Summary: For Cinderella's Prince, his moment with the Baker's wife is far from over.

Disclaimer: I don't own Into The Woods.

Author's Note: This is a non-canon story full of twists and turns to where the Baker's Wife lives and her moment with the Crown Prince is far from over. It is based squarely on the movie, which was a delightful treat to see.

Rating: T



Horror and fear spread through the Baker's wife as a nightmarish terror forged in the sound of earthshattering footsteps unfolded. It was the powerful oncoming approach of the giant's wife. Anger and wrath imploded the world with each mighty step. Trees bowed and broke like twigs. Branches snapped as she wrenched her way through the deep thickets. Blood was in her eyes. A hunger for revenge marking her already weary worn face.

Screeching in horror, the baker's wife turned in panic; evading debris, clutching her shawl as the winds howl in the frenzy. Earnestly, she sought shelter from the mighty woman that sought vengeance in the death of her great husband. Fear swam up her brain, making it difficult to see, or have any awareness of the path she was taking.

All too soon, the baker's wife saw the end to the woods opening into a massive ravine with a sheer cliff drop. A raging river swirled and rushed below. She spun around a look of alarm widening the whites of her eyes. A sudden updraft of wind ripped the shawl from her neck. It weaved and dipped as it rode the winds beyond her vain attempts to reclaim it.

Suddenly the ground split and began to crumble. The giant's wife advanced ever closer. Weakly, the baker's wife reached out to a nearby branch, but sorrowfully losing her grip and her balance to plummet to the river below.

Two Days Later

"Gather as much water into as many buckets as you can. The people will need water for food and drink," commanded the Crown Prince. He stood atop a massive boulder overseeing the numerous soldiers that had come to river to collect water for the people. Carts hitched to horses stood nearby to transport the water back to the village.

A ruin now. The giant or should he say the giantess, although slain, had left her deadly mark. Homes were destroyed. Countless livestock were missing and many of the good people were killed or left in utter despair. What was left now was to rebuild but how? Responsibility? He was a prince. Responsibility was a king's job. However, his father was old and weak and he was his heir. His first born. And his brother? Where was he? Gone or killed. He wasn't certain.

Nothing was certain now. Nothing was magical. It was a surreal and painful. In a stretch of days, he'd gone from being a carefree prince with his beautiful wife, to man facing a damning annulment, and a horde of desolate people to look after. It was all too much. He felt like striding his horse and riding away. Far away to places unknown. Worlds away from this responsibility he was facing.

Squeezing his eyes shut, the Crown Prince turned his thoughts to another moment. A moment in the woods. To a pair of eyes pulling him with its fiery brilliance and mouth of simmering passion. Oh how he yearned to be in those arms that held him with such longing. To cup a face so sweet and stroke a skin so soft. A face, which surprisingly did not belong to the maiden who'd, lost her slipper at the royal ball. His Cinderella.

But she was not his Cinderella. Not anymore. She had chided him for his indifference and lack of loyalty. And in no small words said he was less than man and make an utterly hopeless king. Nevertheless, she thanked him for the brief happiness he'd given her before electing to take a different path. He had seen Cinderella earlier today alongside to young children and the baker. Aiding him as he saw to the needs of sick. She had glanced his way briefly, offering up a tentative smile, before resuming the task of handing out bread to the needy.

An outcry of men drew him out of his thoughts and looked to see a herd of men running quickly towards the riverbank. One particular man was waving his arms beckoning. "Over here Sire," he bellowed and swiftly the Crown Prince raced with his Steward to the scene.

"Make way for the prince," the Steward cried out in effortless pronunciation. With his scepter, he pried a path through the body of men unveiling the broken and marred body of woman. A faint sense of familiarity washed the Crown Prince as one of the soldiers stroked her face, pushing back a mat of knotted hair filled with leaves and bits of earth. His heart skipped. He knew this woman. She was the brave woman from the woods.

"Is she alive," he spoke out suddenly, catching looks of astonishment.

One soldier bowed close, a stout man with a round face, and streaks of grey hair. "Yes Sire…barely." He looked up the Crown Prince, his face urgent. "She's needs a doctor. It's a miracle she's alive."

"Take her with great care," ordered the Crown Prince as he turned to his Steward. "To the Royal Hunting lodge." For the palace had suffered damage during the giantess attack and needed repair. "See that the Royal doctors attend her with great care. I will arrive shortly afterwards."

"Yes…Sire," the Steward said carefully, and bowed. Except for the princess Cinderella, he found it strange the Crown Prince would care about any woman. Especially (from the looks of garments) a peasant woman.

With unity, the soldiers heaved the woman up and took her to one of the carts, bundling her gently inside. Closely behind the Crown Prince followed with his Steward. "Do you know her Sire?"

"No." The Crown Prince lied all the while his heart was beating madly in his chest.