Disclaimer: I don't own Austin&Ally, all rights go to the Creators.

because even though i think Swift should've stuck to her country/pop genre thingy and not go full on mainstream pop, i can't stop listening to Blank Space because it's freakin' catchy. not a big Swiftie fan but i do love her RED album, 1989 is just too pop for my liking...

Anyway, that's beside the point. this is partially inspired by Blank Space; probably not going to be a long multi-chapter, maybe like 5-6 chapters more or less.

Warning: i apologize in advance for the amount of cussing and the terrible sex jokes and puns in this story that will come you way. Rated T for a reason. :)


~ Saw you there and I thought 'Oh my god, look at that face, you look like my next mistake' ~

/ 'Blank Space' - Taylor Swift /

part I: Magic, Madness, Heaven, Sin.

"Okay, yeah, so I'll see you on Saturday?"

"Yup. Bye, Austin. I'm really looking forward for this Saturday."

Then he is left leaning against his best friend's locker, a stupidly wide grin plastered across his face, looking like a love sick puppy.

For everybody else, it is just another ordinary day but for Austin today just might be the highlight of his senior year- hell it might be the highlight of his whole high school life. It wasn't everyday that he lands a date with one of the prettiest girls at Marino high. Sure he's dated almost half the female population of school and some of then were fairly good looking, but they weren't as stunning or as elegant as Cassidy Mason. In his eyes she's freakin' perfect! And despite his bad reputation about dating girls at school, his quick wit and charm managed to impress Cassidy fucking Mason.

"Jesus, I knew we shouldn't have arranged to meet up at my locker every morning at the start of the year." Dez sighs, giving him a slight shove so he could get to his locker.

"Shut up, man. I just scored a date with Cassidy and if things go well, like really well, I wouldn't be the only one leaning on you locker, so you should get used to not getting to your locker every morning." he remarks with a teasing grin.

The Redhead cringes and groans "I swear one of these days, you'll run out of girls to mess with and then they'll all come back for revenge and chop off your balls."

"Nah, they wouldn't do that. They love my balls way too much to chop it off."

"Austin Moon everybody! God man, we didn't need to know that." Dallas appears beside them, shaking his head in disgust. "But you know, Dez might be right. One of these days you'll run out of luck with girls and things will backfire on you."

Austin glares at him but a smirk is grazing his lips. "Come on, don't be so bitter just because I get all the girls, Dallas."

Before Dallas could retaliate, however, the school doors swing open to reveal someone who Austin isn't sure if he's seen at school ever before. But, fucking hell, she was beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, cute, graceful and striking and many more all at once.

Her long wavy Brown locks cascades down from her head to her arm(even from afar he knows that her hair is soft and silky), Chocolate Brown does eyes that screams innocence but something tells him that wasn't entirely true. The Fiery Red painted lips of hers certainly says so. And fuck, he wants to feel those lips with his.

She wore a high waisted cream colored skirt that flows with her every step(and you know, maybe it kinda hikes further up to her thighs, too- not that he's complaining) and a leather jacket over a plain black tank top and simple flats. The leather jacket maybe a little out of place if it was any other girl wearing the outfit but this girl rocks it- she owned the look.

Cassidy who now?

"Whoa-ho-ho, Christmas just got a little early for Austin." the Blonde chimes, wriggling his eyebrows "Who's that?"

"Oh, yeah I forgot, you weren't a student here when she left." Dez says "That's-"

"Ally Dawson." Dallas interrupts, the tone he uses was of something between amusement and irritation- something which Austin has never heard from Dallas. "I wouldn't bother, man. She's not someone who you can just mess with. I don't think you can handle her."

"Don't. Don't say that, dude. That just makes me want her more. And what makes you think I can't handle her? I've handled both Tilly and Brooke, at one point both of them at the same time. Unless she's more batshit crazy that those two combined then I think I can handle her..." he eyes the Brunette, who is talking to Trish(he knows the Latina because she's been tormenting Dez ever since he came to Marino high) as they walk towards the lockers just a few rows away from them.

He could sense that she was different from all the girls he's laid his eyes on- there was something special about Ally.

"You're delusional, Moon; if you think she's anywhere close to being loose in the head as Tilly or Brooke. Ally's way more than that- she's a category all on her own."

Austin feels his heart sink a little and a small pit forms in his stomach but at the same time, he feels giddy to the tips of his hair and adrenaline courses through his body. He'll definitely be on the look out for Ally.

"Nice to hear you haven't stopped bad mouthing me, Dallas." an unfamiliar voice next to him brings him out of his thoughts.

"Hey, I'm just stating facts." Dallas shrugs.

"I missed you, too, Dallas." Ally sneers and rolls her eyes, not lacking the sarcasm. "Hi, Dez." she turns to the Redhead.

Dez waves at her "'Sup, Ally. How's life?"

Ally only smiles at him. And shit, now she's looking at him. "Hello, I don't think we've meet before..." she gives him a coy smile.

He attempts to open his mouth for a witty reply but a groaning voice cuts him off. "Really, Ally? On your first day?" it was Elliot.

They all turn to see Elliot from across the hall, the same amused yet irritated look in his face, like Dallas' tone.

'Elliot is friends with her, too?' he silently asks himself. He could already feel that Ally was trouble, but he wouldn't be Austin Moon, ace basketball varsity player, popular ladies' man Blondie and resident playboy of Marino high, if he didn't give his attention to Ally Dawson because as the seconds pass by, he gets more and more intrigued by her.

"What are you, guys, my welcoming committee?" Ally asks, obviously a little ticked off with them. "I'm surprised Gavin still isn't here." But then she focuses back to him.

'Does every boy on Varsity know her?' he bitterly thought, there was a small burning sensation on his chest.

The bell rings before Austin could voice out any of his questions or introduce himself to Ally.

"I'll see you later." she winks at him and reaches up to ruffle his hair because she was at least half a foot shorter than him, but he only finds that quality endearing. Then she was gone.

Well, not really. Unlike how he expects that she would be swallowed by the hoards of students milling around the hallway to get to class, everybody seems to avoid walking along her path except for Trish and now Kira, too, who apparently is friends with Ally as well. Ally walks to class casually, like everybody around her wasn't scrambling out of her way.

Although, he couldn't really complain because of the way that they part ways to let Ally pass gives him a clear perfect view of her behind. Half of him thinks that he should be worried about how people act around Ally, but the other half was too busy enjoying the view that he resolves to shrug off the concern.

Austin runs his hand through his hair "Okay, even though I totally didn't understand half of what happened, in case things doesn't work out between me and Cassidy, can one of you give me her number or address. Which ever is more appropriate." he grins at his three friends.

Elliot and Dallas just shake their heads at him while Dez pats his back before leaving to get to their class as well.

When he gets to first period- which was Homeroom- he does not spot any sign of the Brunette. Suffice to say, he was a little disappointed. Okay, maybe not just a little bit, but it's not like he'll admit it out loud, he was still occupied about the fact that he'll have a date with Cassidy on Saturday, but slowly the thought of Ally seeps into his brain.

Homeroom passes by real quick, albeit it being boring. And now Austin is in Advance English because, yes, even if he's a bad boy, playboy jock he still tries to do good in his studies(else he'll be removed from being Varsity), he really hates being seen as that stereotype dumb Blonde jock plus it's not like actually learning things from school is a bad thing. So he does good enough on his all his classes, maybe except Calculus- he sucks major ass at Calculus- sure Geometry and Trigo was a breeze, and he may have struggled a little in Algebra but Calculus was just a whole new level.

In Advance English, Ally was there but she was relatively sitting far from him- he was at the back as usual and she was somewhere in the second row.

And as much as he hates admitting it, Advance English was much better with her in class. For the first time since he took the class he actually didn't fall asleep when Mrs. Heaps, his relatively boring middle aged, widowed teacher(now she lives with her seven cats!), starts discussing what was the Diameter of a Bomb [1] (he really had no idea what was that all about, he was too busy looking at Ally)

(No, he wasn't stalking her. He was merely observing her).

He notes every single thing that he notices about her. They way her eyebrows furrow as she furiously write notes on her notebook. How she twirls a lock of her hair through her finger as she listens to Mrs. Heaps' explanation. Everything she does just seems to endear him- he isn't sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Soon enough the bell rings and before he can even gather up his things, Ally was already gone. Lazily, he slides his book from the table to drop it inside his bag then walks out of the room.

Deciding that he needed a little break, he takes his time on making his way to his locker to dispose of his things there- he still had one more class before lunch but it's not like he actually give a shit about the next class.

He really hated having Calculus [2] as his third period- who the fuck needs to deal with complex numbers just before you eat lunch? - so just imagine how fast his face lights up when he gets to class(about five minutes late) and sees Ally, sitting at his spot at the back of the room, just two table away from the window.

"Nice to see that you finally decided to show up today, Mr. Moon." his Calculus teacher, Mr. Baker, calls to him as he walks over this his now occupied spot, not even laying an eye at him instead just continuing his writing on the board.

"Nice to know you only expect less from me." he murmurs but he knows Mr. Baker hears him. He always does but he often doesn't do anything about it.

Austin stops right in front of Ally, staring down at her because even though he thinks she's really pretty, that doesn't mean he'll give her his spot. He towers over her, blocking the light from the fluorescent bulbs and the sight of the blackboard.

Ally looks up at him, that coy smile on her lips again. Her eyebrows rise up further. "Can I help you?" she asks.

"You're in my spot." he flatly replies.

She furrows her eyebrows "Your spot?"

He nods "Yeah, that's my chair. So, if you kindly would maybe move, sweetheart. You can always sit next to me." he jerks his head to the empty seat next to them then winks at her.

A soft giggle escapes her and it was his turn to furrow his eyebrows. "That's cute, dear, but this is actually my spot."

Austin frowns then looks to Jace at the next table as if to tell him to tell her that that chair is his, but Jace merely shakes his head. "She right, man. That's her chair." he tells him "Before you even got here that spot has always been Ally's..."

Any other boy should've given way to her- she is after all a lady, so he should be a gentleman and not take the seat from her- but that's not what Austin Moon would do. He's claimed that chair ever since he got to Calculus at the start of the year- it was probably the only thing he likes about the class- so naturally he would't just let her take the spot from him; even if he thinks that she was kinda owning the look of sitting at his spot(he didn't even know someone could own a look just by sitting but apparently everything she does, she rocks and owns).

The light from the window illuminates her face like delicate porcelain and the wind from the AC blows her hair in the most perfect manner. For a moment, he thinks that she must be an angel because god she's perfect even more so than Cassidy.

He shakes his head. 'Come on, Austin, you've seen Cassidy own the look of just standing by her locker- Cassidy can own looks, too.' he makes up the excuse in his mind.

Lies! What a fucking liar!

"Mister Moon if you don't plan on sitting then might as well as leave my class." Mr. Baker reprimands him once again. He just rolls his eyes. And suddenly he's aware that most of the class was watching his exchange with Ally.

Clearing his throat and mustering up a serious look, Austin finally speaks up. "Look, I don't know what happened before I was here when you apparently owned that spot, but when you were gone or left or whatever happened that caused you to leave, I rightfully claimed that spot, so I think what you're trying to say it that this was your spot but then you left so you surrendered your spot and I claimed it, so now it's my spot."

She stares up at him for a few moment, her Brown doe eyes pleading silently and her bottom lip sticking out to a pout, but he stood his ground and stared back.

Realizing that he wasn't going to cave, Ally gathers up her things and stands up from the seat. He feels a great pang of guilt as he sees her reluctantly move from the seat, but it slowly fades once he has sat down on the chair.

"Thanks, lovely." he says "If it's any consolation that empty seat beside is the second-"

He takes in a sharp air of breath as he feels pressure on his lap and suddenly there's a weight sitting on him. The next thing he knows, Ally was sitting right on his lap, making herself comfortable and effectively grinding herself up to him.

Oh shit! This is not good(but a sick part of him thinks it feels so right).

Eventually she stops wriggling around, her right leg folded and foot tucked underneath her left leg, she had removed her flats and she was running the smooth sole of her foot on his shin(he wonders if this is her own version of playing footsie with boys). She slightly leans back to him, his heaving chest almost in contact with her back. The fresh scent of English Tea and Vanilla hits him like a sack of potatoes and a moan escapes him.

Half the class feels uncomfortable to see them in their position as if they were intruding on something personal and the other half was amused at the amount of sexual tension between them.

He hears Ally stifle a giggle when he moaned. From the waist down, he was beginning to feel numb since she's been sitting on his lap for almost ten minutes(even though she barely weighs on him) so he wasn't exactly sure if he's getting a boner or not, but if he was then she sure doesn't seem to mind it that much.

"It's so hard." Ally giggles again but it was low enough so only he could hear it. Austin could only hope that she was referring to the problem Mr. Baker had tasked them to solve.

Ally continues to act for the whole period as if nothing is happening, like she isn't sitting on his lap in the most seductive way there is. Sometime later, she lets out a squeal and leans down further to the desk, it seems that she had finally cracked the solution for the problem and she furiously scribbles on her notebook. As she leans down, the back of her tank top lifts up, revealing some skin on the small of her back and the waistband of her Black panty peeks out.

In an attempt not to grab her waist and do inappropriate things to her, Austin grips his seat with both his hands tightly, like he was riding a roller coaster and was holding on to his seat for dear life.

He looks up at the clock right above the blackboard. And fuck, only forty-five minutes has passed since Ally sat on his lap which means there's still thirty more minutes left before Calculus ends. His eyes meet Gordon Baker's, who was eyeing him and Ally, and for the first time in his entire life, he looks at the teacher with pleading eyes, silently asking him to help him get out of his situation. He half expects for the teacher to reject his request but then he sees him nod(but not before giving him a smug look- he was taunting him!).

He makes a mental note that if Mr. Baker manages to get him out of this situation, he will start bringing a notebook(or at least a piece of paper) and a calculator to his class(he'll just borrow a pen from one of his classmates).

The teacher clears his throat "Miss Dawson," he says, waiting for the Brunette to look at him. The rest of the class direct their attention to them.

"Yes, sir?" she asks in the most innocent way ever. She stops scribbling in her notebook and completely leans back to Austin.

"Would it kill you to not sit on Mister Moon's lap? I think you two are throwing off the mood of the whole class. There's literally an empty chair right next to you."

Ally flushes a little bit but she quickly regains her confidence and she gives the teacher a shrug. "I'm not quite sure, sir." she cheekily answers "Mr. Moon makes a really comfortable seat and I wouldn't have sat on his lap if he just let me have my spot back, sir. In addition to that, sitting on Mr. Moon's lap helped me solve the impossibly complex and difficult problem you put on the board."

Mr. Baker's eyebrows rise up. "Would you mind if I asked you to stand up and give me your solution?"

'Shit, if Baker makes her stand up, I owe him a fucking apology for being the 'ass' in his class. I owe him my fucking life if he makes her stand up.' he thinks and sends him a grateful look. 'Well, there's always a first for everything, but if I do apologize to him- it will probably be the last time, too.'

The 32 year old teacher in turn gives him another smug look as if to say: 'Damn right you owe me, kid.'

"Actually, sir, I would mind it if you asked me to get up from my seat." Ally's answer completely shatters all of Austin's hope. For a brief moment even Baker's face shows a sign of surprise from her answer but quickly resolves his composure.

"And why is that?"

"As I have said before Mr. Moon's lap is fairly comfortable, sir. I'd rather just pass the paper in front through my classmates." then she leans forward, revealing much of her back to him again, and taps the piece of paper on the shoulder of the girl in front of them. His hands instinctively latch on her waist to steady her and for them not to tilt forward. "Sandy, can you please pass this forward so that Mr. Baker could see how much Mr. Moon has helped me in solving the problem faster? Thanks."

"Her name is Sandy?" Austin stupidly utters, but it was low enough that only Jace and Ally hears him, both of whom snickers at him. How is it that she knew the girl sitting in front of them when she only attended Calculus today while he barely even knows anyone from any of his classes.

"Very well, please pass the paper to the front." Mr. Baker holds out his hand as the paper gets passed around. "If you get this one correct, I'll let it slide Miss Dawson."

The silence inside the room is tense as they watch Mr. Baker check Ally's answer, waiting eagerly for his refute or approval.

"It seems that you are... in fact, correct Miss Dawson." Gordon eyes the two students "But that doesn't mean this will be a regular occurrence in my class for you two. I'd hate to think that Mister Moon is only attending my class to... provide comfortable seating for you..." he shrugs at the incredulous look the Blonde was shooting him, a 'well-i-tried' look on his face.

"Of course, sir. I'll make sure to keep it on a minimal schedule." Ally remarks and Austin grunts, leaning his head forward to rest on her shoulder.

He huffs at her intoxicating scent, his breath sends a shiver through her spine. And suddenly, Austin finds himself smiling. His hands- which haven't left her waist since her got hold of it- trace lines and shapes on her hips. This action results for Ally to lean back to him again, she visibly exhales while her eyes suddenly close.

It's payback time for him. He is so going to make the most out of this. As his hands start to trail down to her thighs, the bell rings and she was suddenly up from his lap.

He couldn't help but feel pissed off. Fuck time, really. One moment it runs on the slowest possible way when he needs it to speed up and when he wants time to stop, it bitches up on him and flies like a fucking jet.

Karma might be a bitch but Time is a fucking asshole.

Ally gathers up her things again then leans down near his ear, one hand gripping his shoulder. "It was really nice sitting with you in Calculus Mr. Moon, maybe we should do it again sometime." she murmurs, her breath tickling the side of his face, his eyes closed.

Then she was already walking out of the classroom.

"It's Austin." he calls to her, his eyes still closed. "You can call me Austin."

A few minutes later, he gets up from his seat, his butt was sore for sitting way too long without moving a single muscle.

He doesn't know if this might be his worst day on Calculus or maybe the one and only day that he actually enjoyed having Calculus as his class.

Fuck Calculus.

A/N: Ahhhhh, guyssss, i know i should be updating IYAA by now, but i just can't get this out of my mind, so i just had to write it down. i really wanted to start the new year with a new chapter for IYAA, but my mind decided on other things, so instead you get this shit load of cliche badass Auslly au, i hope you'll like it. and because if i don't get this out of my system, i'll end up having writer's block for IYAA.

so this is my New Year's gift for you guys! Have a Happy New Year people!

[1] Diameter of A Bomb is a poem by Yehuda Amichai; i don't own it.

[2] i actually never took Calculus in high school, but i did enjoy having Trigonometry and Geometry- Algebra can go fuck itself.

So, anyway, this will just be short multi-chapter maybe like 4-5 chapters, 7 would be the max. this is also AU because i wanted to write my own version of a badass Ally and an eqaully badass and stubborn Austin. this isn't the first time i've written an AU like this (i've written at least 2 or 3 more of these- and one of them, i'm planning to share with you in the near future) but this is the first time i'll ever publish one here, so i hope y'all enjoy this. but this is, however, the first time i've ever written something as racy with the characters- you know, with the foreplay and Ally grinding on Austin and stuff- it's probably the closest i'll ever get into writing smut, so i think this will remain Rated T throughout.

please review i'd be very grateful if you guys tell me what you think of this. also i want to know how many of you actually read my stupid notes so if you actually do read this please put "Ally is batshit crazy" at the end of your review. sorry if there are any mistakes.

if this gets more than 10 to 15 reviews then i might upload the next chapter in less than a week. ;)
