Chapter Twenty-Seven

The Party Continues

Harry pulled Draco to him. "Of course I did, Draco. You think I'm going to pass up the chance to dance to our song?"

Draco smiled at him. "You are one in a million, Har."

Harry smiled back. "I know." He winked at his boyfriend. He took one hand in his and curled them both between their bodies. Then his other hand slipped under Draco's duster and around the blonde's waist. Draco's free hand slid up Harry's arm and around his neck. Draco rested his chin lightly on Harry's shoulder. The two boys danced quietly to their song, enjoying the sweetness of the moment. Harry smiled again and slid his eyes closed. The pair swayed back and forth gently, tangled up together, and danced together through the whole song, and the next one as well. After that, another Latin-type song came on, and Draco pulled away.

"Time for more dancing lessons, Harry, my love." Draco grinned widely, moving his hips to the music. Harry stared at him, drinking in the sight.

Draco's lips were curled up in an intoxicatingly gorgeous smile. His hair was bouncing softly on his shoulders. His hips were moving effortlessly, perfectly in time to the quick music. Draco's eyes, shining with love and happiness, caught his and curiosity crept in. "Har? You alright?"

"Hmm?" At his boyfriend's voice, Harry was pulled out of his mesmerized state. "Oh. Yes, I'm fine." Harry sent Draco his lopsided smile. "You're just… beautiful."

Draco smiled again, and Harry felt his stomach do a somersault. Draco pulled Harry to him and set his hands on Harry's hips. Harry tried to get his body to move like Draco's, but he just was not as fluent in the ways of music and dancing. But under Draco's talented hands, Harry could feel himself starting to catch the beat. Once he did, he and Draco were perfectly in sync with each other. Draco took his hand and put an arm around his waist. Then Harry saw Draco starting to do different dance steps. The first few were what Draco had showed him before. As Harry got more comfortable dancing to the music, Draco added more complicated moves. Harry managed to follow relatively well, to the surprise of both of them.

As the two danced, Harry was watching every movement of Draco's feet and hips, and every expression crossing Draco's face. The sight was not only enjoyable, it was quite exhilarating. The pure delight playing in Draco's eyes as they danced made Harry want to try even harder to get the right steps. After a couple minutes, the song ended.

Draco must have known that the song was almost over because just before the finish, he spun Harry around once and tipped him back in a dip. It shocked Harry, but he knew Draco had him in a safe grip. The two of them grinned at each other.

Suddenly, around the couple, applause rang out in the Great Hall. Draco righted Harry and the two looked around. Everyone else had stopped dancing to watch Harry and Draco dance, and now they were clapping and whooping in appreciation.

Harry felt a blush creep into his cheeks and he looked at Draco. The pale face had the slightest tinge of pink. Harry wondered if that was really a blush or if he was just flushed from dancing. Draco smiled at Harry and the two stood side by side. As if they had planned the whole thing, Harry and Draco bowed low to more applause.

When they straightened again, Draco smirked at the group. "Now stop gawking at us and get back to dancing, everyone!" The crowd sniggered and those who wanted to keep dancing grabbed a partner and started dancing again. Harry and Draco stepped off the dance floor and moved off to one of the comfy couches.

Draco flopped down on the cushions and Harry sat down next to him. Draco held open his arms and Harry curled into his boyfriend obligingly. Harry lay with his head on Draco's chest, hearing his heartbeat. Draco slipped his fingers under Harry's ponytail and played with the tiny hairs at the back of Harry's neck.

They rested there for a while, just enjoying the music and each other's company. After a few minutes, Ron and Hermione came to join them, picking a couch opposite the boys. Harry smiled at them. "Hey guys," he said softly.

"Hi," said Hermione, smiling. "Harry, I didn't know you could dance like that. Why didn't you tell us?"

Harry looked up at Draco and then back at Hermione, who was now curled up next to Ron. "I didn't know I could dance like that either. Draco taught me tonight."

Ron raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Harry nodded.

"Impressive," said the redhead. After that, the four friends sat in a relaxed silence.

Harry's eyes slipped closed as he listened to Draco's heart. The rhythmic thump was soothing. He felt like he could fall asleep right then and there. A minute later, though, Draco poked at him. "It's almost eleven. Time for another celebration."

Harry sat up. He looked around for his drink. Damn, he thought. I must have put it down somewhere. "Dray, I've lost my drink."

Draco smiled and shook his head. "No problem. We'll just go get you another." Draco turned to Hermione and Ron. "If you'll excuse us, we have to go get my beautiful, and apparently forgetful, boyfriend another drink."

The other couple smiled and Hermione shook her head. "See you in a minute then," she said.

Harry and Draco nodded and walked off to the drink table.


Draco picked up two goblets of fizzling brown liquid. He passed Harry a goblet and looked disapprovingly at his. "Harry, what is this stuff?" He sniffed at his own drink as Harry took a sip of the stuff.

"It's called soda, Dray." Harry took another sip and swirled it around in his mouth. "I think it's Pepsi."

"Pep-see?" Draco narrowed his eyes as he kept staring at the bubbling drink. "What's it do, make you notice happy people?"

Harry snorted on yet another mouthful of his drink. He choked a bit until he finally swallowed and then burst out laughing. "First off, don't say anything funny while I'm drinking, unless you want it spewed all over you."

Draco pulled a face and Harry chuckled again. "And second," continued Harry. "It's a muggle drink, so it doesn't do anything. It's carbonated."

"Why would someone want to check how old the drink is?" asked Draco, confused.

"What? Oh. No. Not carbon-dated. Carbonated. Um, they mix this stuff into the drink so it gets all bubbly like that." Harry snorted again. "Draco, I really need to teach you more about muggle life."

Draco nodded. He looked down at his drink again. Harry smiled at him.

"Dray, babe. You're supposed to drink it. Not just stare."

Draco looked up. Harry looks far too amused by this, thought Draco grumpily. "Fine," he said. He stuck his tongue out at Harry childishly and then took a swig of the Pepsi. He swallowed quickly and coughed at the tingling inside his mouth and throat. "Bloody hell, Harry. What the hell?" He pulled a face.

"What?" asked Harry innocently.

"It tingled! It tingled going down! That's the mark of a poison!" Draco stared at the goblet he was holding.

Harry chuckled. "Draco. It's a muggle drink. It's not poison. Calm down. If you want to be a wuss about it, get something else to drink. But move fast because it's almost time for Rome's celebration."

Draco glared at Harry. "I am not a wuss." As proof, Draco took another mouthful of the soda. It didn't bother him as much this time around. He glowered at the drink, not trusting it in the slightest.

Harry laughed again. "Alright then. Let's go celebrate." At that exact moment, one of the televisions floated down, and the room was filled with the sounds of excited Italians.

"Dieci! Nove! Otto!" Everyone gathered together under the circle of tellies. Everyone had a glass in their hand and was counting down from ten in English as the Italians did so in their native language.

"Tre! Due! Uno! Buon anno!" The citizens of Rome cheered and celebrated, sloshing champagne out of their glasses, and kissing each other profusely.

With a quiet chuckle, Dumbledore raised his goblet to the rest of those present in the Great Hall. "To the new year in Rome! Cheers!"

His students and colleagues echoed the sentiments, raising their goblets in celebration. Each then took a sip of their respective drinks.

Draco was just turning to ask Harry if he would like to dance again when Harry turned to him. "Dray, babe, I'm gonna dance with Ginny for a bit."

Draco silently raised an eyebrow.

"It's only for one song, Love." Harry slipped his arms around Draco and sent him a lopsided grin. Harry leaned in and Draco could feel Harry's hot breath on his ear as the Gryffindor spoke. "You know I'll be spending the night next to you tonight. Don't be jealous." A pair of silky lips landed on Draco's earlobe, sucking lightly. Then Harry pulled away and held a hand out to Ginny.

Draco sighed and twisted to go have a seat until he could claim Harry again. But he could not move, as there was a mass of red satin and curly brown hair in his way.

"Oh. Hello, Hermione." Draco smiled.

"Draco, will you dance with me?" She sent him a winning smile.

Draco sent her the trademarked Malfoy single-eyebrow-lift. "You don't want to dance with Ron?"

Hermione threw a look over her shoulder. Ron and Colin were sitting in nearby armchairs, talking animatedly. "Those two aren't big on dancing." She faced Draco once more. "So. Would you like to dance?"

Draco stepped back and bowed. "It would be my pleasure, Miss." He straightened and held out a hand for her.

Hermione giggled at Draco's formality and slipped her hand into his. They walked out to the dance floor and started bopping away. Hermione really isn't all that bad, thought Draco. I think Father was pretty off-base when he insulted muggles. I mean, come on! Who else would create a drink that fizzes?


Over the next half an hour, Harry had danced with almost everyone except for the one person he wanted to. Not only had he been partnered with Ginny and Hermione right after, but the three third-year girls from Hufflepuff, and the fifth-year girl from Ravenclaw as well. The Hufflepuff girls, Jueun, Ariel, and Kim, were extremely giggly, and the Ravenclaw, Samantha, was quite talkative.

Draco had not looked very pleased when each girl asked Harry to dance, but he was not capable of starting a feud over it, as he was asked by each of the girls at one point or another.

Harry himself felt a stab of jealousy as each girl took their turn with Draco. But as he had said to Draco before, it was only one song apiece, and he would be spending the night with Draco anyway. Harry smiled at the thought as he danced with Samantha. After this dance, he planned to refuse any other requests for dancing so he could spend the last few minutes with his Slytherin.

The song ended and Harry thanked Samantha for the dance. She threw her arms around his neck and gave him a hug. "Thank you," she squealed. "I can't believe I just danced with Harry Potter!"

Harry smiled politely, thinking to himself that this was sure to be a 'Dear Diary' night for all his non-Housemate dance partners. As Samantha ran off to chat with one of the Hufflepuff girls, who she seemed to have forged a friendship with, Harry shook his head and chuckled. He started toward Draco. I wonder who they were more excited about dancing with tonight. Draco, or me. Harry smiled as an amusing idea floated into his mind. This could be fun…


Draco wandered to the couches the Gryffindors were sitting on. He glanced in the direction of Vin and Greg, but they seemed too interested in trying to chat up two of the Hufflepuff girls. He laughed softly and sat in an armchair that was set between the two couches that faced each other. To his left, Colin had a drowsy Ginny curled up on his chest. The girl was fighting desperately to keep her eyes open. To his right, Hermione was sitting with her legs curled under her and Ron's mess of red splayed across her lap. Her fingers were absently playing with a few curls.

Draco smiled at the two tender scenes. And the smile grew wider as he realized something amusing. I suppose the Weasleys aren't too big on staying up late. Draco looked around for Harry, wanting to create a tender scene of his own.

Suddenly, there was a flash of black racing to his side.

"Oh. My. GAWD! You will never guess what happened to me tonight!"

Surprised, four sets of Gryffindor eyes and one set of Slytherin ones snapped up at the girly voice. It sounded like a giddy American girl. Hermione and Ginny started giggling as they saw who it was.

Harry was batting his eyelashes in a very feminine manner. He fanned himself with one of his hands, and the other was pressed against his chest as though he was trying to calm his racing heart. He had actually spoken in a high-pitched falsetto voice, so as to make the whole picture even more amusing.

Hermione stifled her giggles for a moment. "And what is that, Harry? Or shall we call you Harriet?"

Harry pursed his lips sternly and set his hands on his hips huffily. "Harry is just fine. So guess what happened!" he squealed.

Ron and Colin snorted at their friend's antics. Draco just gaped. Ginny conquered her giggles for just long enough to say, "Just tell us already, Harry!"

Harry grinned. "I got to dance with the cutest guy in the whole school!" He hopped in a very surprised Draco's lap and threw his arms around Draco's neck. He then proceeded to cover the Slytherin's face in kisses. "Isn't he just dreamy?" cooed Harry, batting his eyelashes at the girls again.

The whole group, save Draco, erupted in guffaws. Draco could not stop staring at his boyfriend. Harry was now beaming up at him.

"You know, Draco, sweetie, usually a person doesn't like their boyfriend just gaping at them." Harry batted his eyelashes at Draco again. Then he leaned up and set a soft kiss on Draco's lips.

Draco shook his head, trying to bring his mind back to the silly boy that was now sprawled in his lap. He looked down at the smiling Gryffindor and couldn't help but grin. "You are an absolute nutter. You know that, right?"

Harry's grin spread even wider. "Um. Am I?" He looked to his Housemates, who all nodded fervently. "I suppose I am then."

Draco smiled. He curled his arms around Harry protectively. The six friends sat together in a comfortable silence, each enjoying their other half's company. After a few moments, the music started to make Draco antsy. Five minutes after Harry's giddy-girl act, Draco was itching to get up and dance. "Har, Love? Do you want to dance?"

Harry looked up at his boyfriend, and rubbed his chin in thought. "Hmm… I dunno Dray. I kinda wanted to rest a bit…" Harry curled into Draco's chest and breathed deep.

Draco pouted. "But I want to dance, Harry." He poked Harry in the side. "You're no fun," he grumbled.

Harry curled even closer to Draco, obviously ignoring his whining boyfriend. Another minute ticked by.

Then Harry jumped up and out of Draco's arms. "Okay! Let's dance!"

Draco looked up at the Gryffindor. "You do not get any more Pep-see. That shit is making you far too hyper."

Harry grinned as Draco rose slowly. Then the two boys scampered off to the dance floor.


Harry grabbed a goblet of pumpkin juice. As per Draco's demand, he was not getting another goblet of Pepsi. He figured Draco was probably right. Besides, after eight goblets-full, the caffeine was starting to get to him. He grabbed some pumpkin juice for Draco too. He made his way back to Draco and handed the blonde a goblet. Draco thanked him and turned back to the televisions. The London scene was lowered now, as it was only one minute more until midnight. The Royal Family was shown on the screen, surrounded by cameramen, reporters and body guards.

"Ten! Nine!" One of the young princes grinned and started the countdown.

"Seven! Six!" The congregation of twenty wizards in the Great Hall grinned broadly and counted with the boy on the television.

"Four! Three!" Harry and Draco turned to face each other as the seconds ticked away.


Draco waved his palm at the two goblets of juice, whispering "Wingardium Leviosa" and pulling Harry to him.

"One! Happy New Year!"

The whole world dissolved away as the two boys leaned together and met in a searing kiss. Tongues became active for the first time of the new year, and hands slipped over soft suede, sleek leather, stiff wool and smooth cotton. The two boys sighed in contentment as they separated. They smiled at each other.

Then after another quick kiss, Harry leaned in and whispered into Draco's ear. "Happy New Year, Draco."


Draco felt the breeze of his boyfriend's breath float across his ear. He smiled at the Gryffindor as he pulled back. The two boys gazed at each other for another moment until Harry was nearly strangled.

"Happy new year, Harry!" Hermione threw her arms around Harry's neck.

At the same time, Draco saw Ron standing next to him. He stuck out his hand to wish Ron a happy new year, but Ron ignored it. Instead, Ron just pulled the blonde to him in a warm hug. "Happy new year, Draco."

Draco was shocked. After a split second of 'Oh-my-God-Ron-Weasley-is-hugging-me,' Draco put his arms around Ron and hugged him back. "Thanks. Happy new year to you, too, Ron." They released each other relatively quickly and stepped apart. But not before Hermione and Harry caught a glimpse of their boyfriends in the embrace.

Hermione wrapped her arms around Draco next and wished him a happy new year as Ron grabbed Harry. While Hermione still had Draco in the embrace, she got on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear, "Welcome to the family, Draco."

They separated and she flashed him a huge smile. She planted a quick peck on his cheek, and the couple went off to spread the new year cheer. Harry smiled at Draco, who smiled back. They moved off to extend their well-wishes for the new year.


Harry held Draco's hand tight. It was one thirty in the morning, and he was exhausted. He looked at Draco sleepily. "Dray?"


"Which room is it tonight?"

Draco paused a moment. "I believe it's yours, Har. Why?"

Harry looked at him blearily. "Because I want to know whose thimble we needed."

Draco smiled and pulled the small green box out of his pocket. "It is a very good thing I always carry this thing with me."

Harry smiled back and nodded. He slid his arms around Draco's waist and waited for the usual tug behind his navel. It came an instant later.

There was a faint thump as they landed on Harry's bed. Harry let Draco go and rolled off his bed. Draco whined slightly at the loss of warmth.

"Draco, shoes off my bed, please." Harry bent over to undo the fastenings of his boots. Harry straightened for a second to hold onto his desk chair, balancing himself as he kicked off the boots. Then he leaned down again to pick up his boots and put them away, unknowingly giving Draco a tantalizing view of his backside.

"Yes, Harry, Love," said Draco innocently as he kicked off his shoes and silently climbed off Harry's bed.

The next instant, Harry's head flew back to its normal position, six feet in the air. The boots in his hands dropped back to the floor in surprise. The two hands on his bum were not at all expected, as was evidenced by Harry's quick reaction. "Draco!" Harry spun around to face the Slytherin, a stunned look in his eyes.

Draco just smiled at the Gryffindor. "You should know better than to wiggle your bum in the air. Especially in such delicious pants."

Harry blushed. Draco stepped closer to the raven-haired boy, a predatory look in his eyes. He put his hands on Harry's hips and slipped them around to the backside they had just assaulted. The two boys drew together. Harry slid his hands up Draco's suede covered arms and into the silky blonde locks. Their faces came together then, and lips found lips in a warm kiss.

Harry's hands moved from Draco's hair to the collar of Draco's duster. He pushed his hands under the soft fabric and started to free Draco from the duster. Draco let go of Harry just long enough to let the duster slither off his arms. Draco then helped Harry out of the leather jacket sitting on his shoulders. Harry wriggled his arms out and led the jacket fall in a heap on the floor.

All the while, the two boys were still locked together at the lips. Tongues were shifting back and forth between their mouths, practically copying the dancing Harry and Draco had done hours before on the dance floor.

Harry's fingers slipped down to the waistband of Draco's tight sweater, tugging at it. After a moment, tanned hands traveled up the Slytherin's body, releasing him from the green wool. The boys' lips separated for an instant to let Draco's head pull through the sweater. Harry tossed the garment aside and his fingers were at Draco's waist again, lips already pressed together again.

Draco pulled back a second later, though, breathing heavily. "Harry, love. We need the locks up." Harry groaned. Draco was right. He squatted down, making sure he did not give Draco another opening to grab his bum, and pulled out his wand from the inside pocket of the jacket he was wearing that evening.

He looked up at Draco. "Dray, you're using your wand. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

Draco was already rooting for the pocket of his duster. "I know, Har. I know. I don't even think I have that much strength yet." The two boys turned to the door which, unbeknownst to them, had been open the whole time. Draco chuckled. "I don't think Ron would have been very happy if he'd walked by and seen us going at it."

Harry laughed. "No, I don't think so." Harry walked over to his desk and scribbled a quick note to Ron. He pulled out his roll of spell-o-tape and ripped off a piece. He walked over to the open door and put the note up on the door. Then he closed the door and the two teens sent at least a dozen spells at the door. When they were satisfied, Harry sent the last spell, the now-traditional Go-Snog-Your-Honey Repelling Charm, at the door. The two boys set their wands on Harry's desk. Draco moved back to Harry's bed and leaned against it. He crossed his arms over the black, skin-tight tee shirt, his muscles rippling with every movement. He adopted a contemplative air about him and stared off into nothingness. "Hmm, where were we?"

Harry sent Draco a quick lopsided smile and stepped up in front of him. Harry positioned one leg between Draco's legs. Draco's arms encircled Harry's waist, pulling the Gryffindor closer. Harry slowly pushed his hips against Draco, just enough that Draco could see, or rather feel, how much Harry wanted him. At the pressure, Draco moaned softly, tilting his head back ever so slightly.

Harry grinned. This was the opening he had been waiting for. He bent his head and ran kisses from Draco's earlobe to the spot where the blonde's neck and shoulder met. Draco's breath slowed to almost nothing. His eyes were closed and his mouth hung open in a silent scream of ecstasy. Harry settled his lips at that crook and proceeded to kiss, lick, suck, and nibble at the pale skin. Another moan escaped Draco's throat. The Slytherin's fingers were drawn into fists, clutching at the black cotton dress shirt as though it was the only thing keeping him from doing something irrational. "Harry…"

Harry drew back from Draco's neck. "Yes, Love?" He hid a smile when he saw the look in Draco's eyes. As soon as the Gryffindor had stopped his ministrations, the Slytherin's eyes snapped open. The sapphires were plainly screaming for more.

Draco's breathing was coming raggedly now. He swallowed, trying to regain his oratory abilities. A shaking breath was taken to try to relax himself enough. "Wh-what did you stop for?" breathed Draco.

Harry sent Draco a smirk. "Because, Love. We've got a problem."

Draco's breath was coming a little easier now, but not much. "A-and that i-is?"

Harry looked at his boyfriend and smiled cheekily. He said nothing. He only reached out, snuck two fingers into the waistband of Draco's pants and tugged.

Draco grinned and licked his lips hungrily. "Come here."


Harry gladly obliged and leaned in for a kiss. While the pair kissed, Draco's fingers went to work on the buttons of Harry's shirt. Lucky for me Harry only buttoned four of these things, thought Draco thankfully. I don't think I have enough mental capacity for more than that.

Draco released the last button and spread the fabric away from Harry's chest. Harry moved so that the sleeves could skate down his arms easily. Draco's fingers went straight to Harry's waistband at the same time Harry's ran for Draco's waist. The digits hurried for cover under tee shirts, reveling in the feel of soft skin under the fabric.

Draco licked at Harry's lips and let his fingers travel up the contours of Harry's toned chest, pushing the tee shirt along with it.

Harry barely had half of Draco's stomach revealed when pale hands found his shoulders. Draco drove the white cotton over the joints, stopping Harry in his crusade to free Draco from black cotton.

Harry extracted his arms from the tee shirt and their lips broke apart to allow Harry's head to pull free from the shirt. Draco took that second to drink in the sight of his half-naked boyfriend. But he only was allowed a second because Harry's hands attacked his shirt with even more fervor and their lips crashed together again.

Draco felt the soft touch as Harry's fingers moved up his chest. He disengaged his lips from Harry's so he, too, could be freed from the confines of his tee shirt. He wrapped his arms around Harry tightly as soon as Harry had dropped the shirt on the floor.

Harry ground his hips into Draco's again, their arousal blatantly obvious to the other. As Harry's fingers wound their way down Draco's chest toward the button of his pants, Draco's breath started coming raggedly again. He closed his eyes and felt Harry's lips traveling along his collarbone. Oh, great Merlin's beard… If he keeps that up… Draco realized he needed to tell Harry. He swallowed hard, opening his eyes. "H-H-Harry…"

Harry unzipped the fly of Draco's pants and stopped kissing Draco's collar. "Yes, Love?"

Draco took another deep breath. "Har- If you don't stop teasing me like that, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from-"

Draco's statement was cut off by Harry's lips on his. A second later, Harry pulled his face back, a seductive smile on his lips. "Who says I want you to?"

Draco gasped. "Oh, God."
