herself laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.
"Yeah, I mean...Hey, stop laughing!" Jiwoo yelps, removing his hand from Heejung's to curl his hands into fists. "I'll have you know, a lot of female customers would've done anything to have been in your place."
"I know that pretty well," Heejung says, still laughing. "My friends all like to go see you."
"And that's part of what makes you special," Jiwoo mutters, hands now fidgeting with the hem of his t-shirt. "I have to work to get you to pay attention to me and to like me."
Heejung, who was about to say something, closes her mouth, willing her blush to disappear. What is she supposed to say to that?
"Hey, Heejung."
"Mhm?" she responds, not really looking at him.
"Look at me."
When Heejung looks up, Jiwoo's face is so close and his expression looks so tender. One of his hands is cupping the side of her face and wiping away residual tears.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks, still staring at her with so much love, and really, what is she supposed to say to that? "Please say yes."
"F-fine, if you really want me to that much," Heejung stammers. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."
The happiness in his captivating green eyes is so entrancing, Heejung finds herself lost in their depths. She doesn't even realize how the distance between their faces is virtually nonexistent until she feels the hotness of his breath on her face.
"Can I kiss you?" he asks, and his lips almost brush hers with each syllable.
"Sure," she whispers back.
Their lips finally meet, albeit mostly chastely, and Heejung thinks she can get used to the feeling of his soft, soft lips against hers. The reverence with which Jiwoo says her name, coupled with the gentleness of his hands on her face, are also things she can get used to. Her heart almost beats itself out of her chest with excitement when she realizes that she has the time to get used to these things about Jiwoo because he's her boyfriend now.
A/N: Annddd that's about it. Thanks for being so patient, if you've been here from the start, and thanks for reading up to here, if you just got here recently. (There might be some mistakes, as this isn't proofread, so just point them out if/when you see any.)