Summary of what happened so far:
The 11th Doctor, Amy and Sorley landed themselves in Sorento Magnus, 5th Moon. They get captured by the natives there and witness a Hatching.
Amy is brought to view the prophecy that had been there long before the planet was born. She and the native, Far'qui'er, establishes a telepathic connection that allows her to be mentally and physically connected to him. While she is on the way back to the stronghold, a telepathic attack takes place causing all the telepathic beings to be knocked unconscious. She is tasked to find three things by the native as he is struggling to hold on his consciousness: a large rock, a dark cave and a woman. Amy under the order of the dragon, feeds Far'qui'er a purple fruit that causes his body to disappear and merge with the dragon.
Sorley who was in the stronghold when the attack take place tries to figure what the native was trying to say before they all collapsed and hopefully awaken/revive all the telepathic beings. She meets a woman in the hallways that knows her.
Meanwhile Koschei who sacrificed himself to destroy the Dalek ship in 1941 (Winston Churchill episode) was saved by 100,000+ year old Sorley. He meets young River, student of Luna University, who is stalking the Doctor. He is then brought to younger Jack who is fresh out of the Valiant. A younger Sorley (roughly 300+) appears and comforts Jack. The rift is opened and swallows a whole school along with the 25 students in the school. Sorley knowing where the story is, brings them to a spot to unearth a teleportation capsule and sets it off with Tosh, Jack and Koschei in it. The three exit the capsule and find themselves on early days of Sorento Magnus, 5th moon. They meet the 8th Doctor who is suspicious of Koschei's motives of travelling with two humans. Before the Doctor can decide to trust them, a rift suddenly opens under Jack and Tosh and sends them falling.
Jack and Tosh is strangely uninjured by the fall. In the crevice, they meet the 12th Doctor, the Maven (who is the older Koschei and has picked a new title to go by) and Owen. Another rift opens up and splits Jack, 12th Doctor and the Maven, and Tosh and Owen on two sides. Tosh and Owen agree to meet up with Ianto, Gwen and Sorley who are guarding the children while Jack, 12th Doctor and Maven would go and resolve the issue at hand. Jack, 12th Doctor and the Maven jump down the rift only to meet a time lady who was clearly expecting them. She tricks them and disappears to steal the Doctor's Tardis.
And now you're all caught up.
Bold – Gallifreyan speech
Extra info: (if you're interested, not really important)
8th Doctor still views Koschei as the Master because Koschei only became a better man late in the 10th Doctor's regeneration. The Master made the Doctor promise to stop him from destroying people/worlds
The Maven is technically Koschei's third regeneration who by the way received a fresh round of regeneration cycle during the Time war (Canon). 1st regen – Yana, 2nd regen – The Master (Valiant), 3rd regen – The Maven. His regenerations are referred accordingly to their state: Koschei (2nd regen & somewhat a good man), The Maven (3rd regen & good man), The Master (for any of his other regens & evil), but this wouldn't matter because his past regens will not appear.
Koschei flung himself to the capsule that they arrived in, his mind running different diagrams of how he could fix the capsule to teleport them downwards.
"What are you doing?" The Doctor demanded.
"If I adjust the photonic circuits to align with the energy plasmas and re-route the charge APD digital cables, it'd disable bio quantum password and I might have a chance to loop back in time and pick them up in mid-air." Koschei turned back to the Doctor.
The Doctor stared at him in disbelief. "You're afraid for them. What are they to you? The Master I know wouldn't care for humans."
"I'm not The Master anymore. I'm Koschei! They are the Doctor's companions! I have to save them."
"D-Doctor? I'm the Doctor and I've never seen them before."
Koschei tore the panel apart, pulling the wires out as he calculated it. He was the genius of Gallifrey, he be definitely be able to overwrite a Tardis's programming. "You're a bloody time traveller. Haven't you figured it out yet?"
The Doctor hauled Koschei out as the ground opened up again. "Ok. Okay. I had a theory before you all arrived."
The ground around them was breaking up almost as though it was trying to swallow them. The cracks following them as the two time lords ran across the desert, trying to avoid falling into the crevice.
"I think this moon is alive."
"Somehow that doesn't comfort me." Koschei muttered. "That's impossible. History said that the 8 moons of Sorento Magnus were never alive. Were you sleeping throughout all your history lessons?"
"No…" Koschei shot the Doctor a look. "Okay, maybe I did for a large portion of it." The Doctor admitted.
They jumped over another crevice that seemed to try to cut them off but this time, the crevice opened up as though it had expected them to do just that. They were falling, free-falling into the dark hole and the only thing that ran through Koschei's mind was 'Bloody stars. I'm going to kill the Doctor.'
"Maven. You recognized her. Who is she?" The Doctor demanded.
"She's Rani. You really didn't recognize her?"
The Doctor frowned. Jack watched the two Time Lords scan the surroundings with their screwdrivers. The old man was the Doctor and the younger man was the Maven. He had never met this incantation of the Doctor though he was not terribly surprised by that. The Doctor had frequently gone out of his way of not meeting him, Sorley was the one who brought tidbits about him but she hadn't mentioned the Maven. Who was he?
"Have I met you before, Maven?" Jack asked after a moment of silence of following closely behind them.
"Oh yes. Jack, I spent a good two hundred years with you. Trust me, it was time not well-spent." Jack could hear the sarcasm and eye-rolling. The Maven tinkered with something he pulled out of his pocket, a sort of gadget.
"Humans, always wanting to do this when we are facing some danger." The Doctor muttered, licking the side of the cliff. "We can climb here, I believe."
The Doctor made his way up the cliff before falling back onto his butt by a well-timed tug from Maven. "What's it like in your brain, Doctor? It must be so calm and placid." The Maven motioned to Jack's VM. "This brings back memories, doesn't it Jack? Me, you, Sorley stuck in the pocket universe." He looked up, his pale blue eyes scanning Jack's for a sign of recognition. "Too early I suppose."
The familiar light that signalled ready for teleportation flashed. "I really rather climb up." The Doctor whined as he gripped onto Jack's arm. "I hope you set it-"
The darkness around them blinked before the Doctor could enter another of his winding rambles that Jack had begun to notice. This regeneration of the Doctor's really liked to ramble.
Two things happened as Koschei landed at the bottom of the crevice. First the ground was a lot softer than he expected and second he felt the buzz of not one but two other telepathic presence around him.
"Just in time. The younger you as you said so," The old man quipped as they appeared in front of them. "Let's hurry now."
"Doctor?" Koschei asked, confused. He turned around, almost knocking his head into the eighth Doctor.
"If he's me, then who's he?" the eighth Doctor pointed at the tall, black haired man.
"Maven, third regen of the Master. He's good now, denounced his previous title." The twelfth Doctor answered.
"Wait. He's the Master?" Jack turned angrily towards Maven.
"Get over it Jack. You can discuss it at length with M- I mean Koschei here. We have bigger issues now. Rani." The twelfth Doctor motioned to Koschei. "Sorley!" He hurried down the dark path, stumbling every once in a while.
Koschei, ostensibly ignoring Jack's glares, tried to warn Sorley telepathically. "What's the Rani doing?" The eighth Doctor demanded. There was no time for casual conversation. The young Doctor understood that with all the urgency and implications should they fail with that single name. Koschei remembered how it had been in the past. It had always been that way in the Academy and even more so after they graduated. He had always been the doom and gloom, and hell bent on world (universe actually) domination while unconsciously actively trying to refrain from actually succeeding; the Rani on the other hand had been clear in the mind, never really caring about moralities and all the trivialities. Science was her one true god.
The smell of blood flooded the air as they seemed to approach their destination. Ianto supine on the ground, his hand clutching his leg.
"Ianto!" Jack slid to his side, flustered. "Stay with me!" Jack ordered, tearing bits of his shirt to bind the wound.
Ianto wheezed, gripping Jack's forearm tightly, mumbling to Jack, things that Koschei would have and should have heard but the sense of something in front of them drowned all other senses but the feeling the prickling cold fear in his heart.
He did not need to see them to sense them. The memory of them was engraved into deepest parts of him that he refused to acknowledge. The surge of memories of the Time War rose to the foreground of his mind, knocking him still for a brief instant. Koschei heaved a tremulous breath, willing himself to not shrink away despite the cool logic in him demanded him to.
"What have you done?" the words tore from his mouth as he staggered forward, putting one foot in front of another.
Above the eerie glow of the red moon crept through the deep cervices, casting strange shadows that the things that stood beside the Rani. They were like him.
They were Time Lords.
The older Doctor beside him was in an outrage, furiously yelling at the Rani. Koschei never shifted his stare from the things. They were things. No longer mortal, no longer Time Lords.
"Calm yourself," the deep and very composed voice of his older regen broke through his inner babbling war. "They are a forgotten story." The Maven continued at his preoccupied assertion on hearing his words. "Just like the Toclafane."
He whipped his head around so fast, that he almost got a whiplash. Blue eyes of his older self staring gravely into his brown eyes, a knowing look in his eyes.
"You remember how it goes right?"
Koschei turned back to the fight that was developing into a full-blown war. Jack staggered as the creepy once-time-lord pulled his claws out of his abdomen. Jack screamed, emptying a magazine into the head of the thing. Not that it would do any good. The bullets pushed themselves out of its head, the broken skin reforming back into the pale flawless skin.
It was like the Time War all over again.
The Council resurrected him. He had been flippant about the whole resurrection thing, brushing it off as a joke or a side note, refusing to come to terms with the memory of it. The darkness, the feeling of being unravel and sewn back. Parts that were him, parts that weren't. He pulled himself together, forcing his mind back to the present.
"Cease your fighting," Koschei ordered in a dispassionate voice, belying the bile that threatened to spill from his throat. He swallowed thickly, watching the things peel themselves from Jack and the two Doctors. "Stop the Time Lord named the Rani."
They bowed at him before spinning to the direction that Rani had wandered off after ordering them to stop the intruders.
"Not that I'm not grateful for that.. but what the hell was that?" Jack pulled himself upright, glancing at Ianto who had now stopped bleeding with the Maven's assistance.
"You just commanded those creatures to leave. Were you waiting for them to actually kill us before casually stopping them?" the eighth Doctor spat out venomously.
The eighth Doctor were still calling them creatures. He wouldn't have met them yet. It was then Koschei realized how everything was so screwed up. They were chasing the Rani for star's sake. The Rani was here. The Rani had commanded them.
"You didn't tell me you could command the Neverweres," the twelfth Doctor shot the Maven a look.
"Is that what those creatures were?" The eighth Doctor scoffed. They were still tripping every darkened rock in the dark red glow of the moon.
"You didn't tell me you met them in your eighth regen," the Maven shot back. The Maven was him but if he could command the Neverweres, why didn't his older self do so earlier?
"Yea, but thanks to someone stealing my lindo packets, my eighth regen suffered memory issues. That's why I barely remember anything of this." The Doctor casted his sonic screwdriver around. "What happens next?" He asked, cutting through the heavy silence.
The Maven sighed loudly. "Sorley."
Then a scream that felt like it could curdle even his blood pierced through the darkness.
A/N: I'm back! Short chp to round up things and next chapter will be the last of this CTT arc (not the end of the story). I kinda like Koschei more and more.