A/N: Hello everyone, and happy 2016!

Sorry I left this fanfic for so long, I hope you're still there to read it!
Obviously, I can't ignore what happened in the series, but I can continue this as a AU spin-off.

I hope you guys like it!

Again, thanks for the reviews, favorites and follows.

Chapter 7 – After the Explosion

- 10 seconds before –

"Are you sure this was a good idea, Coulson?" May couldn't help but worry about Skye. In her opinion it was too early to get back in the field and for even though they knew that Skye could take care of herself, she still didn't have that much control over her own powers.

Before the arguing could start, the team was surprised with a loud explosion coming from the base.

Skye's POV

Ears muffed. Vision blurred.

Grant. Where was he? Was he okay?

As I reestablish my surroundings, my mind goes back to what was going on.

"Skye! Are you okay? Skye!" Hunter's voice came through the communicators as I regained conscience.

"This is Skye. I'm okay." I answer, knowing that by now the team would be rushing in. Tapping the earpiece to mute my side of the feed, I move to stand up and look around searching for her "friend".

I walk into the room where I previously tried to go in, finding Ward on the ground. I rush towards him. "Grant!" Kneeling beside him, I try to check on whether he was alive or not. Pulse, but barely present. "C'mon, don't you dare give up on me!"

It didn't seem like too much time has passed when she heard Coulson's voice. "Who's that?"

Ward's POV

The last thing I remember is seeing Skye coming through the door.

Was this what death was like? It seemed like he could hear Skye's voice through this loss of conscience he might be under. His body was certainly feeling like hell until a certain point when he felt nothing more.

Blackness hit his senses and it all became a huge gap in his mind.

Was he alive? Was he dead? Well, maybe later he'd find out.

For now, he just wanted to give into the numbness that came to him.

A/N: I don't own Agents of SHIELD or the characters, Marvel does.

Okay, so this was a quick one.

I'm working on the next chapter and as soon as it's finished I'll post it here!

Well, I hope you like it! Keep reading and PLEASE favorite, follow, and/or review.

Also, if you guys have any suggestions or ideas, please send them to me! I'll be more than happy to hear you out! And who knows, I might as well use it.

Love always, TheAwakeningSoul