With a vodka and coffee by my table! Let's get this story going!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto!

Since the time of the Shodaime Hokage, the world went into an era of peace and prosperity. Undisputed rival clans like the Uchiha to Hyuuga, Uzumaki to Senju from all across the nations erased all past burdens and formed the village known as Konoha. Then others follow their ideals as well. Peace was a dream of hope and free of despair. Freedom was a benefit rather than an opportunity. One thing led to another. Then several years, Suna lost 85% of its vital resources after a destructive Sandstorm swept across the entire country creating sand castles along its path. Millions of lives were lost, food was scare, and an unknown diseases which could survive despite the intense heat. Millions lived below the poverty line and their desperate attempt for survival began.

Tensions ran extremely high as crime rates blew up the charts signifying an unpleasant beginning. Bandits raided food storages to professional mercenaries sabotaging supply lines. The next thing they knew, everyone turn against each other and families torn apart. They started blaming other villages in the Sand Country of who might be responsible in the creation of the Ancient SandStorm considering only one powerful being could create a destruction of that magnitude, The One Tailed Tanuki. Then again it was captured and Suna claimed it had not create any techniques upon its captive. However, conspiracies theories and historians claimed there was a forbidden technique that was able to create such catastrophism but its legendary name was lost centuries ago. What was peculiar was that the Storm Wall came from the South but villages including Konoha denied the claim as they have none capable of such elemental power.

Not even half a year after the near end the Country began to tear itself apart placing borders onto the map putting Sunagakure right in the centre. The divided countries raised their own independence successfully and defied the Sand Daimo even going as far as to demolish all figurines of him. Ironically, he did not even bother or bat an eye after the Sandstorm hits. Tensions never subsided since then. Leaders found ways to manage their food reserves, population management. The barren land turned into tombs for the dead in a span of only three months.

Given in to be seen as weak for the good of his people, The Kazekage personally requested immediate aid from Konoha after multiple food and water supply lines got cut off as they had no men to spare. Suna's not so friendly neighbours created names for themselves and began to strike terror on the people by invading the villages along Suna's border. Suna was at war with her neighbours and her territory became increasingly smaller with each passing month. Konoha was delaying its arrival questionably long with every requests came from the Kazekage. Then one announcement changed the world completely: The First Hokage Assassinated! The world was on uproar and mass hysteria occurred causing everyone to close their doors which gave an open window for others to strike as an opportunity. Completely dumbfounded that the Legendary Shinobi of the Era who took down Madara Uchiha found dead with a Kunai stabbed to his heart. Tobirama Senju took the throne afterward and Suna continued to send requests after losing 3/5 of its territory. The Kazekage died with his honour buried in the sands of time and a new leader emerged.

The Fire Nation responds.

A propaganda campaign was launched with the help of the media and the recruit centre became full and people rushing in.

High level Jounins to ANBU operatives established base camps on Suna's land and the attacks slowed down. It took only 3 years when Suna finally regained most of its claimed territory restoring the land to stability with the aid of The Fire Nation's economy but the war did not end there. The death toll suffered from all sides was 7 million excluding the catastrophic event. Konoha demanded a favour in return…The One Tailed Beast: Ichibi. The New Kazekage immediately refused but Tobirama threatened they will mobilise the troops out of the country leaving Suna completely vulnerable to attacks. He was reluctant.

Now the question is: How Suna's neighbours was able to obtain so much resources and techniques at such a short time?

A little girl's hand was raised up.

"Because the Rock and Cloud were supplying vast amount due to extremely high rate of demands."

A scar-faced man nodded. "That's right Narumi-hime. Since Sand Country is simply a barren land, they needed to find resources elsewhere without confrontation. Rock and Cloud had almost unlimited supplies of mountains and manpower. They simply benefit from it and harvest to boost up their economy to recover from their last war."


"-War is profit my students as it will either help your country or destroy theirs."

Another hand is raised. "But Sensei. Did Suna negotiate by giving Konoha their Tailed Beast?"

He shrugged. "It was declassified information so whether or not it was transferred here, we will never know. Continuing on, The Fire Nation persuaded both nations to halt their activities but it was short-sighted as both nations drew a very thin line against Konoha as well as the The fire Nation. Or else the world as we know it, will be at war once again. Any questions?"


The redheaded girl nodded. "What was the total death fatality during the War and after the Sandstorm?"

Iruka grimaced. "Including civilians to shinobis and soldiers, the total was 20 million. 15 million body count on civilians and Konoha only lost 1023 of its brave men and women in combat. The Shinobis you see here today like Kakashi to Might Guy as well as Minato Namikaze were the veterans of war. Look up to them and someday, you could be as great as them."


"Konoha kicked their asses back!"



Iruka smiled at atmosphere. "Keep in mind that the War isn't over until either sides surrenders or Suna finally regained full control of its own economy to take care of her own…Obviously they won't." He muttered at the end. Seeing multiple letter 'Z's' hanging in the air, he threw a dustpan right into the head of the source.



The ten year-old still in a dizz, yawns care freely unaware of his teacher's rage. "Oh…did I sleepwalk here?"

(Sound effect of a horn inserted)

With his big head jutsu and a big ass mark, he yells. "YOU SLEPT THROUGH THE ENTIRE PERIOD?!"

Naruto Uzumaki wears a red shirt and a blue jacket which fits around his form nicely as well as night blue cargo pants. "Sorry, what were we studying again? Bullshit or Conspiracies?"

"History you jarhead…"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Almost the entire class laughed at his misfortune.

"Silence Kiba…"

"Oh really? Why do you think the Daimo does not support Suna and did absolutely nothing when his own people died? How did the divided countries able to have full control of their own wealth while Suna doesn't? How such a Sandstorm can occurred right only a year after the World Peace treaty was signed? And finally, why Konoha invaded Rairan despite their army never had nor step onto foreign soil ever since The Last Great Sninobi War? They were never part of the revolution nor were they involved in any foreign affairs!" Naruto exclaimed with the dire motive to know.

The whole class was in complete standby awaiting for an answer. Iruka decided to resume his teachings with a straight face. "Rairan massacred its own people and blew up Konoha's greatest monuments 10 years ago inevitably killing 1530." He put on a slide show of what and were once in the village. The Hokage Monument turned into rubbles to bodies lying on the streets from an explosion. "Futhermore, Rairan wasn't part of Peace Keeping United Nations and they had no intentions of doing so. They have a disclosed weapon of Mass Destruction and our army will find it before its being used to strike terror upon all of us."

"Yeah! You should listen to him Naruto-baka!"

Naruto did not even bother. "Oh yeah? We all know that Kiri is killing their own people as well! Not even thousands but millions and counting! Why Konoha isn't helping their own kind?!" He continues to debate.

Iruka gritted his teeth. "Kiri is part of the UN and by votes, we are not allowed to disturb with foreign affairs! The rebellion killed their own leader and the people decided they should retaliate!"


"THAT'S ENOUGH NARUTO!" The extreme tension grew to the roof confusing everyone excluding the two. "Report early to school or it will a black mark on your records…" Iruka continues his lecture until school ended and the students are free to roam out the class.

"Jeez what's wrong with that idiot? Doesn't he understand what the fire nation is trying to do?"

"He's just stupid and ignorant as always. That's why my parents always tell me not to be near him."

The whiskered boy walks out his hand in his pockets with a face that could make any Uchiha jealous. With the Sun setting low above his head, he took the everyday route to Ichiraku's but his path is blocked by a certain kid with a puppy.

"Heyhey Naruto…How're you doing?"

The whiskered boy glares at him with a dramatic zooming effect to his flashing blue eyes, raised a question with a dubbed voice. "Kiba my old undyingly unintelligent classmate, get out of my way or face the wrath of my rage!"

The wind blew in creating an epic effect swelling up the tension which is about to burst.

"How did he do that?" Kiba asked in midst of confusion sensing the extreme change in the air. "Quit it you orphan and I know where you're probably headed! It's time to pay up!" He exclaimed clenching his fist.

Naruto was amused and continued on talking with a strange accent. "HAHA, you must be poor! Did your mother not love you? You should be ashamed as you had dishonour them! And even if I was adopted, my foster parents deserves better recognition than my blood relatives. HAHA! You are worse than a plant grown in shit! Which means you sir are pathetic by Nature!" A huge arrow of pride pierced through the clouds at sonic speeds and zeroed in into the heart of the Inuzuka pinning him onto the ground completely as his eyes lost its colour.

The battle was over before it even started as the tension washed away turning everything to what it once was.

"Well, damn I'm hungry. Catch you later Ki-baka…"

Unbeknownst to them, a pair of eyes was watching the entire scene folding out from the class window. Iruka tugged away a history scroll and set puzzles into a board in his mind. He analysed what was written and what should have. For him, something did not seemed right and Naruto may have spoken the truth rather than questioned everything. He got to report to the Hokage immediately. Just as he turned, red strands of locks caught his vision.

"Narumi-hime, class ended an hour ago." He informed the girl staring out the window in mild curiosity at the approaching dusk bathing the land with its receding glow and growing phantom of darkness blocked by a certain person.

"I know…"

He left the door open leaving the redheaded girl to mind her own business.

Where do we stand after death? Or where were we before life? Reincarnation? Resurrection? The circle goes on and on as it could not be understood by humanity. Life was labelled as sacred to nature and to all beings. Nature brings harmony for all living things to live, yet brings chaos for them to simply rot and die to fertilise the very soil. What about Humanity? The minds and thoughts of all individuals are unique and sophisticated. Love and Hatred. War and Peace. Mind and Body.

But what makes us unique? Is what we do simply makes us separated with nature? Or the actions of haste that causes us to be different. To put it simply, it is the thoughts of our own which makes each every human being incomparable.

We begin this story starting of a 10 year-old boy who didn't understand his purpose in life since the beginning of his cursed birth. Every human being in his surrounding either left him astray or sneer their guts out in sheer disgust. If he did not understood their reasons he would have washed away his pain. Staying alive isn't easy and to Live was apparently harder. Luckily for him, he was brought up by a grandfather figure who happens to make his favourite food, Ramen. Well not exactly brought up by him since the young boy lives in a rundown orphanage.

As he walks home with a large sack of takeaway noodles on his back, a black cat blocks his path. He moved side to side in an attempt to continue his journey but the cats was stubborn. No way around and no way back. In mere seconds, the golden-eyed feline lunged onto his face its claws etching into his skin deeply.

"OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" He yelled out in pain as he grab the animal by its tail and threw her onto a wall. Miraculously, with flexibility, she bounced off like a pinball back onto his face. "Goddamit!" He tried to throw the cat off by hastily moving his head but it was vain. Then a bulb went up his head, he runs blindly onto a brick wall with a grin but ends up injuring himself leaving the animal unharmed.


"Come on…why do you have to make my life a living hell?" The boy muttered as he got up leaving his face to mysteriously heal. He crouched down and gave her an unamused glare. "What's wrong with females anyway? Is it their way of getting attention?" The cat calls out her native voice as Naruto shrugged off and back on his feet. "Come on, hop on."

She leap onto his comfortable spiky hair thus continuing his journey. Moments later, the cat taps his head lightly signifying a stray attention aiming towards him. "She's here? Really? Why the hell is she all the way out here?" He whispered more to himself than to the cat. "Alright…what's her position?" He did not even want to know his interaction with the feline even occurred.

Way far back, a pair of colourless eyes peek from a manhole watching and waiting as its target moved on to the next corner. The owner left her position to track her target into visible range as she peeks off into the corner but found her target disappeared.

'Where did he go?'

"You shouldn't be here, Kina…" A voice hushed out by her ear causing her to emit a loud squeal.

"KYAAA!" Naruto was taken by surprise as she grabs his hand and threw him over her shoulder plummeting his head onto the solid ground forming spider cracks.

"WHAM! CRACK!" Good thing he left the sack of noodles.

"Well you shouldn't sneak up on a Hyūga, Naruto-kun." She teased in a cute manner with her tongue. His body twitches his face unamused.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR TEME?!" Naruto flabbergasted.

"Sorry…Come on…you won't be mad for long because I'm cute right?" She sheepishly holds up her cute façade awaiting his state of stability.

"I'm gonna get you for that you damn stalker!" She sat on a corner holding up a sign saying 'I Didn't Mean To Do It. I'm Very Very Sorry…'

"Why are you out here? You're going to get in trouble and it won't be me this time to cover for you…" Naruto questioned noticing her change of attitude as she waves her arms around.

"Who cares? I haven't seen you in weeks and this is the treatment I get? You're cold Naruto…" She crossed her arms and look away.

"WHY ALL OF A SUDDEN?!" Naruto spouted as he motion for her to come along. "The thing is…the elders kicked me out and it's not like I can kidnap you and keep you as hostage." She then slowly creeps up on his face with an extremely disturbing smile.

"Do you want to? I could be your servant for life and we both can get married!" Naruto backs away hastily blushing in astonishment. "Come on! I could be your life long slave and get married! Or I could be your pet if you want me to!"

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DAMN PERVERT!" He ran away leaving dust trail but she was faster as she disabled his legs vital points, immobilising him completely. He lands flat on his belly as she appears mere inches inside his 'GET-THE-FUCK-AWAY' zone. "Tuturuuu~~…! You can't run away from your destiny Naruto-kuuun…."

Her name is Hyūga Kina and she is a living nightmare for his childhood. With long silky black hair and a heart melting cuteness, she became what the devil could never create. Born in a branch family without the love of her mother and the protection of her father. She lives isolated with only her grandmother as her life support of hope. Then some dull looking blond barged in and commit mass frenzy.

"Kina, we-are-still-kids! What happened to girls and dolls?! You're getting ahead of yourself!" Naruto yelled while spitting out the dirt caught in his mouth.

She made the '0' face as she fawns mere inches while cleansing the dirt off his face with her finger. "Oh? Are you considering it?" A huge tick mark grew as he planted his face onto the ground repeatedly with sheer annoyance. The only thing that kept him from going full Saiyan was her giggle ringing melodiously in his ears that could made him a bit flustered. Maybe that was the only thing he kept her around. "How about we enjoy the sunset as a favour you should return…"

"Uhhhh…okay, but could you bring my legs back please?"

She placed her arms by her sides. "Noooope. I can't risk it."


With a strength no child should have and the mentality no human would do, she grabbed his collar as well as the sack with her other hand and took him across the village onto the overview of the only surviving village monument, The Hokage Mountain. They left their legs to dangle and her head on his clutched shoulder.

Her heart was warm, knifed cuts bled shivering blood outside in, but her heart whispered screams warm. And her fingertips warm, softly etched words in a language unknown, confusion sat upon a throne and ordered darkness her heart a home yet her heart fought on, still warm. Seasons blurred by in sunsets warm, her hands may have been cold and her story silently untold as fury shook her hands, but her heart was always warm. Coldness hid the light of a muddy warm, tangled words told and mangled thoughts sliced skin, morose shadows truth and her heart is still warm. Forgiveness feels sunshine fall lightly on two worlds making it warm, his fingertips no longer touch her heart but sit quietly upon her fingertips, palm to palm and her hands are warm.

She got up and dust off her clothing. "Well, that was a moment to last. I gotta go or else they will think I escaped from my toilet break."

"What a long one…It was nice seeing you."

She squat down to eye level. "Hm? Did you say something Naruto-kuuun?"

He backs away as far as he possibly could while hiding his blush. "Ehhhh-nothing!" She brought his legs back from numbness then smiled with her eyes closed and planted a heart melting kiss to his cheek. The core in his heart explodes in a fiery explosion transferring all its energy to his face. Immediately blanking his mind from the world.

"It was nice seeing you. ByeChaByeChaan Naruto-kuuun! Tuturuuuu~!" She slapped his back but instead accidently shove him forward from the solid cliff. Reality brought him back to the lack of weight and the sight of the depths below. She waved him goodbye with an uneasy smile.




His eyes was twitching in pain but his face was straight as a board ignoring the disfigured body of his ill luck.


He stared at the cat for a moment then speaks with a gentleman's British accent. "Oh hey , a lovely evening isn't? Could you help me out, no? I seemed to be in disorder as it is an inconvenience for me to do it alone. I will be grateful and you will be pleased for the reward to come." Waiting for answer, the cat shrugged.


"I'll take that as a yes…" This will be extremely dreadful.

His body was back in shape and now he stands in front of a place he called home. The building looks rundown but well maintained for its occupants to live and surrounding yard was overgrown with weeds. He steps onto the front porch and he could already hear the activities going on inside. He went in and stepped into the well maintained lit corridor.

"I'm home…" His greeting was rather unpleasant as multiple daggers embed to the door behind.

"I TOLD YOU TO KEEP THOSE THINGS AWAY!" A nun yelled as she throws her edged metals to the children running down to him.


"NARUTO-NII-SAN HELP US!" They hid behind him in trembling fear.

Naruto sweatdrop as the lady attempted to sheepishly hide her weapons away when she saw him. "Oh Naruto-chan…didn't expect you to come home."

"What? You thought I would run away?" It was a moment of exposure he saw in her. "Anyway, I brought home food. Put this in the kitchen and you know what to do…" He handed over the large sack and motioned for the kids to come along. "Come on…gotta wake them up."

"Nii-san, why are you dirty?" The 7 year old girl with black hair asked.

"Yeah and you smell like cooties!" The boy exclaimed after sniffing the air.

"You'll understand when you grow up…" He opens up the closet door and handed out boom mikes for each of them. They grinned ear to ear and looked at each other. "It's time! On three!"




With the deepest of breath that could make a certain Tanuki jealous, their bellies bulged like a balloon their mouths wide open to the speaker.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNN!" The entire building rocks back and forth from the shockwave as all of the occupants filter out of their rooms like a crowd ready for battle. There were kids 4 to 12 year olds running in anxiety and extreme excitement into the kitchen their mouth watery.

Later, the atmosphere was bright as the Sun as the young bellies of children consume the delicious mouth watery food in their bowls. Naruto relaxed in the corner enjoying the sight of his fellow occupants eating their hearts out. A girl around 9 years old with purple hair and a brown dress approached him. "Nii-chan! Come join us!"

He waved off. "That's alright Zone…I'm full." She frowned and crossed her arms.

"Now that's not the way we do things here…Now SHUT UP!" She grabbed his foot and drags him into the cheering crowd. "You're going to join us whether you like it or not!"


His wide smile turned into laughter that could light the hearts of the world. The opposition of the phantom pain gone and replaced by the Sun of one child. The kindness of a child may be special and rare but the happiness of living beings is what matters. They made the building their own playground by covering some corners with pillows. Naruto was strong and energetic for his age as he throws them across the room not caring the dangers what may lies. However, they all laughed their tears out until all energy was spent in playing. They all helped on the cleaning and forced the nun to sit in the corner to appreciate their work. All them were worn out and went into their rooms for a powerup for tomorrow.

All was left was the dishes needed to be wiped and stacked. "Thanks for coming by Naruto-kun." The nun said as she handed over a plate for Naruto to stack.

"Not a problem Akemi… I would have probably missed them anyway." He responds stacking the plates on the cupboard.

She gave him a kind smile. "You're a kind boy Naruto-kun, have you ever thought about that?" She handed him a glass which he took and stared at the warped reflection.



"…Honestly, sometimes I wish I am…."

The glass's background blinks to an office of the Hokage but filled with water. Reports were placed out all over the table as only the light of the lamp shows the shadows of two occupants.

"It is just as I said Hokage-sama…Naruto may have known something he never have should." Iruka informed showing the reports of his grades to the full written report of the incident this afternoon. "He never showed any kind of interest in his grades nor in his studies, but the knowledge he exclaimed shows something out of order."

Minato Namikaze scans the report word by word in detail. "He's being deceptive for his own good. No wonder his performance is average. Too low or too high and someone will notice easily. How about his interaction with other students?"

"He's soft spoken and never attempted to make any acquaintance since day one till this day. Some approached him but he stayed away and escaped at the blink of an eye. As for dealing with troublemakers, no physical force was applied but verbal smackdown was taunted. I'd say that is his specialty in a way."

The Hokage put a finger on his chin as he stared at the photographs taken from ANBU. "He never really shown any sign of unique activity simply just doing the same routine every day. However, he changes them inconsistently." He said flipping through one after another.

"How you'd know?"

"Because that is what I would do if I were a spy behind enemy lines. I can't trust anybody and someone will hold surveillance every day until they got something peculiar out. Naruto…he's doing the exact same thing and mislead everyone of what he might do."

"I can't understand what you mean, sir."

He looks out the window. "Last year, he misled us thinking he purchased jutsu scrolls and fine weaponry. When we examined his house, turns out to be a cutting knife and a banner. It was all normal in perception until he slipped of one crucial mistake…"

"What was it?"

"This isn't declassified information so someone in your position should know personally by the Hokage himself. Now, about two and a half years ago we accidently let an Inuzuka ANBU dog on the loose. This dog is special as it was trained to sense specific substances in the air and locate the source. It travelled across the village without rest and pinned down the suspect."

"Who was it?"

"According to eyewitness reports…Naruto Uzumaki, of course he wasn't hurt and left the scene unscathed before the ANBU could arrive leaving only his jacket. The scientist run some tests and found substances illegal in this country."



"But that's impossible. In the exception of dozing off, he shows no such symptoms at class. Even if heroin was on him, Kiba and his puppy would have scent it and reported to me."

The Hokage sighed. "…and that's where we hit another brick wall. We released the same dog and others as well but no production has shown ever since that incident. No traces of where he might have and no source of where he could have gotten it…we turned the village upside down and found absolutely nothing." He flips through another photograph and saw spine-chilling icy blue eyes glaring down at him. It was like as if a phantom just faze through him. "You're dismissed Iruka-san, fill me out another report for tomorrow." He saluted and went out the door just as Narumi came in. "Hey hey Narumi-chan! Aren't you supposed to be at home?"

"It's boring over there…"

His face turned into concerned when he notice her change of attitude instead of the usual cheery girl he remembered. "Is there something wrong?" He asked as she approaches the table.

"Not really Tou-san but-hey! Why is there a picture of Naruto-kun on your table?"

'Ah shit! Wait…-kun?'


She tilted her head. "Are you a paedophile Tou-san?" He reacted by falling back on his chair and his mouth wide again. "NONNONOONONOOOOnoooonope…it's just your daddy doing spy work. That's all." She shrugged off as Minato regained his composure. "I've been meaning to ask you, why do you call him Naruto-kun?"

Her straight face turned into a smile upon asking it. "Oh? Because he's really nice and kind…but he's also in pain." She said knowingly her small fist over her big heart.

"What makes you say that?"

"I know because whenever I look into his eyes…He gives a fearsome and negative outlook to the world…I saw hopelessness but his heart is still intact. He's very tired and sad. Tou-san…But…I was curious and followed him across the village. All he ever do was simply walk and walk giving no attention to any people. Then an elderly in need and a baby left alone on the street…He picked up his cane for him but that idiot old man whack him…he didn't care. He pushed the moving stroller back to the mother but she threw food at him!" By now, she was already tearing up. "Why would she do that?! But Naruto walked off like nothing ever happened! Why does everyone hate a kind person?!" She screamed at the end and Minato tried to go and comfort her but she motioned him to stop with the hand. "Someone said 'it is the small acts of kindness that keeps evil apart.' Do you know who said it?"

He breathes out. "The First Hokage: Hashirama Senju…"

She wipes out the tears and smiles again. "sniffsniff'…and those words were spoken out from him. I was caught and asked him why. Then he gave me this…" She held up her wrist showing an orange bracelet made up of simple fibre. Minato was shocked because he never once noticed it. "That was the first and last time he spoke to me…"

"When was that?"

"3 months ago…" He felt like he is worse than a blind man on a single road. He organized the table completely and picked her up onto his shoulder. "Why does everyone hate him Tou-san?"

"You're too mature for your age…Come on…let's go home…"

Unbeknownst to even the Hokage, his office was bug as the listener wrote down every detail and showed it to his superior.

"The daughter has been compromised: Initiate Plan Tremble Execution!"

Aaaaannnnnd that is all for the first chapter of Hell before Heaven! If you don't know Kina's appearance check out my profile. To make up so none of you will be confused…this takes place in an alternate universe with an alternate timeline! The technology is almost the same as this era but no weapons like guns is in. Another thing is I needed a beta reader because idog is not available! If you're up for it so please PM me!

Anyway! HA! My teacher said I can't be a historian! But guessed what? I made my own history…with hookers and black jacks!

Now Stay tune and A Happy New Year