A/N: Yo peeps! Ugh God! Never saying peeps again. That sounds so bad. Sorry for the late update. I am not going to present any excuses. I am very overjoyed with the response that I received with FateArcher. Frankly I thought it would fizzle out like it did with 'Thy Chains of Fate'. To my dear sister who said I'm not gonna go past 6k words with this. I hereby claim my rights to finish this month's download limit all by myself. I have found many people asking me the same question - Why did Shirou use Gaebolg on assassin? Any Noble Phantasm would have done it. Heck normal arrows would have done the job. I found Gaebolg to be one of the most well-known Noble Phantasm. I needed to incorporate a Noble Phantasm to develop the characters in this chapter. Mainly it is to establish a power difference. I understand that this is merely the third time that Shirou (Fate) is using projection magic. I need to establish the limits of his current capability.

Note: Gaebolg is a B+ ranked Noble Phantasm (For those who don't know). When EMIYA projects it, it degrades a rank and falls to B-C+. Upon using as a Broken Phantasm, it remains a B+ ranked Phantasm

"However, kid, if you really are his loyal subject, you have a duty to avenge your fallen king"

"If I challenge you, I will die"

"Of course"

"I can't do that. I was ordered to live on"

"Your loyalty is splendid. Never tarnish it."

Chapter 3:

His arms felt heavy and burnt like hell. He felt pain, immense and unbearable pain. It felt as if someone was slowly pushing a searing hot, blunt knife into his spinal cord. He bit his lip to prevent himself from crying out in pain. A small drop of blood trickled from his lip.

He could withstand the pain. He had been through worse. What he couldn't bear was the onslaught of memories that coupled with the pain. He fell to his knees, head throbbing at an alarming rate. These memories, the feelings that come with them were not his. The pain, the anguish, the sorrow and the animalistic bloodlust seemed very foreign. They were something that he was not supposed to feel. His body rejected all the memories but his mind couldn't. He wanted to stop feeling them but he couldn't. Why couldn't he stop them? Why was he feeling them? Why? Why? Why? Why?!

"Nothing!" cried Tokiomi tossing the book into the pile that accumulated beside him. This was the 13th book that bore his frustration. Tohsaka Tokiomi was generally a very calm and shrewd man. There was not much that could irritate him. Some people would say he had an infinite tolerance for most things. But, if there was one thing that irritated Tokiomi it was not knowing about something i.e. the lack of information. You could say it was an extreme case of curiosity.

The lack of information on his Servant had disturbed him quite greatly. He knew next to nothing about him. The Servant had given his name but there was nothing about a Hero named 'Wrought Iron Hero'. He even tried to cross reference Gaebolg with the name but he had found nothing. The books he had referred had claimed that there were at most three formal owners of Gaebolg. The first being the one he intended to summon, Gilgamesh and the second Scáthach who passed it on to the spear-man who represented GaeBolg, Cú Chulainn. But there was no mention of a teenager being able to wield the legendary spear.

The most puzzling part was the dream that he had. To think the hero had crossed such a hurdle when he was so young. But then, the tales of heroes were riddled with such sorrow. They were all shaped in the crucible of fire and struggle. That still didn't explain the grail being there. Who was he?

"You have earned the right to this spear. Take care of it for me" she said handing it to the blue haired warrior. "I am proud of you Cú Chulainn. You have pleased me greatly. What I would not give to die by your hands"

The blue haired warrior stayed silent. He felt he had to let his teacher say what she wanted to say. Her eyes revealed the loneliness and sorrow that her soul held. She had desired but one thing which was now impossible to achieve.

"If only you were born a little earlier... Young, still young... Sorry. Somehow, it seems I got sidetracked a lot." The sorrow in her eyes had vanished and was replaced by the icy exterior that she generally had.

It was the first time that Cú Chulainn had felt weak and helpless. He couldn't grant the one thing that his teacher had desired – death.

"Why do you hesitate?! Do you perceive me to be weak or is it emotions that stop you from fighting? Remember what you told me? You told me you would serve your Lord with your all. I too have come with the same purpose. I too have come to serve my Lord. Our friendship is nothing compared to the honor of our Lords. Then why do you still hesitate?!"

This was a battlefield, there was no time for hesitation. If he hesitated, it would insult the souls of the brave group of Red Branch Knights that defended him when he was fatigued. He must not hesitate no matter who his opponent was. He took a deep breath. His opponent noticed the animalistic look coming back to his eyes.

"I'm sorry Ferdiad. I was foolish to hesitate against you. It was an insult to both you and my dead comrades. I will come at you with all my strength. Be ready." He said. The opponent smiled. This was just like the old days except this time both of them had much more on stake.

After countless clashes in which neither of them proved victorious. Cú Chulainn was cornered. It was all or nothing. He had to stake all that he represented in one strike. He steeled himself and charged. "Gae- !" he cried pulling his arms back as far as he could "Bolg!" he completed as the curse of the spear activated and the tip proceeded to reverse cause and effect.

As soon as Ferdiad fell back Cú Chulainn dashed towards him. There was no denying it, he had killed his best friend. He picked up the body and gently caressed his cheek. Tears were on the verge of spilling from his eyes. Ferdiad coughed and smiled as he looked at Cú Chulainn from his strained eyes

"Gáe Bolg is a glory given to only the most gifted of warriors. In that brilliant hall of learning, you were our pride. I am proud to be your friend and even prouder to have fallen in battle by your hands. So do not shed tears Setànta." He said before slowly closing his eyes. All that remained in his hands was the lifeless body of his best friend, one who he had considered a brother. He let out a howl of sorrow which echoed across the battlefield.

"I will honor your last wish dear Ferdiad. I will not shed even a tear. Forgive me for leaving you here but I have a battle to fight."he said getting up with a blank look. Cú Chulainn proceeded to slay enemies on the battlefield to hide the sorrow. He hit the opposing forces like a storm. Everyone sung praises, speaking of the valor and the fierceness he had displayed.

This young boy deserved his praise. He was standing toe to toe with a warrior reputed to have never lost a fight. The boy had endless potential however he had made a single mistake. He tried to stir trouble in the wrong Kingdom.

"You are very strong boy. I give you that. However I have far more experience than you. I have seen and fought battles before you even birthed in this world. This will sadly be your last." He said adopting the stance in which the curse was to be activated.

The boy seemed surprised as the sudden twisting and turning spear point hit his heart. With a heavy thud the boy's body fell down. The boy coughed a little blood that lodged in his throat.

"You deserve my praise child. Tell me your name, I will remember and spread the story of your valor and abilities."

"Haha… She didn't teach me that" he said struggling to bring words out of his mouth. "I am called… Connla" he said. Another cough and he spurted more blood out.

Cú Chulainn fell to his knees. Gaebolg clattered as it fell to the ground. Weakly he crawled towards the body of the boy that he himself had felled.

"Connla… Connla! What have I done?! What have I done!" he cried holding the body to his chest. The boy gave a weak laugh as he spoke his last words.

"You are just as she said you would be. Fierce as a lion but kind as can be." Both his loved ones had died by his hands, both of them smiled as they passed on and both of them left him with a hollow feeling in his chest.

The world looked blurry yet he refused to give up. He could not be seen as a weak person. He refused to tarnish his Lord's reputation. Salvaging all the strength that remained in his body he pushed himself up and tied himself to the pole nearby with cloth that he tore off his own body. He looked towards the sun from off the coast as it disappeared from the horizon. His eyes showed no sign of defeat. Even in the last moments of his life he would not show weakness.

He spotted an otter drinking the blood from the river. This sight brought laughter to his lips. During his last moments he laughed at the greediness it displayed. A crow landed on his shoulder. He slowly petted the bird.

"Cathbad, you were right. It seems I will be facing an early demise. Yet, maybe I have not performed as many valorous deeds. Though I do not regret this life of mine." he said. Thus Cú Chulainn met his demise refusing to die without honor.

Thus is the tale of my lord. Thus are the memories our bond shared. Thus is my curse. My real curse is not to reverse the cause and effect but to provide unreal strength in exchange for sorrow. For using me, you will cut down more loved ones than enemies.

'You fool! How could you let GaeBolg influence you? When you project, you become one with the weapon. While tracing the experience of a weapon, its memories will try to overwhelm you but you must not let it! Fight the memories! Block them off' the Archer in his head cried.

Shirou winced in pain. He tried shutting down the memories, but they were too intense and powerful. The pain was still not stopping. The memories kept assaulting him. He activated the trigger that shut all his magic circuits down.

"Trace off" he managed to mouth amidst all the pain. Like it never existed before, the pain vanished. The memories that were assaulting him also vanished. He panted, forcing as much oxygen he could manage into his lungs.

'Your projection was weak! It was barely a D+ ranked phantasm. You still have not mastered it. Not to mention getting overwhelmed. Still as weak as ever' the Archer chided letting a little venom into his voice.

'I know! The war has started. I cannot afford to be this weak! I have to be stronger. I have to make sure the grail doesn't fall into the wrong hands. I have to make sure I destroy it.' He replied. He felt helpless and weak. But this was no time to be weak. He had to practice his projection for future battles. He had to become strong. He had to become the Red Knight.

A/N: Thus another chapter is finished! Frankly, I am not satisfied with this one. You might wanna look up Cú Chulainn in the type moon wikia to understand the memories. I am very grateful to the readers who have deicde to support me. I am sorry to say I won't be able to give you a concrete update date and will try my best to do it as fast as I can. Thank You once again for reading and please leave a review after you finish. I would really like to hear your views. Oh, I have not read Heaven's Feel and Hollow/Ataraxia yet so I would appreciate it if you don't accidentally give spoilers in the review and PMs. Ja ne!