Story Contains: BadGrammar/Spelling(I'm sorry), Violence, Blood & Gore, Swearing, Romance(later on), Abuse, Angst, DARK!Themes, and I honestly don't know what else.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Evil Within, or it's characters. I only own my OCs.

Gods and Monsters

-Chapter 1: So It Begins...-

Sebastian continue to walk towards the mine in the outskirts of the city, or somewhere. He couldn't believe that this is happening.

About an hour ago he was dispatch to investigate at Beacon Mental Hospital, only to be knocked out by a teleporting man. He awoke few moments after to only be hanging from the ceiling, and well... long story short he was running from his kidnapper (perhaps), a huge man carrying a chainsaw who is trying to kill him. He escaped, and found his partners along with a few survivors of the Beacon Mental Hospital massacre. Only to find the entire city to be destroyed and no one around. Their vehicle crash, then he woke up. Here he is. There were no bodies; meaning there's a chance his partners, and those survivors might be alived. However... the driver... Connolly...

"God damn it." He wipe some of the remaining blood on him. He killed him. He had no choice. The guy literally ate someone's head off like a cannibal, and nearly tried to kill him! "What the hell is going on..." He said to himself. Everything seems too unreal, like a dream.

Sebastian nearly fell over when a sudden wind came out of nowhere and push him back. He caught himself only to feel it over, and over like it was a force wave. He look up to feel it's coming from further down the mine. He followed it, feeling it felt stronger each step he got closer.

He held the lantern up higher to see what's causing it. His eyes spot two figures: boy and a girl. Both about the same age. The boy has pale skin, and look albino due to his appearance. He's wearing the Beacon Mental Hospital's patient outfit. The girl next to him look similar except she has long, slightly curly black that almost pass her hips. She seem smaller compare to standing next to the boy. She too is wearing the hospital's patient outfit, except her outfit has longer sleeves, almost covering her entire hands. Her collar on her shirt had straps and was almost close up to her mouth, as if to close it.

He recognize the two of them. He remembers now. They're the survivors of the hospital along with that doctor he met in the ambulance.

Sebastian ran towards them.

"Hurts... Hurts..."

"It's okay-" The girl jump back when she spotted Sebastian who was a few feet away. He was going to say something until he spotted a slight flash on metal in front of him.

"Whoa!" He stop in his tracks, almost coming into contact with a wire connecting between two walls of the mine. Mine, bomb, definitely something explosive. It's a good thing he notice it, otherwise he could be dead. He look up at them, notice the girl had the boy behind her like a mother shielding her child. The look in the girl's eyes he could tell she don't trust him. "Were you two warning me about this?"

He remembers back in the ambulance, just briefly he heard the boy chanting fall over and over. While the girl tried to tell them there's a cliff just up ahead. It was right before they clash.

"You're... Leslie, and Amelia... right?" He ask, he remember that doctor telling him in the ambulance. The boy didn't answer, but mutter about his pain while the girl or, Amelia, stare at him in silence with a cold, distrustful look. This is awkward. "I'm a police officer, maybe I should help you two."


Well he isn't going to get anything out of her. She obviously does not trust him.

"Should help you." Leslie said.

He's a no-go as well.

Sebastian sighed, he should have expected this. "Shit. How am I going to get you two to the hospital?" The girl's blue-grey eyes widen at that, he could tell she isn't fond of the hospital, by the dreadful look she has. While the boy, Leslie, continue to talk nonsense.

"Hospital. Hospital. Hospital. HOSPITAL. HOSPITAL!" Leslie turn around, and head down the mine in a fast pace.

"Leslie!" The girl ran after him.

Sebastian stood there confused at what just happened. "What the fuck?" He said. Well, it looks like he has another job to do: chase after those two patients.

"Leslie! Leslie, wait!"

She kept running, despite not knowing where she is going. It's not like she has any familiarize with this place or with the outside world at all. It must be the outskirts of the city, considering she knows they didn't get very far.

Amelia is her name, not that last names matter to her anymore. It's not like anyone cares at the hospital nor her relatives. Addison, Amelia Addison. She never liked her name. Some people call her Amy Lamy as a child. Addy is the nickname she likes. Leslie gave it to her. He was always kind to her, even when they first met, many years ago. They were both young, had no parents, all alone in that hospital. They found comfort in each other. In a way Leslie is like a brother to her perhaps. He certainly reminds her someone who ever showed her love so long ago...

However there are difference between her and Leslie. Unlike him, she isn't that much fond of this world, nor the people in it. Everyone's a liar. They're fake. They pretend to care, but in truth they do it to get what they want. They don't care, just like that officer back there. She was right not to trust him. Officers claim they are the justice and will help the innocent. Lies. They turn a blind eye to evil, if there's money in front of them, or if they're close to the criminals.

There's no such thing as justice.

There is no peace in this world... but-

"Les-" Amelia stop talking when she suddenly feel an dark, ominous aura. That feeling you get when something bad is going to happen. The sense of dread. She can feel it. They're close by. Her eyes widen in shock, but mostly fear. It's been years since she felt this awful, familiar feeling. Her whole body begun to shake with fear. It wasn't like she could control it. Her body always reacts this way whenever she felt that feeling. She is indeed afraid, for a very good reason.

It's impossible.

Soon everything around suddenly change. Red, flesh-like goo covering some of the ground, handing on trees as if it was a fungus growing. The trees withers, showed no sign of life.

Amelia stop in her tracks. Her entire body shiver with fear as memories of years ago start to come back once again. She could feel tears begin to brim in her blue-grey eyes, covering her vision almost as if they were trying to shield her.

"No... It can't be..." She manage to say, her voice cracking when she spoke.

He smirk, that awful smirk he would always do. She trusted him. She believed him! He betrayed her as everyone else betrayed her as the whole world betrayed her. Anger is what she wants to feel, but fear is covering it all. Once again, she is weak little girl. Nothing to do, but to cry and beg for help that will never come.

"It's been a long time, Little Wolf."

She is afraid of what he is going to do... What he will do to her... His eye hasn't change since that day... except they're more darker... more sinister.


A/N: Short and boring? I know. It's always like this when it comes to my stories, the prologue always short. This was meant to catch your attention. *evil laughter* Don't worry the next chapters will be longer:) The story has begun! It will go to Sebastian p.o.v to Amelia, but mostly Amelia's.

Amelia's theme is this soundtrack. Go to youtube, type in Fear 2 Origin Theme Song. Thats her theme. Thanks to DarkXDrea on deviantart.

Reviews, favorites, alerts are much appreciated! It all supports the story!