Thanksgiving Surprise

Summary: Kerry gets a surprise on Thanksgiving.

A/N: Just a little thing that popped into my head whilst eating mincemeat pie on Thursday.


Henry stretched under the covers and sniffed. His eyes closed as a smile came to his face. Then a frown followed the smile. He rolled out of bed and threw on his number 7 Blackhawks Jersey that went with the sleep pants that were covered with the Chicago Blackhawks logo.

He was still rubbing his eyes as he came into the kitchen. "Whoa- Mama- I thought…" He trailed off.

Kerry Weaver looked up from the stove, where she was stirring the cranberries. "Henry. Good sleep?"

"Yes Mama. But, you didn't wake me up. I would have helped."

Kerry leaned down, she was still taller than her ten year old son, barely, and kissed the top of Henry's head. "I can handle the beginning of a simple Thanksgiving Day meal you know. I'm not old and feeble yet young man."

Henry laughed, grabbed a banana, and sat down at the peninsula. "Most of my friends Moms have been freaking out all week Mama."

Kerry put the cranberries down in the middle of the stove top to cool. "All you need is a plan. Will you help me with the stuffing?"

Henry finished off his banana and tossed the skin into the compost container that was next to the back door. "Before or after I take out the compost? We're about to have a spill I think."


Kerry went to the sink as Henry put on his boots and tromped across the fenced in back yard. She smiled to herself. He was only ten, but sometimes he seemed so much older.

When he came back in they both got to work, Kerry elbow deep in the twenty pound turkey, and Henry toasting old cookie sheet after old cookie sheet of bread. Finally Henry broke the companionable silence that had descended on the kitchen. "Mama- are you okay? I mean- I thought that since everybody is down in Florida visiting Nanna and Papa for Thanksgiving and we're here in Chicago that we weren't doing all the big stuff. You know?"

"We're celebrating."

"Celebrating what?"

Kerry smiled, "Other than being back in Chicago and being here with you my son? We're celebrating something more."

Henry frowned, then looked up at his mother, "No way. Really? You got it? They called you today. I thought they'd wait until after the holidays to tell you."

"I did get it. Cate called me last night, and then your Uncle Don called me on behalf of the Board as well." Kerry gave an 'oof' as her son wrapped his arms around her. "It's only a job Henry."

"It's Chief of the ER at County General…" He smirked just a little, "Again… And, I mean, you wanted it right?"

"I did. Very much. Is the butter in the bread?" Henry nodded. Kerry reached to her left, snagging the biggest wooden spoon they had, and handed it to Henry, "Time to get smashin'."

He did. "So- you're starting next week?"

"I am, though I do have-"

Henry rolled his eyes, "A shift over the weekend. I know, I know-" He gestured with his chin towards the calendar on the fridge. "Does that mean that that thing gets less complicated Mama?"

"It does, for the most part. Yes."

"Good… Good." Henry smiled, "Awesomest Thanksgiving ever Mama."


Henry looked up from his book and blinked, "Oh, Mama, may I turn on the game?"

Kerry nodded, "Of course. Once I get the foil on the turkey I'll join you. Do you know who it is?"

"Umm…" Henry smirked, "The Cowboys or Lions versus somebody else?"

Kerry rolled her eyes, "Cute."


Kerry grumbled, "I'm pretty sure the Bears couldn't be any worse."

Henry chuckled, "It's only the first quarter Mama. Of course they could suck more."

Kerry narrowed her eyes at her son, "You know better than to use that language in my house young man."

The doorbell rang, cutting off whatever else Kerry was going to say. Henry started to stand, "Do you want me to get it Mama?"

Kerry shook her head as she stood, "No, no. Perhaps if I leave they'll get better." Henry snorted a laugh, "I heard that Henry." She opened the door and frowned, "Miranda?"

Randi Fronczak rolled her eyes, "Hi- I just- this goes against everything my Grans ever taught me, and she's probably rolling over in her grave right now because I'm doing it, but…"

Kerry held the door open a bit wider and cut Randi's rambling off, "Randi- it's okay. Come in, come in. And while your grandmother was mostly right- Henry and I happen to have plenty of Turkey fixing to share this year."

Randi took a step forward, then paused, "I- ah- I also brought someone. Someones, some two I guess you could say- with me." She continued into Kerry's house, revealing the someone she'd brought with her. Kerry was stunned, "Kim?"

And then, just when Kerry thought that she couldn't be more stunned, a young girl who looked to be about eight or so stepped out from behind Kim's legs. Kerry barely even realized that she'd made a sound as an, "Oh," came from her lips.