Alright guys this is the FINAL chapter in 'Beca's Fall'! I apologize for the long wait, I've been busy with mid-terms in college, my basketball team went to semi-finals, and everyday life, but look no further it is done! Just wanted to say how truly appreciative I am of every single one of you who have reviewed, favorited, followed and messaged me, this one's for you!

Oh and italics are flashbacks and bold is for song lyrics!

Also this is unedited so I'm sure there are mistakes but I just wanted to get this posted quickly for you guys.


"Come on…" I muttered to myself in frustration. Of course my laptop would choose now to take forever in saving and closing the mixing software. I looked up at the clock on the kitchen wall of Aubrey and Chloe's apartment.

2:57 p.m.

Chloe would be getting home any second, her Biomedical Ethics class let out at 2:40. It was Monday and I knew she'd stop by the Bistro to pick up our usual snacks and pastries. I groaned once again in annoyance but soon regretted it as a sharp pain spread throughout my abdominal. It had been 3 days since I was released from the hospital after having to stay a minimum of one night for observation.

"Fuck!" I hissed, squeezing my eyes shut. I heard my laptop chime as it closed the mixing software and began to shut down. "Finally! Jesus Christ."

I heard a key turning in the lock as I quickly shut the lid of the laptop. Scrambling to try and hide the offending object, I quickly slide it under the couch pillow in front of me as I leaned back and pretended to be relaxing.

Chloe stepped through the doorway, as I tilted me head in her direction. Her smile was contagious as I mirrored her, "Hey babe."

"Hey Becs. How was your day baby?" She asked as she set down her backpack and began to remove her coat.

"Oh you know, pretty boring laying around all day." I hoped she wouldn't pick up on the lies I was feeding her. I felt bad for lying to her, I honestly did, but I knew that the last few days she'd been under a lot of stress dealing with me and I didn't want to add to it.

"How are you feeling today?" She asked as she sat on floor beside me. She took her hands and cupped my face and ran her hands through my hair softly, comfortingly.

"Better. Now that you're here." She laughed at me as she rolled her eyes.

"You're such a cheese ball."

"It's true though!" I argued as she let it go. I saw her eyeing up my stitches as I swallowed nervously. It'd been 4 days since they had been in and Chloe knew that today was the day we were supposed to go get them taken out. I really didn't feel like going back to the hospital, after spending nearly 2 days there, I'd had my share of it for a while. Honestly, I wasn't worried about it hurting when they were getting cut out, it was the fact that the scissors would be so close to my face.


"Chloe they don't need out today. I can wait another day, no big deal!" Beca laughed nervously as I put my hands on my hips and shot her a questioningly look.

"Oh really? It's not because you're scared of having them taken out?" I smirked at her as her laugh died down, a stoic look now on her face as she sat up on the sofa.

"Definitely not. I'm a badass, I'm not scared of anything Beale. Bring. It. On." She crossed her arms over her chest challenging me.

"Do you want me to take them out or do you wanna go to the hospital?" I asked.

"You." She answered quickly as I grinned at her behavior, "I want you to do it."

I smiled as I went to the bathroom to grab a pair of scissors and tweezers to use. I disinfected them with rubbing alcohol and grabbed a paper plate to put the remains of her stitches on. I could feel her eyes on me; I had called her bluff. I crossed my legs and I sat down on the floor in-between the coffee table and couch as I grabbed the scissors.

Beca watched me carefully, eyeing up the scissors in my hand as she looked at me nervously.

"Well come on badass, let's get this over with." I said nonchalantly. She nodded slowly and laid back on the couch, her head closest to me. I lifted my right arm with the scissors up and was about the cut the stitch as she back away.

"Wait!" She jumped away as she scooted as far back as she could. I giggled at her antics as she pouted and crossed her arms over in chest.

"Is Beca 'Badass' Mitchell actually pouting?" I grinned at her. I looked into her eyes as realization fell over me and I instantly felt guilty for the teasing. Beca was actually scared about this. I reached forward and brushed my knuckles against her cheek.

"Baby, I promise it's not going to be that bad. It'll be over before you know it." She searched my eyes before nodding and shifting closer. I was about to cut the first one up when she moved her left arm to the outside of my right. I looked at her quizzically but then slowly smiled as I felt her fingers threading softly through my hair. Beca had a habit of playing with her hair when she was nervous. She'd twirl it between her fingers, but once we had gotten together, she traded off her hair for mine sometimes. If we were sitting down, she have her arm resting on my lower back and I would feel her fingers at the ends of my strands, gently spinning them.

"Okay." She breathed out as she closed her eyes. I smiled and leaned closer to her face, her fingers subconsciously tightening in my hair. I clipped the first thread and used the tweezers to pull it through. Beca winced only when the coldness of the metal tweezers touched her skin. I quickly made work of the other 8 stitches before standing to throw them away.

"That was it?" I heard as I turned back around. I smirked at her as I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms.

"That was it."

"Wow. Now I feel like a baby." She said as I chuckled and walked back into the living room. I curled my legs underneath me as I leaned against Beca's left side. I felt her arm drape across my shoulders as I snuggled further into her neck, placing a gentle kiss on her pulse point.

"Yeah but you're my baby." I felt Beca press a kiss into my hair as I snuggled as close to her as I could. I was cautious of her fractured right ribs as I rested my right hand on her thigh. "I hate it when you're hurting."

"Yeah me too…it's painful." I could feel her smirking into my hair at the statement as I giggled and lightly slapped her leg.

"I wish you could have seen how you were at the hospital. You were so out of it."


The sun was just beginning to shine through the windows of Beca's room, the soft glow illuminating the walls. The rays fell on the two girls that sat close together, arms gently intertwined.

"You're really beautiful." Beca observed with a grin, her gaze fixed directly on Chloe "Like really, really, really, really, really…" she paused for a moment in contemplation of the word she had just repeated.

"And you're really high." Chloe laughed at Beca's confused expression. "So I take it there's no more pain?"

"No more pain," Beca giggled. Beca badass Mitchell giggled. "I don't even remember what pain feels like anymore."

"Good," Chloe smiled softly as she looked over the brunette's body. "I hate when you're hurting."

"Me too." Beca responded seriously "It's painful." Chloe shook her head and chuckled at Beca's statement.

"You're adorable when you're drugged up."

"Hmmm…" Beca mumbled her gaze focused somewhere above Chloe's head.

"What are you looking at?" Chloe self-consciously looked up only to see that there was nothing there "Bec?" She looked back to her girlfriend to see she had a glazed grin on her face.

"Beca?" She waved a hand in front of Beca's face. "What are you looking at? There's nothing there."

"Sparkles." Beca stated simply.

"Sparkles." Chloe echoed, a smile tugging at her lips.

"I really hope that's the drugs talking and you're not actually going crazy." Beca shrugged her gaze moving back to Chloe's eyes.

"You with me?" Chloe questioned cautiously "No more sparkles?"

Beca's gaze didn't shift from Chloe's blue eyes though as she tilted her head slightly to the side and smiled sweetly. "You have better sparkles." she reached out and grabbed Chloe's hand to tug her closer on the bed.

"Right" Chloe grinned, allowing herself to be tugged forward until she was mere inches from Beca, her left hand braced on the bed, holding her up. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." Beca answered innocently, a certain glint of mischief present in her eyes. She reached up to place her hand on Chloe's cheek before leaning close.

Chloe's eyes fluttered shut at the movement and her lips parted slightly as she felt Beca's warm breath wash over her lips. A moment later the sensation was replaced by the soft pressure of Beca's lips on her own.

Beca's hand slipped from Chloe's cheek and threaded through soft red hair as she pushed up against her causing Chloe to move back slightly. The kiss, which had previously been innocent quickly turned into something more intense as Beca's tongue slipped past her lips. Chloe was about to shift back to voice her concerns about where they were choosing to do this when Beca's hand moved under her shirt and all thoughts rushed from her head. Her own hands shot to the back of Beca's neck to pull her closer as she deepened the kiss. When air became an issue they pulled back for a quick breath before losing themselves once more in another passionate kiss. Chloe frowned in confusion however as Beca pushed her back "Bec? What…"

"You're taking my breath away." Beca mumbled softly, as she looked up at Chloe lovingly. "I think it's cause you're an angel." Chloe smiled down at her girlfriend as she chuckled softly.

"Alright Romeo, I think it's the drugs talking now." Chloe reached behind Beca's bed as she pulled the oxygen mask down and placed it over Beca's mouth and nose. She held it there briefly, helping Beca to get her breath back. Her heart swooned as Beca reached up and covered her hand with her own, her thumb softly rubbing the back of Chloe's hand.


"I so wish you had recorded me! I don't remember that at all!" Beca laughed as lightly, carefully trying to avoid moving her abdomen too much.

"You were so freakin' sweet babe." I cooed as she rolled her eyes playfully at me. I lifted my legs out from under me and stretched out on the couch, my head resting in Beca's lap. As I went to tuck my feet under the throw pillow, they hit something hard.

"What the?" I frowned as I sat up and went to lift the pillow. Under it laid Beca's MacBook with various flash drives and her headphones connected to it.

"Beca!" I scolded as I turned towards her. She looked like a kid that had been caught eating candy before dinner. I grabbed the offending object and set it on the table as I sat normally on the couch.

"Babe, you can't be mixing right now! You're concussion isn't a joke." I told her as it felt as though it was falling on deaf ears. I knew that sooner or later she would try and sneak it, but I didn't think it would be so early. The doctor specifically said to avoid TV screens, computer screens, and books.

"You know I can't just sit around here and do nothing Chlo, I've had this mix in my head the last few days and I thought that by working on it, it'd help with getting it out of my system." She mumbled the last part, diverting her eyes to the coffee table in front of her. "I'm sorry."

My demeanor softened as I sighed and scooted so I was pressed against her side. I slipped my arm around her left bicep and kissed her shoulder before resting my head there.

"I just worry about you babe. I don't mean to be nagging you and everything. I just- want you to get better."

"I know you do. If it helps, the mix I was working on was for you." She smiled as I looked up into her stormy eyes.

"Let me get a preview and then that's it. I'll hide it from you if I have to." Beca shot me a disbelieving look as her eyes widened. I laugh softly, leaning in to capture her lips with mine. "Let's hear it DJ."

"I don't want to hear any gripe about the songs choices either. We both know you're the one who loves these songs, not me." She defended. She opened the MacBook and began going through the different mixing files before finding the one she was looking for. She grabbed the headphones from beside her as she slipped them over the top of my head, resting them on my ears.

She pressed play as I heard the low beginning of Ellie Goulding's 'Love Me Like You Do'. I smiled at Beca as she mirrored me and nodded to continue listening. My smile grew brighter as 'Style' began to fade in, flowing smoothly with the previous. Beca was watching me carefully, judging every facial expression I made, and making sure that I was being honest with my response. One thing I grew to learn about Beca was how observant she was. I should have known with how quiet she could be, but she noticed the small of details about people.

The song came to an end quickly as I removed the Beat headphones and carefully handed them back to her.

"It's just a preview, it isn't finished yet but- yeah, I thought you might like it cause I know how big of a Taylor Swift fan you are and in the car you were sing the other song and I-"

I cut off her nervous rambling as I pulled her closer to me and kissed her. I felt her hand move to the back of my neck as mine went to grasping her red and black plaid shirt in my hands. She nipped at my bottom lip with her teeth as I smiled into the kiss. I pulled back just slightly as she opened her eyes and looked at me with her eye brows raised, confused.

"I love it when you do that."

"I love you." Beca countered. I looked between her eyes as she stayed close enough that I could feel her soft, warm breaths reaching my cheeks. Mint.

"I love you too." Beca reached forward and cupped my cheek as I leaned into her touch. I shut my eyes as I turned my head and kissed her palm as her thumb brushed across my cheekbone and she brought our foreheads together.

"Do you remember the first time we said that?" I asked softly, my eyes still shut. I felt Beca hum before she nodded slowly.

"How could I not? That was the day I knew. I knew that you were it for me."


I stilled my movements from cutting up the tomatoes as I listened to the song Beca was humming. I smiled to myself as Beca was turned away from me, stirring the noodles.

"Hey babe."

"Yeah?" Beca asked as I heard the light clatter of the spatula being set on the counter. I felt her strong arms wrap around my waist and her body press against mine. She swept my hair to the other side and slid my tank top straps down as she leaned down and pressed her lips to my exposed skin. Her lips lingered there briefly as I shut my eyes and relaxed back into her embrace.

She continued to trail kisses up my neck and when she placed one behind my ear she lightly nipped at the lobe as I gasped. I could feel my heart rate speeding up as Beca's hands began to explore. Her right slipped lower down my body as it brushed underneath the elastic band of my Soffe shorts.

"Babe I can't think straight when you do this…" I whispered as I turned my head to look at her. Her eyes were darker now, more dilated and they had a certain glint in them that I knew all too well.

"Well you aren't straight anyway so…" I swatted at her arm playfully as we both laughed. I turned in her arms as I rested my hands against her chest, feeling her collarbones through her shirt. Our noses brushed together as I felt Beca slowly rub circles on my lower back. I loved moments like these. When it was just us in our own little world.

"Dance with me." I whispered against her lips as I played with the fabric of her shirt.

"Huh?" Beca sounded confused as she opened her eyes and look at me.

"I want to dance with you."

"Well okay then, let me go get my laptop-" She started to head down the hall but I grabbed her by the wrist before she could make it out of my reach. Now she seemed even more confused. "What?"

"Sing for me. Please?" I batted my eyelashes and put on my best puppy dog face. I knew Beca didn't like particularly like to sing, that time I ambushed her shower had proven that. I watched as whatever argument she was going to make died in her throat.

"Okay then." She told me as leaned over to kiss my cheek. She grabbed my hand and walked us into the living room side of the room.

"We need to move this stuff out of our way first." She began to push the couch against the opposite wall as I joined in helping her move the coffee table. With the furniture out of our way we both stood in front of each other.

"Chloe Beale," Beca began as she smirked at me. She extended her left hand to me as she took a slight bow, her eyes never leaving mine. "May I have this dance?"

I laughed at her antics as she remained bowed. I placed my hand in hers as I nodded. "Of course you may." We stepped together as Beca rested her right hand on my waist as she led us with her left. We swayed slowly back and forth, getting the rhythm down.

"You know for someone who needed a lot of help in choreography last year, you're not doing too bad." I said.

"Maybe I'm actually a really good dancer and I faked it." Beca smirked at me.

"And why would you fake being awful at it?" I asked confused as she lifted her arm and spun me around.

"Well there was this redhead who was always eager to help me. I got a little greedy." Beca grinned at me as I shook my head in disbelief.

"Always the charmer Mitchell. Who knew you were such a closet romantic?"

"It worked didn't it? Look where we are now." I stopped our steps as I took in the sincerity of Beca's words.

"There's no place I'd rather be than right here with you." I whispered to her. I switched our dancing style as I locked my fingers behind her neck and rested my arms on her shoulders. Beca's arm tightened around my waist, pulling me close enough that are noses were brushed against each other.

"The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful, Stop me and steal my breath." I instantly was smiling wide, this song was a favorite of mine, a romantic classic.

"Tell me that we belong together,

Dress it up with the trappings of love.

I'll be captivated,

I'll hang from your lips,

Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above."

Beca's voice was different compared to her normal alto voice that I'd become use to in the Bellas. This was more raw; more from her soul. Beca was singing this from her heart and I knew how much she struggled to express her feelings in words.

"I'll be your crying shoulder,

I'll be love's suicide."

I rested my head on Beca's chest, hearing her heart beating fast as she held me close to her.

"I'll be better when I'm older,

I'll be the greatest fan of your life."

I could feel the tears building in my eyes. Happy tears. Beca must've heard me sniff because she pulled away from me slightly.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Why're you crying?" Beca asked concerned as she used her thumbs to wipe away the few that began to fall.

"I'm just really happy right now." I told her as I laughed at how crazy I sounded. Beca laughed with me as I sniffed again.

"Me too Chlo. I've never felt this way before about anyone. I've never been so sure about something in my life. I- I love you Chloe. God I fucking love you." Beca said the last part firmly, no hint of regret or insecurity in it. I gasped as I felt another wave of tears coming at this revelation.

"I love you too Beca." I didn't have time to gage her reaction before she was pulling me by my neck into her. She crashed ours lips together and we stumbled slightly from the neediness. Her hands were holding me to her and mine were grasping at her shirt, preventing her from pulling away. This moment was about us. About our future.


"It seems like that was just yesterday." Beca reminisced as we sat cuddled together. I could hear a tone in her voice that seemed to question what was going to happen now. We'd never gotten a chance to talk about what all had happened, what had caused this mess in the first place.

"Nothing's changed you know." I said softly. I turned my head to look at her as she sat still.

"I don't love you any less than that day Beca. If anything I love you more." Beca snapped her head down to look at me as I twisted myself around. I folded my right leg underneath me as my left hung over the couch. I reached forward and grabbed Beca's hand as I began to play with her fingers.

"You mean that?" Beca's voice was quiet, filled with uncertainty.

"If I didn't, we'd never have gotten this far. Yeah we've had our little fights here and there and now with everything that's happened the last few days…but it's only going to make us stronger babe."

"So there's still…us?" Beca eyes were glassy. I squeezed her hand in both of mine for reassurance. "Even after everything I did? Everything I said?"

"We both have to work on things. I didn't realize how bad hanging out with Allison was affecting you, I shouldn't have let it get to this point."

"And I should've talked to you about it. I need to open up more and tell you when things are starting to bother me. I'm trying but I just- it's hard for me." Beca looked down in her lap, her head hung low, ashamed.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for when I get needy or I get possessive with you when I feel insecure-"

"Hey…" I reached forward and gently held her face, making her meet my eyes. Beca shook her head out of my hands as I looked at her confused and slightly hurt. I watched as she took a deep breath.

"Wait I'm not done, I need to get this out." Beca said as she sat up straighter, my stomach felt slightly uneasy.

"I said that I wanted to. But then I realized that I'm not sorry. I realize it was for the wrong reasons now but it was always out of love, don't you think any different babe. I don't care about anyone else anymore, I'm not scared of love, of the way you make me feel. Because when I'm not with you I'm weaker and I need you to keep me from falling apart. Because you make me strong."

"Beca you know I'll be here for you, always. For whatever you need, I promise you're not alone. You have my whole heart and it's breathing for these moments here with you. I'm so lucky to have you in my life, to be in love with you Beca. You're amazing and I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else, you're it for me."

By now we were both crying, both finally letting our emotions get the better of us. We were vulnerable but we were vulnerable together, we were in this together. I don't know which of us moved first but we were wrapped in each other's arms, whispering sweet nothings to each other. How it was going to be okay, how we loved each other. It was then that our new future began. It was there that we reached a whole new level in our relationship. It was then that we realized how much we both need each other.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The end.

Well guys that's it! Thanks so much for your support through this story! Just wanted to give a shout out to the following people for their reviews, I appreciate hearing your opinions (in order of reviews):





The Yellow







































