Hi everyone, *WAVES*

As you all know I am not one to like long authors notes but I am going to write one for this chapter so sorry in advance. Skip down to America's POV if you want to skip this I understand. First off I wanted to address that about two weeks ago I posted this chapter and removed no more than 20 minutes later. Lets just say that what I had written wasn't a real chapter and I wasn't really happy with it, then I got the first review on the chapter from a loyal reader SHOUT OUT: TheSelectionr0xBFFL who gave me a virtual slap (it was all out of love, promise) telling me to straighten out this chapter and get it right, which I couldn't disagree with. So any of you who saw that there was a chapter but you couldn't read it that was why. SORRY. But you should all thank Meg because without her you would all be reading the piece of **** I posted before. Check out her selection trilogy stories New Romantics - A fanfiction twist-off of The Selection series and showering, if you like my work you will love hers.

Also I am sorry I have been MIA for a little while. I have a new boyfriend called NETFLIX (recently got American netflix, so much better than Canada's BTW) that has been taking up my time recently. I started watching house of cards my new favorite comedy Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt - MUST WATCH! but worst of all I binge watched the whole series of Sons Of Anarchy in about 3 days. Since then I have been having a hard time to write because its hard to write for good ol' Prince Maxon when I have the unofficial prince of charming Jax Teller stuck in my head... Seriously its a problem.

Anyways, I have decided that this will be the final chapter of this story, I may write an epilogue but I sort of lost my muse to this story. Did I already mention Jax Teller? ( See I told you, serious problem)

I hope you all enjoy the final installment of this story. :)


"I will allow you access to the palace in a few weeks so we can speak more about this in detail, but it will be on my terms, where I set it to be, no more secret meeting in the forest, Georgia. If that is all, were going home." Maxon took my hand and gave a little squeeze, I gave Georgia a little nod as we turned and walked back into the darkness.

America's POV

I was surprised how quickly Christmas and New years went by, I guess with family and friends in town, working on a treaty with the Northern rebels and finalizing the wedding plans and details my mind was a little bit preoccupied and the days just seemed to fly by.

Today was my wedding day, WHAT? It was still crazy for me to think that today I would become queen. Only a few short months ago I was moving into this palace determined that I would only be here for the food, and now, well I was here for the food but also so so much more.

I laid in my bed looking up at the stars on my ceiling daydreaming and recalling all of last nights festivities...

Celeste, May, Nicoletta, Elise and Marlee had decided to throw me a bachelorette party since all of the princes were taking Maxon out on some manly excursion. We started off with some cocktails by the pool which quickly led to a full out splash fest and a game of truth or dare that had May eating more strawberry tarts than she could handle and Elise running through the gardens singing at the top of her lungs. We played some bowling, talked and ate a bunch of snack food while watching silly girl movies and even did some karaoke that Elise suggested.

Now as I lay in bed with my sister sleeping beside me and all the other girls scattered around on cots from our sleep over I just enjoyed this moment of quiet before the chaos that has become my life whirls into my room and I am whisked away for today's festivities.

I could hear my maids down the hallway giggling and quietly talking amongst themselves before knocking and entering my suite. A hoard of maids and butlers entered the room with serving trays stacked high with pancakes, fruit, toast, eggs, tarts, all the different breakfast foods you could imagine. There was enough food there for 20 people not 5 girls but we ate like we had never seen food before giggling and talking. I was appreciative that they all avoided the subject of the wedding, my nerves were sky high and as much as I knew I loved Maxon and I wanted to be with him, the sheer idea that I would soon be a part of running this country and that I would be 17 and MARRIED started to sink in.

After we finished breakfast the girls left to prepare themselves for the day, all of them giving me warming smiles as they left and my maids went to work bathing me in a million different scented bath oils, lotions, powders, perfumes etc. I couldn't even smell anything anymore my nose was so clogged up with different smells. May who never left my room sat down all morning watching my maids work and asking questions about how they did this or that. I wasn't allowed to see my dress, not surprising, at least with the maids that I had. As the morning and early afternoon passed I must have had over a hundred people coming in and out of my suite to get my opinion on stuff or to interview me for some kind of magazine articles. By the time 3 o'clock came around I was ready to go back to bed.

I was dressed into my gown and still not allowed to see it as they found a large snow white fur cape to completely cover me up, the drive to the church felt all too quick for me as compared to when we rode there for the funeral. All of our guests were seated in the church when I arrived. All my bridesmaids, the other princes and my father were standing in the hallway waiting for me to be ready to make my entrance.

I was a complete bundle of nerves as my Dad came up to me and pulled me to the side. "Hi Kitten, you doing okay?"

That was a loaded question, I had never been this nervous in my life, but at the same time I knew that this is exactly what I wanted, what I needed. "Yeah dad, I'm okay. Just don't let me fall, okay?"

"I won't kitten I promise." My dad gave me a little kiss on the cheek, "I love you sweetheart. You ready?"

That was the question that took away all of my anxiety, yes, I was ready. I have been ready for this since Maxon had asked me in his secret room, I wanted him more than I have ever wanted anything in my life. "Yes daddy, I'm ready."

Just at that moment Mary walked up to me and untied the cape I had draped over myself and handed it off to Lucy before facing me again adjusting my veil, and handing me a bouquet of lilies and babies breath that had a few painted white roses mixed in. I took a long inhale of the flowers before looking up at Mary who had pulled out a full length mirror seemingly out of thin air and for the first time I saw myself. I finally saw the difference between the girl I used to be playing in dirt compared to the regal person I am now. The dress was simply breathtaking. A beautiful white dress with gold filigree and lace that danced as I moved, it flowed perfectly over my curves and cascaded down my into a long train that seemed like it was gold twinkling stars on the white background of my dress. I didn't even know what to say to Mary, Lucy and Anne as they looked over their masterpiece. "Just wait and see what it will look like after the ceremony, they winked at me before skipping off to a separate church entrance, presumably to take their seats.

I heard music start up in the church and soon after the double doors were opening to start the ceremony. May turned and gave me one last smile before she too was being whisked down the aisle by Frederick who gave me a smirk and a wink as he disappeared.

My dad held my arm before the large doors opened once again for me to make my grand entrance. All eyes were on my but my eyes were only on one pair. I could see Maxon's chocolate eyes and his smile as we glided down the aisle and my father kissed my cheek before handing me off and taking his seat in the front row beside my mom. May, Kenna, Celeste and Marlee were all bridesmaids and Maxon had all of his prince friends standing with him.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of our very own King Maxon Shreave to his beautiful chosen bride America Singer." The priest continued on for a while reading scripture and I mostly tuned him out as I stared straight ahead of me into Maxon's bottomless brown eyes. After what seemed like an eternity later we exchanged our vows and finally were allowed to kiss. I felt complete as his lips connected electrically with mine for the first time as husband and wife. We held the kiss a little longer than normal so pictures could be taken before turning to face the crowd. Cheers, claps, hoots and hollers could be heard throughout the church as we smiled from the top of the altar. The priest went on to give me my coronation right away while Maxon sat in a ceremonious throne chair smiling happily at me. By the time that the ceremony was done I was STARVING.

Before heading back to the palace my maids and I took a moment in the dressing room as they adjusted my dress. It had lost the train and came down to just below my knees, white and gold as the dress was but there was a catch. Apparently it could also be seen as blue and black, which was the color of the bridesmaid dresses and the groomsman tux's. I didn't see it though.

We arrived back at the palace to see the grand hall decorated in a way I had never seen, there were twinkling lights and wall coverings that took my breath away. We ate and in no time I was back into my husbands arms as we swayed together to our song on the dance floor and he lightly sang into my ear. I wanted that moment to last forever, he wasn't brought up a 5 and didn't know singing like I did but hearing him sing was a rare pleasantry that I would hold onto forever. Unfortunately all too soon our moment was over and we were pulled apart and sent to mingle with many other people. by around midnight I was approached by Celeste who guided me out of the great hall and into the main foyer where she handed me a small purse and gave me a tight smile. "Outside, your majesty."

We both laughed at her calling me that, no matter how many times I had heard that today it didn't get any less weird to hear. I gave her a questioning look though before the doors were opened and sitting outside was a black limo with a big ribbon on the hood and some cans attached to ribbon on the back. Painted onto the car was "Just Married." and out of the sunroof stood the upper body of Maxon who had a grin the size of the Cheshire cat on his face.

"Well are you coming? the plane wont wait for you to decide if you want to come on our honeymoon or not."

My eyes went wide. HONEYMOON? I didn't think we would have an opportunity for that, with all that has been going on right now but I guess if Maxon thought we could go who was I to say no. I have never run so fast in my life to get to a car door.

The plane ride was incredibly long and Maxon was tight lipped on our destination. We sat up cuddled together for a while talking about the day, each other, our dreams for the future and enjoying the privacy to kiss and be together as we pleased. Some time along we had both fallen asleep in the comfortable chairs, waking up sometime in the early morning as we landed at our destination. We were on a private island with the clearest bluest water I have ever seen. There was only one house on the piece of land, and I was speechless as we made our way inside, everything was white and either cotton or silk, mixed with rich dark wooden floors, all of the windows were more like doors and they all swung open leaving the house to be more of an open tent. The smell of the ocean breeze whispered through the house and I could feel the stress I had been carrying melt off me.

We ate out on the deck watching the sun rise and then laid on the beach for most of the morning reading and finishing off all the treaty details so we could really have no responsibility for the next few days. We had just asked Lucien,( he was the keeper of the house) to make us pizza for lunch. I went back to reading but somewhere in my peripheral vision I saw Maxon give me a mischievous smile before standing up and before I could even process it I was being picked up over his shoulder and then dumped into the ocean. "Wouldn't want your beautiful skin to get burnt from the Sun." He laughed as I spluttered around in the water trying to regain my composure. He gave me a wink as I stood there like a wet cat glaring at him and then I thought two can play at that game I turned slightly away from him before quickly spinning back around letting my hand graze the top of the water effectively splashing him. shock took over his face and before I knew it we were in an all out splash war swimming around and kicking water at each other and screaming like little kids. We played in the water for a while before the pizza was ready and we reluctantly went back inside.

The sun was setting on our first night in the beach house as I laid out on the sand with my head resting over Maxon's heart, he was the best pillow, with every breath he took I could feel myself relaxing into him more and I lazily traced my hand over his bare chest, down and over the rivulets of his toned muscles. Having him to myself certainly did have its advantages, seeing him walk around all day without a shirt on for example, he looked like a Greek god and it didn't help that his skin got more and more tan as the day progressed.

While we watched the last remnants of the sky turn from purple to red to dark blue Maxon was rubbing his hands through my hair, once again we were murmuring little I love you's to each other. I felt a shiver go up my spine when the darkness and cool evening breeze swept over me. Of course Maxon noticed and the moment was broken. We walked hand in hand from the beach back up to the cottage and just before we reached the front door I was swept up into his arms bridle style and carried through the house to our large bedroom dropping me unceremoniously onto the bed and climbing on top of me Maxon looked down at me with loving eyes. There was no time wasted as our lips met and the built up passion was finally released. His lips traced every inch of my skin and I could feel electricity shooting through my body as it was craving friction little moans were escaping me as he gently sucked on my skin and as he laid between my legs I could feel my core wanting to meet his. Getting tired of his teasing I flipped us over in one swift motion I descended my lips onto him teasing him the same way.

That night and the rest of the next two days were spent with us in between the sheets getting to know each others bodies. We only emerged from the room to eat and shower, which was done together, and very much still naked.

Coming out of the cottage for the first time in days we played in the water and after lunch decided to go for a hike. All I could think about as we went is if this is any indication of the happiness we will share, that this would be what the rest of my life would be, I couldn't wait to see where it would lead.

Our adventure was just beginning.


OMG I can't believe that this is it, I have finished this story. I don't know right now if I will do an epilogue after this, maybe if enough of you ask for it I will. :) But as of right now I am happy where this has ended. Please review and favorite so it can get some recognition out there.

And lastly THANK YOU to all of you out there who have already followed, favorited, reviewed and PM'ed me about this story. You guys were what kept me going all this time so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. :D I love you guys.

Until next time,

Marlaina Salvatore.