I'm back!

Okay, honestly probably not, but we can pretend here, right?

So this is a mortal Percabeth high school fiction, where Percy's all popular and Annabeth's all... not.

Enjoy! :)

High school is a dick.

Okay, sorry for the bad intro, but seriously.

Hi, I'm Annabeth "The Invisible Woman" Chase. Many people think I'm part of the Fantastic Four because I'm always invisible, but no, I'm just incredibly smart, beautiful, athletic, funny, nice, and completely OOC!

But for some reason, no one notices me! And it's annoying!

So here in my definitely-not-like-a-movie land we have Drew "The Bitch" Tanaka, the resident biatch. She's basically exactly what you would expect: makeup so thick not even a bullet could penetrate it, voice sounds like someone shoved a couple corn on the cobs up her nose, and basically walks with her legs twenty feet apart at all times. Her skirt is -5 inches, going above her waist instead of below, and she has a crush on every male in the universe. Did I mention she's a bitch?

Then we have Percy "Jesus" Jackson, who... how do I even describe him?

It's like Jesus decided to come back to earth in the form of teenage guy. He's hot, hot, and hot! He's not the smartest, but at least he's athletic! He's the quarterback for the football team, center for the basketball team, pitcher for the baseball team, runs sub sixteen 5k's in cross country, swims from Cuba to Florida for his swim meet warm ups, and has biceps the size of my face!

Of course, someone as hot, athletic, and popular couldn't notice someone as hot, athletic, and unpopular as me, right? But for some reason, when Drew, who is not hot, not athletic, and popular tries to flirt with him, he gets all moral and is all like, "No Drew, I couldn't do that" or "Go away." He's manly like that.

So today was Friday, and I was walking home alone because I had no friends. Then a sea-green Lamborghini drives by and stops. Oh my gods it's Percy!

"Hey Annabeth, need a ride?" he asks in his manly voice.

"No, really, my house is only six miles away. It's not that far," I reply.

"Annabeth, lemme take you home. Seriously, my house is right next to yours. We're neighbors."

I didn't know that. "Okay." I jump in the car.

He drives me home.

I went to school on Monday to find The Bitch herself at my locker. "Oh look it's Annabeth!" she exclaimed! "I know all about your crush on Percy!"

I blush and stutter like an idiot even though it's totally unlike me. "Uh- no... um.. no I-I- um..."

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Jesus turned the corner and came to my rescue. "Drew, go away! Leave her alone."

Drew sighed in defeat. "I guess I can't argue with you, Percy." She walked away like nothing happened.

I looked into his eyes. "Thanks," I mumble.

He grins (and the world is momentarily blinded). "No problem," he replies.

Even though I'm incredibly shy, I signed up to tutor people. In fact, today they announce who I'll be tutoring.

"Annabeth Chase- you will be tutoring Percy Jackson."

I blush and start stuttering, but then it's suddenly time for our first session. And so we begin.

I've been tutoring Percy for a few months now, and I have to say, we've been getting close. Today is our last one before Christmas break, and I'm slightly nervous that something will happen.

I walk into the library. No sign of The Bitch and her squad. Jesus was sitting over on the table, looking nervous. He beckoned me over. "Hey Annabeth," he said. He then got down on one knee. "Annabeth, these last five months of tutoring sessions have been the best tutoring sessions of my life."

I wanted to point out the fact that he'd never been tutored before until this year, but I didn't.

"Will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my... girlfriend?"

Tears welled up in my eyes. This was the greatest moment of my life, my sole purpose for living. I was now going to date Jesus! "Yes, Percy. I will."

And so from that day forth, we became girlfriend and boyfriend. And we both lived happily ever after."

Short, sweet, and stupid.

Sorry I haven't updated in a LONG LONG time, and sorry I probably won't be updating again for a LONG LONG time.

I've also read some of the previous chapters and kind of... well, cringe. The writing's a little sloppy. I think sometime (hopefully soon) I'll go back and touch up on those.

I'll post an author's note about it if you ever want to go back and read them. I know this chapter isn't my best work, but I honestly just wanted to get something out there.
