Well, You guys saw the title, so, as the Black Eyed Pees once said, Let's Get it Started!

Let's keep in mind that this is an opinion based list. This also does not include 1-shots and crossovers. All these stories were published sometime this year between Januaray 1 2014 - December 31 2014

Honourable Mentions

cartoonmaniac44's Revenge (This story had potential, its sad that currently, it seems to have been abandoned.)

Crocy98's Innocence Up In Smoke

celrock's fatherly Whereabouts (Kimi's Dad is alive and still part of her life, just not her legal father. This kind of changes the T.V. show's plotline)

vuarapuung's My Best Friend's Wedding (I love the part where everyone is objecting the marriage, it killed me with laughter!)

celrock's Prerugrats

celrock's Jesse's Origins

Resotii Watasaki's Love is a many confsing thing

celrock's Driving Disaster

EmmaPickles' These Poor Suckers MS

RainyVelevet's Scarring Embraces (This is #11, I really wanted to put this on the list, but it just barely missed.)


Changelica Advent Thing

What can I say, I'm not even a fan of Chuckie~Angelica, yet I really liked this pairing a lot in this story!


sergeant peace's Socs & Greasers

Not sure why I enjoy it so much, I just really do. Simple as that.


Tropical BlueJay's Total Drama Rugrats

Just an enjoyable total drama parody, and the fact that my OC is in it makes it all the better.


EmmaPickles' Love and Rugrats: Oakland

Each chapter is interesting. Not the biggest romance fan, but I enjoy it.


Avarici's Rugrats: Paid in Full

Pure greatness. Well put together. I love every chapter. I hope this gets updated soon because I know that this story still has a lot of life still in it.


Jesse Barrow's Two and Up

I enjoy every story. Its all endless good reading!



A great intro to the story, and it centers around my favourite pairing? Even better. I just hope the ending is happy and no protagonists suffers some sort of miserable fate. But the fact that it creates that fear is perfect for an angst story.


PerkyGoth14's Childhood Friend Romance

I loved every moment, plain and simple. It was so creative, well put together, so excellently thought out. And the fact that I got to write th final chapter makes it just that much better to me! PerkyGoth14 did awesome with this. I loved it!


JaceTheHedgehog's Misfits

My favourite Rugrats second gen story. I love the characters, and they are all products of my favourite pairings! I hope this story won't be abandoned because it is awesome! My fave is Toby personally, because he just has a really interesting backstory.


celrock's The Gray Plague

What can I say. Celeste proved her story writing talent with this. She put this together, and got us hooked. I love this a lot. An awesome story. Great new character, crazy interesting plotline. I loved it.

Well, that is my top 10. I know I was far from one of the greater writers in this fandom this year, but I tried at least. I'm no celrock or Jesse Barrow, but I think I'm pretty good. Anyway, now it's YOUR turn, what stories are on your top 10 list. I challenge you to do that.