Hey guys!

I got this idea from "Alex Rider's Life Now" by: Rider Rules, I love that story, it's worth checking out..

This is my first fan fiction, so please no flames. Constructive criticism is welcome anytime, though..

Alex: What are you forgetting?

Me: Um..

Alex: *quickly does a black flip in the air and lands behind me, holding a gun to my head*


Alex: Lol jk its a bubble gun *starts to shoot bubbles everywhere*

In this story, Sabina and Jack is dead.

"I'd rather die than have a father like you." Alex said rather coldly.

General Sarov pulled out his gun, and Alex knew it was over.

He closed his eyes, waiting for death.

But when he heard the gunshot he didn't feel anything.

He opened his eyes and he realized Sarov was dead. And it was his fault. He had killed Sarov.

He woke up with a start, drenched in sweat. He wished once, just once, that he could have a dreamless sleep.

He turned his head and looked at his alarm clock. 5:28. Just two minutes from when he was supposed to get up. He usually left the house at 7:30, but he tended to shower in the morning nowadays now that he woke up sweating. He also needed to wake up early to make breakfast for everyone at the house. Eagle, Wolf, Fox, and Snake.

Now that Jack was dead, MI6 had decided that K-Unit would move in with him. It actually wasn't that bad of an idea, K-Unit could keep him trained, he would have extra protection, and he had four guardians to live with. (He was only 14 years old and he couldn't live alone.)

Alex quickly got up and out of bed and headed towards the kitchen. He passed the living room which had two picture frames in the corner with candles surrounding them. One of the picture frames had a picture of Jack from her earlier years of living at Ian Rider's house. The other frame had a photo of Sabina. She looked absolutely beautiful, with her dark straight hair and stunning blue eyes. The thought of her sent Alex into one of his dreaded flashbacks.

He was at an outdoor café with Sabina. They had both recently watched Titanic together at the movie theater. They were planning to go to the park after, so they both got up and started walking.

"That was the weirdest movie ever." Alex exclaimed.

"Come on, Alex, it was romantic! Besides, how would you know, we were making out the whole time!" Sabrina laughed.

Alex smiled, he had already watched the movie before with Jack, but he only agreed to watch it because he wanted to spend time with Sabina.

He looked at her. She looked at him. Their smiles faded. Sabina, knowing that he was still hurting from Jack's death, leaned in and pressed her lips against his. They were still on one of the back roads, so there was nobody around them. Sabina ran her fingers through his hair, and he put his hands on her waist and brought her closer to him. Alex deepened the kiss, until they needed to breathe so he let her go.

Sabina smiled, and grabbed his hand. They crossed the street together, him loving her lemony scent and Sabina loving his blonde, fair hair. They walked to the main street, where cars were honking their horns and people were crossing the street.

"Ooh, and ice-cream truck! Please, Alex?" Sabina begged.

"Alright, which flavor?" Alex asked as they neared ice-cream truck.

"Vanilla, of course."

Before they crossed the road, Alex saw something on the sidewalk and let go of her hand.

"Wait for me on the other side."

"Alright." Sabina started crossing the road. Alex looked up.

"SABINA, NO!" A cadillac was speeding down the road. Sabina, frozen in terror, was watching as the car approached her quickly.


It was a hit-and-run.

The driver sped off, but not before Alex saw the white painted Scorpion on the side of the car. Scorpia never forgives. Scorpia never forgets.

"Alex.." A weak voice said from the road.

"Sabina!" Alex ran towards her and carried her bridal style to the sidewalk. Her head was on his lap. She was bleeding everywhere. "Come on, Sab, stay awake."

"Alex.. I feel really cold." He hugged her tighter.

"Come on, come on, don't close your eyes. SOMEBODY CALL 911!" Alex screamed desperately. He was receiving pitying looks from bystanders.

"Alex, it's too late for me. Please." Her eyes pleaded. "After I die-"

"You're not going to die, stay awake." His eyes started to tear up. "Please, Sabina-" His voice cracked.

"Alex. When I die, I want you to move on. Do that for me."

"No! Please Sabina." The ambulances were arriving, but even Alex accepted the fact that it was too late. Tears were streaming down his face, and he was hyperventilating.

"I.. love.. you" She was starting to close her eyes.

"NO! PLEASE!" Her body went rigid. "I.. love you too.." He started to sob over her body, she was gone. His last love. The only girl he would ever love. He felt his heart ache like he had never felt before. His body racked with shudders and tears. Sabina Pleasure was gone.

Alex shook his head. He needed so desperately to move on, but he couldn't. He prepared eggs and bacon for his roommates, and took a shower.

He sat down in class.

"Hey druggie." He looked behind him. Andrew Welson was standing, looking smug.

"Hi, Andrew." Alex did his best to keep his cool.

"What did you do this time? Designed a new meth lab? Hide in your cocaine caves?"

"I was ill."

"Yeah, right."

Alex used to be the most popular boy in school before MI6 recruited him. Then his friends starting fading away, believing in Brian's lies, and soon enough Tom and James were his only friends.

His first period was French. His school hadn't wanted him to take a language he already knew, but he was already fluent in Spanish and German so he was able to chose which one he was going to continue.

He stepped into the classroom. Ms Franqueville said,

"Hello, Alex! Welcome back!" (A/N Italics means its a different language)

"Good morning Ms Franqueville." And he sat down.

"Welcome to a new school term!" Ms Franqueille continued once the bell rang. "First things first, this term I want us all to know each other well! So, just to get to know the basics about each other, we will take turns writing on the board how many languages you can speak and which ones."

Alex smiled. Time to show the world that he wasn't as incompetent as they thought he was.

Andrew stepped up first, smiling smugly. He wrote on the board "Three, English, French, and German."

Sally Motter wrote "Two, English, French."

Most people had one or two. (It only counted if you were 100% fluent).

When it was Alex's turn, he wrote, "Ten, English, French, Spanish, German, Welsh, Portuguese, Mandarin, Hindi, Japanese, Filipino."

Everyone's eyes widened.

"BULLSHIT!" Andrew called out.

"Language, Andrew!" Ms Franqueville chided in english. "Alex, how can that be possible? You're only 14! I don't believe you!"

Alex, who was bored out of his mind, decided to have a bit of fun. "I can prove it. I can prove it. I can prove it. I can prove it. I can prove it. I can prove it. I can prove it. I can prove it. I can prove it. I can prove it." He recited in 10 different languages.

Suck on that, class. Suck. On. That. They stared at him in awe.

Andrew, however, was not amused in the slightest.

Next up was geography. Tom, James, and Alex walked to their lockers, but Alex froze.

"Alex, mate, are you okay?" Tom started but James pointed to Alex's locker.

The door was ripped off its hinges and hastily shoved back in the locker.

Alex walked slowly towards it, as though he was dreading what he would find.

He took out the locker door and tossed it to the floor. Inside, his locker was chaotic. Someone had deliberately messed it up. Suddenly, Alex remembered something vital. He searched underneath his biology books, and he nearly sobbed in despair.

The last picture he had of him and Sabina together had been ripped mercilessly in half.

PLEASE REVIEW FOR ME, don't worry, it'll get better
