So now that Sam & Cat is over and we'll NEVER know for SURE if Sam and Freddie got back together (although it is safe to think they did after TKTJ), it's up to us amateur authors to create their date after he got out of the hospital. This was originally intended to be a one-shot but it got out of control real fast and will probably end up about 6 or 8 chapters.

Not intended to tie to any of my other stories. I'll try to keep it toned down, but there WILL be references to the more mature side of Sam & Freddie's relationship because they're grown up now and their relationship is growing with their maturity. By the way, this all happened immediately after the Tuna episode, but before the next one.

Chapter 1

Sam's POV

Today's the day! Freddie sent me a text last evening that they were releasing him from the hospital today. Of course, I was in to visit him yesterday too, but he was asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake him. I still feel really bad about his getting hurt the way he did. Truth is, I've been there every single day to see him. He's on some pretty heavy pain killers, so all he does is sleep most of the time. I doubt he even knows I'm there, but I always leave him with a kiss on the cheek.

Today I just sat there for about an hour watching him sleep with those bandages all over his face. Too bad I couldn't get to his lips or I'd wake him up the way I really want to. Damn, that boy is a good kisser, I can't wait to put my lips against his. When they brought his dinner, I couldn't bear to see it go to waste, so I 'helped' him eat it. Wasn't the first time I ate his hospital food, but at least this meal was sort of edible. What they served him yesterday wasn't fit to feed to a dog you don't like, but then again it was still probably better than the slop his mother used to make for him when we were in school.

Even when I'm at home, all I've been thinking about has been his injuries and how fast it all happened. Of course, it was kind of hard to think about anything else since Crazy Marissa kept calling every other hour to ask how he was. I guess she called me because he couldn't talk on the phone and all she would hear him say was "mmmph, mmmm, mmmuuuuhhhh."

One thing surprised me, she actually wants him to stay in L.A. until his bandages all come off. She says that he shouldn't fly in that condition in case there was an emergency on the plane. Fortunately for both of us, she wasn't able to make the drive down to pick him up personally. I know it killed her to admit it when she all but came out and said she trusted that I'd take good care of him during his recuperation.

I doubt she'd approve of him staying with me and Cat, though. Maybe Goomer has a spare bed and he could stay with him but I don't even know what his place looks like. Heck for all I know he lives in a cardboard box behind the gym. Oh, God, what am I thinking, Goomer couldn't watch after a dead parakeet, let alone my Frednub. Mama's gotta handle this one herself, Marissa be damned. I guess he can just stay on our couch or something.

I'm about ready to go over to Elderly Achers to borrow Nona's car to pick him up. I can hardly make him ride on my motorcycle all bandaged up, but I really do want to take him for a ride before he goes back to Seattle. Actually, I just want an excuse to feel him clinging to me with his arms around my waist. I didn't realize how much I missed hum until I saw Cat with him and how jealous it made me. Then of course dorkface Robbie told Cat that he almost said he loves me the day of the accident. Naturally, she went and told me right away because she can't keep anything to herself.

"Cat, I'm heading over to Elderly Achers, you wanna come along to see your Nona?" I had just finished a big smoked turkey leg and tossed the bone in the trash.

"I'm coming." Cat replied, coming out of the bedroom with her pink jump suit on. I love the kid, but she looks like a pink version of Flo from the insurance commercials with that get up on, she seriously needs a change of wardrobe, bad.

"Come on slowpoke, don't want to keep your boyfriend waiting." Cat smirked, grabbing her purse and heading for the door.

"Freddie's not my boyfriend." I corrected, pulling the door shut behind us. "We're just going out for some fun once he gets healed up."

"Uh-huh, and after your date you'll be coming back home for some more fun." Cat said with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

"Uugghhh, Cat! Why do you have to make everything sound so dirty?" Man, I'm starting to sound like Carly, when did I become a prude?

"What? The boy's not my type but he's got some great lips on him, if you don't spend serious time kissing him, you're missing out on some great lip action." Cat replied.

"I know, good God I've missed those lips." Oh, geez, where did that come from, now I really do sound like a girl!

An hour later (damn traffic), I walked into St. Schneider's Hospital and headed up to Freddie's room on the third floor. From the doorway I could see him sitting on the edge of the bed, struggling to get dressed. Now I could just stand here and watch him struggle and two years ago I would have probably even shot video of it just to torment him with the threats of posting it online. Now I don't know what to do. I could slowly back away from the door and come back in a few minutes or just go in and help him. At least he has his pants on. Oh well, here goes nothing.

"Yo, Fredalupe, about ready to head out." I asked, strolling into the room, trying to act like I just got there. About the time the words left my mouth, he peeled off the hospital gown and revealed his bare torso.

"Sam, I'm not dressed!" Freddie screeched, trying to cover his upper half with the gown.

"Relax, I've seen you without a shirt before, remember." Through the bandages wrapped around his body, I could see that my nub's been working out. Mmmm, Mama like.

"Well, how about a hand then?" He asked. I guess it could be kind of hard getting a shirt on past a cast so I'll give him some help.

After about ten minutes of helping him wrestle with his shirt and packing up the last of his chiz, (God, how much junk did Marissa have sent to him) we finally had him ready to roll. Literally, since there was an orderly waiting there with a wheelchair to wheel him out. I went on ahead and made a bee line for the parking garage to bring the car up to the front door of the hospital. We got on the road and headed for my place but we had to make a stop at the pharmacy to get his pain medicine. Of course, I picked up a huge carton of fat cakes. Hey, he was paying, why not.

We got back to the apartment and Cat was in the kitchen, mixing up a batch of her infamous fudge piles. "Welcome home, Freddie!" Cat screeched and ran over to hug him.

Freddie got a look of terror in his eyes and I blocked her path before she could assault him. Not that it bothered me for her to hug him. I'm over that, I know there's no way they could ever fall for each other. I just didn't want him hurt any worse. He just got out of the hospital for Pete's sake. And Cat is the most danger prone person I've ever met. Well maybe besides Spencer.

Cat returned to the kitchen with a pout and I walked my sore nub over to the couch and sat him down.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked.

"I could use a drink, you have any root beer?" he asked. I headed toward the fridge.

"Fudge pile?" Cat asked him shoving a plate of her horrible turd shaped concoctions at him.

"Sure." He replied, before noticing me waving my arms and shaking my head behind Cat's back. "Um, on second thought, I'd better not. My mom says too many sweets could spoil my dinner."

"They're reeeeally goooood." Cat said, trying to tempt him.

"Well, um, maybe later then." Freddie said with a fake smile.

Cat returned to the kitchen and I plopped down on the couch beside him and opened up the sodas I was carrying for the two of us. I whispered "you owe me one" and turned on the TV. Flipping through the channels, I came across a rerun of 'That's a Drag'. After a half hour of laughing at the antics of the cross dressers, Freddie turned to me.

"So, what do you want to do for dinner?" He asked. "I'm ready for some real food, that hospital food was just . . . ugh. That is, if they even brought anything in for me. Seemed like almost every time I was asleep at mealtime, they didn't leave the tray."

"Yeah, hospital food sucks." I replied playing with the remote . Guess now would be a bad time to tell him that they always brought him dinner, I just ate it for him if he was asleep.

"Why don't you take him to Adam's Ribs?" Cat asked.

"How do you think he's gonna eat ribs, look at him?" I snapped. I could go for some ribs, though.

"You could always feed him." My little friend stated with a devilish grin. God, but she's a closet fetishist.

"That's OK." Freddie said. "I'd rather not get between Sam and her ribs or fried chicken or bacon or especially ham."

"Awww, you remembered. Mama's touched." I replied and put my head on his shoulder. "Cat, call Tub O' Chicken, see if they'll deliver.

"Of course they'll deliver, you always buy two of everything." Cat said, picking up her phone. "You practically keep them in business."

After we ate, Cat was getting a shower and preparing for bed. Freddie took a pain pill and I could tell he was getting sleepy. "You want to call it a day, Freduchinni? I'll get you a pillow and some blankets, you can crash on the couch."

"Um, yeah. Wow, those pills really pack a punch. " He said yawning.

I walked back from the closet and tossed the blanket over his head just to be funny. "I've gotta warn you about something, Cat's got a bad habit of waking people up by getting in their face. It took me a while to break her of doing it to me, so just beware come about seven tomorrow morning."

"Um, just how did you break her of it?" He asked, even though I'm sure he already could guess at the answer.

"I folded her into a pretzel and kept putting all her bras in the freezer."

"That's my demon." He said with a smile.

"What was that." I pretended not to hear while I rustled around in the freezer putting away his ice pack. He's claiming me for his own now, I like the sound of this. Maybe he really is still in love with me.

"Oh, um, nothing. Goodnight, Sam."

"Goodnight, nub." I said, walking past the couch and kissed him on the forehead. Oh, God why the hell did I do that. I kissed him on the forehead, that's what grandmas do. I'm such a loser. I turned out the lights and headed back the hall cursing at myself.

Freddie's POV

I'm still finding it hard to believe that my mom wants me to stay in California until I'm all healed up. What's even harder to believe is how Sam is acting. I mean, I know she feels bad about me getting hurt, but she's just been so different. And not in a bad way, either. She's definitely changed, she's more mature and I think she's doing a good job of taking care of me. Man, what am I going to have to do to make up for this.

I just wonder why she kissed me on the forehead, it's not like we've never kissed before. But I guess she was just feeling too awkward to kiss me on the lips. After all, we broke up two years ago. Still, I haven't stopped thinking about her. Truth is, I only went on a couple of dates since her and one was with Cat, what a fiasco that turned out to be. I spent most of senior year in a depressed funk, I only agreed to go to prom with that Sheila girl as a favor to Gibby since he was taking her cousin. What a disaster that was. Sheila ended up hooking up with an old boyfriend and spent the whole evening making out with him in the janitor's closet while I stood around and tried not to look like a complete loser.

I was so stoked to come to L.A. to see Sam. I wasn't stoked when I thought she was hurt, but once I found out she was OK, all I wanted to do was see her. But before I knew what was happening, Cat abducted me and took me to that weird robot restaurant. Next thing I knew Sam was all wazzed off because she thought I was out on a date with Cat. Don't get me wrong Cat's cute and all, but she's so immature, I felt like I was hanging out with my twelve year old cousin. Besides she's too girly, all wearing pink and frilly skirts all the time. She's like a high-pitched, pre-adolescent version or Carly with unnaturally red hair.

Yep, Cat's a different kid of girl alright. She's a sweet kid, but OMG what a ditz. And those fudge piles, they seriously look like something you'd find in a cat's litter box. Thank God Sam stopped me before I took one. I'm still a little worried with what Sam just told me about Cat's morning routine. I'm sure Sam will keep me safe, though.

Really, I just can't wait to take Sam out for some fun. I wonder what she has in mind for our date. Oh, God, is it a date? I guess it's a date. Every day I was in that hospital, all I could think about was spending time with her, maybe even getting back together with her. Man, there's nothing I want more than to get back together with that girl. I know she isn't interested in moving back to Washington, but I could always transfer to UCLA or Caltech, I was accepted at both schools senior year. But Mom 'convinced' me to go the school in Seattle, even though I had been offered a complete scholarship at five other colleges.

Funny thing about being in the hospital. Well, it's not funny, just really weird. I kept dreaming there was a beautiful angel sitting beside my bed. And when they would bring my meal, she ate it. Man, they were really giving me some good drugs when I was in there. Come to think of it, I don't even know why they were bringing me food, because I had bandages over my mouth. Oh, well. Time for some sleep.

Was a little hard writing the first part from a teen girls POV since I'm neither a teen nor a girl, but I tried to capture Sam's personality and go from there.

Have to mention this, too. In TKTJ episode, when Sam is playing the video game with Jade after Cat passes out, she's wearing a shirt that says 'what's meant to be will always find a way'. Now is that just a coincidence or possibly an 'Easter Egg' dropped by good ol' Dan telling us something about Seddie's relationship.

Anyway, Happy New Year. Chapter 2 coming in a few days.