So, I'm going to miss writing this story, but now I'm going to write "Snowed In." The votes came back for that story, and so that one's going to be next! It will probably be short, maybe around five chapters or so, and will be in the genre "Humor." So, look out for that one! :D You can continue giving me votes for which story to write after that, because five chapters will take little to no time for me to write and get out there. So go ahead! It's "Blind Sight" against "How Not To Meet Your Ally." Have fun with this final chapter! :D

There was a knock on Astrid's door a few days later. Camicazi and Heather were both sharing a room with her, so when they woke up to the sounds of KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK, they all stumbled down stairs at the same time, nearly knocking each other over in the process.

Astrid threw open the door and was greeted by Hiccup, his fist in mid-knock, a scarf tied around his neck. He was wearing a black, long-sleeved shirt, and was carrying Toothless in his arms.

"Hi, Astrid," said Hiccup. He looked at her pajamas. "Is this a bad time?"

"Oh, no, not at all," said Astrid. "We kind of slept in."

Hiccup nodded. "Um...I wanted to tell you three that you're invited to my birthday party," he said.

"Oh sweet!" said Camicazi.

"That would be awesome," said Astrid. "When is it?"

"February twenty ninth, which is...tomorrow," said Hiccup. "Yes, tomorrow. And it starts at five o'clock in the evening."

"That sounds great," said Astrid. "We'll see if we can go. Thanks."

"You're welcome," said Hiccup.

"Who else is coming?" said Heather.

"Let's see..." said Hiccup, "Ruff and Tuff are coming, they already said that they'll be there...I invited Scott, I just don't know if he's going to come or not. And then Fishlegs."

"The journalist?" said Astrid.

Hiccup nodded. "I called and talked to him a bit," he said. "He doesn't sound like he has very many friends. I think it meant a lot to him when I invited him. He said he's coming, and call if something happens otherwise."

"That's great!" said Astrid. "So, tomorrow, at five. Right?"

"Right," said Hiccup. "So I guess I'll see you all then."

"You too," said Astrid.

He smiled, turned, and headed back to his own house. Astrid shut the door behind him, and turned to her cousins and mother, who had just entered the room.

"Sounds fun," said her mother, who had heard the conversation. "You three want to go?"

"Can we?" said Camicazi.

"Of course!" said Astrid's mother.

"Yes!" they shouted in unison, giving each other high-fives, missing half of the time for lack of effort put into them.

"This should be awesome!" said Astrid.


"Does this dress make me look weird?" Heather asked.

"Heather, you look fine," said Camicazi. "But you keep changing it, so I never have time to actually make a decision!"

Heather examined her black, long-sleeved dress and high heels that matched it. "So it looks okay?" she asked.

"Yeeeeees," Astrid and Camicazi both groaned in unison. They were getting tired of having to answer the same question over and over and over again.

"You look great, Heather," said Astrid. "You guys ready to head over?"

"Yep," said Camicazi. She was wearing jeans, a white t-shirt with pink, cursive letters on it that read "Activate Awesomeness" and an unbuttoned jean jacket over it. Her hair was in its usual mess, and no one asked her about it. It was impossible to brush, which they learned (quite unfortunately) the hard way.

Astrid was wearing a black and white striped t-shirt that was tucked under a dark brown, leather, ruffled skirt. Her hair was in its usual braid, her bangs hanging loose. She slipped on her tennis shoes, and they were ready to go.

They walked down the stairs, one at a time, Astrid, Heather, and Camicazi, in that order. They were greeted by Astrid's mother, who wished them a good time, and bid them goodbye. Then, they left the household.

It was already getting dark; Astrid really didn't like daylight savings time. It made everything seem so awkward, and strange, even. But such was life. She couldn't change it. The trio walked up to Hiccup's front door, and knocked.

Hiccup answered the door, a sideways smile on his face. Toothless meowed from the floor where he stood behind his master, sniffing Astrid, Camicazi and Heather at different rituals.

"Glad you three could make it," said Hiccup. "We haven't started yet."

He moved out of the way and invited them in.

"Happy birthday," said Astrid.

"Yeah, happy birthday," said Camicazi and Heather, almost in unison.

"Thanks, guys," said Hiccup. "You three are awesome."


The night went by rather quickly. Too quickly, perhaps. Once everyone else arrived, they sang, and ate cake. After that, it was pretty chilled out...

...Until Hiccup lead them all into the garage, carrying a duffle bag over his shoulder.

"What is this?" said Tuffnut. "What's in the bag?"

"Yeah, Hiccup," said Snotlout. "Don't leave us in suspense!"

"Okay, okay," said Hiccup, setting the bag down in the middle of the garage and closing the door, leaving him, Fishlegs, Astrid, Heather, Camicazi, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Snotlout boxed in. "You guys ready?"

"Yeah!" the others shouted in unison.

Hiccup unzipped it, and they gasped. Inside of it, were tons and tons of unused glowsticks, and some cans of silly string.

"We're going to have a war," said Hiccup. "Start grabbing as many glow sticks as you want. We've got tons. Two cans of silly string per person. I'll be right back." He stood and left while the others started picking and cracking their glowsticks.

Astrid put two in an X in the middle of her braid. They were green, and had a somewhat evil glow to them. Camicazi put two behind her ears, holding the other ones light lightsabers. Astrid shook a can of silly string, as did the others while they waited for Hiccup to return.

Once he did, he was carrying a small, portable boombox, and an MP3 player.

"Dubstep," said Hiccup, setting down the boombox on a milkcrate and plugging his MP3 player into it. "A fast dubstep, silly string, glowstick war."

"SWEET!" said Camicazi.

"Ooh, ooh!" Tuffnut's hand shot up. "I want to be the DJ! Can I be the DJ!?"

"Sure, Tuff," said Hiccup, stepping aside.

"Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!" Tuffnut shouted. As he ran over, he grabbed a huge handful of glowsticks and cracked them all. "I have an idea!" he said. "Whenever the drop comes in, I'll throw a bunch of glowsticks into the center."

"Nice!" said Snotlout. "When do we start?"

"How about right now?" said Hiccup. "Remember, there are no teams with the silly string. If you don't want to get hit...well...leave the room. No aiming for the face, and no aiming for the hair, either. Ready?" He moved towards the lightswitch after picking his silly string and glowsticks.

"Ready," the others chorused.

"Okay then!" said Hiccup. "Tuff, give us something fast."

As soon as Tuffnut started playing it, Hiccup flipped the light out. The room went dark, and all chaos broke free.

People started spraying their silly string at each other in different bouts, hitting nearly everything they fired at. There was no where to hide, since the garage was empty (their car was parked outside), so it was all run and fire.

Once the silly string was out, they started flinging their glowsticks at one another. And then it went from flinging them to fighting with them as if they were swords, even though they were tiny.

Astrid poked Hiccup in the stomach with her glowstick and shouted, "DIE!" Hiccup grabbed his stomach and fake-moaned, falling to his knees.

" got me..." he gasped. Then, he stood up and laughed, flinging more glowsticks at more of his friends.

It went from war to a dance jig. Whenever the beat dropped in one of the dubstep songs Tuffnut selected, Tuffnut would throw an entire handful of glowsticks into the air so they sprinkled over the others. People laughed and danced to the music, waving their glowsticks around like patons, some people still flinging them at other people at different times.

All in all, although the night was crazy, everyone there had a blast.

There were still tons of more glowsticks left. Once people realized that, it got even more crazier. They continued dancing and flinging them at each other at different bouts. It grew crazier and crazier.

Astrid moved over to Hiccup, an entire handful of blue glowsticks in her hand.

"Thanks for inviting me," said Astrid. "This has been amazing."

"Thank you too," said Hiccup.

"For what?" Astrid asked.

Hiccup smiled. "For coming." Then, he pelted her with glowsticks.


So I totally based that last thing with the glowsticks, silly string and dubstep off a real party I went to one time. :) So if you are wondering, that's where it came from. :D BYE!