Another long wait, I know. But at least I'm faster than Yamane-sensei :P Sometimes it's tricky for me to translate the movie in my head into written English.

Akihito and Asami revisit one of the past bucket list items, but this time they switch roles (a replay of Chapter 4).

The Little Pervert at the Park

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It had been a long day for Asami.

The day had been both mentally and physically taxing for him. His work day began with three-in-a-row, very early business meetings at his own office, followed immediately by a trek downtown to meet with a group of international investors, which took up most of the afternoon. Later, he made his weekly obligatory rounds to a few of his clubs; one which seem to have the issue of a bartender skimming some of the evening's proceeds off the top.

He was looking forward to stripping off his business attire and taking a hot and steamy shower, followed by slowly winding down by savoring some particularly fine single-malt Scotch that had been gifted to him by one of the investors.

Therefore, he was totally unprepared to be tackled at the door by a very energetic and passionate Akihito.

For perhaps a millisecond, his mind protested this obstacle that was preventing him from his goal of a relaxing shower, and a drink, but there was no way he could pass up such an enticing offer. He willingly took Akihito- right in the entrance way, up against the front door.

After disengaging from Akihito, Asami headed to his bedroom to finish undressing for his shower. His shirt was a loss, having been ripped by Akihito in the initial attack at the door. Not that he cared. Being eagerly seduced upon his arrival home by Akihito far surpassed any other method of unwinding after work. Besides, he still had that bottle of Scotch waiting for him.

After slipping on a soft white bathrobe, Asami went to the living room and opened the bottle. He poured a small amount into a tulip-shaped glass and then settled himself into his favorite chair. He tilted the glass, to let the scotch coat the sides, and then brought the glass up to his nose to breathe in the myriad of aromas before taking a taste.

Asami leaned back and let out a satisfied sigh. He watched as Akihito entered the room, walked directly over to him and then slowly straddled his lap. Asami quickly put the glass down on the table beside him before Akihito's lips descended lightly upon his. Asami felt the tip of Akihito's tongue slip tentatively between his lips, as if seeking permission to enter. Asami granted that request.

Asami savored the taste of Akihito, concluding that it paired well with the scotch. He slipped both his hands under Akihito's shirt so he could enjoy the feel of his bare skin. Akihito responded by growling and thrusting his tongue completely into Asami's mouth. He began to grind hard against Asami's lap.

The sudden aggressiveness of Akihito's behavior caught Asami off guard. It was just the same as it had been at the door, and it surprised Asami to be sexually attacked by Akihito, two times in a row within the past hour.

Asami reached up and grabbed Akihito roughly by the chin, and pushed him away. He clearly remembered what had caused Akihito to attack him multiple times before with such vigor. He suspiciously examined Akihito's eyes.

Other than a look of desperate desire in them, they looked normal. Not dilated. He grabbed Akihito's wrist and pressed his finger tips against it to feel his pulse. It was a bit rapid, but nothing out of the ordinary. Whatever the cause of this was, it apparently was not drugs.

Relieved, Asami relaxed his grip on Akihito and a small smiled appeared on his face. "So... what is it that has you so fired up this evening? Have you been browsing pornographic sites on your computer?"

Akihito looked offended. "I-I don't need to do something like that!" he sputtered angrily.

"No, you don't... not when you have me," Asami replied with a smirk.

"You're really full of yourself..." Akihito said, looking at Asami with distaste.

Asami chuckled and buried his face into the nape of Akihito's neck. "And you're about to be full of me as well..."

Akihito closed his eyes, giving in to the wonderful sensation of Asami's lips brushing against his neck. "You say the most idiotic things..." he grumbled softly.


"Hmm?" Akihito sighed. Asami pulled away and raised an eyebrow. Akihito looked at him blankly for a second. "Oh! I've been thinking about what I'm going to do to you at the park..."

"I see... are you giving me a preview right now?"

"HA!" Akihito suddenly got up from Asami's lap. "No, I've just decided you'll have to wait until Saturday night."

"This Saturday? Not possible. I have a prior obligation..."

"Do you...? Well, I'm going to be there regardless. And if you don't show up... well, who knows what kind of trouble horny little me might get into?"

"Be careful how you flaunt yourself then. There's some very rough types out there..." Asami replied flippantly. He was careful to not let it show, but he felt a stab of annoyance at Akihito's remark. He conceded silently that Akihito had him by the proverbial balls, essentially guaranteeing that no matter what, he would be there.

. . . . .

When Asami came home Saturday evening, he found a note instructing him to be at the park by midnight. Sometime between then and 1 am he would encounter the molester.

The instructions Akihito had left behind for him were simple enough:

You're a businessman who works late (yeah, I know... kind of a stretch for you.)
The only chance you have to get exercise is late at night.
Tonight, you'll be taking a midnight walk. The place you have chosen to do this is H_ Park.
Wear a jogging suit.
You're going to exercise for an hour- from midnight to 1 am.
Walk for 10 minutes, then rest for 5 minutes by sitting on the nearest bench, then walk again for another 10 minutes.
Keep repeating this until 1 am.
You'll visit the park restroom twice- at 12:20 and again at 12:40.
Beware of dangerous molesters that may be lurking in the park!

The game was on. Asami couldn't help speculating about what Akihito was going to do. In the past it had been very easy to figure him out, but lately Akihito had been surprising him.

Asami arrived 20 minutes early to secretly scope out the park. He didn't see any evidence that Akihito had arrived yet.

Two visits to the public restroom. He was quite traumatized by what he had seen in there previously, so it's unlikely he'll choose to accost me there. It's a ruse. His plan is to come after me somewhere along the walking route. Most likely, when I'm resting on one of the benches.

At precisely midnight, Asami emerged from the shadows and began walking the sidewalk that looped around the park. There were light posts at intervals, creating alternating light and dark spots along his route. Traffic noises from nearby were being masked by the sound of summer cicadas.

Their haunting song helped to create an eerie atmosphere. Asami smiled thinking how much of a psychological effect this must have had on Akihito during their first encounter at this park.

Asami had yet to see anyone else at the park. His senses were on high alert as he looked for any darting shadows... any rustling among the trees and bushes that lined the path. Just as he was approaching the first 10 minute mark, he began to have the vague feeling he was being watched, but he couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from. He turned around to see if he was being followed, but no one was there.

He spotted a bench and sat down, glancing at his watch to begin timing his five minutes of "rest".

The feeling of being watched went away once he sat down. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. He lit it, and then sat back and carefully surveyed his surroundings. He gave a little chuckle to himself.

This kind of situation does play tricks on the mind... however, if Akihito was nearby, I'd know immediately.

Asami finished his cigarette and began walking again. A feeling of uneasiness came over him, making him feel agitated. Annoyed by this, he tried to quell the feeling.

I'm not the type that is so easily unnerved... though it would be preferable to remain in the shadows rather than strolling out in the open like this.

He was approaching the 20 minute mark, so he headed toward the park restroom. Still, he had seen no sign of Akihito. It was beginning to concern him.

What if he showed up here dressed too provocatively? What if someone else—?!

Asami quickly shook the thought away.

No, there's no reason for me to entertain such a thought. He's waiting until the last possible moment.

He entered the restroom, made quick use of it, and then went to the sink to wash his hands. The place was, thankfully, brightly lit and clean. And unoccupied.

Deserted. Much like the rest of the park.

Suddenly Asami knew what had him on edge. He should have encountered at least one person on his walk. And he had heard this particular restroom was notorious for men hanging around, looking for hook-ups. He walked back out and began walking the path.

Something's not right...

Asami's uneasiness increased. He sped up his pace, quickly scanning the area for any signs of Akihito. He suddenly had the feeling someone was behind him, so he stopped and promptly turned around.

Akihito was standing near a light post. Asami stared at him in disbelief.

He's wearing a trench coat... in the middle of summer?

Akihito smiled before slipping into the woods. Asami heard rustling as Akihito dodged through the greenery. Asami walked to the space where Akihito had been standing before. He stood on the edge of the wooded area, not exactly sure whether Akihito wanted him to pursue him or to keep walking. He decided the best course of action would be to follow him since that would put them both under the cover of the woods.

The rustling sounds ceased, so Asami knew Akihito was now standing still, wherever he was. He entered the woods, veering to the right, since that was the direction he heard the last sounds.

He made his way through the dark woods and then stopped to listen. He heard another sound and turned in that direction, which led him to a small clearing that was surprisingly well-lit. He looked up, noticing the moon for the first time. Though not quite full yet, it was still unusually bright. Looking around, he recognized the area immediately and smiled.

This is the same place I took Akihito before, when I was the molester.

He saw an object at the base of one of the trees. He walked closer and discovered it was a low stool. He heard footsteps behind him so he quickly turned around.

Akihito was slowly approaching him, his bright eyes were fixed on Asami's. The expression on his face alternated between fear and desire. The combination had a stirring effect on Asami.

His eyes were drawn to the bottom hem of the trench coat.

His legs are bare. They weren't before.

Is he naked under that coat?

. . . . .

Akihito's experience as an investigative photojournalist gave him the unique training of being able to stealthily follow his targets; however, he had never had much success when it came to tailing Asami. Even when it appeared Asami was deep in conversation with someone, somehow he KNEW Akihito was stalking him... and he always made a point of letting Akihito know that he knew. It was infuriating.

Akihito set himself up not far from the public restrooms, knowing the approximate time Asami would be showing up. He was wearing a trench coat, and though it appeared as if he was fully dressed, in reality he only had on a pair of jeans, and of course, sneakers. He'd be able to slip in and out of those clothes within mere seconds if necessary. As the time approached, he saw Asami walking toward the small facility. He was wearing a coal-grey sweatsuit.

Normally, Asami's posture gave off an air of authoritative confidence... as if he was certain no one would dare challenge him. Tonight though, his posture appeared to be tense.

He's unsure... he knows I'll come at him eventually, so he's on the lookout for me... but he hasn't been able to catch me following him this time. HA! Have a little taste of your own medicine for once, Asami!

Akihito was insanely curious about what kind of scene Asami would happen upon in the park restroom, but he didn't have the nerve to check it out ahead of time. He thought it was too dangerous, remembering what he had encountered in there before. Asami entered the restroom and then exited after a few minutes— just long enough to make use of the facility. When he started back down the path of the sidewalk, Akihito stepped out from the shadows. From his vantage point, he was still at a considerable distance and now placed behind Asami. He had planned to begin following him from this point, but Asami turned to look in his direction and spotted him immediately.

Someday, I'm gonna make him tell me how he does that...!

It didn't really matter that Asami had spotted him. It only meant that Akihito's plan would be advancing quicker. He quickly dodged back into the woods, making as much noise as possible to bait Asami into following him. Once he came to a small clearing, he quickly slipped out of his jeans and shoes, and hid them beneath a small bush. He hid himself behind a tree that was directly across from the tree where Asami had molested him before. He had placed a low stool at the foot of that tree. He was betting that seeing such an unexpected object there would cause Asami to pause in his pursuit.

Akihito was breathing hard from his run. He concentrated on quieting his breath and staying as still as possible. He listened for sounds of Asami approaching.

Nothing. The woods were eerily silent. Not even the cicadas were singing.

Akihito peeked out from his hiding place. Suddenly he saw a what looked like a floating face appear from the shadows. Fear shot through his body until a figure stepped all the way into the moonlit clearing. It was Asami, and his dark clothing within the shadows had created the spooky illusion.

He doesn't make a sound! He's like a predator hunting its prey.

Akihito watched as Asami's attention was drawn to the stool next to the tree. He turned and walked toward it. Akihito took a breath and stepped into the clearing.

Asami turned around at the sound of Akihito's approach. His face had the usual, unreadable expression. His eyes flickered down to the hem of Akihito's trench coat.

Yes... my legs are bare. Are you wondering if I have anything on under this coat?

Akihito stopped once he was standing in front of Asami. He placed his hands on the tall man's shoulders and began pushing him down. Asami put up no resistance and allowed himself to be lowered onto the stool. His head was now at the same level as Akihito's midsection.

Akihito opened his coat and his erection sprang out. He swallowed hard before lacing his hands around the back of Asami's head. He firmly pulled Asami's head toward him, but stopped short of jamming his stiff member into Asami's mouth. This was far more aggressive than he had ever dared before.

Is it really okay for me to do this?

Asami's hands snaked around to Akihito's backside, and then Akihito felt himself being jerked forward. A wonderful heat enveloped his erection as it slipped past Asami's lips and directly into his mouth. He was pushed back and jerked forward once again until his full length was completely taken in. Akihito threw his head back and gasped.

Akihito began to move on his own, but slowly and carefully. He felt strangely protective of Asami, fearing that he might accidentally harm him by thrusting into his mouth too vigorously. He felt Asami's fingers slip into the cleft of his bottom.

Oh, by the way— I've got a little surprise for you...

Akihito smiled and adjusted his stance by spreading his legs slightly apart to allow Asami easier access.

He felt the arousing friction of Asami's finger circling his opening, and then some pressure as the fingertip began to push inside him. It stopped and he heard a sudden intake of breath from Asami, followed by a soft sigh.

Before leaving for the park, Akihito had used of an applicator full of lubricant to make himself very wet and slick on the inside.

Asami's finger slipped all the way in, and then a second finger penetrated Akihito as they began energetically plunging in and out of him. An animalistic instinct overtook Akihito and he began thrusting aggressively into Asami's mouth. The quiet ambiance around them was punctuated by wet slicking sounds and Akihito's gulping gasps as he fought to keep his voice from breaking loose.

Akihito was overwhelmed as particularly sensitive spots, both in the front and the back, were being stimulated mercilessly at the same time. He wanted to prolong this state of pleasure for as long as possible, but too quickly he found himself climbing to a peak. He knew it was going to be impossible for him to maintain control much longer, so he forcibly pushed Asami away. Akihito was panting rapidly and his stiff member was pulsing hard as he fought with all his might to keep from coming.

No! I don't want to lose it yet...!

The effort it took to hold back caused his legs to violently tremble and he had to grab onto Asami's shoulders to keep from collapsing. He looked down and watched as his erection twitched uncontrollably, mere centimeters from Asami's lips. For a second he was sure he was going to lose it and explode all over Asami's face. Imagining that nearly proved to be his undoing, but by sheer determination he held back, squeezing his eyes shut as he grunted with the effort.

The urge to come slowly subsided. He opened his eyes and looked at Asami. Asami's lips were slightly parted and the piercing gaze that was boring into Akihito's eyes were those of a ravenous beast.

He's going to end up attacking ME!

Instead, Asami lowered his gaze and stared at the rigid shaft in front of him. Akihito looked down at his erection and watched as a generous amount of clear liquid seeped from the tip.

Released from Asami's paralyzing gaze, he returned to his senses and remembered that they were supposed to be role-playing molester and victim. Akihito grasped the head of his erection between his fingers and guided it toward Asami's mouth. He rubbed the wet tip against Asami's lips, moistening them with the secretion.

He watched as Asami's tongue darted out to lick his lips.

Ohh ... so erotic...

At that moment, Akihito wanted nothing more than to plunge back in and finish off in that sensuous mouth. That is, until he looked past Asami's face and down to his lap. There was a very significant tent in Asami's sweatpants.

No... THAT'S what I want...

Akihito's insides were now aching with the need to be filled. He started to lower himself into Asami's lap, not exactly sure how he was going to get Asami's sweatpants out of the way. Asami's grip around his hips tightened, and Akihito thought for certain Asami was going to firmly pull him down into his lap.

But to his surprise, Akihito was firmly pushed UP. Asami stood up quickly with a grim expression on his face.

Oh great, he's lost it. Fine... just take over, like you always do.

Akihito prepared to be ravished where he stood, but instead, Asami bent down and picked up the stool. He hurled it with all his might over the trees.

What the fu—?!

Asami turned and grabbed him by the back of the neck and pushed him roughly into the shrubbery next to the tree. Akihito could feel sharp twigs from the branches scratching his bare skin as he fell through them. He landed face down on the ground underneath the bushes, with Asami on top of him.

OW! What the HELL is he doing?!

He tried to fight Asami off. "ASA—!" His mouth was quickly covered by Asami's hand.

"Keep still!" Asami whispered urgently into his ear.

Through the leaves, Akihito saw a flickering brightness. For a moment, an irrational thought came to his mind...


Quickly coming to his senses, he realized it was the glow of a flashlight. A uniformed man stepped gingerly into the clearing, sweeping the area with the beam of light. Akihito was frozen with fear.

Cops! Oh no! They'll find us... we'll be arrested for sure. And I have no clothes on! Just this stupid trench coat...!

The policeman turned his flashlight off and then turned around, apparently motioning to someone behind him. Akihito could hear the rustle of leaves as some unseen person carefully stalked off in the direction Asami had thrown the stool.

Akihito heard the crackle of a walkie-talkie coming to life. The volume was set low, so Akihito couldn't make out what the voice on the other end was saying. The uniformed man reached up and clutched at something just below his shoulder. "You found a— what?" he answered in a hushed tone.

Again, the radio made a buzzing, crackling noise.

"Yeah, hold on... give me a second..." The cop made his way back into the greenery. Akihito could still see the flashlight beam flickering, and then quiet voices speaking from a distance.

He could tell Asami was reaching into his pocket for something. For a moment, Akihito was afraid it was a gun, but it turned out to be his phone. Their hiding area lit up dimly as Asami tapped on it. He pocketed the phone again and then Akihito felt Asami's hand gently stroke the back of his head, as if to calm him.

There was a loud crashing noise through the trees and another, very young looking cop, stumbled out into the clearing. "Hey Sergeant! Where are you guys?!" he yelled.

"Oi, oi!" a voice hissed. The first cop reappeared. "Don't draw attention to our location. Keep it down! And don't address me as 'hey Sergeant."

"Sorry... sir," the younger cop whispered. "So... what did he find?"

Yet another cop appeared in the clearing. "Just a shower stool someone left out here. You sure those guys went in this direction?"

"Well, they could've veered off—"

"I found something!" the younger cop cried out. The other two policemen tried to shush him, but the young man took no notice of it. He was kneeling down in front of a small bush. "It's clothes! Looks like... a pair of jeans and shoes. HA!" the young cop snickered. "One of the perpetrators is running around without any pants on! I'm definitely gonna catch him...!" The young cop dashed back off through the woods.

There was an awkward silence for a moment.

"Uhh... what the hell was that about?"

The first cop chuckled. "Oh... I'd say his little 'antenna' is up."

"Idiot rookie..." the other cop grumbled. "Other than those two guys that were spotted, it's been unusually quiet this evening. Word must already be out that we're cracking down at this park." He poked at the small bush with his foot. "What do you want to do about this?"

"Might as well bag it..." The first cop's radio came to life again. He pushed the button to answer. "On the south side? Yeah, I'm on my way..." He turned to the other cop. "They think they've located them. Finish up here and then meet us back at the car."

"Yes, sir," the other cop replied. The first one took off, and the second slipped off a small backpack and pulled out a pair of gloves and a plastic bag. He donned the gloves and then proceeded to slip Akihito's pants and shoes into it.

Akihito heard the unmistakable buzzing sound of a phone set to vibration mode going off, which sounded way too loud to Akihito. He panicked, thinking the cop would hear it, but he seemed to be occupied with the challenge of trying to hold a flashlight, while writing something on the bag. He shoved the bag into his backpack and then slipped the backpack over his shoulder before disappearing into the woods.

"Where's your wallet?" Asami asked in a soft voice as he pulled his phone out and glanced at it before returning it to his pocket again.

"I didn't bring it WITH me!" Akihito whispered back furiously. "You think I'm that stupid?"

"This place is no good. You're going to have to find an alternative place to act out your fantasy." Akihito felt the weight of Asami's body lift off his back as he slowly got up. He held out his hand to help Akihito up. "Ready to leave?"

"Are you kidding...?" Akihito took Asami's hand and allowed himself to be pulled up. "Let's get the hell out of here!"

Still holding onto Akihito's hand, Asami pulled him along as they quickly dodged through the woods. They made their way through the wooded area quickly, with Akihito clutching onto the front of his coat with his other hand to keep it from flying open. They reached the border of the park which was along aside the main road, but they stayed hidden in the shadows. A dark colored car drove up and pulled over at the curb. Asami guided Akihito toward it and they both quietly slipped into the back of the car before it quickly drove off.

. . . . .

The car they had gotten into was a black Toyota Camry, and Kirishima was driving it. Akihito could see his eyes reflected in the rear view mirror, though they were focused on the road.

Black... of course the car is black. I never thought Asami would own such a normal car though.

"Do you mind if I smoke?" Asami asked.

"Not at all, sir," Kirishima replied. He passed a cup back. "You can use this..."

Oh... then this must be Kirishima's personal car.

Asami took the cup and placed it in the cup holder located in the armrest. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cigarettes and lighter. He lit a cigarette and then cracked the window open. He stared straight ahead, with the usual cool expression on his face. His demeanor gave no indication of how close of a call they'd just had.

Akihito, on the other hand, was perspiring lightly; his heart still racing from the run to the car.

How can he be so calm?!

Akihito tried to sit back and relax, but found it impossible. He had a dull ache in his balls from being so highly aroused and then denied the release.

Well, Asami has to be feeling it too... right? I know he was completely fired up earlier...

Akihito remembered how Asami's erection had caused a very distinctive tent to form in his sweatpants.

But for it to look like that— is it possible he's not wearing any underwear?

Akihito couldn't resist satisfying his curiosity. He reached over and began groping Asami's crotch to see if he could tell. Asami's hand quickly grabbed onto his. He turned and glared at Akihito, angry and annoyed.

Akihito grinned back at him lewdly.

Asami frowned and then released Akihito's hand and turned his head away again. Since he hadn't actually removed Akihito's hand, Akihito decided to get in one last squeeze, just to show Asami he wasn't so easily cowed.

He decided to get in a second last squeeze, because Asami was apparently trying to ignore Akihito's bad behavior.

Then a third squeeze. Asami glanced at the rear view mirror and then looked straight ahead. He had a somewhat uncomfortable look on his face. He took a puff off his cigarette.

Oh...? You're not gonna try to stop me?

Akihito began caressing the soft lump. Asami casually brought the cigarette to his lips again, and Akihito watched the tip glow brighter as Asami took another drag off of it. His expression returned to it's usual, unreadable look.

Oh crap. I'm playing with fire, I know it... but I wonder how far I can go before he'll actually stop me?

Akihito glanced up at the rear view mirror. Kirishima was definitely focused on driving. Akihito slipped his hand into the waistband of Asami's pants.

Still no reaction. He slipped his hand down further and encountered a patch of hair.

I was right! He's not wearing underwear.

He slipped his hand down even further and found what he was looking for. He grasped the shaft and began stroking it, but it remained in its unaroused state.

I guess not... not with Kirishima here, but—

The idea of secretly jerking Asami off with Kirishima sitting just in front of them, caused Akihito to rapidly harden. He let out a soft gasp, which caused Asami to give him a sidelong glance. His eyes dropped to Akihito's lap and then he looked away with a smirk on his face.

Akihito looked down and was flustered to see the tip of his erection poking through the opening of the coat. He was about to cover it up, but then he felt the shaft in his hand beginning to grow erect, so he decided to leave it slightly exposed.

Fortunately, the noise from the car masked any sounds that would give away what he was doing. Akihito really wanted to try to crack Asami's stoic demeanor though, so he began stroking him faster.

Asami continued to stare straight ahead, showing no reaction on his face. Akihito cursed Asami's seemingly strong self-control, and was thinking of giving up until he noticed there was a very long ash on the end of Asami's cigarette. It seemed he had forgotten he was smoking it.

Akihito continued to manipulate Asami's erection, increasing the pressure and speed, and concentrating on the underside of the head where he knew Asami was most sensitive.

Still no change in Asami's expression. Akihito glanced up at the mirror again to make sure Kirishima wasn't watching, and then decided to get even more daring. He parted the front of his coat with his free hand and completely uncovered his own straining erection.

The movement caused Asami to glance in that direction again. He quickly looked away, still with his normal casual expression, but Akihito felt the shaft in his hand twitch, and then Asami's brow furrowed a bit and his lips slightly parted open.


Akihito gripped harder as he stroked, and then built up more speed. He felt Asami's body tense, and then a warm flooding of liquid spilled out over his hand. Asami kept staring forward, though his eyes appeared to be slightly unfocused for a moment. He looked down at the forgotten cigarette with a bit of surprise. "Oh..."

He carefully tapped the long ash from the nearly spent cigarette into the cup, and then ground it out. He pulled out another cigarette and lit it.

Akihito's now wet and sticky hand was still in Asami's pants. He wasn't sure what to do in this situation, but seeing Asami react so maddeningly casual about the whole thing really pissed him off, so he purposely wiped his hand off on Asami's bare thigh before pulling his hand back out.

His swollen erection was still exposed and looked incredibly obscene. He quickly covered it up and glanced up with guilt at the rear view mirror. It appeared Kirishima was totally unaware of what had just occurred in the backseat.

Akihito's erection throbbed painfully from being denied satisfaction yet again. Asami was acting as if Akihito wasn't even there, so he knew he wouldn't be offering any help.

He thought briefly about trying to jerk off quietly, but he knew he wouldn't be able to be quiet about it if he tried. Miserably, he sat back.

"Would you like me to drop you off in front, or in the garage?" Kirishima's voice broke the silence in the car.

"In front will be fine. Thank you for your trouble, Kirishima."

"It was no trouble at all, sir."

The car pulled up. Akihito and Asami got out and walked into the lobby of the building, and then entered the elevator. They stood staring at each other silently while the elevator ascended. Asami's gaze seemed dangerous, which caused the hair on the back of Akihito's neck to rise up.

"I'm in a lot of trouble, aren't I?" Akihito said timidly.

Asami nodded slowly, his piercing eyes not even blinking once.

Well... at least I'll finally get some relief along with whatever punishment he has in mind.

Akihito took a deep breath and grinned mischievously. "Well then, do your worst..."

These were words Akihito later came to regret.

. . . . .

The bright sunlight was shining directly into Akihito's eyes. He shaded them with his hands, becoming slowly aware he was in Asami's bed.

Asami was standing off to the side, tying his tie.

"What time is it?" Akihito muttered groggily.

"It's past noon. Are you planning to get up, or are you taking the day off?"

Akihito groaned and rolled over. He covered his head with a blanket. "GO AWAY. I hope you have a rotten day..." he grumbled.

Asami chuckled and then walked over and uncovered Akihito's head. "I'm ready to do my bucket list item. I was thinking tonight..."

"TONIGHT?!" Akihito's hoarse voice managed to squeak out. "I'm going to need at least A WEEK to recover from the bizarre things you did to me last night... you damned pervert!"

"Two days," Asami replied.

"Ha! It will be at least three days before I can even MOVE again..."

"Three days it is, then." Asami smirked and walked out of the room, whistling cheerfully.

Akihito growled loudly and then covered his head with the blanket again.

After a moment, the sound of hysterical laughter broke out from beneath the blanket.

"I actually molested Asami... in Kirishima's car...!"

. . . . .
. .

Next... "The Provocative Prostitute"

Sorry... this turned out to be a MUCH longer chapter than I anticipated. I'll try to be brief next time ;)

[Just a quick aside... if for *some* reason this story- or any other stories I've written- disappears from this site, they'll still be available on the website, "Archive Of Our Own"]