Disclaimer: I do not own SAO or Familiar of Zero. I just wrote my stories based on these two amazing shows.

Author's note: Please give me your opinions about my work. Thank You.

Kirito sliced his opponent clean off with a mighty swing of his photon blade. The upper half of the being flew landed in the dry desert sand with a sickening thud. There was silence. Has it finally ended, he thought. The belief of certain happiness soon ended with pain shocking through his body. His heart started to race without end. Death Gun's broken avatar made a laugh of satisfaction. The laughter echoed across the map. Sinon shuddered from the sudden laugh.

"What did you do?" Kirito asked the murderer, Deathgun. Strength left Kirito's legs, forcing our hero to kneel and slump over the ground.

Deathgun snickered with delight. "Before the BoB tournament started...I have a friend...who injected you with a special drug...Unlike, the other type, this drug will kill you slowly, making it more enjoyable.," Death Gun replied. "How you may ask. It's quite simple... Oh, how you are fooled. Did you ever believe that someone like her would be kind enough to comfort you? Who do you think gave us details of the drugs we used and how we got access to it without notice?" Kirito's eyes widened, not believing that she, the nurse who was watching over him, would be part of all of this.

"Damn you."

The pain increased. Soon he was paralyzed, barely being able to breath. Knowing that his life is ending, Kirito didn't want to have his friends see his demise. Even though he was unable to move, he still raised his handgun and shot the recording icon, disconnecting the viewers of the BoB tournament.

Kirito's heart suddenly stopped and he fell to the ground. His avatar disappeared from the game, saying that he had disconnected. Before he disappeared he muttered a few words. "I love you, Asuna." His friends saw it all, from another recording icon, hidden behind the rocks nearby. Tears ran from their faces from what they have witnessed. Especially Asuna, who lay on her dead lover, tears falling. The nurse no where to be seen in the room. Sinon who was also in the tournament, fell to her knees and mouth opened wide, frozen at the tower. How could she react to this, she wanted to cry, but tears wouldn't come out.

Tristain Academy of Magic

"Now class, it's time for the summoning ritual. So gather around and no pushing." The teacher said as he led his students to the school yard.

Students started to move around wildly and having exciting looks on their faces. "Hey, Louise the Zero. There's no need for you to go to the ritual." A red haired girl yelled to another student.

A short, pink haired girl turned towards the other student with rage. "Why's that, Kirche," Louise replied to angrily. "Well, since you don't know how to use magic properly, I thought it's pointless for you to even try to summon a familiar," Kirche said with a grin. Others started to laugh at the comment, not knowing the rage rising inside of Louise.

"I'll show them. I'll show them all," Louise thought and marched to the school yard, alone.

Arriving to their destination, the teacher announced to the students. "You will now summon your lifelong familiar and remember, there will be no retries or trying the spell a second time. You get what you get," he told the students, kindly. Kirche raised her hand. "Teacher, why don't you let Zero do it first so we'll learn from her," she announced with a smile of pure evil. Students began to laugh at the thought and agreed to the idea.

There was silence and an aura coming from the lonely Louise. The teacher looked at her, seeing the discomfort within her eyes.

Before he could speak, Louise agreed to do it. "Fine then! I'll show you what I can do," she yelled angrily while walking forward. She stared at the bullies, not showing any sign of fear. But deep down in her heart, she was trembling and the urge to run away was unbearable. She took a deep breath to comfort herself, before starting her chant.

Louise began to chant with a low voice. "I, Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, summons you. The beautiful, powerful, brave, intelligent, servant from this vast universe, appear before me."

After a few seconds, nothing happened. Kirche sighs with a face showing disappointment. "I thought you should be, at least able to su-"

Her sentence was cut short when an explosion occurred in front of the summoning site. Dust filled the air, covering the schoolyard. Everything cleared and a strange creature in black lay on the ground, unconscious. No, it was a girl at the age of 16 or 17. She wore clothing, unrecognizable by the teacher or the students. All they could do was stare at the person that Louise the Zero had summoned.